Shadow Priest DPS Nerub-ar Palace Raid Guide — The War Within (Season 1)

Last updated on Sep 22, 2024 at 13:54 by Publik 61 comments
General Information

On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Shadow Priest for each boss of the following raid: Nerub-ar Palace. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — The War Within (Season 1).



Below, you can find class and spec-specific advice for every fight in Nerub-ar Palace. If you are looking for a general overview of the Raid that is not spec-specific, check out our dedicated Nerub-ar Palace guides.

This page assumes that you already understand most of the mechanics of each encounter. These can be found on the full raid guide, so what is contained here are details specifically tailored toward Shadow Priest and how you can deal with each fight as best as possible.

All recommendations are progression-based tips and will not necessarily be the best for an overall DPS ranking.

To make importing talents easier, I have aggregated the builds into the list below into three main builds. Taking these as a baseline, you can handle all raid encounters in this tier.


Raid Talent Builds for Shadow Priest

Single Target Single Target + Shadow Crash Icon Shadow Crash

Single Target Archon Build for Shadow Priest

This build is the default single target build for Shadow Priests. Archon is suggested by default as it is 1-2% ahead in most cases.

Suggested Encounters:

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Archon Single Target
Voidweaver Single Target

Single Target Archon Shadow Crash Icon Shadow Crash Build for Shadow Priest

This build is nearly identical to the single target build but picks up Shadow Crash Icon Shadow Crash and Whispering Shadows Icon Whispering Shadows to give you the ability for easy DoTing of many adds without compromising your single target damage much (less than 2%). I would start with Archon as it is about 1% ahead of Voidweaver variants

Suggested Encounters:

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Archon Single Target + Shadow Crash
Voidweaver Single Target + Shadow Crash

Nerub'ar Palace Boss Guides for Shadow Priest


Nerub'ar Palace Raid Builds, Tips, and Tricks for Shadow Priest

Ulgrax the Devourer The Bloodbound Horror Sikran Rasha'nan Broodtwister Ovi'nax Nexus-Princess Ky'veza The Silken Court Queen Ansurek

Best Build for Ulgrax the Devourer for Shadow Priest


Defensive Tips

  • Consider using a defensive for Venomous Lash Icon Venomous Lash.
  • If an add hits you during the intermission, you might need a defensive if your stacks of Disembowel Icon Disembowel get too high. You can also use things like Stoneform Icon Stoneform to get rid of this bleed.

Cooldown Usage

  • When the boss hits 0 energy as he will phase out of the encounter, and you will just be dealing with adds. Do your best to keep all the adds debuffed with Vampiric Touch Icon Vampiric Touch and focus your damage on ones with larger health pools. If you decide to talent into Shadow Crash Icon Shadow Crash it will be helpful in this phase only.
  • You will get your 2-minute cooldowns back during intermission. You want to hold these cooldowns for after the phase ends once the boss becomes vulnerable to damage again (after his immunity falls off). If you reach the second intermission you might want to pop them on the adds if the boss will not have much health after it ends, but only do this when you know the immunity will get broken quickly.
  • Depending on your kill time if you know you will get your 3rd set of cooldowns at ~4 minutes you can save your Shadowfiend Icon Shadowfiend cast to line up with that set. If you are taking Mindbender Icon Mindbender continue to send on cooldown or hold if you are casting Void Eruption Icon Void Eruption soon.

Mechanical Tips

  • If you are rooted by Stalker's Netting Icon Stalker's Netting, you can use Dispersion Icon Dispersion to get out of it, but this does waste a costly defensive, so avoid these at all costs. You can also use this root to avoid being pulled into the boss during Carnivorous Contest Icon Carnivorous Contest.
  • During the intermission phase you can use Dispersion Icon Dispersion, Power Word: Shield Icon Power Word: Shield, and Angelic Feather Icon Angelic Feathers to help speed you up when carrying Chunky Viscera Icon Chunky Viscera to the boss.

Best Talents

By default I suggest using the Single Target build. The add spawns are pretty chaotic and they do not live very long until you get to Mythic. If you want more add damage feel free to use the Shadow Crash Icon Shadow Crash build.

