Retribution Paladin DPS Liberation of Undermine Raid Guide — The War Within (11.1.0)

Last updated on Feb 20, 2025 at 12:00 by Bolas 72 comments
General Information

On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Retribution Paladin for each boss of the following raid: Liberation of Undermine. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.1.0).



Below, you can find class and spec-specific advice for every fight in Liberation of Undermine. If you are looking for a general overview of the Raid that is not spec-specific, check out our dedicated Liberation of Undermine Boss guides.

On this page, you will find tips and tricks specifically tailored toward Retribution Paladins and its toolkit based on the recommended talent build. It does not include general tips for mechanics, which are included in the full raid guide instead, whereas this page assumes that you are already familiar with most of the major mechanics of each encounter.

All recommendations are progression-based tips and will not necessarily be the best for an overall DPS ranking.


Liberation of Undermine Boss Guides for Retribution Paladin


Liberation of Undermine Raid Builds, Tips, and Tricks for Retribution Paladin

Vexie Fullthrottle Cauldron of Carnage Rik Reverb Stix Bunkjunker Sprocketmonger Lockenstock One-Armed Bandit Mug'Zee Chrome King Gallywix

Tips for Vexie Fullthrottle for Retribution Paladin


Defensive Tips

  • Use Shield of Vengeance Icon Shield of Vengeance or Divine Protection Icon Divine Protection when targeted by Spew Oil Icon Spew Oil.

Cooldown Usage

  • In general, Ret's cooldown usage is the same on every fight - the gap between our cooldowns is so short that you can use them on cooldown every time.
  • Vexie has a burn phase where she takes extra damage, but this phase is very long so you will naturally always get at least one set of cooldowns during it.

Mechanical Tips

  • You shouldn't need to actively try to cleave adds to kill them. Passive cleave from Wrathful Descent Icon Wrathful Descent and Divine Hammer Icon Divine Hammer should be enough alone.

Mythic Difficulty

  • On Mythic you will need to catch Oil Canister Icon Oil Canisters that drop when Bikers die to prevent them from spawning Oil Slick Icon Oil Slicks.

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Cauldron of Carnage for Retribution Paladin


Defensive Tips

  • Use Shield of Vengeance Icon Shield of Vengeance or Divine Protection Icon Divine Protection when at high debuff stacks or during Colossal Clash Icon Colossal Clash.

Cooldown Usage

  • In general, Ret's cooldown usage is the same on every fight - the gap between our cooldowns is so short that you can use them on cooldown every time.

Mechanical Tips

  • This encounter has a single-target phase and a two-target phase. In general single-target focused talents are the best choice here, since you will be in that phase longer and much of your cleave is passive. Tempest of the Lightbringer Icon Tempest of the Lightbringer is still taken for the two-target phase.

Mythic Difficulty

  • Toys will periodically appear in the arena. These will need to be kicked into opposite ones before Colossal Clash Icon Colossal Clash to prevent a wipe.

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Rik Reverb for Retribution Paladin


Defensive Tips

  • Use Shield of Vengeance Icon Shield of Vengeance or Divine Protection Icon Divine Protection with the Lingering Voltage Icon Lingering Voltage DoT or during the intermission phase.

Cooldown Usage

  • In general, Ret's cooldown usage is the same on every fight - the gap between our cooldowns is so short that you can use them on cooldown every time.
  • Rik does have an immune phase where he takes 99% less damage - make sure you don't use longer cooldowns like Divine Hammer Icon Divine Hammer before this.

Mechanical Tips

  • Rik is primarily a single-target fight. On Heroic or Mythic there are semi-frequent add spawns that need to be cleaved down quickly, but you will not need to swap any talents for this - that said, you can use Wake of Ashes Icon Wake of Ashes and Hammer of Light Icon Hammer of Light if your group is struggling to kill them.

Mythic Difficulty

  • On Mythic failing some mechanics will cause you to become Entranced Icon Entranced, requiring you to be damaged to break the effect.

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Stix Bunkjunker for Retribution Paladin


Defensive Tips

  • Use Shield of Vengeance Icon Shield of Vengeance or Divine Protection Icon Divine Protection during Electromagnetic Sorting Icon Electromagnetic Sorting.

Cooldown Usage

  • In general, Ret's cooldown usage is the same on every fight - the gap between our cooldowns is so short that you can use them on cooldown every time.
  • Stix also has an immune phase where he takes 99% less damage - make sure you don't use longer cooldowns like Divine Hammer Icon Divine Hammer before this.
  • Sometimes you will be targeted by Rolling Rubbish Icon Rolling Rubbish. Do not worry if you used cooldowns before this, they will generally be up again by the time you finish it.

