Secrets of Azeroth Guide (All Clues Updated Daily)
Secrets of Azeroth is a non-recurring detective event where players uncover who is behind a recent string of artifact thefts through a variety of daily clues. The following guides provides you with the latest clues and rewards you can get.
The following guide is a work-in-progress and will be updated with more information when the event starts on live servers.
Secrets of Azeroth Start and End Dates
The event is available from August 31 through September 13 on live servers.
Secrets of Azeroth Availiability
The event is not planned as a regularly occurring holiday, according to Blizzard, but there may be more secrets to uncover in the future.
Secrets of Azeroth Catch-Up
You do not need to play the game every single day to earn all rewards.
What's the Goal of the Holiday?
The main goal of the community event is to uncover a total of 15 clues in the game by finding various treasures (Buried Satchels) in dirt mounts.
Secrets of Azeroth Clues
Each day at 3pm Pacific time (US) or 10 pm CET (EU), a new clue will be uncovered
that grants progress toward the event's meta-achievement called Whodunnit?.
The final clue will be uncovered on September 13. We will be updating this section with details pertaining to all clues when they are known.
Clues: Day 1
Talk to Preservationist Kathos in the Roasted Inn of Valdrakken and accept the Preserving Rarities quest. Talk to the quest giver again, and he will give you some quest items. Talk to Inkeeper Tithris, who will have a new dialog option available. He will send you to the Bank of Valdrakken, where you must place a chalice. As you enter the bank, turn left, and you will see the location where the chalice must be placed.
Head back to Preservationist Kathos to turn in the quest.
Kathos will give you the next item — Tuskarr Ceremonial Spear. You
must head to Iskaara. Talk to Elder Poa who will tell you the spear is actually
from Northrend.
Next, you must head to Moa'ki Harbor in Northrend (Dragonblight). Here,
speak to Elder Ko'nani who will send you to Borean Tundra (33.5 58.2). Place
the spear near the statue and you will receive the The Inquisitive achievement.
Clues: Day 2
Pick up A Secretive Contact from Bobby Carlisle in the Valdrakken Inn. The quest giver will give you some Thinking Cap Notes that hint at 3 items you need to deliver to Fangli Hoot.
The first item is the Thought Calculating Apparatus. To receive the item, you
must speak to Cooking Trainer Erugosa inside Valdrakken Inn to get an item called
Thunderspine Nest Shopping List. Pick up 5
Apexis Asiago at Gorgonzormu,
the Cheese Vendor in Valdrakken at 30, 65.
You must get 5 Thunderspine Tenders from the Meat Vendor in Ohn'ahran Plains
at 85, 23 and 5
Latticed Stinkhorn from Sniktak in Loamm at 54, 56.
Once you have all 3, return to Erugosa who will give you Thunderspine Nest Shopping List.
Bring the nest to the Engineering Trainer Clinkyclick Shatterboom in Valdrakken
and he will give you the Thought Calculating Apparatus. Now you need visit the waters
just below Valdrakken to loot
Fresh Tyranha from the fish at 36, 70.
Feed the tyranhas to the Gryffin near the Engineering Trainer at 42, 49 in Valdrakken
to receive the Downy Helmet Liner.
Visit Shakey Flatlap at 39, 62 in Valdrakken. He will make you the
Crystal Ocular Lenses when you either pay 1,000 gold or pay his tab at the bar.
We recommend you to pay his tab because it is just 346 gold compared to the 1,000 gold.
Head back to Valdrakken Inn, bow to the statue, enter the bar and talk to Kritha to
pay his tab. Now head back to Shakey Flatlap to receive the lenses.
Now you have all 3 items and should head to Fangli Hoot at 26, 54 in Valdrakken
to combine them by clicking on them in your inventory. This will make you receive the
Unfinished Thinking Cap quest which rewards the Tricked-Out Thinking Cap toy.
Use the quest to receive a new quest from Fangli Hoot who will tell you to follow his arrows.
The first arrow is above Fangli Hoot. The second arrow can be found at the Whelp Daycare. The third one is found at the Artisan's Market next to the Leatherworking Supplies vendor. The fourth arrow is at the Jeweler's bench. The fifth one is near the Alchemy bench. The sixth arrow is found at the roof of the Auction House. The seventh arrow is located by the stairs near the Blacksmith. The eighth arrow is found to your left when you enter the Seat of Aspects at 55, 43. The final arrow can be found at the Emerald Enclave (63, 56).
All you have to do now is return to Fangli Hoot and you are done.
Clues: Day 3
Pick An Inside Job? from Bobby Carlisle in the Valdrakken Inn. Go to Fangli Hoot
at 26, 54 who will give you Fangli's Note and
Copied Artifact Storage Key.
Visit the second floor of the building and reach the room with the big bed. Just behind it
you will find a chest with a Maruuk Burial Banner.
The item will give you a quest that you must turn in at 63, 73 in Valdrakken by talking to "Appraiser" Sazsel Stickyfingers.
