Restoration Shaman Healing Liberation of Undermine Raid Guide — The War Within (11.1.0)

Last updated on Mar 02, 2025 at 23:00 by Seksixeny 53 comments
General Information

On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Restoration Shaman for each boss of the following raid: Liberation of Undermine. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.1.0).



Below, you can find class and spec-specific advice for every fight in Liberation of Undermine. If you are looking for a general overview of the Raid that is not spec-specific, check out our dedicated Liberation of Undermine Boss guides.

On this page, you will find tips and tricks specifically tailored toward Restoration Shamans and their unique healing and utility skills. While you will not find detailed descriptions of mechanics, these can be found in the general raid guide.


Liberation of Undermine Boss Guides for Restoration Shaman


Liberation of Undermine Raid Builds, Tips, and Tricks for Restoration Shaman

Vexie Fullthrottle Cauldron of Carnage Rik Reverb Stix Bunkjunker Sprocketmonger Lockenstock One-Armed Bandit Mug'Zee Chrome King Gallywix

Tips for Vexie Fullthrottle for Restoration Shaman


Defensive Tips

  • Use Astral Shift Icon Astral Shift when targeted by Incendiary Fire Icon Incendiary Fire, especially if Exhaust Fumes Icon Exhaust Fumes is also imminent;
  • Use Astral Shift Icon Astral Shift or Stone Bulwark Totem Icon Stone Bulwark Totem when affected by Spew Oil Icon Spew Oil or Bomb Voyage! Icon Bomb Voyage!.

Cooldown Usage

  • During Backfire Icon Backfire, the raid will take heavy damage, making it the perfect time to use your Ascendance Icon Ascendance and Healing Tide Totem Icon Healing Tide Totem cooldowns.

Mechanical Tips

  • Use Spiritwalker's Grace Icon Spiritwalker's Grace and move away from the raid when targeted by Spew Oil Icon Spew Oil. You can use Gust of Wind Icon Gust of Wind to get out of it faster, or to position it better if you are in a bad spot;
  • You can use crowd control spells on Pit Mechanics in Phase 2 to help with the phase, including Capacitor Totem Icon Capacitor Totem, Earthgrab Totem Icon Earthgrab Totem, and Thunderstorm Icon Thunderstorm, also kick Repair Icon Repair whenever possible;
  • In Mythic difficulty you want to use Thunderstorm Icon Thunderstorm, preferably with Traveling Storms Icon Traveling Storms talented, to get LoU Support Rigs away from the boss, preferably with a Earthgrab Totem Icon Earthgrab Totem follow-up to keep them away.

Raid Frame Setup

Ensure you are tracking the following buffs/debuffs on whatever raid frames you are using so you can react accordingly during the encounter:

  • Bomb Voyage! Icon Bomb Voyage! - 459978
  • Incendiary Fire Icon Incendiary Fire - 468216
  • Oil Slick Icon Oil Slick - 459683

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Cauldron of Carnage for Restoration Shaman


Defensive Tips

  • Use Astral Shift Icon Astral Shift or Stone Bulwark Totem Icon Stone Bulwark Totem on the end of each phase, as that is when damage debuffs will be at their highest and Colossal Clash Icon Colossal Clash is imminent.

Cooldown Usage

  • During Colossal Clash Icon Colossal Clash, the bosses will leap together and start dealing massive raid wide damage, making it the best time to use Ascendance Icon Ascendance and Healing Tide Totem Icon Healing Tide Totem;
  • Spirit Link Totem Icon Spirit Link Totem is good for Scrapbomb Icon Scrapbomb, but not of much use in the rest of the fight, so feel free to use it freely to save individual players who drop low unexpectedly while on the blue side.

Mechanical Tips

  • Use crowd control spells on Voltaic Image Icon Voltaic Image to keep them from spreading around too much before their duration expires;
  • Move in bursts to keep Static Charge Icon Static Charge at a minimum, making good usage of Thunderous Paws Icon Thunderous Paws and Gust of Wind Icon Gust of Wind in the process.

