Restoration Shaman Healing Sepulcher of the First Ones Raid Guide — Dragonflight 10.2.5

Last updated on Jan 15, 2024 at 15:00 by Seksixeny 54 comments
General Information

On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Restoration Shaman for each boss of the following raid: Sepulcher of the First Ones. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.5.



On this page, you will find Restoration Shaman specific information to deal with each boss in the Sepulcher of the First Ones raid.

This page assumes that you already understand most of the mechanics of each encounter. These can be found on the full raid guide, so what is contained here are details specifically tailored toward Restoration Shaman and what you can do to deal with each fight as best as possible.

Most tips should still be relevant but might be contingent on Dragonflight pre-patch changes done by Blizzard to account for the new talent system.

The following talent tree will work on every boss although some adjustments may be valid in some cases. You can also directly import it into the game using the following string:


During the Dragonflight Pre-Patch, Castle Nathria, Sanctum of Domination, and Sepulcher of the First Ones will be simultaneously featured as Fated Raids. During this time encounters within each specific raid will include an additional mechanic and items will drop at increased item levels. If you would like to learn more general information about the Fated Raids system as a whole, please see our overview below. Otherwise, continue to use this page for specialization-specific tips.


Talent Cheatsheet


Vigilant Guardian

We advise you to use the following Legendary against Vigilant Guardian: Primal Tide Core Icon Primal Tide Core.

Dodge the many swirlies that appear while moving with your group as needed to group up all the adds present and empower two Automated Defense Matrix adds around the encounter area. Aim Deresolution Icon Deresolution lines away from your raid members whenever possible.

Once the Automated Defense Matrixes are empowered at 100 Energy, stay inside the small bubble they create, and use healing cooldowns to survive the extreme burst damage going out until an Unstable Core Icon Unstable Core spawns.

Astral Shift Icon Astral Shift and Ghost Wolf Icon Ghost Wolf are helpful to survive running the Unstable Core Icon Unstable Cores near the main boss on the giant door in order to detonate it and proceed to the next encounter phase.

In the final phase, spread out to avoid being caught off guard by the area-of-effect abilities of the boss and prepare to rotate healing cooldowns when the boss goes under 15% health, as Core Overload Icon Core Overload will cause increasingly dangerous amounts of raid wide damage over time until it is destroyed.


Debuffs to track on Raid Frames


For more information, please refer to our Vigilant Guardian guide.


Skolex, the Insatiable Ravener

We advise you to use the following Legendary against Skolex, the Insatiable Ravener: Primal Tide Core Icon Primal Tide Core.

Damage will ramp up over the course of the fight due to the boss gaining Insatiable Icon Insatiable stacks every time the raid forces Ravening Burrow Icon Ravening Burrow to reset Ephemera Dust Icon Ephemera Dust stacks. Use Healing Tide Totem Icon Healing Tide Totem to deal with the high sustained damage and Spirit Link Totem Icon Spirit Link Totem to reduce damage while stacking for the Dust-removing attack.

Other instances of damage in this fight are avoidable, but will quickly lead to a wipe if too many people get hit, especially in Mythic where permanent pools will be created for every person hit by any avoidable mechanic, on top of a few created by boss attacks.

Make sure to be standing alone in order to spawn as little Devouring Blood Icon Devouring Blood pools under yourself as possible, and always cancel your casts to move out from one, as it will deal damage, leave a dispellable debuff and also a permanent void zone in Mythic. Keep avoiding these pools while running out of the large Retch Icon Retch cone!

The three people who are furthest away from the boss will constantly be hit with Dust Blast Icon Dust Blast which stacks up Ephemera Dust Icon Ephemera Dust, so make sure to be well away from them, but also focus heavy single-target healing on them and the tanks, who will all be taking huge amounts of damage throughout the fight.


Debuffs to track on Raid Frames

Spell ID Spell Name
364522 Devouring Blood Icon Devouring Blood
359778 Ephemera Dust Icon Ephemera Dust

For more information, please refer to our Skolex, the Insatiable Ravener guide.


Artificer Xy'Mox

We advise you to use the following Legendary against Artificer Xy'mox: Primal Tide Core Icon Primal Tide Core.

Hyperlight Sparknova Icon Hyperlight Sparknova requires spreading and causes high damage, as well as further damage over time. While this will not generally require cooldowns, you should pay attention to any players who get hit by more than one explosion, as damage quickly ramps up. Position Dimensional Tear Icon Dimensional Tear both close and away from the middle in order to create a teleport path that allows you to avoid the deadly Genesis Rings Icon Genesis Rings.