Now head back to the room where you looted the banner from the chest behind the bed to return the banner.
Return to Fangli Hoot and that is it.
Clues: Day 4
The fourth clue starts at Tithris in the Valdrakken Inn who gives you the
Securing an Artifact quest. This will give you
the Preservationist's Dispatch item.
Go to 56, 24 in the Waking Shores. You must pull 3 levers in the area.
- The first one is at 56, 20.
- The second lever can be found at 58, 24.
- The third one is at 57, 25.
Head to 55, 20. Inside the building, you will find the
Torch of Pyrreth. Loot the quest item to receive
Artifact Secured and return it to Preservationist Kathos
in Valdrakken who will give you the Torch of Pyrreth toy.
Learn the toy and go to the Ruby Enclave at 58, 23. Use the toy in the room near
58, 23 to receive a buff and loot the Enchanted Box to your left. It contains
Kathos' Field Glasses. Return to Kathos to hand in the quest.
Clues: Day 5
Bobby Carlisle inside the Valdrakken Inn will give you A Chilling Ascent
and the The Clerk's Notes item.
Go to Vakthros at 79, 32, and click the Unveiled Tablet. Return to Bobby in Valdrakken to complete the quest.
Clues: Day 6
Equip the Torch of Pyrreth toy and pick Idol Searching from Tithris
in the Valdrakken Inn.
Go to Ohn'ahran Plains where you must light three braziers using the torch.
- The first is at 35, 66.
- The second 32, 68.
- The third one is at 31, 71.
Go to the building inside Terrokai at 40, 59 to light up the fourth brazier.
Loot the Idol of Ohn'ahra quest item and go back to Kathos in Valdrakken to receive
the Idol of Ohn'ahra toy.
At this point, you will receive the Tools of the Trade achievement.
Kathos will now give you Using the Idol. Learn the toy and use it to find 3 gems inside Valdrakken. Follow the eye beam of the idol until you find all 3 gems.
Clues: Day 7
Talk to Preservationist Kathos at the Valdrakken Inn to receive Into the Sands.
Go to the Temporal Conflux in Valdrakken and use the Idol of Ohn'ahra toy
to find 3 Time-Lost Relics using the eye beam.
- The first relic is at 59, 78.
- The second relic is at 59, 78.
- The third relic is at 59, 79.
Use all 3 fragments to combine them into a tablet and head back to Kathos in Valdrakken.
Clues: Day 8
The secret starts at Bobby Carlisle who will give you A Key Story.
Go to Weaponsmith Koref at 36, 52. Then, head back to 64, 57 in Ohn'ahran Plains,
use your Torch of Pyrreth and click the Hastily Scrawled Stone.
Equip your Thinking Cap and go to 63, 57 to loot an Ancient Key Mold.
This will give you the Titan Key Mold that you must bring to Weaponsmith
Koref in Valdrakken.
Clues: Day 9
Accept Reforging a Legend from Bobby Carlisle in the Valdrakken Inn.
Go to Weaponsmith Koref at 36, 52 who will give you Titan Key Materials List.
Go to the Waking Shores at 48, 47 and use your idol to point you to Dusty Red
Pellets that contain Rose Gold Dust. You must collect 50 pieces.
Head to 39, 43 and 22, 77 in the Waking Shores to loot 8 Igneous Flux.
When you have both ingredients go to 24, 61, use your
Torch of Pyrreth and talk to Weaponsmith Koref who will give you a quest for the
Titan Key. Reforging it will give you the
Tyr's Titan Key weapon appearance.
Clues: Day 10
Pick up A Proper Burial from Preservationist Kathos at the Valdrakken Inn.
You will receive a Maruuk Burial Banner. Take it to Ohn'ahran Plains at 63, 41
and talk to Sansok Khan. You will receive Ishtar Rethon's Burial Banner.
Take it to Jhara at 81, 59 in Ohn'ahran Plains. Jhara will give you the
The Path of Ishtaar Drawing. Go to 84, 48, and use the eye beam provided by
Idol of Ohn'ahra to find the Aged Marker. The second marker
can be found at the highest point of a cave at 78, 83. The third one is at
60, 64. The fourth marker is at 32, 70. Enter the second room to your left to
find it. The fifth marker is at 43, 48, but you must use the
Torch of Pyrreth
first to loot it.
Enter the Deadsnare Caverns. Turn right and up the platform, where you will find the place to plant the banner (43, 51).
Clues: Day 11
Pick A Special Book from Bobby Carlisle at the Valdrakken Inn. Go to Old Karazhan (not the Legion version) in Deadwing Pass. You must defeat Moroes, the Opera, and the Curator, to reach the Library.
Here, use the Idol of Ohn'ahra's eye beam to locate 4 books. Return to
Valdrakken to turn in the quest.
Clues: Day 12
Go to the Valdrakken Inn and talk to Bobby Carlisle to accept They Are Always Listening. Speak to Fangli Hoot near the Valdrakken Barber Shop at 26, 54.