Raid Frame Setup

Ensure you are tracking the following buffs/debuffs on whatever raid frames you are using so you can react accordingly during the encounter:

  • Molten Phlegm Icon Molten Phlegm - 1213690
  • Voltaic Image Icon Voltaic Image - 1214009

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Rik Reverb for Restoration Shaman


Defensive Tips

  • If you ever find yourself soaking a Lingering Voltage Icon Lingering Voltage pillar, make sure to use a defensive like Astral Shift Icon Astral Shift or Stone Bulwark Totem Icon Stone Bulwark Totem.

Cooldown Usage

  • Ascendance Icon Ascendance should be used for the first Sound Cannon Icon Sound Cannon and for others whenever available;
  • As Static Jolt Icon Static Jolt is the other dangerous raid damage ability, use Healing Tide Totem Icon Healing Tide Totem to cover as many of them as possible.

Mechanical Tips

  • Good spot healing will be needed on players who are draining pillars;
  • Hitting Pyrotechnics adds gives you up to 30% movement speed and 6% Haste, if you can afford the time not healing;
  • Gust of Wind Icon Gust of Wind or Spirit Walk Icon Spirit Walk are both handy to avoid getting hit by the various abilities throughout the fight, notably during Echoing Chant Icon Echoing Chant;
  • In Phase 2, use Wind Rush Totem Icon Wind Rush Totem to help your raid move between LoU Amplifiers. You will want to quickly head to the one about to Blowout! Icon Blowout!, allowing you to jump over Blaring Drop Icon Blaring Drop and avoiding damage.

Raid Frame Setup

Ensure you are tracking the following buffs/debuffs on whatever raid frames you are using so you can react accordingly during the encounter:

  • Faulty Zap Icon Faulty Zap - 467044 / 467108
  • Entranced Icon Entranced - 1214598
  • Sound Cannon Icon Sound Cannon - 469380
  • Resonant Echoes Icon Resonant Echoes - 468119

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Stix Bunkjunker for Restoration Shaman


Defensive Tips

  • Getting the Prototype Powercoil Icon Prototype Powercoil debuff means you should use a defensive such as Astral Shift Icon Astral Shift or Stone Bulwark Totem Icon Stone Bulwark Totem;
  • The other main dangerous moment is Electromagnetic Sorting Icon Electromagnetic Sorting, where you should use any remaining defensives and health potions or stones.

Cooldown Usage

  • Rotating through healing cooldowns for Electromagnetic Sorting Icon Electromagnetic Sorting is recommended, but make sure to have some left over for Overdrive Icon Overdrive as it does the most damage and the final explosion can easily kill players missing health when it hits.

Mechanical Tips

  • A lot of targeted healing will be needed on players affected by Prototype Powercoil Icon Prototype Powercoil. Remember you can Spirit Link Totem Icon Spirit Link Totem in an emergency;
  • Gust of Wind Icon Gust of Wind can help getting out of the way of rolling people and out of LoU Scrapmasters' Dumpster Dive Icon Dumpster Dive, which does a lot of damage;
  • Scrap Rockets Icon Scrap Rockets cast by LoU Scrapmasters need to be interrupted immediately. As this is a fire spell, interrupting it with Seasoned Winds Icon Seasoned Winds can give you a nice cushion against Short Fuse Icon Short Fuse or Incineration Icon Incineration damage;
  • LoU Junkyard Hyenas are susceptible to all forms of crowd control, which should be used liberally, as their debuffs and damage can be very dangerous.

Raid Frame Setup

Ensure you are tracking the following buffs/debuffs on whatever raid frames you are using so you can react accordingly during the encounter:

  • Incineration Icon Incineration - 472893
  • Rolling Rubbish Icon Rolling Rubbish - 461536
  • Infected Bite Icon Infected Bite - 466748

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Sprocketmonger Lockenstock for Restoration Shaman


Defensive Tips

  • Use Astral Shift Icon Astral Shift or Stone Bulwark Totem Icon Stone Bulwark Totem when Pyro Party Pack Icon Pyro Party Pack and Sonic Ba-Boom Icon Sonic Ba-Boomoverlap, which happens on the second and third casts of Pyro Party Pack Icon Pyro Party Pack;
  • Also, if you can afford it, look to use defensives when running in the intermissions.

