Shadowlands PvP Season 4: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (9.2.5)
Shadowlands PvP Season 4 acts more like a PvP season from an earlier era. Although the item names have changed to reflect the "eternal" theme, they are all still the same models introduced in Patch 9.2, albeit at a higher item level. Nevertheless, read on to see what new rewards can be earned during this final PvP Season of the Shadowlands expansion.
Season 4 is the final season of Shadowlands, and acts as something of an experiment compared to traditional content seasons before it. Although it features its own share of collectible mounts, titles, and achievements along with a bump in gear item levels, all of the dungeons and raids will be a little more familiar than usual...
Shadowlands PvP Season 4 Start and End Dates
Shadowlands Season 4 starts on August 2, 2022. It is expected to end with the prepatch for the upcoming Dragonflight expansion, due out by the end of 2022.
Shadowlands PvP Season 4 Changes
- Aspirant and Gladiator item level rewards are increased by 26. This also applies to rewards chosen from the weekly Great Vault;
Conquest will have a higher weekly cap than previous seasons;
- As of the weekly reset on August 16th, 2022,
Conquest has no cap and the
Spoils of War buff is once again active.
- As of the weekly reset on August 16th, 2022,
- A new variant of the Souleater mount is available (
Eternal Gladiator's Soul Eater) to be earned for players who can earn the
Gladiator: Shadowlands Season 4 achievement.
- A new weapon illusion: Eternal Flux.
- New vicious mounts —
Vicious Warstalker/
Vicious Warstalker;
- A new title — "Eternal gladiator" — is up for grabs for the elite few
players who will earn
Eternal Gladiator: Shadowlands Season 4 at the end of the season.
- The
Vessel of Profound Possibilities no longer requires any extra achievements to be purchased on a character, instead requiring 10,000 Cosmic Flux.
Shadowlands PvP Season 4 Vendors
You can buy gear from PvP vendors in Oribos, at 36, 57.
- Purveyor Zo'kuul sells Rank 1 (Item Level 229)
Honor PvP gear.
- Zo'sorg sells Unranked (Item Level 275)
Conquest PvP gear.
- Aggressor Zo'dash can upgrade Unrated PvP gear (up to Rank 7)
and Rated PvP gear (up to Rank 9) for
- Strategist Zo'rak offers a couple of quests that you can complete each
- Observing Arenas: Obtain 250
Conquest in Arenas to receive 2
Multi-Modal Anima Container and 500
- Observing Skirmishes: Obtain 250
Honor from Arena Skirmishes to receive 1
Multi-Modal Anima Container and 350
- Observing Teamwork: obtain Honor in Rated Battlegrounds for
Multi-Modal Anima Container, 175
Conquest and 750
- Observing the Chase requires you to enable War Mode and slay 1
player within the world for 1
Net-o-Matic 5000, 50
Conquest and 200
- Solo Mission: Complete 5 rounds of Solo Shuffle for 2
Multi-Modal Anima Containers, 175
Conquest, and 500
- Observing Arenas: Obtain 250
Shadowlands PvP Season 4 Honor Gear
Honor gear starts at Rank 1 (Item Level 229) and the item cost depends on the slot.
- Amulets/Back/Wrist/Rings cost 525
- Shoulders/Hands/Waist/Feet cost 700
- Head/Chest/Legs cost 875
- One-Hand Weapons cost 1,325
- Off-Hand items cost 425
- Two-Hand Weapons cost 1,750
- Trinkets cost between 525 and 700
Honor Gear Scaling in Shadowlands Season 4
In War Mode, Arenas, and Battlegrounds, Unrated PvP (Honor) gear scales up by 17-36 item levels.. For example, an item level 229 (Rank 1) piece of Honor gear retains item level 229 in PvE, but scales to item level 265 in PvP. However, at higher ranks, the item level increase in PvP combat and War Mode decreases. If you upgrade Honor gear to rank 7 it will have item level 268 and only scale up by 17 item levels to item level 285 in PvP situations.
Upgrading Honor Gear in Shadowlands PvP Season 4
Honor gear starts at Rank 1 (Item Level 229) and can be upgraded
up to Rank 7 (Item Level 268) with Honor.
The upper limit of this kind of upgrade is determined by your Renown
level, and players can hold a maximum of 15,000 Honor.
- Renown Level 44 is required to upgrade Unrated PvP equipment to Ranks 4 and 5.
- Renown Level 59 is required to upgrade Unrated PvP equipment to Ranks 6 and 7..
Talk to Aggressor Zo'dash and drag an item to the window to upgrade it. There, you will see stats of the next rank and the upgrade cost.
For better illustration, we include a table with all the information mentioned above.
Unrated PvP Upgrade Level |
Item Level | Item Level in PvP |
1 | 229 | 255 |
2 | 236 | 268 |
3 | 242 | 272 |
4 (Renown 44) | 249 | 275 |
5 | 255 | 278 |
6 (Renown 59) | 262 | 281 |
7 | 268 | 285 |
Honor PvP Gear Upgrade Costs in Shadowlands PvP Season 4
The amount of Honor required to upgrade PvP items increases with ranks.
