Shadow Priest DPS Easy Mode — The War Within (11.1.0)

Last updated on Mar 13, 2025 at 00:52 by Publik 70 comments
General Information

On this page, we explain how to easily play Shadow Priest in World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.1.0), using the simplest rotation, talent tree, stat priority, gear setup, etc., without sacrificing performance.



This section is intended for players who are new to the game or class, have no intentions of raiding Mythic difficulty, or simply want a more straightforward way to play their specialization without being overwhelmed by the numerous priorities and active abilities that need to be taken into consideration for optimal play.


The Basics of Shadow Priest

Shadow Priest, at its core, is a builder spender spec specializing in damage over time (DoT) effects. At a high level, the spec mostly revolves around keeping your DoT effects up on as many targets as possible while also building Insanity to spend on Devouring Plague Icon Devouring Plague. The rest of this page is dedicated to getting you to that goal in the easiest way possible to reduce the demands of the specialization at the top end of play without causing a large drop in numerical output.

If you are completely new to Shadow and need more information on the abilities available to you, you can check out our Spell Summary page.


Beginner's Guide to Shadow Priest in The War Within

Single-Target Talents Mythic+/AoE Talents Basic Rotation Defensive Spells

Beginner Single-Target Talents for Shadow Priest

This build is your best starting point for single-target situations, such as a Raid Boss.

The build below suggests starting with Distorted Reality Icon Distorted Reality. This can make it more forgiving to maintain a high uptime of Devouring Plague Icon Devouring Plague and slows the spec down slightly while still being capable of good damage.

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Single Target Easy Mode

Beginner AoE and Mythic+ Talents for Shadow Priest

For encounters or situations that are AoE-focused, use this build as your starting point.

When starting out, you might find that enemy-targeted Shadow Crash Icon Shadow Crash is easier to play with. While this lowers some flexibility of the spell, it can make it much easier to use in unpredictable environments. As you get more comfortable, the ground-targeted version gives you more agency over the cast, and it is the default suggestion for that reason.

Archon can do great AoE damage, particularly in higher keys, but if you are just starting out I would suggest playing Voidweaver for more burst AoE with shorter lived enemies.

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AoE Easy Mode

Beginner Shadow Priest DPS Rotation


Rotational Goals

When playing Shadow Priest, you can boil down the rotation to maintaining core DoT spells with Vampiric Touch Icon Vampiric Touch, building up Insanity, and then spending it on Devouring Plague Icon Devouring Plague. These steps are broken down into four rotational goals when playing the spec. If you get these goals down, you will have a good platform to play the spec in PvE content.

  1. Maintain Vampiric Touch Icon Vampiric Touch and Shadow Word: Pain Icon Shadow Word: Pain roughly up to 12 targets. Use Shadow Crash Icon Shadow Crash to help with this.
  2. Maintain maximum uptime of Devouring Plague Icon Devouring Plague on the main priority target. Try to avoid refreshing until it is about to expire, or you will cap on Insanity.
  3. Use short cooldown Insanity generating spells to make sure you do not lose uses of them. This includes spells like Mind Blast Icon Mind Blast, Void Bolt Icon Void Bolt, and Surge of Insanity Icon Surge of Insanity procs.
  4. Use your long cooldown spells ideally when you will not lose uses of any short cooldown spells, being sure not to hold too long to still take advantage of any active buffs. This includes spells like Halo Icon Halo, Shadowfiend Icon Shadowfiend, and Void Torrent Icon Void Torrent.

If you can get these goals right, the rotation should make more sense and fall into play naturally. Check out the priority list below for more specific suggestions.

Due to Psychic Link Icon Psychic Link being our core-AoE ability, our playstyle broadly does not change when facing multiple targets. The biggest change is just making sure to keep DoTs on targets with Shadow Crash Icon Shadow Crash or Vampiric Touch Icon Vampiric Touch as a pack is being grouped.


Priority List

Before you start combat, make sure you have Shadowform Icon Shadowform and Power Word: Fortitude Icon Power Word: Fortitude active and then use Vampiric Touch Icon Vampiric Touch to start combat.

  1. Keep Shadow Word: Pain Icon Shadow Word: Pain and Vampiric Touch Icon Vampiric Touch applied on as many targets as possible. Note that with Misery Icon Misery, you should always use Vampiric Touch Icon Vampiric Touch to refresh either of these DoTs, unless you are moving. Shadow Crash Icon Shadow Crash should be used whenever possible so you are not wasting time manually DoTing each mob.
  2. Cast Halo Icon Halo on cooldown.
  3. Cast Shadowfiend Icon Shadowfiend on cooldown.
  4. Cast Dark Ascension Icon Dark Ascension or Void Eruption Icon Void Eruption on cooldown.
  5. Cast Power Infusion Icon Power Infusion on cooldown (make sure you cast it on an ally with Twins of the Sun Priestess Icon Twins of the Sun Priestess).
  6. Spend Insanity on Devouring Plague Icon Devouring Plague.
  7. Cast Void Bolt Icon Void Bolt on cooldown.
  8. Cast Mind Blast Icon Mind Blast whenever available to generate Insanity.
  9. Cast Void Torrent Icon Void Torrent.
  10. Cast Shadow Word: Death Icon Shadow Word: Death when the target is in execute range or you have a Deathspeaker Icon Deathspeaker proc active.
  11. Cast Mind Flay Icon Mind Flay or Mind Flay: Insanity Icon Mind Flay: Insanity to generate Insanity.

