Shadowlands Patch 9.2 Weekly and Daily To-Do List (What to do Each Day in Eternity's End?)

Last updated on Mar 24, 2022 at 10:47 by Stan 1 comment

The following guide tells you what to do each day and covers weekly goals that you should complete to be efficient in Patch 9.2.



It can be difficult to prioritize your goal whenever a new patch releases, so we compiled a list of goals that you should focus on after Patch 9.2 goes live. You can find a summary of all the content that awaits you in our Patch 9.2 guide.


What Should I Focus on During Patch 9.2 #Week 5? (March 22, 2022)

  • Refrain from choosing a non-set item that occupies a Tier Set item slot from the Great Vault. Prioritize completing your Tier Set to activate the 2/4-piece set bonuses.
  • Complete the seventh chapter of the Zereth Mortis story to unlock Double Legendaries.
  • Craft a new Rank 7 Legendary with the Unity Icon Unity Power.
  • Focus on further increasing your reputation standing with The Enlightened by completing World Quests and killing rares in Zereth Mortis.
  • Complete the weekly Patterns Within Patterns quest.
  • Clear the Sepulcher of the First Ones raid on Normal, Heroic/Mythic difficulties. Your raid will receive multiple pieces of Tier gear for each difficulty.
  • Kill World Boss Antros for a chance at item level 259 loot.
  • Focus on unlocking as many item choices as possible in the Great Vault by killing raid bosses, clearing Mythic Dungeons, and collecting Honor in PvP. The new Solo Shuffle PvP Brawl is great for collecting Honor.
  • Complete at least 1 Mythic +15 run this week for item level 278 loot choice in the Great Vault next week.
  • Buy item level 226 catch-up gear for Reservoir Anima Icon Reservoir Anima if you need to quickly catch up on gear with multiple characters.
  • Work on unlocking flying in Zereth Mortis if you have not earned Unlocking the Secrets Icon Unlocking the Secrets yet.
  • Warlords Timewalking is up, so do not forget to complete 5 Timewalking Dungeons for the weekly quest to earn 1 piece of Normal difficulty Sepulcher loot.
  • Continue farming Cosmic Flux for the Creation Catalyst.

What Should I Focus on During Patch 9.2 #Week 4? (March 15, 2022)

  • Refrain from claiming a non-set item that occupies a Tier Set item slot from the Great Vault. Prioritize completing your Tier Set to activate the 2/4-piece set bonuses.
  • Complete the sixth chapter of the Zereth Mortis story to unlock flying in Zereth Mortis.
  • Upgrade your Legendary item to Rank 7.
  • Focus on further increasing your reputation standing with The Enlightened by completing World Quests and killing rares in Zereth Mortis. The ultimate priority is to hit Revered so that you can unlock Double Legendaries next week.
  • Complete the weekly Patterns Within Patterns quest.
  • Clear the Sepulcher of the First Ones raid on Normal, Heroic/Mythic difficulties. Your raid will receive multiple pieces of Tier gear for each difficulty.
  • Kill World Boss Antros for a chance at item level 259 loot.
  • Focus on unlocking as many item choices as possible in the Great Vault by killing raid bosses, clearing Mythic Dungeons, and collecting Honor in PvP. The new Solo Shuffle PvP Brawl is great for collecting Honor.
  • Complete at least 1 Mythic +15 run this week for item level 278 loot choice in the Great Vault next week.
  • Buy item level 226 catch-up gear for Anima if you need to quickly catch up on gear with multiple characters.
  • Continue farming Cosmic Flux for the Creation Catalyst.