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Archon Single Target
Archon Single Target + Shadow Crash

Best Build for Bloodbound Horror for Shadow Priest


Defensive Tips

  • Keep track of Crimson Rain Icon Crimson Rain and use Desperate Prayer Icon Desperate Prayer to help heal this off if needed.

Cooldown Usage

This fight will break your group up into two groups. This denotes which set of adds you will be killing and, therefore, your cooldown timings. You have some buffer with your in-between casts of Halo Icon Halo. Try to sync these with damage taken events like Crimson Rain Icon Crimson Rain for more raid healing.

Note that these are roughly estimated timings but will be slightly off, based on the cooldown of Halo Icon Halo gradually de-syncing with the rest of your cooldowns.

If you can, try to get assigned to Group 1 as this lines up with our cooldowns much more naturally.


Group 1

Being a member of Group 1 you can cast your cooldowns on pull and still have them rolling for part of the first wave of adds. Delaying for the actual add spawn is usually not needed.

  • 0:00 - Full Cooldowns
  • 0:20 - Gruesome Disgorge Icon Gruesome Disgorge #1
  • 1:00 - Halo Icon Halo and Mindbender Icon Mindbender
  • 2:15 - Full Cooldowns (Can pop slightly early but delaying a bit helps sync with add group)
  • 2:30 - Gruesome Disgorge Icon Gruesome Disgorge #2
  • 3:15 - Halo Icon Halo and Mindbender Icon Mindbender
  • 4:20 - Full Cooldowns
  • 4:35 - Gruesome Disgorge Icon Gruesome Disgorge #3
  • 5:32 - Halo Icon Halo and Mindbender Icon Mindbender

Group 2

If you are assigned to Group 2, you are at risk of losing your last use of Void Eruption Icon Void Eruption and Power Infusion Icon Power Infusion if the fight ends before you finish your 3rd set of cooldowns around 5:30. If you know the fight will end up being shorter, you can try swapping the order and following group 1 cooldowns, but this means you will only have Halo Icon Halo and Mindbender Icon Mindbender for the add sets.

  • 0:00 - Halo Icon Halo and Mindbender Icon Mindbender
  • 1:15 - Gruesome Disgorge Icon Gruesome Disgorge #1
  • 1:15 - Full Cooldowns
  • 2:11 - Halo Icon Halo and Mindbender Icon Mindbender
  • 3:25 - Gruesome Disgorge Icon Gruesome Disgorge #2
  • 3:25 - Full Cooldowns
  • 4:25 - Halo Icon Halo and Mindbender Icon Mindbender
  • 5:30 - Gruesome Disgorge Icon Gruesome Disgorge #3
  • 5:30 - Full Cooldowns

Mechanical Tips

  • Make sure to position yourself so that when you soak Gruesome Disgorge Icon Gruesome Disgorge, you are in a good position to hit as many adds as possible.
  • While you are in The Unseeming Icon The Unseeming, be sure to be within range of all adds and that Vampiric Touch Icon Vampiric Touch is active on each one. If you are out of range, Psychic Link Icon Psychic Link will not work.
  • The boss is still targetable while you are in the downstairs phase. Even though you should be prioritizing adds in this phase, you can still get good Psychic Link Icon Psychic Link damage onto the boss. Be sure to refresh Vampiric Touch Icon Vampiric Touch right before you go down into the add phase.

Best Talents

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Archon Single Target + Shadow Crash

Best Build for Sikran for Shadow Priest


Defensive Tips

  • Be prepared to use a defensive when targeted by Decimate Icon Decimate.
  • Cosmic Shards Icon Cosmic Shards will likely start ticking quite hard, so you should always use at least Fade Icon Fade for each cast.

Cooldown Usage

  • No specific guidance, use your cooldowns on cooldown.

Mechanical Tips

  • Positioning on this fight will be key; you want to move as little as possible. The best way to accomplish this is to position yourself close enough to where you might need to move for mechanics like Decimate Icon Decimate or Phase Blades Icon Phase Blades so you shorten the required distance.