For a more in-depth priority list that includes all talents and all the edge cases for the rotation, check out the complete guide to fully master your Shadow Priest.


Defensive Spells for Shadow Priest

Shadow Priests have access to many defensive spells, use the following list to help survive incoming damage.

Dispersion Icon Dispersion is your biggest active defensive ability that should be used when you are in dire circumstances or to help mitigate a big incoming hit of damage. During the effect, you are unable to cast, but you can cast the spell again to cancel it early.

Desperate Prayer Icon Desperate Prayer acts as both a medium-sized heal as well as a defensive by increasing your health pool. This can situationally save your life and is very powerful, especially with talents like Angel's Mercy Icon Angel's Mercy or Light's Inspiration Icon Light's Inspiration in the class tree.

Fade Icon Fade with Translucent Image Icon Translucent Image talented turns this spell into a low cooldown defensive that should be used early and often to reduce incoming damage.

Flash Heal Icon Flash Heal with Protective Light Icon Protective Light talented turns a spell that is a small heal into another active defensive spell that we can layer Fade Icon Fade to get roughly 20% damage reduction when needed.

Power Word: Shield Icon Power Word: Shield is one of your last resort spells that can save your life by providing a small shield to yourself when cast.

Check out the Spell page to learn about all the other spells in our kit that can help keep you alive.


Best Talents for Shadow Priest in The War Within

This is the Easy Mode page, which presents things in a simplified manner with simplified builds. Click the links below to go to the full Talent and Rotation pages to fully min/max your build.


Stat Priority for Shadow Priest in The War Within

When playing Shadow Priest, you can start gearing by following the priority below as a rough guideline. This should only be used as a starting point, as simming your character for specific gear upgrades will always be the most accurate.

  1. Intellect;
  2. Haste;
  3. Mastery;
  4. Critical Strike;
  5. Versatility.

Typically, you will be looking for Haste/Mastery pieces, but because of the strength of Intellect, having anything at a high item level will be a good place to start. While learning fights, you will get more value out of Haste stacking as it can help cover up mistakes more than other stats.

While the stat priority for classes is normally the same for both the Beginner page and our full guide, subtle differences can still occur. If you want to see the full explanation of the stat priority and the absolute top choices for the priority, head to our full stats page below.



  • 13 Mar. 2025: Remove Unfurling Darkness from the Voidweaver AoE build.
  • 28 Feb. 2025: Remove Unfurling Darkness from the Voidweaver Single Target build.
  • 24 Feb. 2025: Updated for 11.1.0 with new talent builds.
  • 15 Dec. 2024: Simplify the rotation section.
  • 04 Nov. 2024: Add easy to copy talent strings and updated Halo's position in the rotation section.
  • 21 Oct. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 11.0.5.
  • 06 Oct. 2024: Update Voidweaver AoE build to default with Depth of Shadows.
  • 09 Sep. 2024: Reviewed for The War Within Season 1.
  • 21 Aug. 2024: Updated builds and rotation for the launch of The War Within.
  • 13 Aug. 2024: Update talent builds to start using Idol of C'Thun again and adjust for Class Tree changes.
  • 25 Jul. 2024: Update talent builds to not use Idol of C'Thun while it is still bugged.
  • 23 Jul. 2024: Updated for The War Within pre-patch.
  • 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 25 Apr. 2024: Add new video playlist for Season 4.
  • 22 Apr. 2024: Update builds for Season 4.
  • 19 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Update default build for Patch 10.2.5 to be more well rounded.
  • 06 Nov. 2023: Updated talent build and add rotational goals for Patch 10.2.0.
  • 04 Sep. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.7.
  • 13 Aug. 2023: Update video link.
  • 23 Jul. 2023: Reviewed from the recent hotfixes.
  • 10 Jul. 2023: Add new talent strings for 10.1.5.
  • 27 Jun. 2023: Update default build.
  • 20 Jun. 2023: Add clarifying notes about Distorted Reality.
  • 01 May 2023: Updated for Patch 10.1.0.
  • 20 Mar. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.7.
  • 24 Jan. 2023: Update talents for 10.0.5 builds.
  • 21 Dec. 2022: Update talent suggestions to be simpler to start with.
  • 11 Dec. 2022: Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 1.
  • 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch.
  • 07 Nov. 2022: Updated Marileth soulbind calc to remove Dissonant Echoes conduit.
  • 31 Oct. 2022: Updated talent builds to no longer suggest Psychic Link.
  • 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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