Mechanical Tips

  • Stix is predominantly single-target but does have some extra adds that will need to be cleaved down. Our passive cleave from Wrathful Descent Icon Wrathful Descent and Divine Hammer Icon Divine Hammer should be enough for this without needing to swap talents.
  • Territorial Bombshells will spawn that will need to be damaged below 75% health before they can be dragged to the boss. You can swap to these if they need more damage, but it is not ideal to have to swap targets for Execution Sentence Icon Execution Sentence.

Mythic Difficulty


Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Sprocketmonger Lockenstock for Retribution Paladin


Defensive Tips

  • Use Shield of Vengeance Icon Shield of Vengeance or Divine Protection Icon Divine Protection during Sonic Ba-Boom Icon Sonic Ba-Boom.

Cooldown Usage

  • In general, Ret's cooldown usage is the same on every fight - the gap between our cooldowns is so short that you can use them on cooldown every time.
  • Do not worry about boss movement during cooldowns - your Holy Power generation should be high enough to not need to be in melee range for them.

Mechanical Tips

  • Sprocketmonger is a pure single-target boss, so there is no need for any cleave talents.
  • Although the boss will move out of range constantly, Ret has long enough range that you should be able to continue damaging the boss.

Mythic Difficulty

  • On Mythic all players are assigned Posi-Polarization Icon Posi-Polarization or Nega-Polarization Icon Nega-Polarization, which deals damage and knocks you back when you come into contact with the opposite one.

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for One-ARmed Bandit for Retribution Paladin


Defensive Tips

  • Use Shield of Vengeance Icon Shield of Vengeance or Divine Protection Icon Divine Protection when targeted by Withering Flames Icon Withering Flames.

Cooldown Usage

  • In general, Ret's cooldown usage is the same on every fight - the gap between our cooldowns is so short that you can use them on cooldown every time.

Mechanical Tips

  • This boss is primarily single-target. There will be occasional secondary priority targets that spawn that will need to be specifically damaged. Ideally you do not have to hard swap during Execution Sentence Icon Execution Sentence, but if possible try to damage the assigned adds.

Mythic Difficulty

  • Reel Attendants will need to be intentionally hit by Pay-Line Icon Pay-Line in order to be defeated.

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Mug'Zee for Retribution Paladin


Defensive Tips

  • Use Shield of Vengeance Icon Shield of Vengeance or Divine Protection Icon Divine Protection while Mk II Electro Shocker are active.

Cooldown Usage

  • In general, Ret's cooldown usage is the same on every fight - the gap between our cooldowns is so short that you can use them on cooldown every time.

Mechanical Tips

  • Mug'Zee is a predominantly single-target boss with occasional priority add spawns. Some of these adds will spawn inside Earthshaker Gaol Icon Earthshaker Gaol that will require you to kill the add to break out, while others can be cleaved down while fighting the boss. Single-target talents should be sufficient for any priority targets.

Mythic Difficulty

  • Many mechanics require interactions from opposite sides to remove them.

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Chrome King Gallywix for Retribution Paladin

This boss was not testable on the TWW Alpha/Beta servers. Information will be forthcoming once it is available on Live servers.


Defensive Tips

  • Little is known about this boss at the time of writing, but check back after the Heroic week for some tips.

Cooldown Usage

  • Little is known about this boss at the time of writing, but check back after the Heroic week for some tips.

Mechanical Tips

  • Little is known about this boss at the time of writing, but check back after the Heroic week for some tips.

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


General Defensive Usage

Retribution Paladin has a wide array of defensive abilities - some that reduce damage, some that prevent it, and some that heal you instead. For large single hits or damage over a short period, you should use Shield of Vengeance Icon Shield of Vengeance and Divine Protection Icon Divine Protection as your regular short cooldown defensives. Divine Shield Icon Divine Shield prevents all damage and also removes most debuffs but has a much longer cooldown, so it should be seen as a last resort. Lay on Hands Icon Lay on Hands and Word of Glory Icon Word of Glory can also be used to help heal yourself and others if damage is ticking at a slower pace, but mana is a limitation to you being able to spam these.


General Cooldown Usage

Retribution Paladin has very straightforward damage cooldowns with the recommended builds. Wake of Ashes Icon Wake of Ashes and Execution Sentence Icon Execution Sentence are your most important active cooldowns, which also share a very short cooldown of 30 seconds. This means that they are very easy to sync up but also that delaying casting them will very often cause you to lose total casts over an encounter with such a short cooldown. You should aim to cast them as close to on cooldown as possible while still keeping mechanics or boss phases in mind. Divine Hammer Icon Divine Hammer is maintained by spending Holy Power and should be kept up as much as possible. Make sure not to activate it before a boss becomes immune or disappears.



  • 20 Feb. 2025: Guide added.
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