The cost also depends on the armor slot of the upgraded item. In the table below
you can see how much honor it costs per individual upgrade level depending on the
slot, with the total amount of honor required to reach that rank in parentheses.
Upgrade Level |
Item Level |
Helm/Chest /Legs |
Shoulders/Hands /Waist/Feet |
Jewelry/Trinkets /Cloak/Bracers |
1h Weapons |
2h Weapons |
Offhands |
2 | 236 | 325 | 250 | 200 | 325 | 650 | 175 |
3 | 242 | 375 (700) | 300 (550) | 225 (425) | 375 (700) | 750 (1,400) | 200 (375) |
4 | 249 | 450 (1,150) | 350 (900) | 275 (700) | 450 (1,150) | 900 (2,300) | 225 (600) |
5 | 255 | 500 (1,650) | 400 (1300) | 300 (1,000) | 500 (1,650) | 1000 (3,300) | 250 (850) |
6 | 262 | 575 (2,225) | 450 (1,750) | 350 (1,350) | 575 (2,225) | 1,150 (4,450) | 300 (1,150) |
7 | 268 | 650 (2,875) | 500 (2,250) | 375 (1,725) | 650 (2,875) | 1,300 (5,750) | 350 (1,500) |
Conquest Gear in Shadowlands PvP Season 4
At the start of the season, Conquest will again have a weekly cap,
although this value will be higher than it was in previous seasons.
Unranked Conquest gear starts at Item Level 249 and item costs depend
on the item slot.
- Head/Chest/Legs cost 875
- Shoulders/Hands/Waist/Feet cost 700
- Back/Wrist/Rings cost 525
- Trinkets cost 525 and 700
- One-Hand Weapons cost 1,350
- Off-Hands/Amulets cost 450
- Two-Hand Weapons cost 1,800
Conduits on the vendor are of item level 239 and appear on the vendor
automatically when your rating increases and cost 200 Conquest each.
Conquest Gear Scaling in Shadowlands PvP Season 4
Rated PvP (Conquest) gear scales only up by 10-13 item levels in PvP situations. For instance, an item level 275 (Rank 1) gear piece would scale to item level 288, but a Rank 9 item level 301 gear piece would scale up in PvP by 10 item levels to item level 311.
Upgrading Conquest Gear in Shadowlands PvP Season 4
Conquest gear starts at Rank 1 (Item Level 275) and can be
upgraded all the way to Rank 9 (Item Level 301) with
The upper limit upgrade is determined by your current highest rating bracket in Arenas or Rated Battlegrounds:
- Unranked — Item Level 275;
- Rank 2 Combatant I — Item Level 278;
- Rank 3 Combatant II — Item Level 281;
- Rank 4 Challenger I — Item Level 285;
- Rank 5 Challenger II — Item Level 288;
- Rank 6 Rival I — Item Level 291;
- Rank 7 Rival II — Item Level 294;
- Rank 8 Duelist — Item Level 298;
- Rank 9 Elite — Item Level 301.
Please, refer to the table below for more information.
New Rating | Rated PvP Ranks | Item Level | Item Level in PvP |
Rank 1 Unranked | 275 | 288 | |
1,000 | Rank 2 Combatant I | 278 | 291 |
1,200 | Rank 3 Combatant II | 281 | 294 |
1,400 | Rank 4 Challenger I | 285 | 298 |
1,600 | Rank 5 Challenger II | 288 | 301 |
1,800 | Rank 6 Rival I | 291 | 304 |
1,950 | Rank 7 Rival II | 294 | 307 |
2,100 | Rank 8 Duelist | 298 | 311 |
2,400 | Rank 9 Elite | 301 | 311 |
Conquest PvP Gear Upgrade Costs in Shadowlands PvP Season 3
The amount of Honor required to upgrade Conquest items increases
with each rank and is different for each armor slot, operating similarly to the
aspirant gear table above.
Shadowlands PvP Season 4 Rewards
If you complete the Gladiator: Shadowlands Season 4 achievement
and become Gladiator in Shadowlands PvP Season 4, you will receive
Eternal Gladiator's Soul Eater mount and the Eternal Gladiator
title. Note that Gladiator mounts are account-wide.
Vicious mounts for Season 4 are Alliance and Horde-themed Warstalkers.
- 11 Aug. 2022: Updated to reflect the forthcoming uncapping of Conquest.
- 28 Jul. 2022: Updated with new information from recent clarifications by Blizzard.
- 18 Jul. 2022: Guide added.
This guide has been written by Sinzhu, a Mythic raider on US-Kil'jaeden who has passionately played Brewmaster for the past nine years. He also contributes to the Peak of Serenity and is a Moderator of the Monk Class Discord.
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