Retribution Paladin DPS Spell List and Glossary — The War Within (11.1.0)

Last updated on Feb 24, 2025 at 21:57 by Bolas 72 comments
General Information

On this page, we present you with all spells and procs that you need to understand as a Retribution Paladin in World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.1.0).

If you were looking for WotLK Classic content, please refer to our WotLK Classic Retribution Paladin spells.


Retribution Paladin Spell Glossary

If you are new to Retribution, this is a great place to start to get an understanding of how the spec works. On this page we will discuss what abilities you have, what they are used for within the specialization, how they interact with each other and also with important cooldowns. If you already have experience with Retribution and are comfortable with it in the current expansion, it is recommended you skip this section and move on to the rest of the guide.


Main Resources For Retribution Paladin

Retribution's main resources are Holy Power and time. Holy Power is generated and spent by various abilities, with your spenders like Templar's Verdict Icon Templar's Verdict and Divine Storm Icon Divine Storm generally being some of your highest damage abilities. Your generators are all restricted in some fashion by time, whether they have cooldowns or generate Holy Power automatically at specific intervals. Optimizing your rotation will involve making sure that you waste as little Holy Power as possible by using your abilities wisely in order to maximize Holy Power gain while also keeping your generators on cooldown as much as you can.


Unlocking Abilities

Note that this page lists all abilities, assuming you are at max level. If you are leveling, check out our dedicated Paladin Leveling page that has detailed information on when you unlock all of these abilities.


Retribution Paladin Hero Talent Abilities


Templar Abilities

Ability Description/Effect
Light's Guidance Icon Light's Guidance Gain the ability to cast Hammer of Light Icon Hammer of Light once after casting Wake of Ashes Icon Wake of Ashes, which is a Holy Power spender that does significant AoE damage and costs 5 Holy Power.
Zealous Vindication Icon Zealous Vindication Hammer of Light Icon Hammer of Light also triggers extra Empyrean Hammer Icon Empyrean Hammers when it is cast.
For Whom the Bell Tolls Icon For Whom the Bell Tolls Divine Toll Icon Divine Toll increases the damage of your next 3 Judgment Icon Judgments, but this bonus is reduced based on targets hit.
Sacrosanct Crusade Icon Sacrosanct Crusade Wake of Ashes Icon Wake of Ashes and Hammer of Light Icon Hammer of Light have an extra absorb or healing effect added.
Endless Wrath Icon Endless Wrath Empyrean Hammer Icon Empyrean Hammers have a chance to reset the cooldown of Hammer of Wrath Icon Hammer of Wrath and allow it to be cast on any target.
Sanctification Icon Sanctification Judgment Icon Judgment applies a buff that increases the damage of Empyrean Hammer Icon Empyrean Hammer. This buff's stacks are applied and expire independently.
Shake the Heavens Icon Shake the Heavens Empyrean Hammer Icon Empyrean Hammers are triggered periodically after Hammer of Light Icon Hammer of Light is cast.
Higher Calling Icon Higher Calling Most Holy Power generators extend the duration of Shake the Heavens Icon Shake the Heavens.
Hammerfall Icon Hammerfall Spending Holy Power triggers Empyrean Hammer Icon Empyrean Hammer, with an extra trigger if Shake the Heavens Icon Shake the Heavens is active.
Wrathful Descent Icon Wrathful Descent Critical hits from Empyrean Hammer Icon Empyrean Hammers also deal their damage to nearby enemies.
Bonds of Fellowship Icon Bonds of Fellowship You take less transferred damage from Blessing of Sacrifice Icon Blessing of Sacrifice and gain extra movement speed when you do take damage from it.
Unrelenting Charger Icon Unrelenting Charger Divine Steed Icon Divine Steed has a longer duration and has a faster speed initially.
Undisputed Ruling Icon Undisputed Ruling Hammer of Light Icon Hammer of Light applies a Greater Judgment Icon Greater Judgment debuff to enemies hit and also increases your Haste for a short duration.
Light's Deliverance Icon Light's Deliverance Gain a stacking buff when a Empyrean Hammer Icon Empyrean Hammer triggers that lets you cast an extra Hammer of Light Icon Hammer of Light for free at 50 stacks.

