Shadowlands PvP Season 1 Hub: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards
Shadowlands heralds the return of PvP vendors. In this guide, we detail the items they sell, where to find them in Oribos, how to upgrade your PvP gear, how loot from the Great Vault works, and the Gladiator mount that awaits you in Shadowlands PvP Season 1.
Shadowlands PvP Season 2
Shadowlands Season 2 started on July 6, 2021. Although no end date has been announced yet, we think it will conclude with the release of Patch 9.2. You can find everything about the ongoing Season in our hub linked below.
PvP Season 1 Start and End Dates
Shadowlands PvP Season 1 started on December 8, 2020 and ended with the release of Patch 9.1 on June 28, 2021.
PvP Vendors
PvP vendors have returned for Shadowlands and you can find them in Oribos, at 36, 57.
- Purveyor Zo'kuul sells Rank 1 (Item Level 158)
Honor PvP gear.
- Zo'sorg sells Unranked (Item Level 200) Conquest PvP gear
- Aggressor Zo'dash can upgrade your PvP gear (up to Rank 7) for
- Strategist Zo'rak offers 2 quests that you can complete each week:
- Observing Arenas: Obtain 250 Conquest in Arenas to receive
Multi-Modal Anima Container and 500
- Observing Skirmishes: Obtain 250
Honor from Arena Skirmishes to receive 1
Multi-Modal Anima Container and 350
- Observing Arenas: Obtain 250 Conquest in Arenas to receive
Honor PvP Gear
Starts at Rank 1 (Item Level 158) and the item cost depends on the slot.
- Amulets/Back/Wrist/Rings cost 525
- Shoulders/Hands/Waist/Feet cost 700
- Head/Chest/Legs/One-Hand Weapons cost 875
- Trinkets cost 525 and 700
- Two-Hand Weapons cost 1,750
Upgrading Honor PvP Gear
PvP gear starts at Rank 1 (Item Level 158) and can be upgraded
up to Rank 7 (Item Level 197) with Honor.
The upper limit of this kind of upgrade is determined by your Renown
level, and players can hold a maximum of 15,000 Honor.
- Renown Level 7 is required to upgrade Unrated PvP equipment to Rank 5.
- Renown Level 22 is required to upgrade Unrated PvP equipement to Rank 7.
Talk to Aggressor Zo'dash and drag an item to the window to upgrade it. There, you will see stats of the next rank and the upgrade cost.
Honor PvP Gear Upgrade Costs
The amount of Honor required to upgrade PvP items increases with ranks.
The cost also depends on the armor slot of the upgraded item.
- Head, Chest, Leg Slots and One-Hand Weapons
- Rank 2 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (164) and costs 500
Honor Points.
- Rank 3 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (171) and costs 625
Honor Points.
- Rank 4 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (177) and costs 1,000
Honor Points.
- Rank 5 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (183) and costs 1,250
Honor Points.
- Rank 6 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (190) and costs 1,375
Honor Points and the item's quality changes from Rare to Epic.
- Rank 7 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (197) and costs 1,500
Honor Points.
- Rank 2 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (164) and costs 500
- Amulets, Rings, Trinkets, Cloak, Wrists
- Rank 2 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (164) and costs 300
Honor Points.
- Rank 3 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (171) and costs 375
Honor Points.
- Rank 4 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (177) and costs 600
Honor Points.
- Rank 5 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (183) and costs 750
Honor Points.
- Rank 6 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (190) and costs 825
Honor Points and changes the item's quality from Rare to Epic.
- Rank 7 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (197) and costs 900
Honor Points.
- Rank 2 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (164) and costs 300
- Shoulders/Hands/Waist/Feet
- Rank 2 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (164) and costs 400
Honor Points.
- Rank 3 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (171) and costs 500
Honor Points.
- Rank 4 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (177) and costs 800
Honor Points.
- Rank 5 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (183) and costs 1,000
Honor Points.