Best Talents

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Archon Single Target

Best Build for Rasha'nan for Shadow Priest


Defensive Tips

  • Depending on your strategy, if you are breaking multiple Sticky Web Icon Sticky Web debuffs, you should press a defensive. If you are targeted by this, you can use Dispersion Icon Dispersion to break this quickly.
  • During Erosive Spray Icon Erosive Spray, you will gain a stacking DoT that deals heavy damage. Be sure to use a defensive for this mechanic.

Cooldown Usage

  • Make sure you have Shadow Crash Icon Shadow Crash ready for Infested Spawn. This will not DoT every single add but will at least get you some extra funnel onto the boss. Do not bother manually casting Vampiric Touch Icon Vampiric Touch on any adds; they will not live long enough for this to have been worth it. If all of the original adds die and there are still some active, you can apply Shadow Word: Pain Icon Shadow Word: Pain to them to continue to refresh your Twist of Fate Icon Twist of Fate buff if the boss is still above 35% health.
  • If you know that Infested Spawn are coming soon you can choose to hold casts of Halo Icon Halo ( Archon) or Void Torrent Icon Void Torrent ( Voidweaver) just be careful not to de-sync this too much so that you do not lose any overall casts during the encounter.

The following is rough timings you can use for the encounter:

  • 0:00 - Full Cooldowns
  • 1:00 - Halo Icon Halo + Mindbender Icon Mindbender
  • 1:01 - Infested Spawn Adds #1
  • 2:10 - Full Cooldowns
  • 2:25 - Infested Spawn Adds #2
  • 3:10 - Halo Icon Halo + Mindbender Icon Mindbender
  • 3:35 - Infested Spawn Adds #3
  • 4:10 - Full Cooldowns
  • 4:15 - Infested Spawn Adds #4
  • 4:35 - Infested Spawn Adds #5

Mechanical Tips

  • Positioning for Halo Icon Halo as Archon is very important as the return Halo has a dead zone that is about 0-10 yards from your player, so be sure to not be right next to the adds or the boss when using this ability.

Best Talents

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Archon Single Target + Shadow Crash

Best Build for Broodtwister Ovi'nax for Shadow Priest


Defensive Tips

  • No specific guidance.

Cooldown Usage

  • Keep track of when adds will spawn so that you have Shadow Crash Icon Shadow Crash ready. Watch timers for add spawns so that Shadow Crash hits the clump of spiders as soon as they spawn. (see below)
Ovinax AoE Spider Egg

Be sure to pay attention to the egg that looks like this, when this is broken the AoE adds will spawn directly on top of where the egg was. You can use this to aim your Shadow Crash Icon Shadow Crash to land right as the add spawns (about 1 second before timer ends on your boss mod).


Mechanical Tips

  • When talented into Phantasm Icon Phantasm you can use Fade Icon Fade to break Sticky Web Icon Sticky Web. When you break this it will apply to anyone around you so be sure to run out first.

Best Talents

This build uses the standard Archon Single Target + Shadow Crash Icon Shadow Crash build but picks up Phantasm Icon Phantasm in the class tree.

Depending on how much your group is struggling with add damage you can consider taking a more AoE oriented build. This will cause you to take a dip in raw single target damage but if you are facing adds most of the fight in higher difficulties this might make more sense for your group.

This fight does have uses for Silence Icon Silence but because this is either a DPS loss (dropping 1 point in Mind Devourer Icon Mind Devourer) or a Defensive loss (dropping Mental Fortitude Icon Mental Fortitude) it is not suggested by default and is best covered by other members of your raid.

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Archon Single Target + Shadow Crash
Archon Raid AoE

Best Build for Nexus-Princess Ky'veza for Shadow Priest


Defensive Tips

  • Use at least a small defensive for Queensbane Icon Queensbane. If you get multiple stacks, you might need something stronger.

Cooldown Usage

  • No specific guidance.

Mechanical Tips

  • Like most bosses, your positioning here is crucial. In particular, you want to keep an eye out for the position of each Nether Rift Icon Nether Rift and place your character equidistant between all of them to minimize how much you get pulled in.

Best Talents

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Archon Single Target

Best Build for The Silken Court for Shadow Priest


Defensive Tips

  • The fight will progressively get more and more mechanics, so as it goes on you will need to be more liberal with defensive usage.