Herald of the Sun Abilities

Ability Description/Effect
Dawnlight Icon Dawnlight Wake of Ashes Icon Wake of Ashes causes your next two Holy Power spenders to also apply an extra DoT to the target. This can also function as a HoT on allies.
Morning Star Icon Morning Star A periodically stacking buff that increases the damage of your next Dawnlight Icon Dawnlight.
Gleaming Rays Icon Gleaming Rays While a Dawnlight Icon Dawnlight is active, the damage of your Holy Power spenders is increased.
Illumine Icon Illumine Enemies with Dawnlight Icon Dawnlight active are slowed, and allies with it have their movement speed increased.
Will of the Dawn Icon Will of the Dawn Your movement speed is increased based on your Health.
Aurora Icon Aurora Gain a free Divine Purpose Icon Divine Purpose buff when Wake of Ashes Icon Wake of Ashes is cast.
Eternal Flame Icon Eternal Flame Replaces Word of Glory Icon Word of Glory. Adds an extra HoT component to it in addition to its regular effect.
Blessing of An'she Icon Blessing of An'she Periodic damage has a chance to increase the damage of your next Hammer of Wrath Icon Hammer of Wrath and allow it to be cast on any target.
Lingering Radiance Icon Lingering Radiance Dawnlight Icon Dawnlight applies a Greater Judgment Icon Greater Judgment debuff when it expires.
Solar Grace Icon Solar Grace Your Haste is increased for each Dawnlight Icon Dawnlight DoT or HoT active.
Luminosity Icon Luminosity Critical Strike chance of Hammer of Wrath Icon Hammer of Wrath and Divine Storm Icon Divine Storm increased.
Sun Sear Icon Sun Sear Critical hits from Hammer of Wrath Icon Hammer of Wrath and Divine Storm Icon Divine Storm apply an additional DoT.
Second Sunrise Icon Second Sunrise When cast, Hammer of Wrath Icon Hammer of Wrath and Divine Storm Icon Divine Storm have a chance to automatically be cast again at reduced damage.
Sun's Avatar Icon Sun's Avatar Extra Dawnlight Icon Dawnlights are applied when Avenging Wrath Icon Avenging Wrath or Crusade Icon Crusade is applied, and you now create damage beams between you and any targets affected by your Dawnlight Icon Dawnlights.

Retribution Paladin Baseline Abilities

Ability Abbreviation Description/Effect
Crusader Strike Icon Crusader Strike CS Deals Physical damage to your target and generates 1 Holy Power.
Judgment Icon Judgment - Deals Holy Damage to your target and generates 1 Holy Power.
Templar's Verdict Icon Templar's Verdict TV Your primary single-target Holy Power spender. It deals Holy damage to your target and costs 3 Holy Power.
Consecration Icon Consecration Cons Places an AoE effect on the ground that does a small amount of damage over 12 seconds. It has a regular limit of 1.
Consecrated Blade Icon Consecrated Blade CB Blade of Justice Icon Blade of Justice also automatically casts Consecration Icon Consecration at your target's location and removes it as an active ability. It has a 10-second internal cooldown.
Divine Shield Icon Divine Shield Bubble Makes you immune to all damage and harmful effects, including loss of control effects for 8 seconds.
Divine Protection Icon Divine Protection DP Reduces all damage you take by 20% for 8 seconds.
Hand of Reckoning Icon Hand of Reckoning - Taunts an enemy, forcing them to attack you.
Instrument of Retribution Icon Instrument of Retribution - Grants 9 seconds of Avenging Wrath Icon Avenging Wrath after a raid member dies within 40 yards.
Sense Undead Icon Sense Undead - Shows the location of all nearby undead on your minimap until cancelled.
Intercession Icon Intercession - Allows you to resurrect an ally during combat.
Redemption Icon Redemption - Your out-of-combat resurrection ability.
Flash of Light Icon Flash of Light FoL A healing spell with a short cast time.
Hammer of Justice Icon Hammer of Justice HoJ Stuns the target for 6-seconds.
Word of Glory Icon Word of Glory WoG Heals a friendly target for a considerable amount. Costs 3 Holy Power.
Shield of the Righteous Icon Shield of the Righteous SotR Deals Holy damage to all enemies in front of you and increases your Armor based on your Strength. It costs 3 Holy Power, but requires a shield equipped to be able to cast it.

