Sikran Raid Guide in Nerub-ar Palace

Last updated on Sep 09, 2024 at 14:35 by Panthea

Sikran is the 3rd boss encounter in the Nerub-ar Palace raid in The War Within.

On this page you will find a both a short and a full written guide for this encounter, with everything you need to know to take the boss on in Normal, Heroic, or Mythic difficulty.


Sikran Raid Guide

Quick TLDR Guide Strategy Guide: Full Guide Mythic Strategy

Quick TLDR Guide

  • Move away with Phase Blades Icon Phase Blades. This leaves behind a Simulacrum.
  • Destroy Simulacrums with Decimate Icon Decimate. This leaves behind a Cosmic Residue Icon Cosmic Residue pool on the ground.
  • Healers: Destroying Simulacrums applies Cosmic Shards Icon Cosmic Shards to the raid.
  • Avoid Rain of Arrows Icon Rain of Arrows.
  • Tanks: Taunt after 2x Expose Icon Exposes to prevent your co-tank dying from Phase Lunge Icon Phase Lunge.
  • 100 Energy: Run away from the boss (just to be outside of the circle) for Shattering Sweep Icon Shattering Sweep. This also destroys any remaining Simulacrum.

Strategy Guide: Full Guide


Core Abilities:

  • Tanks: Captain's Flourish Icon Captain's Flourish
    1. This tank mechanic is a set of three attacks. 2x Expose Icon Exposes and 1x Phase Lunge Icon Phase Lunge in that order.
    2. Expose Icon Expose deals a large amount of Physical damage and increases physical damage taken by 200%. Use a defensive ability for the second hit.
    3. Phase Lunge Icon Phase Lunge should not hit the tank that was hit by Expose Icon Expose.
  • Rain of Arrows Icon Rain of Arrows creates a series of pools on the ground that hits any player standing in them. Simply move out of these to avoid taking damage.
  • 100 Energy: Shattering Sweep Icon Shattering Sweep.
    1. After two sets of Decimate Icon Decimates Sikran will cast Shattering Sweep Icon Shattering Sweep.
    2. This cast will deal a very large amount of Physical damage to the raid, which can be reduced by moving 15 yards away.
    3. This will also destroy any remaining Simulacrums.

Managing Simulacrums


Phase Blades Icon Phase Blades

  1. Several players are marked with Phase Blades Icon Phase Blades and have lines connecting them to the next person in the chain.
  2. Your aim here is to spawn Simulacrums close to each other so they can be destroyed by Decimate Icon Decimate.
  3. You also want to avoid Phase Blades Icon Phase Blades charging through other players.
  4. Move towards the edge of the room and ideally in a box or rectangle formation.

Decimate Icon Decimate

  1. Decimate Icon Decimate highlights several players, and Sikran will fire this ability to the player and behind them.
  2. Aim to always have at least one Simulacrum in your path.
  3. When a Simulacrum is destroyed, two effects occur:
  • Cosmic Shards Icon Cosmic Shards is applied to the raid dealing ticking damage. This stacks based on the amount destroyed.
  • Cosmic Residue Icon Cosmic Residue pools are left on the ground. This means that you need to ensure that the Simulacrums are in good locations to not limit the amount of space you have and that Tanks need to keep moving Sikran around the room to allow players to place their Phase Blades Icon Phase Blades in good locations.

Heroic Changes:

  • Cosmic Residue Icon Cosmic Residue is permanent and stays for the rest of the fight, making your space management even more important.
  • Phase Blades Icon Phase Blades will spawn an additional Simulacrum if players are hit on the path.

Mythic Strategy

Currently, this tab will only contain information on what changes on Mythic. A more robust strategy will be added after the raid goes live.


Mythic Changes:

  • If any Simulacrums are within 5 yards of each other, they will deonate and trigger Collapsing Nova Icon Collapsing Nova wiping the raid.


  • 09 Sep. 2024: Guide created.
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