Cooldown Usage

  • Save cooldowns for intermissions, as Ascendance Icon Ascendance with Spiritwalker's Grace Icon Spiritwalker's Grace is particularly effective for countering the spread damage while moving;
  • Sonic Ba-Boom Icon Sonic Ba-Booms can also be dangerous, especially when overlapping, justifying the usage of healing cooldowns.

Mechanical Tips

  • Wire Transfer Icon Wire Transfer requires a lot of movement so be sure to use Thunderous Paws Icon Thunderous Paws or Gust of Wind Icon Gust of Wind to help;
  • Wind Rush Totem Icon Wind Rush Totem with either of the bonus talents is great for intermissions;
  • Use Gust of Wind Icon Gust of Wind liberally to prevent getting caught or trapped between all the different traps and void zones.

Raid Frame Setup

Ensure you are tracking the following buffs/debuffs on whatever raid frames you are using so you can react accordingly during the encounter:

  • Screwed! Icon Screwed! - 1217261

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for One-Armed Bandit for Restoration Shaman


Defensive Tips

  • Use defensives such as Astral Shift Icon Astral Shift and Stone Bulwark Totem Icon Stone Bulwark Totem on overlaps of raid damage from Pay-Line Icon Pay-Line and Foul Exhaust Icon Foul Exhaust.

Cooldown Usage

  • Foul Exhaust Icon Foul Exhaust will deal large damage to the party while also putting a healing absorb on players. You will want to deal with this quickly with healing cooldowns such as Ascendance Icon Ascendance and Healing Tide Totem Icon Healing Tide Totem, but make sure to save some of them for the end of the fight as damage quickly becomes nigh unhealable near the enrage period.

Mechanical Tips

  • Make sure to dispel Withering Flames Icon Withering Flames but only when the player is out, as otherwise they will spawn fire waves on top of other players, likely killing them;
  • Make sure you interrupt LoU Reel Assistants' Overload! Icon Overload! casts, as they are extremely dangerous, and it will make you take less damage from Pay-Line Icon Pay-Line;
  • Note that while most Booty adds can be crowd controlled, this is not the case for LoU Premium Dynamite Booty, and they also have a lot of Health;
  • Gust of Wind Icon Gust of Wind can let you take a single tick from the Voltaic Streak Icon Voltaic Streak beams in Phase 2 but that is still likely to kill you without a defensive.

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Mug'Zee for Restoration Shaman


Defensive Tips

  • During the blue phase, always have a defensive in reserve in case you get targeted by Double Whammy Shot Icon Double Whammy Shot, as it deals enormous damage, and you will then potentially have to soak either Unstable Cluster Bomb Icon Unstable Cluster Bomb or potentially Goblin-guided Rocket Icon Goblin-guided Rocket;
  • During the red phase, aim your Frostshatter Spear Icon Frostshatter Spear through the walls or you are likely to get one-shot.

Cooldown Usage

  • You will sometimes be locked inside cages with a small group of players, but Healing Tide Totem Icon Healing Tide Totem, Spirit Link Totem Icon Spirit Link Totem and other area spells still work through the walls as long as the players are close enough to the totem radius;
  • Soaking Goblin-guided Rocket Icon Goblin-guided Rocket deals massive damage and is a good time to use major cooldowns such as Ascendance Icon Ascendance.

Mechanical Tips

  • Earthshaker Gaol Icon Earthshaker Gaol will mark two players and need to be soaked by groups. Ideally one healer will soak each Gaol and be responsible for keeping their small group alive while the DPS kill the add and break you out. Any DPS you can provide during this window can be helpful to speed up the process;
  • Make sure to interrupt LoU Gallagio Goons' Pay Respects Icon Pay Respects casts;
  • Unstable Crawler Mines Icon Unstable Crawler Mines are slow and can be fully crowd controlled and kited indefinitely (until the boss reaches 40% Health), but it will become harder and harder to ignore them if you do so;
  • During the intermission phase, Spiritwalker's Grace Icon Spiritwalker's Grace allows you to keep healing through Bulletstorm Icon Bulletstorm. Using Wind Rush Totem Icon Wind Rush Totem there is also quite helpful for your raid.