Paladin Tree Talent List


Rows 1-4

Ability Abbreviation Description/Effect
Lay on Hands Icon Lay on Hands LoH Heals a friendly target for 100% of your maximum Health.
Auras of the Resolute Icon Auras of the Resolute - Grants access to Devotion Aura Icon Devotion Aura, Crusader Aura Icon Crusader Aura, and Concentration Aura Icon Concentration Aura. Devotion Aura Icon Devotion Aura grants a 3% damage reduction to all party and raid members within 40 yards. Crusader Aura Icon Crusader Aura Grants 20% increased mounted movement speed to all raid members within 40 yards, which also applies to Divine Steed Icon Divine Steed. Concentration Aura Icon Concentration Aura reduces the duration of silence and interrupt effects by 30% for all party and raid members within 40 yards.
Hammer of Wrath Icon Hammer of Wrath HoW Deals Holy damage to the target and generates 1 Holy Power. Useable against targets below 20% Health, or while Avenging Wrath Icon Avenging Wrath is active.
Cleanse Toxins Icon Cleanse Toxins - Removes all Poison and Disease effects from a friendly target.
Empyreal Ward Icon Empyreal Ward - Lay on Hands Icon Lay on Hands grants bonus armor to any ally targeted by it and is not affected by healing reduction effects.
Fist of Justice Icon Fist of Justice FoJ Reduces the cooldown of Hammer of Justice Icon Hammer of Justice by 15 seconds.
Repentance Icon Repentance Rep Incapacitates an enemy for up to 1 minute. Damage will break the effect.
Blinding Light Icon Blinding Light BL Disorients enemies nearby you for up to 6 seconds. Any non-Holy damage will break the effect.
Turn Evil Icon Turn Evil - Fears an Undead, Demon, or Aberration for up to 40 seconds. Damage will break the effect.

A Just Reward Icon A Just Reward

- Allies are healed when Cleanse Toxins Icon Cleanse Toxins removes a harmful effect from them.
Afterimage Icon Afterimage - Word of Glory Icon Word of Glory also heals an additional nearby friendly player for 30% of the healing value after you spend 20 Holy Power.
Healing Hands Icon Healing Hands HH Reduces the cooldown of Lay on Hands Icon Lay on Hands by up to 60%, based on the target's missing Health when cast. Additionally, Word of Glory Icon Word of Glory's healing is increased by up to 100% when used on yourself based on your missing Health.

