Restoration Shaman Healing Uldir Raid Guide — Dragonflight 10.2.5
On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Restoration Shaman for each boss of the following raid: Uldir. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.5.
Introduction for Restoration Shaman Boss Advice in Uldir
In this section you will find information pertaining to each boss individually in the Uldir raid. It is recommended you follow the standard talent build found in the Builds, Talents, and Glyphs section of the guide unless otherwise advised, on a per boss basis. As each boss is hardest on its Mythic difficulty mode, we will first explain the healing strategy for Mythic, followed by a short explanation on what changes in this strategy, if anything, for Heroic.
Talent Cheatsheet for Restoration Shaman in Uldir
More Taloc Guides on Icy Veins

In Mythic, this boss has a very spiky damage pattern due to
Cudgel of Gore and
Hardened Arteries. When playing with
the suggested talent build, use
Unleash Life,
Healing Rain and
Earthen Wall Totem immediately before one
of these abilities hits the raid, follow it up with
Chain Heal as
the damage hits, as well as
Downpour and
Wellspring. By
the time you finish casting these 6 spells, the raid should be topped again or
close to, allowing you to go back to dealing damage to the boss / using single
target heals until the next
Cudgel of Gore and
Hardened Arteries casts.
Heroic: While the damage intake is still spiky, the intervals between
these spikes are larger, since Cudgel of Gore is the only raid damage
you need to worry about. This means you can use any of the Level 100 talents
and be competitive, but the strategy presented above will still work well,
Talent Choice:
More M.O.T.H.E.R. Guides on Icy Veins

Similar to Taloc, this boss has a very spiky damage pattern, dictated by
players passing through Defense Grid, and you should aim to use the
Taloc pre-damage strategy when players are about to go through. There are two
possible strategies: sending 15+ players through at once while using all raid
cooldowns, in which case
Ascendance and
Ancestral Protection Totem
are very helpful, or sending small teams every ~20 seconds, where the other level
60 / level 100 options are better. Restoration Shaman has an extra advantage
on this encounter as it can heal both sides of the matrix with most of its area
of effect spells. It is also a great healer to send through first, as it can
both interrupt and area of effect stun the spawned adds, which is of critical
importance due to
Clinging Corruption. Finally, keep an eye out for
players afflicted with
Endemic Virus, and try to
Purify Spirit
them away from other players.
Heroic: Damage is lower and the spawned adds are much less dangerous
than the Mythic ones, allowing more people to pass through at each time. In case
your guild's strategy involves using multiple raid cooldowns while a lot of
people go through, you might want to use Ascendance.
Talent Choice:
Fetid Devourer
More Fetid Devourer Guides on Icy Veins

In Mythic, this might be one of the most Restoration Shaman unfriendly
fights ever, due to Malodorous Miasma /
Putrid Paroxysm
spreading to nearby people whenever they tick, thus forcing a heavy spread on
the raid at all times. This means it will be hard to find clumps of targets for
our area of effect healing and, thus, we should focus on spells that do not
require stacking. Also, tanks and Malodorous / Putrid debuffed players will be
taking the vast majority of damage in this fight, which makes single target
healing talents ideal.
Heroic: Malodorous Miasma /
Putrid Paroxysm do not
spread, making positioning requirements much more relaxed. It is still
recommended to focus on single target healing, due to the encounter's damage
Talent Choice:
Zek'voz, Herald of N'Zoth
More Zek'voz, Herald of N'Zoth Guides on Icy Veins

Most of the incoming, unavoidable, damage in this fight will come from
Surging Darkness, which hits the raid over a prolonged period of
time and requires you to heal while moving.
Graceful Spirit allows
you to cast while moving for every one, which is very helpful. Due to
Eye Beam and
Roiling Deceit (which, if not handled
correctly, will cause a lot of raid damage through
Shadow Nova), the
probability of unexpected near-lethal damage is high.
Spirit Link Totem
will allow you to compensate for such happenings. Also, in the last phase, we
are great first targets for the
Corruptor's Pact buff, as we can use
Reincarnation to immediately get back into the fight.
Tremor Totem
Wind Shear should be used when players start becoming mind-controlled,
in order to prevent them from fearing other members of your group.
Heroic: Eye Beam /
Roiling Deceit are never
active at the same time and are disabled upon entering a certain boss health
threshold. This makes the fight much easier but does not change the overall
healing strategy.
Talent Choice:
More Vectis Guides on Icy Veins