Glyph of Relocation Icon Glyph of Relocation is a tank mechanic that deals high burst damage to the raid when it expires and pulls everyone to the tank's location, making them invulnerable to any Genesis Rings Icon Genesis Rings in the way. Whether your guild uses the pull to avoid the rings or to pre-position for using a Dimensional Tear Icon Dimensional Tear, this explosion can easily one shot players, and it is advisable to use Spirit Link Totem Icon Spirit Link Totem whenever possible before an explosion happens.

Genesis Rings Icon Genesis Rings can also be avoided with Venthyr Door of Shadows Icon Door of Shadows or Night Fae Soulshape Icon Soulshape, making the fight much easier if you are ever caught out of position.

Genesis Supernova Icon Genesis Supernova will inflict ramping damage to the raid during the intermissions, which starts very low but can rise up to dangerous levels if your group takes too long to kill all the adds. Random outgoing damage from add abilities is also dangerous, so make sure to keep an eye out on everyone during this period.

In Mythic difficulty, there will be multiple new adds to account for in the regular phases, which create extra damage that needs to be healed through and more ground mechanics to dodge, and you might have to solo heal one of the groups going into the three side areas required for a kill.


Debuffs to track on Raid Frames

Spell ID Spell Name
362801 Glyph of Relocation Icon Glyph of Relocation

Dausegne, the Fallen Oracle

We advise you to use the following Legendary against Dausegne, the Fallen Oracle: Primal Tide Core Icon Primal Tide Core.

Infused Vulnerability Icon Infused Vulnerability will cause raid damage when it expires on the tank. Soak Staggering Barrage Icon Staggering Barrage when you do not have the debuff and position yourself near the edge of the platform when the Domination Core is up, to place pools out of the main paths.

Disintegration Halo Icon Disintegration Halo is the main mechanic of this encounter but is relatively easy to deal with: use a speed increase such as Wind Rush Totem Icon Wind Rush Totem to quickly go through the first energy ring and try to go through the remaining rings as soon as your debuff expires, as you will be one shot if you get hit while the ring debuff is up. In Mythic you have to dodge many more rings so good movement is critical!

You can also avoid hard overlaps of Halos entirely with Venthyr Door of Shadows Icon Door of Shadows or Night Fae Soulshape Icon Soulshape, making the fight much easier.

The main raid damage in this fight will come from the periodic Inevitable Dominion Icon Inevitable Dominion casts. Make sure to save cooldowns for it, as well as some Mana to spam heals.


Debuffs to track on Raid Frames

Spell ID Spell Name
361966 Infused Strikes Icon Infused Strikes

For more information, please refer to our Dausegne, the Fallen Oracle guide.


Prototype Pantheon

We advise you to use the following Legendary against Prototype Pantheon: Primal Tide Core Icon Primal Tide Core.

Focus-heal Runecarver's Deathtouch Icon Runecarver's Deathtouch and dispel people afflicted once they are inside the Bastion's Ward Icon Bastion's Ward zones on the ground, with no one else close to them. Once the Prototype of Renewal becomes active, you will have to focus-heal Withering Seeds Icon Withering Seeds when they show up. Try to focus on one at a time, as healing them to full provides the Invigorating Bloom Icon Invigorating Bloom buff which helps with healing the rest of the seeds.

Help interrupt Gloom Bolt Icon Gloom Bolt from the Prototype of War and Anima Bolt Icon Anima Bolt from the Prototype of Renewal whenever possible and do not waste heals on anyone afflicted with the Necrosis Icon Necrosis debuff from standing inside the expanding green area of Necrotic Ritual Icon Necrotic Ritual.

Once the Prototype of Duty casts Pinning Volley Icon Pinning Volley, the whole raid will be pushed back and take high damage from Windswept Wings Icon Windswept Wings, so use this opportunity to use healing cooldowns and area of effect heals. Make sure to focus-heal anyone who gets hit by the swirlies and ends up Pinned Icon Pinned.

Hand of Destruction Icon Hand of Destruction from the Prototype of Absolution is one of the most dangerous abilities, as it will not only deal high falloff damage but also lines up with Sinful Projection Icon Sinful Projection which creates 4 projectiles that explode outwards from each player at th same time as the damage occurs, creating a projectile hell that will stun and add Burden of Sin Icon Burden of Sin debuffs to anyone who is hit. Use Wind Rush Totem Icon Wind Rush Totem and Spiritwalker's Grace Icon Spiritwalker's Grace to continue healing while avoiding all the projectiles going around.

In Mythic difficulty, you will have to use the new ability of the Prototype of Absolution, Night Hunter Icon Night Hunter to remove Imprinted Safeguards Icon Imprinted Safeguards from the bosses, while using cooldowns and coordinated movement to avoid dying in the process.


Debuffs to track on Raid Frames

Spell ID Spell Name
360687 Runecarver's Deathtouch Icon Runecarver's Deathtouch
338085 Necrosis Icon Necrosis
362352 Pinned Icon Pinned

For more information, please refer to our Prototype Pantheon guide.