Divine Steed Icon Divine Steed

Steed Summons your Charger mount for 4 seconds, increasing your movement speed by 100%. You can use abilities as normal while mounted on it.
Light's Countenance Icon Light's Countenance - The cooldowns of Repentance Icon Repentance and Blinding Light Icon Blinding Light are reduced by 15 seconds.
Greater Judgment Icon Greater Judgment GJ Adds a consumable debuff to Judgment Icon Judgment, which increases the damage your target takes from your next Holy Power spender by 20%. This debuff stacks.
Wrench Evil Icon Wrench Evil - The cast time of Turn Evil Icon Turn Evil is removed.
Stand Against Evil Icon Stand Against Evil - Up to 5 additional enemies are affected by Turn Evil Icon Turn Evil.
Holy Reprieve Icon Holy Reprieve - The duration of Forbearance Icon Forbearance is decreased by 10 seconds.
Cavalier Icon Cavalier Cav Adds a second charge to Divine Steed Icon Divine Steed.
Divine Spurs Icon Divine Spurs - Divine Steed Icon Divine Steed has both its cooldown and duration reduced.
Steed of Liberty Icon Steed of Liberty - Using Divine Steed Icon Divine Steed also applies Blessing of Freedom Icon Blessing of Freedom for a short duration.
Blessing of Freedom Icon Blessing of Freedom Freedom Removes movement-impairing effects from an ally and grants them immunity to these effects for 8 seconds.
Rebuke Icon Rebuke - Interrupts a cast and prevents spells in that school from being cast for 3 seconds.

Rows 5-7

Ability Abbreviation Description/Effect
Obduracy Icon Obduracy - Increases your Speed and Avoidance by 2%.
Divine Toll Icon Divine Toll DT Casts Judgment Icon Judgment on up to 5 nearby enemies. Each Judgment Icon Judgment generates 1 Holy Power and deals 100% extra damage.
Unbound Freedom Icon Unbound Freedom - Causes Blessing of Freedom Icon Blessing of Freedom to grant 30% increased movement speed and also be applied to yourself when you cast it on an ally.
Sanctified Plates Icon Sanctified Plates - Grants 20% extra Armor, 6% reduced area of effect damage taken, and 10% extra Stamina.
Punishment Icon Punishment - Casts an extra Crusader Strike Icon Crusader Strike after successfully interrupting a spell with Rebuke Icon Rebuke.
Divine Reach Icon Divine Reach - The range of your Aura spells is increased by 20 yards.
Blessing of Sacrifice Icon Blessing of Sacrifice Sac Lasts 12 seconds, transferring 30% of the damage taken by the target to you. The effect is automatically canceled if the transferred damage causes you to fall below 20% health.
Divine Resonance Icon Divine Resonance DR Divine Toll Icon Divine Toll now also casts Judgment Icon Judgment every 5 seconds for 15 seconds after the initial cast.
Quickened Invocations Icon Quickened Invocations - Reduces the cooldown of Divine Toll Icon Divine Toll by 15 seconds.
Blessing of Protection Icon Blessing of Protection BoP Protects the targeted ally from all Physical damage and harmful effects for 10 seconds, with a 5-minute cooldown. It can be used to clear harmful Physical damage debuffs and bleeds from the target or prevent them from being applied to begin with. Enemies will not attack targets affected by Blessing of Protection Icon Blessing of Protection.
Consecrated Ground Icon Consecrated Ground - Increases the radius of Consecration Icon Consecration by 15% and slows any enemies within it by 50%.
Holy Aegis Icon Holy Aegis - Increases your Armor and Critical Strike by 4%.
Sacrifice of the Just Icon Sacrifice of the Just - Reduces the cooldown of Blessing of Sacrifice Icon Blessing of Sacrifice by 1-minute.
Recompense Icon Recompense - When your Blessing of Sacrifice Icon Blessing of Sacrifice ends, Recompense Icon Recompense adds 50% of the damage transferred to your next Judgment Icon Judgment as bonus damage or to your next Word of Glory Icon Word of Glory as bonus healing.
Sacred Strength Icon Sacred Strength - Increases the damage and healing of your Holy Power spenders by 2%.
Divine Purpose Icon Divine Purpose DP Gives your Holy Power spenders a 10% chance to make your next Holy Power spender free and deal 10% additional damage or healing.
Improved Blessing of Protection Icon Improved Blessing of Protection - Reduces the cooldown of Blessing of Protection Icon Blessing of Protection by 1 minute.
Unbreakable Spirit Icon Unbreakable Spirit US Reduces the cooldown of Divine Shield Icon Divine Shield, Shield of Vengeance Icon Shield of Vengeance, Divine Protection Icon Divine Protection, and Lay on Hands Icon Lay on Hands by 30%.