Cooldown Usage

  • Keep track of Call of the Swarm Icon Call of the Swarm so that you have Shadow Crash Icon Shadow Crash ready. These adds will fixate on the closest player on spawn, so be sure to leave this to more mobile ranged specs.
  • You should save cooldowns if they are within 10-20 seconds of Reckless Charge Icon Reckless Charge. Right before this goes off you should refresh your Vampiric Touch Icon Vampiric Touch on both bosses and be ready to focus damage into Anub'arash. You can bank up some Insanity for this phase as well if its within a few seconds.
  • You will typically want to save cooldowns for Shatter Existence Icon Shatter Existence and Spike Storm Icon Spike Storm phases so that you can quickly break this shield.

Mechanical Tips

  • You might be asked to use Mass Dispel Icon Mass Dispel to help move Stinging Swarm Icon Stinging Swarm around. Be sure to ask ahead of time and be prepared to use this on the raid.

Best Talents

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Archon Single Target + Shadow Crash

Best Build for Queen Ansurek for Shadow Priest


Phase 1: A Queen's Venom


Defensive Tips

  • You should track how many stacks of Frothy Toxin Icon Frothy Toxin are incoming, if this is more than 2 stacks you absolutely need to use a defensive. The more stacks above 2 the bigger of a defensive you need to use.
  • If you are one of the assigned players to soak Reactive Froth Icon Reactive Froth you can consider using Dispersion Icon Dispersion to quickly move out of the group before you explode.

Cooldown Usage

You are very pressed for time to get your cooldowns off without losing casts, particularly in the first phase. Do your best to use Mindbender Icon Mindbender, Halo Icon Halo, Void Eruption Icon Void Eruption, and Power Infusion Icon Power Infusion on cooldown. You should use all cooldowns on pull. You can consider using Halo Icon Halo earlier than usual to line up better for the first Silken Tomb Icon Silken Tomb set but this typically does not actually matter in terms of overall damage. You need to get this sequence done quickly so that you do not need to interrupt Void Torrent Icon Void Torrent when Liquefy Icon Liquefy is cast.

Queen Ansurek casts Silken Tomb Icon Silken Tomb 3 times in Phase 1 at 1:00, 1:50, and 2:05 roughly. Use the below to help indicate what spells you should be using for these line ups. Note that for the first one it is highly likely that Halo Icon Halo will not come up until after the Tombs spawn. If this happens be sure to at least have Shadow Crash Icon Shadow Crash land when they trigger and cast Halo as soon as you can to get it on cooldown. Shadow Priest is one of the worst classes at killing these adds, we are only interested in tagging them for Twist of Fate Icon Twist of Fate uptime and you should focus on boss damage.

  1. 1:00 - Mindbender Icon Mindbender, Halo Icon Halo, and Shadow Crash Icon Shadow Crash.
  2. 1:50 - Shadow Crash Icon Shadow Crash
  3. 2:05 - You should plan to use your Full Cooldowns here. The Halo Icon Halo you cast into cooldowns will be the only AoE spell used on the adds as Shadow Crash Icon Shadow Crash will not be up yet.

If you are phasing at optimal timings you will be able to use your second set of 2 minute cooldowns as soon as they are available before you phase into the first Intermission. This should last for the first part of the intermission but also give you strong boss damage before you phase. As a Shadow Priest saving your full 2 minute cooldowns for the Intermission is likely overkill and you will end up wasting some of this as the shield should phase quickly.


Mechanical Tips

  • Try to save 1-2 instant casts before you trigger the jump for Reactive Froth Icon Reactive Froth so you have meaningful spells to press while you are mid-air. After landing it can look chaotic but as long as you are on the boss the other raid members that triggered Reactive Froth Icon Reactive Froth should move out of the raid group so you do not need to move.
  • Do your best to be clumped with the group near the boss for every cast of Silken Tomb Icon Silken Tomb. The faster you get broken out the faster you can pre-position for upcoming mechanics. Note that Phantasm Icon Phantasm does NOT work for this mechanic.