Lihuvim, Principal Architect

We advise you to use the following Legendary against Lihuvim, Principal Architect: Primal Tide Core Icon Primal Tide Core.

Cosmic Shift Icon Cosmic Shift pushes back and deals significant raid wide damage. Make sure to not get pushed into unstable motes, as that will cause massive damage and reduce the encounter area available drastically!

Deconstructing Energy Icon Deconstructing Energy can be used to remove unstable motes from the encounter area safely.

During intermissions, there will be high raid damage from Protoform Radiance Icon Protoform Radiance which you probably want to use healing cooldowns on, and high burst damage plus knockback whenever the Acquisitions Automa is killed, so watch out not to be knocked away from the raid and into any nearby unstable motes.

Also during intermissions, watch out for Degenerate Icon Degenerate casts, as they do massive amounts of damage quickly and their target will need to be focus healed to survive.


Debuffs to track on Raid Frames

Spell ID Spell Name
364092 Degenerate Icon Degenerate

For more information, please refer to our Lihuvim, Principal Architect guide.


Halondrus the Reclaimer

We advise you to use the following Legendary against Halondrus the Reclaimer: Primal Tide Core Icon Primal Tide Core.

Spread out for Earthbreaker Missiles Icon Earthbreaker Missiles and prepare burst healing for its aftermath, as everyone will be taking a ton of damage at once.

Dispel people with Crushing Prism Icon Crushing Prism once they are in front of where the orbs are spawning, in order to slow them. If an intermission is close, you can just dispel anyone left with the debuff, in order to avoid its slow during the running.

The intermission phase is the ideal place to use both Wind Rush Totem Icon Wind Rush Totem and Spiritwalker's Grace Icon Spiritwalker's Grace, as you will have to perform high healing while spread out and moving along with the boss, as anyone left behind will end up instantly killed once the path closes.

The final phase is all about keeping the many orbs all around the boss from hitting it, and everyone will be required to help, so many sure to keep an eye out for orbs heading into the boss and use Astral Shift Icon Astral Shift and Ghost Wolf Icon Ghost Wolf to kick away as many orbs as possible.


Debuffs to track on Raid Frames

Spell ID Spell Name
365297 Crushing Prism Icon Crushing Prism

For more information, please refer to our Halondrus the Reclaimer guide.


Anduin Wrynn

We advise you to use the following Legendary against Anduin Wrynn: Primal Tide Core Icon Primal Tide Core.

Use cooldowns to quickly heal Befouled Barrier Icon Befouled Barrier and spot heal people targeted by Domination Word: Pain Icon Domination Word: Pain, especially if they also get hit by Wicked Star Icon Wicked Star, which you should move slightly to avoid when it is launched.

You can use Wind Rush Totem Icon Wind Rush Totem to help your group pre-spread out for Blasphemy Icon Blasphemy and / or during intermission wall dodging.

When going inside Kingsmourne through Kingsmourne Hungers Icon Kingsmourne Hungers, your main priority should be fully healing the four friendly Anduin's Hope adds. Using Chain Harvest Icon Chain Harvest (after Unleash Life Icon Unleash Life, if you have it) is the fastest way to achieve this.

In Heroic, make sure to wait until they are dispelled first, as otherwise they will receive greatly reduced healing. You can get help from a Priest's Mass Dispel Icon Mass Dispel or rely on single-target dispels, in which case heavy single-target healing is recommended. Keep in mind that they move much faster once dispelled!

Dodge March of the Damned Icon March of the Damned adds and any ground swirlies during intermissions, as both of them are deadly, especially in the higher difficulties.

Finally, in Mythic difficulty, you can help stun the Severed Souls that spawn after Kingsmourne Hungers Icon Kingsmourne Hungers casts with Capacitor Totem Icon Capacitor Totem and should pay much more attention to Phase 2's Grim Reflections Icon Grim Reflections, as they cast much faster once the amount of Reflections decreases, requiring very quick interrupts!


Debuffs to track on Raid Frames

Spell ID Spell Name
366849 Domination Word: Pain Icon Domination Word: Pain
365030 Wicked Star Icon Wicked Star
365008 Psychic Terror Icon Psychic Terror

For more information, please refer to our Anduin Wrynn guide.


Lords of Dread

We advise you to use the following Legendary against Lords of Dread: Primal Tide Core Icon Primal Tide Core.

Anyone standing in the purple Fearful Trepidation Icon Fearful Trepidation circles without the green debuff from Cloud of Carrion Icon Cloud of Carrion will be feared by Bursting Dread Icon Bursting Dread and should be dispelled as soon as possible.

When hit with Cloud of Carrion Icon Cloud of Carrion active, you will disperse clouds of insects around you which will place new debuffs on anyone hit. Try to avoid aiming any towards the melee stack!