What Should I Focus on During Patch 9.2 #Week 3? (March 8, 2022)

  • Refrain from claiming a non-set item that occupies a Tier Set item slot from the Great Vault. Prioritize completing your Tier Set to activate the 2/4-piece set bonuses.
  • Complete 4 Mythic Dungeons for the weekly bonus event quest that awards Heroic Sepulcher gear before opening the Great Vault.
  • Complete the fifth chapter of the Zereth Mortis story.
  • Upgrade your Legendary item to Rank 7.
  • Focus on further increasing your reputation standing with The Enlightened by completing World Quests, Daily Quests, killing Rare Elites, and opening Treasures in Zereth Mortis.
  • Complete the weekly Patterns Within Patterns quest.
  • Clear the Sepulcher of the First Ones raid on Normal, Heroic/Mythic difficulties. Your raid will receive multiple pieces of Tier gear for each difficulty.
  • Kill World Boss Antros for a chance at item level 259 loot.
  • Focus on unlocking as many item choices as possible in the Great Vault by killing raid bosses, clearing Mythic Dungeons, and collecting Honor in PvP. The new Solo Shuffle PvP Brawl is great for collecting Honor.
  • Complete at least 1 Mythic +15 run this week for item level 278 loot choice in the Great Vault next week.
  • Buy item level 226 catch-up gear for Anima if you need to quickly catch up on gear with multiple characters.
  • Continue farming Cosmic Flux for the Creation Catalyst.

What Should I Focus on During Patch 9.2 #Week 2? (March 1, 2022)

The week of March 1 marks the beginning of Season 3 in Shadowlands and the item level of rewards goes up by 26 item levels.

  • Complete the 4th chapter of the Zereth Mortis story.
  • Focus on further increasing your reputation standing with The Enlightened by completing World Quests, Daily Quests, killing Rare Elites, and opening Treasures in Zereth Mortis.
  • Complete the weekly Patterns Within Patterns quest.
  • Farm Heroic and Mythic Dungeons if you need to catch up on gear.
  • Defeat the first 8 bosses in the Sepulcher of the First Ones raid on Normal and Heroic difficulties. Your raid will receive 6 pieces of Tier gear for each difficulty.
  • Kill World Boss Antros for a chance at item level 259 loot.
  • Complete 5 Timewalking dungeons for the weekly quest for a piece of Normal difficulty Sepulcher loot (item level 252). Farm Timewalking dungeons for item level 210 loot, if you do not have the Reservoir Anima Icon Reservoir Anima to buy item level 226 catch-up gear in Haven.
  • Focus on unlocking as many item choices as possible in the Great Vault by killing raid bosses, clearing Mythic Dungeons, and collecting Honor in PvP. The new Solo Shuffle PvP Brawl is great for collecting Honor.
  • Continue collecting Cosmic Flux so that you have enough when the time comes to upgrade your Legendaries.

What Should I Focus on During Patch 9.2 Launch Week? (February 22, 2022)

This section covers what you should focus on during the first week of Patch 9.2.

Note that Season 3 of Mythic+ and PvP will not start, Sepulcher of the First Ones will not be open, and the new world boss will not spawn until March 1, 2022. We also do not know at this time if Cosmic Flux will start dropping on Week 1 of Patch 9.2.

We will update this guide with more information on a regular basis with new goals each week.



  • 24 Mar. 2022: Tips updated for the week of March 22 and onward.
  • 17 Mar. 2022: Guide updated for the week of March 15.
  • 08 Mar. 2022: Guide updated for the week of March 8.
  • 06 Mar. 2022: Patterns Within Patterns frequency changed to weekly.
  • 01 Mar. 2022: Guide updated for the week of March 1.
  • 22 Feb. 2022: Guide updated with Cosmic Flux from the Great Vault on Week 1.
  • 21 Feb. 2022: Guide updated for Patch 9.2.
  • 06 Jul. 2021: Updated for the second week of Patch 9.1.
  • 29 Jun. 2021: Updated for Patch 9.1.
  • 16 Dec. 2020: Routine weekly update.
  • 11 Dec. 2020: Updated for Season 1.
  • 01 Dec. 2020: Updated for the week of December 1.
  • 29 Nov. 2020: Added Soul Ash from Missions and Wrath of the Jailer to weekly events.
  • 27 Nov. 2020: Clarified when Runecarving and Torghast unlock questline is available.
  • 26 Nov. 2020: Added PvP Hub and Soul Ash information.
  • 24 Nov. 2020: Updated with new information.
  • 23 Nov. 2020: Guide added.
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