This fight is all about controlling stacks of Lingering Infection.
As time goes by, these will grow and make casts of
Contagion more
deadly, especially as it is likely the raid will be affected by
at the same time. As Contagion is cast about every 20 seconds, this is a perfect
Wellspring fight, where you should use the Taloc pre-damage strategy
whenever Contagion is about to be cast.
Heroic: Lingering Infection does not have the extra
effects that cause the encounter to snowball out of control after players hit 6
stacks and above, thus allowing for a more relaxed positioning and control of
the stacks.
Talent Choice:
Zul, Reborn
More Zul, Reborn Guides on Icy Veins

Other than Dark Revelation bursts, damage starts low and ramps up
throughout this encounter. Be aware that damage will heavily ramp up post 40%
boss health, due to
Locus of Corruption applying a lot of
Corrupted Blood stacks to everyone in the raid. Because of this,
and since
Erupting Darkness can cause massive, unexpected raid
High Tide can be used, allowing you to do heavy burst healing
when needed, weighted towards the end of the encounter. Keep in mind that
Absorbed in Darkness soakers, and players with
Unleashed Shadow,
will require heavy healing as well.
Ancestral Vigor reduces the
likelihood that soakers / debuffed players will die when Dark Revelation /
Deathwish raid damage happens. Finally, take note that you can dispel
the Fear effects from Minions of Zul with
Tremor Totem, as well
as kill these minions instantly with
Heroic: You only need to deal with Corrupted Blood after
the boss hits 40% health and there is only one
Dark Revelation to deal
with every minute, instead of the two in Mythic. This vastly reduces the
healing requirements of the encounter and allows you to save most of your Mana
for the end of the encounter.
Talent Choice:
Mythrax the Unraveler
More Mythrax the Unraveler Guides on Icy Veins

This boss can be tough to heal for Restoration Shamans, as the raid is
advised to spread out due to Oblivion Sphere, thus lowering our area
of effect healing potential. Also, players will also have their maximum health
reduced by
Annihilation, which gives us less time to heal before
deaths occur. This being said, there will be spikes of raid damage happening
regularly, from
Imminent Ruin and
Crashing Oblivion. We should
heal those with
Chain Heal, paying attention to hit people that will allow
it to jump further. Restoration Shaman is the best healer to send with the tank
who is alone with the add on the intermission, as it can use
Wind Shear
to interrupt it while keeping the tank healed.
Heroic: The dangerous healing mechanics are mostly the same as Mythic, and thus the same strategy should be used.
Talent Choice:
More G'huun Guides on Icy Veins

Most of the damage taken in this fight comes from Reorigination Blast,
Putrid Blood and
Explosive Corruption. The healing gets much more
intense in the last phase, as you can no longer remove Putrid Blood stacks with
Blood Feast. While the group will have to be spread for most of the fight,
there will be plenty of opportunities to land area of effect heals during
Reorigination Blast and
Blood Feast. You should use
Tremor Totem when
Gaze of G'huun is cast, as it will instantly
remove the Fear effect from anyone who did not turn away in time. Also,
Ancestral Protection Totem is extremely useful in the final phase of
this boss, both for its 10% raid health increase and for the guaranteed free
combat resurrection, which will bring someone back to life without
Putrid Blood
stacks, allowing them to easily stay alive until the end.
Heroic: The damage intake is much less threatening but comes from the same sources, which means the Mythic strategy for this encounter applies to Heroic as well.
Talent Choice:
- 14 Jan. 2020: This page has been reviewed for the release of Patch 8.3 and no changes are necessary.
- 25 Jun. 2019: This page has been reviewed for the release of Patch 8.2 and no changes are necessary.
- 15 Apr. 2019: This page has been reviewed and no changes are necessary for the release of the Crucible of Storms raid.
- 10 Dec. 2018: This page has been reviewed for Patch 8.1 and no changes are necessary.
- 10 Oct. 2018: Minor typo and talent fixes and added extra tips for Mythic G'huun.
- 08 Oct. 2018: Updated talent and boss information based on our full Mythic progression experience.
- 12 Sep. 2018: Added Tremor Totem boss information and other tips.
- 02 Sep. 2018: Added talent cheatsheet.
- 11 Aug. 2018: Updated some talent recommendations.
- 07 Aug. 2018: Updated MOTHER, Zul and Mythrax recommendations.
- 05 Aug. 2018: Added preliminary Uldir guide for Restoration Shamans.
- 28 Jul. 2018: Removed Legion content in preparation for BfA.
More Shaman Guides
Guides from Other Classes
This guide has been written by Seksi, member of Arctic Avengers and healing aficionado. You can find him answering questions and discussing Restoration Shaman gameplay on the Ancestral Guidance and Earthshrine Discords.
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