Retribution Paladin Torghast Guide and Best Anima Powers — Dragonflight 10.2.5
On this page, we tell you all you need to know to prepare your Retribution Paladin before entering Torghast and then how to pick up the right Anima Powers once you are inside!
Torghast as a Retribution Paladin
This page will guide you on how to get the most out of your Retribution Paladin in Torghast, Tower of the Damned. For more information about Torghast, check out our dedicated pages below.
Best Retribution Paladin Setup for Torghast, Tower of the Damned
You can easily import the talent tree below into the game with the following string:
Best Retribution Paladin Anima Powers
Throughout Torghast, you will acquire Anima Powers. These will be multiple choice windows and each of these will increase your power in Torghast in some capacity. Some choices however will be better than others for your current situation within Torghast.
Below is a ranked tier list to help you get the most out of your Anima Powers. This Tier List assumes that the powers are the same level.
Torghast is meant to be flexible and fun, so these are purely recommendations in case you need some direction.
If you want a complete list of Anima Powers available to Paladin, please refer to the pages linked below.
Great Anima Powers for Retribution Paladin
Golden Plume
Badge of the Mad Paragon
Ring of Unburdening
Coldheart Plume
Ancient Writ of Order
Gavel of True Judgment (works on bosses)
Mark of Conk-quest
Small Smooth Spike
Shard of Milkglass (only very useful in solo play)
Good Anima Powers for Retribution Paladin
Faintly Glowing Ember
Shattered Gauntlet
Blood Beacon
Winged Medallion
Radiant Essence
Soulforged Censer
Of Dusk and Dawn
Words of Incomprehensible Glory
Pendrake's Shattered Aegis (only useful in group play)
Soulsteel Hasp
Soul-Touched Spurs
Soul-Touched Reins
Vestige of Hope
Average Anima Powers for Retribution Paladin
Theory of Justice
Pendrake's Locket (only useful in group play)
Pendrake's Brooch (only useful in group play)
Thread of Beads
Pendrake's Visor
Defiled Prayer Beads
Lists of all Paladin Anima Powers can be found below.
Phantasma Anima Powers for Retribution Paladin
Occasionally, you will be offered the ability to get Phantasma
instead of an Anima Power, or increases to your Phantasma generation. It is
hard to evaluate the Anima Powers you can then purchase with Phantasma,
but they are generally better than the "Average" Anima powers.
Retribution Paladin Playstyle for Torghast
Retribution Paladin is a great choice for Torghast, because we can rely on our strong burst cooldowns, incredible self-heal, and other utility to beat any difficult situation you might face in Torghast. Some additional Torghast tips can be found below.
- Use line of sight to force enemy casters to get into your meele range, so you can cleave them down with the rest.
- Use
Blinding Light, and
Hammer of Justice to actively to interrupt or crowd control dangerous enemies.
- Use
Hand of Reckoning to pull additional enemies if you your other long range abilities are on cooldown.
- Use the perks you pick up on the way as they are incredibly valuable.
Best Torghast Legendaries for Retribution Paladin
Use one of these Legendary Powers along with you Covenant Legendary effect
from Unity, assuming
you have unlocked it:
Stable Phantasma Lure
Conduit-specific information for Retribution Paladin in Torghast
The most important Conduit for playing Torghast solo is the Endurance
Conduit Shielding Words, which will drastically increase your sustain in
combination with the recommended
Healing Hands talent.
The Finesse Conduit Light's Barding, greatly synergizes with the
Anima Powers
Soul-Touched Reins and
Soul-Touched Spurs. With
Divine Steed upgrades, your tower climbing experience in Torghast
will be a bit less miserable.
Covenant-specific information for Retribution Paladin in Torghast
- Use
Ashen Hallow after gathering up multiple enemies to cleave them down quickly while also healing yourself.
- The
Door of Shadows teleport is very useful to skip enemies you do not want to fight, or to cross traps safely. You also can use it to get on terrain you otherwise would not be able to get to, as long as it is within your line of sight.
All the Venthyr-specific Anima Powers are bad, but here you can see which one is the worst and best of them.
Hallowed Silverglass triggers another
Ashen Hallow tick when using
Judgment or
Hammer of Justice.
Hallowed Candle increases the damage of
Ashen Hallow against 3 or less enemies.
Undead Bone Ash grants
Hammer of Wrath the effect of reducing the cooldown of
Ashen Hallow.
- Get
Phial of Serenity via
Summon Steward whenever possible.
Summon Steward allows you to change talents at all times in Torghast.
Here are the best and worst Kyrian-specific Anima Powers.
Ember of the Carillon reduces the cooldown of
Divine Toll by 10 seconds. This is particularly strong when playing the Forgelite Prime Mikanikos Soulbind, once you have unlocked the
Effusive Anima Accelerator trait.
Belt of the Mawsworn Avenger grants
Avenging Wrath the effect of casting
Divine Toll at the start and end of its duration. Get this Anima Power if possible.
Big Clapper grants
Divine Toll the effect of stunning enemies within 30 yards for 3 seconds.
Night Fae
- Make good use of your
Soulshape to move around Torghast.
- Remember to keep your
Blessing of the Seasons buff rotating between packs.
Here are best and worst Night Fae-specific Anima Powers.
Pristine Fallen Leaf increases the duration of
Blessing of Autumn by 100%.
Dried Fire Flower increases the damage from
Blessing of Summer by 100%.
Calibrated Sextant gives you a secondary stat buff depending on the season you cast.
Blessing of Summer grants a 300 Critical Strike buff.
Blessing of Autumn grants a 300 Haste buff.
Blessing of Winter grants a 300 Versatility buff.
Blessing of Spring grants a 300 Mastery buff.
- Use
Fleshcraft between packs.
Here are the best and worst Necrolord-specific Anima Powers.
Tome of the Vanquished triggers an additional
Divine Storm after casting a
Templar's Verdict with the
Vanquisher's Hammer buff.
Darkened Ember causes
Vanquisher's Hammer to generate 2 Holy Power.
Worn Leather Strap reduces the cooldown of
Vanquisher's Hammer by 3 seconds.
- 24 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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This guide has been written by Urthearso, theorycrafter for Retribution Paladins. If you have any questions about the spec you can reach him on the official Paladin Discord, on Twitter, and during his streams on Twitch.
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