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Chrome King Gallywix for Restoration Shaman

This boss was not testable on the TWW Alpha/Beta servers. Information will be forthcoming once it is available on Live servers.


Defensive Tips

  • In Phase 2, you want a defensive during Giga BOOM! Icon Giga BOOM!;
  • During the intermission, you will want to use at least one defensive during TOTAL DESTRUCTION!!! Icon TOTAL DESTRUCTION!!! as the damage will ramp up significantly.

Cooldown Usage

  • Cooldown through Scatterblast Canisters Icon Scatterblast Canisters as it deals massive split damage and also leaves a hefty healing absorb;
  • Keep Spirit Link Totem Icon Spirit Link Totem and any remaining healing cooldowns for Giga BOOM! Icon Giga BOOM! explosions;
  • Make sure to have all cooldowns by the time you hit the intermission, as they will be needed to cope with TOTAL DESTRUCTION!!! Icon TOTAL DESTRUCTION!!!'s ramping damage.

Mechanical Tips

  • Mechengineer's Canisters Icon Mechengineer's Canisters healing absorbs require heavy spot healing;
  • Make sure you interrupt the Shock Barrage Icon Shock Barrage casts from Sharpshot Sentry;
  • Try to Purge Icon Purge the Lumbering Rage Icon Lumbering Rage effect from Darkfuse Wrenchmonger if it is dispellable;
  • During the intermission, someone must interrupt TOTAL DESTRUCTION!!! Icon TOTAL DESTRUCTION!!! in order to transition to the final phase.

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


General Healing Cooldown Usage

Restoration Shaman have a few healing and damage reduction cooldowns to consider when doing raid encounters:

  • Healing Tide Totem Icon Healing Tide Totem — is a simple 3-minute baseline cooldown totem that heals everyone around it for a large amount over 10 seconds; use it against bursts of raid damage that happen over a lengthy period;
  • Spirit Link Totem Icon Spirit Link Totem — redistributes the health of players around it, provides 15% damage reduction and also a large heal (with Spouting Spirits Icon Spouting Spirits) on a 3-minute baseline cooldown. Use it against large raid damage burst events, especially if they are mixed with high single-target damage that would likely kill whoever is hit;
  • Ascendance Icon Ascendance — is either 3-minute and extra powerful with Preeminence Icon Preeminence or 2-minute with First Ascendant Icon First Ascendant, and allows you to replicate your healing to nearby allies and thus do much more raid healing with your regular rotation than you usually can. Rotate it, and Healing Tide Totem Icon Healing Tide Totem against large bursts of raid damage over time.

Take into account that Water Totem Mastery Icon Water Totem Mastery will randomly reduce the cooldown of your totems, leading to them having a lower cooldown than the typical 3-minute baseline. Totemic Surge Icon Totemic Surge also contributes towards cooldown totems having a lower cooldown than their tooltip indicates. Healing Tide Totem Icon Healing Tide Totem can then also benefit from Current Control Icon Current Control reducing its cooldown even further, making it usable much more often than its 3-minute baseline cooldown would suggest!

In addition to the general rotation, you want to keep in mind that your goal is to use your cooldowns as often as possible during an encounter. With that in mind, your secondary goal is to use them at the correct time. You will also want to manage your Mana accordingly in order to finish the fight close to zero Mana, but also not run out too fast, as that will prevent you from doing high healing when needed as you wait for regen in between casts.


General Defensive Usage Notes

Restoration Shaman has multiple defensive tools that you can plan to use to survive through targeted or high raid damage mechanics. Rotate between Astral Shift Icon Astral Shift and Stone Bulwark Totem Icon Stone Bulwark Totem before high damage moments, and remember to refresh Ancestral Vigor Icon Ancestral Vigor and Earth Shield Icon Earth Shield on yourself ahead of time!

Earth Elemental Icon Earth Elemental is also a good tool for its 15% health increase and potential 5% damage reduction with Primordial Bond Icon Primordial Bond, but keep in mind its long 1-minute duration and even longer 5-minute cooldown!



  • 02 Mar. 2025: Added tips for all bosses.
  • 24 Feb. 2025: First pass on Undermine boss suggestions.
  • 20 Feb. 2025: Guide added.
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