Rows 8-10

Ability Abbreviation Description/Effect
Lightforged Blessing Icon Lightforged Blessing - Divine Storm Icon Divine Storm heals yourself and up to 2 allies for 1% of their maximum Health.
Lead the Charge Icon Lead the Charge - Movement speed increased by 3%. Casting Divine Steed Icon Divine Steed reduces the cooldowns of nearby allies' movement abilities by 3 seconds.
Worthy Sacrifice Icon Worthy Sacrifice - Blessing of Sacrifice Icon Blessing of Sacrifice is now automatically cast when a nearby ally falls below 35% health.
Righteous Protection Icon Righteous Protection - Blessing of Sacrifice Icon Blessing of Sacrifice removes Disease and Poison effects and prevents them from being applied.
Holy Ritual Icon Holy Ritual - Blessing spells will heal their target when they are either applied or expire.
Blessed Calling Icon Blessed Calling - Blessing spells also provide a 15% movement speed increase while they are active.
Inspired Guard Icon Inspired Guard - Divine Protection Icon Divine Protection increases your healing received by 15%.
Judgment of Light Icon Judgment of Light JoL Judgment Icon Judgment applies a debuff to the target, which makes the next 5 attacks to that target heal the attacker. Any raid member can consume this debuff to heal themselves.
Faith's Armor Icon Faith's Armor - Word of Glory Icon Word of Glory grants 20% bonus Armor for 4.5 seconds.
Stoicism Icon Stoicism - The duration of Stun effects is reduced by 20%.
Seal of Might Icon Seal of Might - Increases your Mastery and Strength by 4%.
Seal of the Crusader Icon Seal of the Crusader - Your auto attacks heal a nearby ally.
Vengeful Wrath Icon Vengeful Wrath VW Hammer of Wrath Icon Hammer of Wrath deals 60% extra damage to enemies below 35% health.
Eye for an Eye Icon Eye for an Eye - Enemies attacking you while Divine Protection Icon Divine Protection or Divine Shield Icon Divine Shield is active take Holy damage.
Golden Path Icon Golden Path - Adds a passive healing effect to Consecration Icon Consecration for yourself and up to 5 allies standing within your consecrated ground.
Selfless Healer Icon Selfless Healer - When you use Flash of Light Icon Flash of Light on an ally its healing is increased and it heals you as well.
Lightbearer Icon Lightbearer - 10% of the healing you receive from external sources is also split among nearby allies.
Light's Revocation Icon Light's Revocation - Divine Shield Icon Divine Shield can be used while Forbearance Icon Forbearance is active and it heals you if it removes harmful effects.
Of Dusk and Dawn Icon Of Dusk and Dawn DaD Blessing of Dawn Icon Blessing of Dawn triggers when you use 3 Holy Power generating abilities and buffs your next Holy Power spender by 30%. Blessing of Dusk Icon Blessing of Dusk triggers when you consume Blessing of Dawn Icon Blessing of Dawn and grants a 4% damage reduction for 10 seconds.

