Socrethar the Eternal Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic+Mythic Modes included)
Table of Contents

This guide is intended to provide a comprehensive description of the encounter with Socrethar the Eternal in Hellfire Citadel. It is targeted at anyone who desires to understand the fight mechanics.
This guide is updated for World of Warcraft WoD 6.2.
Socrethar the Eternal is a boss in the Hellfire Citadel raid instance. During the fight, your raid will have to handle a special unit that can sometimes be controlled by players. Positioning and controlling this unit correctly is key to your raid's success.
This guide is written and maintained by Azortharion, a top Hunter with 6 years of raiding experience, who currently raids in Ðanish Terrace, a world top 20 guild.
General Information
LFR Difficulty
For the Looking for Raid version of the fight, we provide you with a special LFR guide. This will tell you everything you need to know in order to complete the encounter, in a quick and concise way.
Normal, Heroic, and Mythic Difficulty
This main part of this guide covers both the Normal and Heroic versions of the encounter, as far as mechanics and general strategy is concerned. The only difference between these two modes is found in the tuning, with Heroic being more difficult.
When we speak of extreme situations (such as the difficulty of a soft enrage timer, or damage from a certain source being too high to survive), we mostly refer to Heroic mode.
In addition to this, we have a specific Mythic mode section, where we present all the differences between Normal/Heroic and Mythic, as well as the strategy to defeat the Mythic encounter.
Enrage Timer
The hard enrage timer for this encounter is 10 minutes and 40 seconds.
Overview of the Fight
Socrethar the Eternal is a two-phase encounter during which the two phases alternate over and over again until your raid finally kills the main boss of the encounter, the Soul of Socrethar.
During Phase One, your raid faces a single mob, the Soulbound Construct, and the Soul of Socrethar is not active during this part of the fight. Phase One ends when the Soulbound Construct is killed.
Phase Two begins when the Soulbound Construct dies. The Soul of Socrethar becomes active, and a number of adds also attack your raid. During this phase, a raid member can take control of the killed Soulbound Construct (which is then revived with part of its health restored), and use it against the enemy mobs. Phase Two ends when this player-controlled Soulbound Construct dies. At this point, Phase One restarts and the Soulbound Construct is fully restored and it once again becomes hostile.
This cycle continues until the Soul of Socrethar dies or your raid wipes. Since the Soul of Socrethar can only be attacked during Phase Two, this is the only time during which your raid can finish the fight.
Summing Things Up
In this section, we will very briefly summarise what the players belonging to each of the three roles have to do during this fight. This is by no means meant to provide sufficient information to master the encounter, and it is only supposed to give you a very rough idea of what to watch out for.
- During Phase One, perform a tank switch on the Soulbound Construct when the
Shattered Defenses debuff stacks too high.
- During Phase Two, have one tank handle all of the mobs, while the
other tank takes control of the Soulbound Construct when it is brought
to 0 health. This tank must keep the Construct away from the
Haunting Souls, and use the Construct's abilities as follows:
- use
Felblaze Charge void zones to obstruct the movement of the adds that spawn from portals;
- use
Volatile Fel Orb to damage the same adds;
- use
Fel Prisons to prevent Haunting Souls from making it to their targets;
- spam
Reverberating Blow on the Soul of Socrethar.
- use
- On Mythic mode, watch out for the extra stacks of
Shattered Defenses applied by
Reverberating Blow. If your raid is not using 3 tanks, you will need to be very careful not to die.
- During Phase Two
- Avoid being struck by fixating Haunting Souls, by letting a DPS intercept them for you.
- Dispel
Shadow Word: Agony from the Sargerei Shadowcaller's current tank when it reaches too many stacks.
- On Mythic mode, beware of the raid damage caused by
Apocalyptic Felburst.
- During Phase One, if someone is caught in a
Fel Prison, DPS down the Crystalline Fel Prison.
- During Phase Two, intercept Haunting Souls that are targeting healers.
- On Mythic mode, DPS the Voracious Soulstalkers.
- During Phase One
- Avoid standing in
Fel Prison void zones.
- Avoid standing in
Felblaze Charge void zones.