- Rank 6 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (190) and costs 1,100
Honor Points and changes the item's quality from Rare to Epic.
- Rank 7 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (197) and costs 1,200
Honor Points.
- Rank 2 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (164) and costs 400
- Two-Hand Weapons
- Rank 2 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (164) and costs 1,000
Honor Points.
- Rank 3 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (171) and costs 1,250
Honor Points.
- Rank 4 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (177) and costs 2,000
Honor Points.
- Rank 5 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (183) and costs 2.500
Honor Points.
- Rank 6 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (190) and costs 2,750
Honor Points and changes the item's quality from Rare to Epic.
- Rank 7 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (197) and costs 3,000
Honor Points.
- Rank 2 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (164) and costs 1,000
- Off Hand Items
- Rank 2 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (164) and costs 250
Honor Points.
- Rank 3 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (171) and costs 300
Honor Points.
- Rank 4 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (177) and costs 500
Honor Points.
- Rank 5 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (183) and costs 625
Honor Points.
- Rank 6 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (190) and costs 700
Honor Points and changes the item's quality from Rare to Epic.
- Rank 7 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (197) and costs 750
Honor Points.
- Rank 2 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (164) and costs 250
Conquest PvP Gear
There is a cap on how much Conquest can be earned during a season.
The cap increases by 550 each week. This means that during week 1, the cap is
550. During week 2, the cap is 1,100.
- If you earn 550
Conquest during week 1, you will then be able to earn 550 Conquest during week 2.
- If you earn no
Conquest during week 1, you will then be able to earn 1,100 during week 2.
- If you earn 400
Conquest during week 1, you should be able to earn 700 Conquest during week 2.
Unranked Conquest gear starts at Item Level 200 and item costs depend
on the item slot.
- Back/Wrist/Rings cost 525
- Shoulders/Hands/Waist/Feet cost 700
- Head/Chest/Legs cost 875
- Trinkets cost 525 and 700
- One-Hand Weapons cost 1,350
- Off-Hands/Amulets cost 450
- Two-Hand Weapons cost 1,800
Conduits appear at higher rank on the vendor automatically when
your rating increases and cost 200 Conquest each.
Upgrading Conquest PvP Gear
Conquest gear starts at Rank 1 (Item Level 200) and can be
upgraded all the way to Rank 7 (Item Level 229) with
We currently do not know the exact upgrade costs, and this section will be
soon updated with more information as they become available.
Upgrading Conquest PvP Gear
The upper limit upgrade is determined by your current highest rating bracket in Arenas or Rated Battlegrounds:
- Unranked — Item Level 200;
- Combatant — Item Level 207;
- Challenger — Item Level 213;
- Rival — Item Level 220;
- Duelist — Item Level 226.
PvP Rewards
If you complete the Sinful Gladiator: Shadowlands Season 1 achievement
and become Gladiator in Shadowlands PvP Season 1, you will receive
Sinful Gladiator's Soul Eater mount. Gladiator mounts have become
account-wide in the pre-patch.
Battle for Azeroth PvP Sets
Do not forget that you can now purchase Battle for Azeroth PvP set appearances
and weapon sets for Mark of Honor. Alliance players must seek out
Marshal Gabriel in Boralus (56, 26). Horde players must talk to Xander Silberman
located at the Mugambala (52, 58) in Zuldazar.
- Armor set appearances cost 12
Mark of Honor each.
- Weapon set appearances cost 80
Mark of Honor each.
- 28 Oct. 2021: Updated for Patch 9.1.5.
- 20 Feb. 2021: Updated with correct Conquest gear costs.
- 22 Jan. 2021: Unranked Conquest gear starts at Item Level 200.
- 08 Dec. 2020: Updated with more information on Conquest cap.
- 06 Dec. 2020: Updated with weapon upgrade costs and Renown gating.
- 27 Nov. 2020: Fixed typo.
- 26 Nov. 2020: Updated with BfA set appearances.
- 25 Nov. 2020: Page added.
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