Retribution Tree Talent List


Rows 1-4

Ability Abbreviation Description/Effect
Blade of Justice Icon Blade of Justice BoJ Deals Holy damage to the target and generates 1 Holy Power.
Divine Storm Icon Divine Storm DS Deals Holy damage to nearby enemies. Costs 3 Holy Power. Divine Storm Icon Divine Storm deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets.
Swift Justice Icon Swift Justice - Reduces the cooldowns of Judgment Icon Judgment and Crusader Strike Icon Crusader Strike by 2 seconds.
Light of Justice Icon Light of Justice - Reduces the cooldown of Blade of Justice Icon Blade of Justice by 2 seconds.
Expurgation Icon Expurgation Expurg Blade of Justice Icon Blade of Justice applies a debuff that deals additional Holy damage over 9 seconds.
Judgment of Justice Icon Judgment of Justice - Judgment Icon Judgment deals 10% additional damage and increases your movement speed by 10%. It also slows the target by 30% for 8 seconds if Greater Judgment Icon Greater Judgment is talented.
Improved Blade of Justice Icon Improved Blade of Justice - Blade of Justice Icon Blade of Justice gains a second charge.
Holy Blade Icon Holy Blade - Blade of Justice Icon Blade of Justice generates 2 Holy Power per cast.
Final Verdict Icon Final Verdict FV Replaces Templar's Verdict Icon Templar's Verdict. It does increased damage, has a 12-yard range, and has a 15% chance to reset the cooldown of Hammer of Wrath Icon Hammer of Wrath and allow it to be cast on any target regardless of their Health.
Justicar's Vengeance Icon Justicar's Vengeance JV Replaces Templar's Verdict Icon Templar's Verdict. Heals you for 3% of your maximum Health per cast, and its damage is increased by 25% against stunned targets.
Light's Celerity Icon Light's Celerity - Removes the cast time of Flash of Light Icon Flash of Light and buffs its healing by 20%, but it now has a 6 second cooldown.
Guided Prayer Icon Guided Prayer - Automatically casts a free Word of Glory Icon Word of Glory at 60% strength if you drop below 25% Health, with a 1-minute internal cooldown.
Righteous Cause Icon Righteous Cause - Spending Holy Power has a 6% chance to reset the cooldown of Blade of Justice Icon Blade of Justice per Holy Power.
Art of War Icon Art of War AoW Your auto attacks have a 20% chance to reset the cooldown of Blade of Justice Icon Blade of Justice. Critical strikes increase this chance by 10%.