- Rotate one tank and two melee DPS standing closest to the Soulbound Construct, every time
Reverberating Blow is cast.
- Avoid standing in
- During Phase Two
- Interrupt
Exert Dominance,
Shadow Bolt Volley, and
Shadow Word: Agony in that order of priority.
- If targeted with
Gift of the Man'ari, stand 8 yards away from others until the debuff expires.
- Interrupt
- On Mythic mode
- Move away from the spawning location of the Voracious Soulstalkers (unless you are specifically assigned to kite them).
- Move away from the green marker that indicates where the
Apocalyptic Felburst will land.
Phase One
During Phase One, the raid has to face only the Soulbound Construct. When the Soulbound Construct dies, the phase ends and Phase Two begins.
Each time Phase Two ends, Phase One starts again, and it is identical each time. Since the Soul of Socrethar cannot be attacked during Phase One, the fight cannot be completed at this time (your raid must wait to enter Phase Two again for this to happen).
The Soulbound Construct uses a number of abilities against your raid.
Reverberating Blow is a frontal cone ability that the Soulbound Construct occasionally uses. It deals heavy Physical damage and applies 3 stacks of
Shattered Defenses to the 3 closest targets in front of it. Both the damage and the stacks of Shattered Defenses are split evenly among these 3 targets.
Shattered Defenses is a stacking debuff that increases damage taken from Reverberating Blow by 200% per stack for 45 seconds. Since tanks can be affected by this debuff, this ability requires a tank switch.
Fel Prison is an ability that the Soulbound Construct occasionally uses. It drops a void zone on the ground at a random location near the raid. Any raid members that come in contact with the void zone are imprisoned for 30 seconds inside a Crystalline Fel Prison. During this time, they cannot perform any actions and their damage taken is reduced by 99%. The Crystalline Fel Prison is a stationary mob with no abilities which must be destroyed for the player trapped inside to be freed. If the Crystalline Fel Prison has not been destroyed after 30 seconds, the player inside will be freed anyway. The Fel Prison void zones expire after a given amount of time, but we are not yet sure exactly how long this is.
Volatile Fel Orb is an ability that the Soulbound Construct regularly uses. It targets a player and summons an orb that chases them. If the orb reaches its target, or if it comes in contact with any other raid member, it detonates and deals moderate Fire damage in a 5-yard radius. The Fel Orb does not disappear until it hits a target.
Felblaze Charge is an ability that the Soulbound Construct regularly uses. It charges at a random raid member, leaving a void zone on the ground at that raid member's location. Players who stand in this void zone take moderate Fire damage every second, and have their movement speed reduced by 75%.
Overwhelming Power is an ability that the Soulbound Construct regularly uses. It deals moderate Fire damage to all raid members every 1 second for 3 seconds.
The strategy for Phase One is very straightforward. Your raid only has to contend with a single mob, the Soulbound Construct.
Tanking and Positioning
A tank switch must be performed a tank switch when the
Soulbound Construct has applied 2-3 stacks of
Shattered Defenses to its current tank.
As far as positioning is concerned, we recommend that the entire raid spreads out lightly in one side of the room. This positioning offers two advantages
(explained in more detail below), namely that it concentrates all the
Felblaze Charge void zones in one side of the room, and that it allows
a large amount of free space for the raid members fixated on by the
Volatile Fel Orbs to run in.
Handling the Soulbound Construct
In order to handle Reverberating Blow (which deals high damage and
debuffs 3 players at a time with
Shattered Defenses, making the next
Reverberating Blow effectively lethal), we advise using 3 teams of two players
each, in addition to the current tank, to soak the Reverberating Blows in an
alternating fashion.
Each team should be comprised of one tank and 2 DPS players. Before Reverberating Blow is cast, the assigned team should move into position (in front of and closest to the Soulbound Construct) to soak it.
When the Soulbound Construct drops the Fel Prison void zones, it is
extremely important that they are avoided, as it requires a lot of group
resources to free just a single player from a prison.
When a raid member is targeted by the
Volatile Fel Orb, they must run away from any other raid members and
then allowing the orb to reach them and explode. The damage from this explosion
should not damage anyone else, and the damage it deals to the target should
simply be healed.