To complete the quest, you must find six notes scattered across Valdrakken.
You can use the Idol of Ohn'ahra to locate them.
- The first one is in the Auction House at 44, 60.
- The second note is at 74, 57 near the Transmogrifier.
- The third note is found at 53, 28.
- The fourth note is found at 38, 37.
- The fifth can be found at 32, 70.
- For the sixth note, enter the Valdrakken Inn and bow to the statue to enter the secret room. On the left side of the room, the note can be found on the crates.
Return to Fangli Hoot and you are done for the day.
Clues: Day 13
Talk to the Valdrakken Inn Innkeeper to receive your clue. To create the orb, you will need to gather fragments from 3 caves in Thaldraszus.
- Head to 47, 78 and use your
Idol of Ohn'ahra and
Torch of Pyrreth to find the clue on the wall, which will give you coords for your first orb piece. Go to 46, 80 to find the first piece.
- The next cave is found at 50, 80 and the orb can be found at the left side of
the cave, but keep in mind you need to use your
Torch of Pyrreth to see it. Go to 40, 80 to find the second orb piece.
- Clue for the third piece can be found at 49, 78. The clue is located at 49, 76. Do not forget to equip your torch to find it. The final piece can be found at 50,78.
Click the three orbs in your inventory to combine them to create
Orb of Rathmus and return to the Valdrakken Innkeeper.
Clues: Day 14
Pick up the final quest from Preservationist Kathos in Valdrakken called A Treacherous Race.
Use your Torch of Pyrreth to light up 8 orbs that the keeper statues are
holding around Tyrhold. The statues are located in a circle, and flying near the
orbs while having the torch equipped will suffice.
Head to Keeper Tyr at 61, 59 and look at his golden visage on the wall to gain
his approval and receive the Tyr's Favor buff, which will turn mobs
friendly in Tyrhold.
Fly down until you reach the lower plateau of Tyrhold where you will need to
gather 4 artifacts located in circular rooms around the outer edge of the platform.
Use the Idol of Ohn'ahra to locate artifact fragments. When you loot
all fragments, combine them into the artifacts. Make sure you are on the correct
floor when searching for the fragments.
Now you must place the artifacts in the following relays:
- 59, 57;
- 60, 61;
- 61, 62;
- 61, 55.
Head to the platform above Keeper Tyr at 60, 59 to locate a console with the An Ominous Artifact quest. Click the orb again and pick the available dialogue option.
This will make an NPC spawn that you must kill to loot Orb of Rathmus.
Put the orb back to its place where you picked up the quest. This will make
a Cache of Cosmic Mysteries to spawn. Secure the artifact and return
to Preservationist Kathos to receive the
Whodunnit? achievement.
Secret of Azeroth Trading Post Activities
In September, players can earn up to 300 Trader's Tender from Trading Post activities tied to Secrets of Azeroth.
The activity requires you to complete 1/3/7 Secrets of Azeroth quests or discover related secrets between September 1-13.
Secrets of Azeroth Rewards
Secrets of Azeroth offers many rewards including cosmetic deerhunter caps, a mount, battle pet, cosmetic weapons, and a toy.
The Inquisitive achievement requires you to return a Ceremonial Spear
by completing the first day's secrets. It gives you The Inquisitive title.
For Community Rumors you must find 5 Buried Satchels using rumors
from around the community. You will receive
Blue Tweed Cap.
Community Rumor Mill requires players to find 10 Buried Satchels
using rumors from around the community and rewards Tobias (Battle Pet).
Tools of the Trade — Uncover the secret finding toys listed below:
- Tricked-Out Thinking Cap;
- Torch of Pyrreth;
- Idol of Ohn'ahra.
When you complete the objectives you will receive Brown Tweed Cap.
Whodunnit? is the event's meta-achievement that rewards an Alpaca
mount (
Pattie's Cap) and the Honorary Preservationist title.
You must figure out each of the following secrets that surfaced during the Secrets of Azerth event:
- A Preservationist;
- Thinking Cap;
- Torch of Pyrreth;
- The Idol of Ohn'ahra;
- What's in a Mold?
- A Proper Burial;
- A Curious Orb;
- The Race;
- Ceremonial Spear;
- An Inside Job?;
- A Chilling Ascent;
- Shifting Sands;
- Forging is Key;
- Kirin Tor Knowledge;
- Under Suspicion.
Here is a detailed preview of the mount and battle pet along with deerstalker hats.
Other rewards include the Tricked-Out Thinking Cap toy.
You can also add the Torch of Pyrreth toy to your arsenal.
Finally, we have the Titan Key weapon transmog available for preview below.
- 17 Sep. 2023: Updated with the final clue.
- 13 Sep. 2023: Updated with clues for day 12 and 13.
- 11 Sep. 2023: Updated with more clues.
- 09 Sep. 2023: Guide updated with the latest clues.
- 01 Sep. 2023: Updated with new clues.
- 29 Aug. 2023: Guide added.
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