Rows 5-7

Ability Abbreviation Description/Effect
Jurisdiction Icon Jurisdiction - The range of Final Verdict Icon Final Verdict and Blade of Justice Icon Blade of Justice is increased to 20 yards, and their damage is increased by 10%.
Inquisitor's Ire Icon Inquisitor's Ire - Provides a stacking buff that stacks once every 2 seconds, with a maximum of 10 stacks, that each increase the damage of Divine Storm Icon Divine Storm by 5%.
Tempest of the Lightbringer Icon Tempest of the Lightbringer ToL Divine Storm Icon Divine Storm projects an additional wave in front of you that deals 20% of the Divine Storm Icon Divine Storm's base damage.
Avenging Wrath: Might Icon Avenging Wrath: Might Might Combines with Avenging Wrath Icon Avenging Wrath. In addition to the 20% damage and healing from Avenging Wrath Icon Avenging Wrath, Avenging Wrath: Might Icon Avenging Wrath: Might also adds 20% critical strike chance.
Crusade Icon Crusade Crus Replaces Avenging Wrath Icon Avenging Wrath. It provides a stacking buff for 27 seconds, up to 10 stacks, which each provide 3% increased damage and Haste. You gain one stack for each Holy Power spent.
Vanguard's Momentum Icon Vanguard's Momentum VM Hammer of Wrath Icon Hammer of Wrath gains a second charge. Additionally, it also generates an extra Holy Power when cast on enemies below 20% Health.
Sanctify Icon Sanctify - Enemies dealt damage by Divine Storm Icon Divine Storm take 20% more damage from Consecration Icon Consecration and Divine Hammer Icon Divine Hammer for 12 seconds.
Zealot's Fervor Icon Zealot's Fervor ZF Increases auto-attack speed by 40%.
Rush of Light Icon Rush of Light RoL Critical hits by your single target Holy Power spenders grant 5% Haste for 10 seconds.
Improved Judgment Icon Improved Judgment - Judgment Icon Judgment gains a second charge.
Boundless Judgment Icon Boundless Judgment - Judgment Icon Judgment generates 2 Holy Power per cast and is 50% more likely to trigger Mastery: Highlord's Judgment Icon Mastery: Highlord's Judgment.
Crusading Strikes Icon Crusading Strikes CSAA Replaces your auto-attacks with Crusader Strike Icon Crusader Strikes. Every second hit generates 1 Holy Power.
Templar Strikes Icon Templar Strikes TS Crusader Strike Icon Crusader Strike becomes a 2-part combo. After casting Templar Strikes Icon Templar Strikes, you have 4 seconds to use Templar Slash Icon Templar Slash, which applies a DoT based on the damage done.
Divine Wrath Icon Divine Wrath DW Increases the duration of Avenging Wrath Icon Avenging Wrath by 3 seconds.
Divine Hammer Icon Divine Hammer DH Divine Hammer Icon Divine Hammer costs 3 Holy Power to deal AoE Holy Damage over 8 seconds. This duration is increased when Holy Power spenders are used.
Blade of Vengeance Icon Blade of Vengeance BoV Blade of Justice Icon Blade of Justice now hits all nearby enemies but deals reduced damage to secondary targets. Its damage is further reduced beyond 5 targets.
Holy Flames Icon Holy Flames HF Divine Storm Icon Divine Storm deals 10% extra damage and spreads any active Expurgation Icon Expurgation DoT to additional enemies. Holy damage dealt to targets with Expurgation Icon Expurgation active is also increased by 3%.
Empyrean Legacy Icon Empyrean Legacy EL Judgment Icon Judgment empowers your next Templar's Verdict Icon Templar's Verdict to also automatically cast Divine Storm Icon Divine Storm with 25% increased damage. This effect can only occur once every 20 seconds.
Heart of the Crusader Icon Heart of the Crusader HotC Increases your Crusader Strike Icon Crusader Strike and auto-attack damage and Critical Strike damage by 20%.
Highlord's Wrath Icon Highlord's Wrath HJ Judgment Icon Judgment applies an extra stack of Greater Judgment Icon Greater Judgment and the effectiveness of Mastery: Highlord's Judgment Icon Mastery: Highlord's Judgment on Judgment Icon Judgment and Hammer of Wrath Icon Hammer of Wrath is increased by 50%.
Wake of Ashes Icon Wake of Ashes WoA/Wake Deals Radiant damage to targets in a cone in front of you, slowing them by 50%, applying a DoT, and generating 3 Holy Power. Instead of slowing Demons and Undead, they are stunned for 5 seconds.
Blessed Champion Icon Blessed Champion BC Crusader Strike Icon Crusader Strike and Judgment Icon Judgment hit up to 4 additional targets, with 50% reduced damage dealt to secondary targets.
Empyrean Power Icon Empyrean Power EP Crusader Strike Icon Crusader Strike has a 15% chance to make your next cast of Divine Storm Icon Divine Storm free and deal 15% extra damage. This chance drops to 5% when using Crusading Strikes Icon Crusading Strikes.
Judge, Jury and Executioner Icon Judge, Jury and Executioner - Holy Power generators have a chance to cause your next single-target Holy Power spender to hit up to 3 additional targets at 80% effectiveness.