When the Soulbound Construct uses Felblaze Charge, raid members must
avoid standing in the void zone it leaves behind.
Finally, Overwhelming Power must simply be healed through.
Phase Two
During Phase Two, your raid has to face the Soul of Socrethar, as well as a number of adds. As soon as the Soulbound Construct is killed at the start of Phase One, a raid member can right click it to take control of it. When this happens, the Construct becomes a vehicle under the control of the player, and some of its health is restored (we are not sure exactly how much health this revived Construct has, but it is between 50% and 100%).
The player controlling the Construct can use some of its Phase One abilities against the hostile mobs, and Phase Two ends when the player-controlled Construct dies. This will unavoidably happen, as its health depletes steadily over time, and there are also two abilities that can cause damage to it. Moreover, the player-controlled Soulbound Construct cannot be healed in any way.
When Phase Two ends, Phase One begins anew, and this cycle continues until the Soul of Socrethar is killed.
Soul of Socrethar
The Soul of Socrethar uses the following abilities against your raid.
Exert Dominance is an interruptible ability that the Soul of Socrethar occasionally casts on the Soulbound Construct. It deals instant damage equivalent to a percentage of the Soulbound Construct's health (5% in Normal mode and 10% in Heroic mode).
Apocalypse is an ability that the Soul of Socrethar occasionally uses. It deals moderate Shadow damage to all raid members every 2 seconds for 10 seconds.
Throughout Phase Two, adds spawn from portals that appear at random locations along the outside of the room.
- Sargerei Dominators
Fel Barrier is a passive ability that is active while the Sargerei Dominator is alive. It is an immunity shield that prevents all damage done to the Soul of Socrethar, and which also makes it uninterruptible. The Fel Barrier fades as soon as the Dominator is killed.
Gift of the Man'ari is a debuff that the Sargerei Dominator occasionally applies to a random raid member. It deals heavy Fire damage every 3 seconds for 2 minutes to the targeted raid member and to all raid members within 10 yards of that target.
- Sargerei Shadowcallers
Shadow Word: Agony is an interruptible, dispellable, and stacking debuff that the Sargerei Shadowcaller regularly applies to its tank. It deals low Shadow damage every 2 seconds for 20 seconds, but it stacks quickly, meaning that its damage ramps up.
Shadow Bolt Volley is an interruptible ability that the Sargerei Shadowcaller occasionally uses. It deals moderate Shadow damage to all raid members.
- Haunting Souls fixate on random raid members as soon as they spawn,
chasing them. If a Haunting Soul reaches its target, it explodes, dies, and
Virulent Haunt to everyone in an 8-yard radius.
Virulent Haunt is a ticking Shadow-damage debuff. It deals moderate Shadow damage every second for 8 seconds, fearing the target for the same duration.
Soul Dispersion causes the Haunting Soul to deal massive damage to the Soulbound Construct, if it comes within 5 yards of it.
Soulbound Construct
During Phase Two, the Soulbound Construct can be controlled by a
raid member (by right-clicking it), turning it into a vehicle. The player
controlling the Construct has access to 4 of the abilities that the Construct
uses in Phase One ( Reverberating Blow,
Fel Prison,
Volatile Fel Orb, and
Felblaze Charge). These abilities work in
exactly the same way as during Phase One, except that they affect the enemy
mobs, and not raid members.
It is worth noting that you cannot in any way heal the player-controlled Soulbound Construct.
The strategy for Phase Two revolves around correct management of the Soulbound Construct. A raid member should take control of it as soon as possible; we advise the tank with the lowest damage done to perform this task (since two tanks are not needed during Phase Two).
In the following subsections we will explain how the Soulbound Construct should be used, and what the rest of the raid should do in the meantime.
Managing the Soulbound Construct
Below, we list the tasks that must be performed by the player controlling the Soulbound Construct, in order of priority.
- Place
Felblaze Charges in front of the portals from which adds spawn, in order to significantly slow down their movement towards the raid. This applies in particular to Haunting Souls.
