Shadowmourne Legendary Weapon Transmogrification Guide
In this guide, you are going to learn how to obtain and use Shadowmourne for transmogrification in Visions of N'Zoth.
How to Obtain Shadowmourne
Shadowmourne is a Two-Hand Axe that you can obtain from Icecrown
Citadel. Expect to spend at least a couple of weeks before completing the quest
line. The rewards definitely make it worth your while, because on top of obtaining
the weapon, you will also receive cosmetic rewards which you can keep or sell
on the Auction House for Gold. Note that you will not be able to obtain the
weapon alone, because one step requires the input of at least two other people.
Reaching Friendly with the Ashen Verdict
Switch raid difficulty to 25 Heroic and kill all trash at the entrance up to Lord Marrowgar. Leave the raid and right-click your portrait to reset all instances. Enter Icecrown Citadel and repeat this step again until you have reached Friendly with the Ashen Verdict.
The Sacred and the Corrupt
Talk to Highlord Mograine located on the right side of the room as you enter Icecrown Citadel. For The Sacred and the Corrupt quest, you will need to:
- Obtain 25
Primordial Saronite which you can buy on the Auction House or from Legacy Justice Quartermasters in Dalaran and Icecrown Citadel for 135 Gold each at Friendly.
- Retrieve
Light's Vengeance from a cave in Dragonblight (74, 24).
- Kill Festergut and loot
Festergut's Acidic Blood.
- Kill Rotface and loot
Rotface's Acidic Blood.
- Try to avoid killing trash, because you will need it for the next quest.
Use the teleporter and head back to Highlord Mograine to turn in the quest
and receive Shadow's Edge.
A Feast of Souls
For A Feast of Souls, you must feed 50 souls to Shadow's Edge
which is why you have kept the trash alive. Unequip all your
gear, equip
Shadow's Edge and start killing trash mobs until you
complete the quest.
Unholy Infusion
Shadow's Edge must next be infused with Unholy power and this quest
involves Professor Putricide. You must have
Shadow's Edge equipped
and start the encounter. Hit the boss once, but do not damage him below 80%
because that will trigger the next phase. Wait for Putricide to spawn three
Slime Puddles. Then, head over to his table and drink the concoction.
Trigger Phase 2 by slightly damaging him below 80% and when you are
transformed into an Abomination, press the First Ability (1) on
the Action Bar until you fill the bar on the right to full. Then, click the
Fourth Ability (4) to infuse
Shadow's Edge with Unholy power.
Blood Infusion
Involves Blood-Queen Lana'thel and this portion of the quest line cannot
be soloed, so you must bring in at least two people. We recommend bringing at least
one class with self-resurrection capabilities. The objective is to bite three people
and then kill the boss. Have Shadow's Edge equipped and tank Blood-Queen
Lana'thel. Wait one minute after the boss puts a debuff on you and bite the
first person. The bitten person becomes mind-controlled and must be killed. Then,
wait another minute and bite the second person. The first person needs to resurrect
in the meantime. After that, you will bite the first person again (third bite in total).
Kill the boss as you normally would to complete the quest after the third bite.
Frost Infusion
Have Shadow's Edge equipped and stand before Sindragosa. The
boss must perform her Frost Breath ability four times on you. Afterward,
kill Sindragosa.
The Splintered Throne
Collect 50 Shadowfrost Shards from Icecrown Citadel bosses to receive
Shadowmourne. This step is going to take a few weeks. Always
complete the raid on 25 Heroic difficulty to increase the number of shards
that drop each week.
The Lich King's Last Stand
Finally, defeat the Lich King who will drop a Sealed Chest. Go back to
Highlord Mograine who will give you an
Unsealed Chest which
Alexandros' Soul Shard which is turned in for
Reins of the Crimson Deathcharger;
Arthas' Training Sword which is turned in for
Muradin's Favor;
Badge of the Silver Hand which is turned in for
Tabard of the Lightbringer;
Blood of Sylvanas is turned in for
Sylvanas' Music Box;
Jaina's Locket which is turned in for a locket which opens a Dalaran portal.
All the items above can be sold on the Auction House.
How to Transmogrify Shadowmourne
If you own Shadowmourne you can visit a transmogrifier in
any major city to use the weapon's appearance for transmog.
Certain restrictions apply.
Transmog Restrictions
Shadowmourne can be transmogrified by Death Knights, Paladins, and
Warriors. The character must be of level 70 or above to use the weapon appearance.
- 16 Jan. 2020: Guide added.
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