Rows 8-10

Ability Abbreviation Description/Effect
Adjudication Icon Adjudication - Increases Critical Strike damage by 5% for all abilities and lets Hammer of Wrath Icon Hammer of Wrath also proc the additional damage from Mastery: Highlord's Judgment Icon Mastery: Highlord's Judgment.
Aegis of Protection Icon Aegis of Protection - Divine Protection Icon Divine Protection provides 20% additional damage reduction.
Shield of Vengeance Icon Shield of Vengeance SoV Grants you a 10-second damage absorption shield that absorbs up to 30% of your maximum Health. It explodes when it is consumed by damage or when it expires, dealing the absorbed amount as Holy damage divided between all enemies within 8 yards. It has a 90-second cooldown and a 0.75-second global cooldown.
Penitence Icon Penitence - Increases the damage of your periodic damage effects, e.g. Expurgation Icon Expurgation and Truth's Wake Icon Truth's Wake, by 10%.
Blades of Light Icon Blades of Light BoL Crusader Strike Icon Crusader Strike, Judgment Icon Judgment, Hammer of Wrath Icon Hammer of Wrath, and your single-target Holy Power spenders now deal Holystrike damage. Your Holystrike abilities deal 5% increased damage.
Final Reckoning Icon Final Reckoning FR A targeted AoE damage effect with a 1-minute cooldown, 30-yard range, and an 8-yard radius. It does Holy damage to targets hit and applies a debuff that increases damage taken by your single-target Holy Power spenders by 30% and other Holy Power spenders by 15% for 12 seconds.
Execution Sentence Icon Execution Sentence ES A 30-second cooldown that applies a debuff to the target for 8 seconds. When it expires, it deals an additional 20% of the damage your abilities did to the target during that 8-second window.
Seething Flames Icon Seething Flames - Wake of Ashes Icon Wake of Ashes hits 2 extra times but now deals reduced damage to secondary targets.
Burning Crusade Icon Burning Crusade BC Divine Storm Icon Divine Storm, Divine Hammer Icon Divine Hammer, and Consecration Icon Consecration now deal Radiant damage and damage dealt by Radiant damage abilities is increased by 5%.
Divine Arbiter Icon Divine Arbiter DA Casting Holystrike abilities and procs from Mastery: Highlord's Judgment Icon Mastery: Highlord's Judgment now generate stacks of Divine Arbiter Icon Divine Arbiter, which you can consume at 25 stacks by casting a single-target Holy Power spender for a large single-target damage proc with some additional cleave damage.
Executioner's Will Icon Executioner's Will EW Increases the duration of Final Reckoning Icon Final Reckoning and Execution Sentence Icon Execution Sentence's debuffs by 4 seconds.
Divine Auxiliary Icon Divine Auxiliary - You gain 3 Holy Power when you cast Final Reckoning Icon Final Reckoning or Execution Sentence Icon Execution Sentence.
Radiant Glory Icon Radiant Glory RG Avenging Wrath Icon Avenging Wrath is removed as an active ability and is instead automatically applied for 8 seconds when Wake of Ashes Icon Wake of Ashes is cast, and also has a chance to be applied for 4 seconds when Holy Power is spent.
Burn to Ash Icon Burn to Ash - Truth's Wake Icon Truth's Wake critical hits extend its duration, and other periodic effects deal 30% more damage to enemies affected by it.
Searing Light Icon Searing Light SL Dealing Radiant damage and procs from Mastery: Highlord's Judgment Icon Mastery: Highlord's Judgment have a chance to cause an additional explosion of Radiant damage at your target's location, leaving behind a Consecration Icon Consecration.


  • 24 Feb. 2025: Updated for Patch 11.1.
  • 15 Dec. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 11.0.7.
  • 21 Oct. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.5.
  • 09 Sep. 2024: Reviewed for The War Within Season 1.
  • 21 Aug. 2024: Updated for The War Within.
  • 23 Jul. 2024: Updated for The War Within pre-patch.
  • 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 22 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 4.
  • 19 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.5.
  • 06 Nov. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.2.
  • 04 Sep. 2023: Updated formatting and ability descriptions for Patch 10.1.7.
  • 10 Jul. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.5.
  • 01 May 2023: Updated for Patch 10.1.
  • 05 Apr. 2023: Updated various descriptions for latest hotfixes.
  • 21 Mar. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.0.7.
  • 24 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
  • 17 Jan. 2023: Shield of Vengeance now has a 90-second cooldown.
  • 11 Dec. 2022: Seal of the Crusader no longer affects allies.
  • 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch.
  • 24 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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