Rik Reverb Raid Guide in Liberation of Undermine

Last updated Today at 16:23 by Panthea 1 comment

On this page you will find both a short and full written guide for the Rik Reverb encounter in the Liberation of Undermine raid. Read on to learn everything you need to know to take on Rik Reverb.


Rik Reverb Raid Guide

Quick TLDR Guide Strategy Guide: Full Guide Mythic Strategy

Quick TLDR Guide


Boss Phase:

  • Tanks: Don't face the boss towards other players.
  • Tanks: Swap after 5 stacks of Sonic Blast Icon Sonic Blast / Tinnitus Icon Tinnitus.
  • Keep the boss away from Amplifiers as they will gain more energy is the boss is within 15 yards.
  • Keep the Amplifiers drained of energy.
  • Heroic: You now take 100% increased damage if you drain an amplifier multiple times within 45 seconds. Use a 2 person rotation on each one. Tanks can solo an Amplifier while they are not tanking the boss.
  • Aim Sound Cannon Icon Sound Cannon away from other players.
  • Spread out with Faulty Zap Icon Faulty Zap.
  • Avoid being hit by Resonant Echoes Icon Resonant Echoes waves.
  • Healers: Each amplifier deals raid wide ticking damage. At the end of the Phase there will be 5 active.
  • Heroic: Pyrotechnics need to be killed before they detonate.


  • The boss takes 99% less damage during this phase.
  • Avoid being hit by Resonant Echoes Icon Resonant Echoes waves.
  • Run to the Amplifier that is Haywire Icon Haywire as this will knock you over the Blaring Drop Icon Blaring Drop wave.
  • Healers: Amplifiers going Haywire Icon Haywire deals large amounts of unavoidable raid damage.

Strategy Guide: Full Guide

This boss rotates through two phases, one where you are fighting the boss and keeping the Amplifiers from going Haywire Icon Haywire, and the intermission where you will use the Amplifiers to not be killed by the boss.


Boss Phase:

  • Tanks:Boss Positioning:
    1. The auto attack on this boss is a frontal Sonic Blast Icon Sonic Blast. This applies a stacking debuff increasing damage taken for 10 seconds. This roughly equates to a 4-6 stack swap.
    2. Amplifiers will spawn in pairs. One on the boss and one on a random Ranged player. Move the boss to a new location after each set spawns.
    3. If the boss is within 15 yards of an Amplifier it will gain energy faster.
Amplifiers spawning
  • Amplifiers:
    1. Ranged DPS/Healers: One of the two amplifiers will be baited on your location. Ensure it is not too close to other amplifiers.
    2. Your goal in this phase is to make sure the amplifiers do not reach full energy. You can drain the energy of an amplifier by right clicking on it.
    3. While you are draining the Amplifier your character will rotate towards it.
    4. Shortly after the boss casts Echoing Chant Icon Echoing Chant Resonant Echoes Icon Resonant Echoes, discs will fire from all amplifiers. Try to drain amplifiers before this begins as it will be very difficult to drain an amplifier while these discs are in play.
    5. Healers: Each amplifier deals raid wide ticking damage with Noise Pollution Icon Noise Pollution. This means as the phase goes on the raid will require more and more healing.
    6. Full Energy: If any Amplifier reaches full energy it will go Haywire Icon Haywire, dealing large amounts of raid damage and firing additional Resonant Echoes Icon Resonant Echoes discs.
  • Faulty Zap Icon Faulty Zap will spawn around several players. These players just need to spread out. Nothing too special here.
  • Sound Cannon Icon Sound Cannon will pick a player and fire a beam on them after a few seconds. Move away from other players and ensure it only hits you.


  • The boss takes 99% less damage during this phase. Focus on getting to the Amplifier which is currently Haywire Icon Haywire. This Amplifier will have a ring on the floor around it.
  • The boss will fire waves of Blaring Drop Icon Blaring Drop from their location. This is very similar to the Phase 1 mechanic on Queen Ansurek where you will need to use the mechanics of the phase to jump over the wave.
  • As the wave approaches the amplifier which is Haywire Icon Haywire it will detonate automatically with Blowout! Icon Blowout! and give you immunity to the Blaring Drop Icon Blaring Drop for that cast.
  • When you get knocked in the air you will be knocked away from the centre of the amplifier. Try to not get knocked away from other amplifiers.
  • While all of this is happening the Amplifiers which are not due to detonate will be firing Resonant Echoes Icon Resonant Echoes discs. Avoid these!
  • This will repeat until 4 amplifiers are destroyed before returning to the Boss Phase.
Getting bounced over a wave in the intermission

Heroic Changes:

  • Heroic: Pyrotechnics need to be killed before they detonate. Attacking the Pyrotechnics will give you stacks of Excitement Icon Excitement increasing your movement speed and haste.
  • Heroic: You now take 100% increased damage if you drain an amplifier multiple times within 45 seconds. Use a 2 person rotation on each one. Tanks can solo an Amplifier while they are not tanking the boss.

Mythic Strategy

Currently, this tab will only contain information on what changes on Mythic. A more robust strategy will be added after the raid goes live.


Mythic Changes:

  • Players hit by multiple Resonant Echoes Icon Resonant Echoes in 6 seconds will become mind controlled for 1 minute and slowly walk towards the boss.
  • All Amplifiers will have a Feedback Nullifier Icon Feedback Nullifier shield around them, preventing them from being drained.
  • Several players will recieve Faulty Zap Icon Faulty Zap for 12 seconds. If two players run into an Amplifier with this it will destroy the shield and deal raid wide damage.


  • 03 Mar. 2025: Guide added.
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