Intermission: The Spider's Web

Intermission starts when the boss moves to the center of the platform and gains Predation Icon Predation.


Defensive Tips

  • Be sure to use a defensive as you transition into the Intermission as there is quite a lot of up-front damage when this is phasing. You can then use a small one for each cast of Wrest Icon Wrest.

Cooldown Usage

Ideally you use your cooldowns before the Intermission and have them carry into the first part of the phase. This will give you the most optimal timings for the rest of the encounter.


Mechanical Tips

  • During the intermission you should still be able to deal almost full damage even while being pulled in. Every single instant cast spell you press should be coupled with movement and pre-positioning so that you do not need to interrupt your rotation to dodge waves.

Phase 2: Royal Ascension

Phase 2 starts after you finish off Ansurek's shield and move onto the add platforms. The faster you can dispatch the adds teh fewer mechanics your group as to deal with that could cause issues.


Defensive Tips

  • Keep an eye out for Gloom Touch Icon Gloom Touch debuffs as once dispelled they will deal raid wide damage. It is a good idea to know when these will be dispelled so you can use a smaller defensive beforehand like Fade Icon Fade.

Cooldown Usage

If you are using your second set of cooldowns ASAP at 2 minutes you will most likely be able to use them again around 4 minutes during the add phase. Depending on your timing you will get your 4th set of cooldowns back in time shortly after phasing into the final phase of the fight when the boss is active. If you decide to cooldown the first Intermission you will not be able to fit this in.


Mechanical Tips

  • As you land onto the first add platform in Phase 2 use Shadow Crash Icon Shadow Crash to DoT both adds as you are landing. As a Ranged player you should then focus your damage onto Chamber Expeller since the melee have a harder time getting full uptime on this add. After the adds die you need to click the two pedestals on either side of the staircase to spawn it in, clicking this quickly allows you to skip any in-progress mechanics.
  • During the add platforms in Phase 2 you will periodically be gripped in by Wrest Icon Wrest. Similarly to the Intermission you want to ensure that you spend your instant cast spells moving towards the edge of the platform, even before it actually starts pulling you in. Be extra careful and aware of where the beam is being cast so that you are not gripped into that.
  • As you transition platforms Spiders will spawn on the bridge. It is typically a good idea to wait for these to be grouped up before casting Shadow Crash Icon Shadow Crash for the Twist of Fate Icon Twist of Fate uptime similar to Phase 1. If you are confident with landing this accurately I would encourage also pressing Fade Icon Fade to ensure you do not pull threat.

Phase 3: Paranoia's Feast

Phase 3 begins once you transition to the final platform of the encounter.


Defensive Tips

  • Use a small defensive before Royal Condemnation Icon Royal Condemnation is cast. This does falloff damage the further you are away. If you are one of the players that has the debuff and you are stacking this next to the other player you should plan to use Dispersion Icon Dispersion.

Cooldown Usage

Most kill times will be around 8-9 minutes. For the last phase of the fight you will need to pay attention to the estimated time to kill timer to see if you can fit in 2 sets of cooldowns or just one during this phase. If you can fit in 2 you will need to use this on cooldown more than likely, but if you are working at a fast pace you should hold your only set of cooldowns in this phase to line up with the Summoned Acolyte adds.

Pay attention to casts of Infest Icon Infest on your tank, they will spawn Spider adds as soon as the cast completes and you want to time your Shadow Crash Icon Shadow Crash to land as soon as they spawn. This is the only cast you should actually hit on the adds the rest of your damage should be focused onto Queen Ansurek and let Psychic Link Icon Psychic Link do the add damage.

When Royal Condemnation Icon Royal Condemnation is cast there will be two webs you need to DPS down to break. Unfortunately this happens too soon after the spiders spawn for you to have Shadow Crash Icon Shadow Crash available so I would suggest just manually casting Vampiric Touch Icon Vampiric Touch on these to get damage into them. Depending on your raids damage you might need to change your target to each one, otherwise for most groups just cleaving off the boss with Psychic Link Icon Psychic Link should be enough.