Around every 2 minutes, Mal'Ganis will cast Swarm of Darkness Icon Swarm of Darkness dealing huge AOE damage to the raid for 20 seconds. Use Astral Shift Icon Astral Shift and healing cooldowns during it, in order to survive. The rest of the fight has low healing requirements, by comparison.

The adds that spawn deal bursts of AOE raid damage through Ravenous Hunger Icon Ravenous Hunger, but this damage can easily be healed with non-cooldown abilities.

During the Infiltration of Dread Icon Infiltration of Dread intermission phase, remember to heal yourself if you get low. However, do not heal yourself if you are chosen as the impostor, as the raid needs to damage you down to low health in order to prevent a raid wipe from the intermission mechanic.

There are not many changes in Mythic difficulty from a healer point of view, as the changes mostly force the raid group to be more attentive to their surroundings and fight timings. For example, you will want to bait Slumber Cloud Icon Slumber Clouds away from the raid group when they are about to spawn, and also to swap around the Cloud of Carrion Icon Cloud of Carrion debuffs in order to avoid anyone getting high stacks.


Debuffs to track on Raid Frames

Spell ID Spell Name
360006 Cloud of Carrion Icon Cloud of Carrion
360148 Bursting Dread Icon Bursting Dread
360241 Unsettling Dreams Icon Unsettling Dreams
360284 Anguishing Strike Icon Anguishing Strike

For more information, please refer to our Lords of Dread guide.



We advise you to use the following Legendary against Rygelon: Primal Tide Core Icon Primal Tide Core.

In the regular phase, focus should be on healing players affected by Dark Eclipse Icon Dark Eclipse, in order to ensure they do not die and bomb the rest of the raid. Cosmic Ejection Icon Cosmic Ejection will also require heavy healing, as well as personal cooldowns from the players soaking the orbs.

On Normal and Heroic difficulties most of the raid damage will happen during intermission phases, as Stellar Decay Icon Stellar Decay and Eternal Radiation Icon Eternal Radiation cause high damage to the group. Make sure to use healing cooldowns and keep Healing Rain Icon Healing Rain down during them!

On Mythic difficulty, however, the greatest danger comes from the damage and healing absorb caused by Stellar Shroud Icon Stellar Shroud, which happens 4 times per phase. This extra damage and absorb happens at the same time as players need to be spot healed for Dark Eclipse Icon Dark Eclipse and Cosmic Ejection Icon Cosmic Ejection and also makes Dark Eclipse's explosions much more dangerous.

As particularly dangerous overlaps happen on the third and fourth casts of Stellar Shroud Icon Stellar Shroud in the regular phase, consider using healing cooldowns and Astral Shift Icon Astral Shift for them.


Debuffs to track on Raid Frames

Spell ID Spell Name
361548 Dark Eclipse Icon Dark Eclipse
362081 Cosmic Ejection Icon Cosmic Ejection
362088 Cosmic Irregularity Icon Cosmic Irregularity

For more information, please refer to our Rygelon guide.


The Jailer

We advise you to use the following Legendary against The Jailer: Primal Tide Core Icon Primal Tide Core.

Suffering Icon Suffering causes heavy raid-wide damage and is a good time for using healing cooldowns.

Make sure to spot heal players with the Rune of Damnation Icon Rune of Damnation bombs in Phase 1, as they can easily die from it while inside a hole.

In Phase 2 you can stun and slow the Rune of Compulsion Icon Rune of Compulsion targets while they are broken out using Capacitor Totem Icon Capacitor Totem and Earthbind Totem Icon Earthbind Totem.

The two main healer mechanics of Phase 3 are Dominating Will Icon Dominating Will, which will require healing cooldowns in order for the absorb to be healed through before the targets are mind controlled and Chains of Anguish Icon Chains of Anguish which causes high raid damage when the chains are broken.

In Mythic difficulty, the mechanic overlaps are much more dangerous in every phase and damage intake is also significantly higher. In order to always be able to quickly get to a far away hole in order to drop your Rune of Damnation Icon Rune of Damnation bomb in phase 1 and 4, to your Blood of Azeroth soak spot, or to quickly get to safety after dropping Phase 2 Torments, we recommend using Door of Shadows Icon Door of Shadows.


Debuffs to track on Raid Frames

Spell ID Spell Name
360282 Rune of Damnation Icon Rune of Damnation
265151 Rune of Domination Icon Rune of Domination
366030 Tyranny Icon Tyranny
362194 Suffering Icon Suffering
359868 Shattering Blast Icon Shattering Blast
360565 Decimator Icon Decimator
365153 Dominating Will Icon Dominating Will
365219 Chains of Anguish Icon Chains of Anguish

For more information, please refer to our The Jailer guide.



  • 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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