Restoration Shaman Frequently Asked Questions — The War Within (11.1.0)

Last updated on Feb 24, 2025 at 21:57 by Seksixeny 54 comments
General Information

On this page, we go over several of the most frequently asked questions regarding Restoration Shaman in World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.1.0). This will be updated as more common repeated questions surface over the course of the expansion.


Are Restoration Shamans Good?

Restoration Shamans are fine picks in Raids and PvP due to their flexible healing and utility. They are also strong picks for Mythic+, with great reactive healing and utility that includes a stun, knock and ranged interrupt, as well as decent DPS with minimal global cooldown investment from Acid Rain Icon Acid Rain and Master of the Elements Icon Master of the Elements.

A summary of all changes for the latest patch can be found on our Restoration Shaman introduction page. Read on for a more detailed opinion on our state for Mythic+, PvP, and Raids.


Are Restoration Shamans Good in Raids?

Yes, as they bring powerful, unique tools, such as Spirit Link Totem Icon Spirit Link Totem, with Spouting Spirits Icon Spouting Spirits and Ancestral Protection Totem Icon Ancestral Protection Totem, as well as strong cooldown-oriented healing with Ascendance Icon Ascendance, Healing Tide Totem Icon Healing Tide Totem and Cloudburst Totem Icon Cloudburst Totem, among other miscellaneous utility and a strong raid buff in Skyfury Icon Skyfury!


Are Restoration Shamans Good in Mythic+?

Restoration Shamans are a good healer for keys, as they have good healing, the Skyfury Icon Skyfury group buff, and the sustained damage of Acid Rain Icon Acid Rain. They are also able to interweave DPS and healing with the reworked Master of the Elements Icon Master of the Elements and are among the few healers who can interrupt from range and have utility talents for all situations.

If you do wish to go ahead and try to complete higher keys as a Restoration Shaman, you can find more information on how to maximize your output on our Mythic+ page below.


Are Restoration Shamans Good in PvP?

As the most versatile healers in the game, with the Skyfury Icon Skyfury group buff, incredible PvP talents such as Static Field Totem Icon Static Field Totem, roots slows, strong healing output, mobility, and even a ranged interrupt, they always have a place on PvP teams.

If you wish to try PvP as a Restoration Shaman, you can follow the advice in our spec PvP guide below.


Best Hero Talents for Restoration Shamans?

Totemic for group play or Farseer for solo situations.


Best Trinkets for Restoration Shamans?

From Mythic+, the best trinkets are Carved Blazikon Wax Icon Carved Blazikon Wax and Soulletting Ruby Icon Soulletting Ruby, while the best trinkets from raid are Mister Pick-Me-Up Icon Mister Pick-Me-Up and Mug's Moxie Jug Icon Mug's Moxie Jug. These trinkets have high stats and a mix of powerful passive and on-use effects that you can use along with your raid cooldowns. All trinkets are detailed in our Gear guide.


Are Two-Handed weapons viable?

While using a Shield is typically better due to the armor benefits, and certainly mandatory in PvP, in PvE, you will rarely be taking damage that can be mitigated by armor, making two-handed weapons completely viable as long as they have high item level and good secondary stats or a powerful unique effect.


Is There a Haste Cap for Restoration Shamans?

There is no Haste cap. Its purpose is to make your rotation feel smoother and more responsive. The increased throughput comes at the cost of Mana, however.

We cover the stat priority and assess each stat in more detail on our dedicated stats page, linked below.


What is the Best Race for Restoration Shamans?

The best race for Alliance players is Dwarf (Stoneform Icon Stoneform and Might of the Mountain Icon Might of the Mountain), while Horde players should go Tauren for PvE (Brawn Icon Brawn) or Orc (Hardiness Icon Hardiness) for PvP.

You can learn more about racial benefits and other aspects of the class on the simulations page.


How Does Earth Shield Interact with Chain Heal?

Earth Shield Icon Earth Shield does not increase the whole Chain Heal Icon Chain Heal by 20% when cast on a target with it. Only the first hit is increased, and this applies to all other interactions with Earth Shield; only its target gets the healing increase and only while Earth Shield is active.


Does Chain Heal Require High Tide and Tidebringer to be Used?

Chain Heal Icon Chain Heal casts with the High Tide Icon High Tide and Tidebringer Icon Tidebringer buffs are very powerful, but Chain Heal still does a good amount of healing, even outside these windows, and you can use it whenever area healing is required, as long as you have Mana and the targets are stacked in close proximity.


Does High Tide Activate from Free Casts Made While Innervated?

Yes! Casts done under the effects of Innervate Icon Innervate cost 0 Mana but are still counted towards High Tide's next activation threshold.


What is the Best Loa for Zandalari Restoration Shamans?

The Critical Strike buff provided by Embrace of Pa'ku Icon Embrace of Pa'ku is currently the best choice available.


Which Raid Frames Should I Use?

Cell, VuhDo, Grid2, or ElvUI all provide strong, customizable raid frames options. Standard Blizzard frames, unfortunately, do not offer options to show the same amount of information or ways to filter out useless information.


Can I Level as Restoration?

You can, but there are no good reasons to do it. Playstyle in any of the talent builds is essentially the same as the specs they mimic but with much lower damage. If you choose to still level as Restoration, make sure you drop any gear with Mastery on it and try to use any trinkets with damage procs or on-use effects.



  • 24 Feb. 2025: Updated with the changes of Patch 11.1.
  • 15 Dec. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.7.
  • 21 Oct. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.5 and Shaman Mythic+ dominance.
  • 09 Sep. 2024: Updated with S1 BiS trinkets.
  • 21 Aug. 2024: Updated for The War Within launch.
  • 23 Jul. 2024: Updated for The War Within pre-patch.
  • 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 22 Apr. 2024: Updated for Season 4.
  • 18 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.5.
  • 09 Nov. 2023: Added predicted best trinkets in Season 3.
  • 06 Nov. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.
  • 04 Sep. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.7
  • 10 Jul. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.5.
  • 01 May 2023: Revamped Shaman viability sections, as the current condition of the spec is much better than before.
  • 08 Apr. 2023: Removed Wellspring bug mention now that its been fixed.
  • 20 Mar. 2023: Updated Wellspring mentions with its 10.0.7 nerfs and general text clearing.
  • 24 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
  • 21 Dec. 2022: Further updates to Chain Heal and High Tide usage.
  • 11 Dec. 2022: Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 1.
  • 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch.
  • 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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