Later into the fight Queen Ansurek will cast Queen's Summons Icon Queen's Summons which will spawn 3 Summoned Acolyte adds in the center of the room. Before this is cast consider refreshing Vampiric Touch Icon Vampiric Touch on the boss to make sure this does not fall off while you are focusing adds. As a Shadow Priest you should cast Vampiric Touch Icon Vampiric Touch on these adds to get full Psychic Link Icon Psychic Link cleave onto them. If you can get the positioning right you can use Shadow Crash Icon Shadow Crash to target two of these and only have to manually DoT the one far one. Most groups dedicate their ranged to focusing the one furthest away from the boss since it is usually not attackable by melee. You should plan on focusing this one down instead of the Boss during this phase.


Mechanical Tips

Ansurek Facing Arrow Indicator
  • After you phase pay attention to the way the boss is facing (you can use the target circle reticle under the boss and line up with the way the arrow is pointing). You should position yourself to not lose damage once the boss drops down.

Best Talents

By default I would suggest playing Archon for Queen Ansurek. There are some absorb shield mechanics on this fight but in my opinion these are not particularly challenging parts of teh fight and Archon is better for everything else in the encounter.

If you are interested in playing Voidweaver to get access to Devour Matter Icon Devour Matter, check out the build below. It is roughly 1-2% behind the Archon version but might give better burst on the shield phases, depending on your timings. If you want even more potential shield damage you can swap Idol of Y'Shaarj Icon Idol of Y'Shaarj for Deathspeaker Icon Deathspeaker for a 1% loss in overall but add more shield damage if it procs at good times.

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Archon Single Target + Shadow Crash
Voidweaver Single Target + Shadow Crash

General Defensive Usage Notes

Shadow Priest has several defensive spells that you should plan to use and rotate throughout mechanics. You should opt to use the smaller cooldown spells often as needed with incoming mechanics and save bigger cooldowns like Dispersion Icon Dispersion for large incoming damage.

  • Flash Heal Icon Flash Heal with Protective Light Icon Protective Light talented.
  • Power Word: Shield Icon Power Word: Shield for a small absorb.
  • Fade Icon Fade with Translucent Image Icon Translucent Image talented.
  • Desperate Prayer Icon Desperate Prayer
  • Dispersion Icon Dispersion

We also have a few notable passive talents that increase our defense:

  • Mental Fortitude Icon Mental Fortitude
  • Manipulation Icon Manipulation
  • Light's Inspiration Icon Light's Inspiration
  • Angelic Bulwark Icon Angelic Bulwark

General Cooldown Usage

As a Shadow Priest, you want to generally sync up your cooldown together. The typical sequence for cooldowns is the following:

  1. Shadowfiend Icon Shadowfiend, Mindbender Icon Mindbender, or Voidwraith Icon Voidwraith
  2. Halo Icon Halo as Archon
  3. Void Eruption Icon Void Eruption or Dark Ascension Icon Dark Ascension
  4. Power Infusion Icon Power Infusion
  5. Most on-use trinkets like Spymaster's Web Icon Spymaster's Web
  6. Void Torrent Icon Void Torrent

Note that with Shadowfiend Icon Shadowfiend, it does not sync nicely with certain cooldowns, but you should still plan to use this on cooldown.

The above list is not a strict opener; for full details on the opener and the rotation, check out the rotation page.

In addition to the general rotation, you want to keep in mind that your goal is to use your cooldowns as often as possible during an encounter. With that in mind, your secondary goal is to use them at the correct time.

I highly suggest using some Addon or WeakAura to track the estimated time to die of your target/boss target. Method Raid Tools has this as an option if you are already using this addon. By tracking time to die, if you know that you can only fit one more cycle of your cooldowns in before the boss dies, you can choose to hold these cooldowns to better line up with Twist of Fate Icon Twist of Fate, Bloodlust Icon Bloodlust, or any other mechanic that would make burning cooldowns better.



  • 22 Sep. 2024: Add Queen Ansurek Guide.
  • 18 Sep. 2024: Start week 2 updates.
  • 17 Sep. 2024: Update tips after week 1.
  • 10 Sep. 2024: Swap to full single target build for Ulgrax.
  • 09 Sep. 2024: Guide added.
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