- Cast
Volatile Fel Orb on new adds that spawn. Since the adds all spawn in a movement speed reduction void zone if there is a
Felblaze Charge near the portals, a single
Volatile Fel Orb deals damage to them all at once. Thus, the player controlling the Soulbound Construct can deal a massive amount of damage to these adds.
- Cast
Fel Prisons on escaped targets, Haunting Souls in particular. Keep in mind that targets take almost no damage while trapped by the
Fel Prison, so use it sparsely.
- Spam
Reverberating Blow on the Soul of Socrethar.
Additionally, the player controlling the Soulbound Construct must be careful
not to let Haunting Souls get too close to the construct, as they deal massive
damage to it with their Soul Dispersion.
Overall Strategy
The rest of your raid will spend Phase Two doing as much damage to the Soul of Socrethar as possible, all while handling the various abilities used against them.
As far as handling the Soul of Socrethar is concerned, there are two
things to mention. Its casts of Exert Dominance must be interrupted
without exception, since your raid's goal is to keep the
Soulbound Construct alive for as long as possible, in order to prolong
the phase.
The Soul of Socrethar also casts Apocalypse, which must simply be
healed through.
Your raid will have to quickly kill the Sargerei Dominators, in
order to remove the Fel Barrier from the Soul of Socrethar, since your
raid cannot interrupt the Soul of Socrethar during this time, otherwise. This
allows him to cast Exert Dominance freely, damaging the Soulbound
Construct and shortening Phase Two.
When raid members are targeted by Gift of the Man'ari they must move
away from other raid members to avoid splashing the damage onto them. This must
be done for the entire 2-minute duration of the debuff.
For Shadow Word: Agony, we recommend not interrupting it unless you
have got an abundance of interrupts available. Instead, it should be dispelled
when it reaches an uncomfortable number of stacks. The exact amount of stacks
depends on your tank's and healers' prowess.
We also recommend interrupting Shadow Bolt Volley as much as
possible, but without letting Exert Dominance casts go through in the meantime
(if needed, Shadow Bolt Volley can go through).
When fixated on by the Haunting Soul, raid members should run away from their allies. If a DPS player is targeted, they should allow themselves to be struck once they have gotten comfortably far from other players. If a healer is targeted, a DPS player should try to intercept the chasing Soul by standing in front of it, in order to prevent it from reaching the healer, which would render them useless for 8 seconds (due to the fear component of a player being hit by the Haunting Soul.
When to Use Heroism/Bloodlust/Time Warp
We recommend using Heroism/
Time Warp at
the start of the encounter, since this is when all players will have their DPS
cooldowns available, and especially because there are no other, more suitable
moments during the encounter.
Contrary to how it may appear, there is no benefit to saving Heroism/Bloodlust/Time Warp until Phase Two, in order to attack the Soul of Socrethar directly. This is because you gain an equal benefit from using it during Phase One, as doing so accelerates the phase and brings Phase Two about sooner. It would only have been beneficial to save these cooldownd for Phase Two if the phase changes had been on a fixed timer.
When to use Legendary Rings
DPS players should use their Legendary Ring roughly on cooldown, while
saving usages for when Heroism/
Time Warp is
used, and for when the Sargerei Dominator spawns.
Healers should use their Legendary Rings for Reverberating Blow in
Phase One, and for
Apocalypse in Phase Two. In Mythic mode, the healer
Legendary Rings should be used for
Apocalyptic Felburst, due to its
high raid-wide damage.
Tanks should use their Legendary Ring when the Shattered Defenses
debuff stacks too high. In general, though, since one of the tanks will be
bound to the Soulbound Construct for most of the fight, tank Legendary
Ring usage is not as important on this encounter.
Learning the Fight
The most central part to learning the Socrethar the Eternal encounter is for the assigned tank to master the Soulbound Construct. This will result in significantly increased boss damage and add control, which makes the fight much easier to execute. If this tank fails their assignment, the fight is almost impossible, since it is very easy to get overwhelmed with adds.
Therefore, it is worth investing time in allowing a tank to have successive attempts inside the Soulbound Construct in order to master its abilities (rather than quickly changing the assigned tank for fear that they are not learning quickly enough).
Mythic Mode
The Mythic mode of the Socrethar the Eternal encounter is very similar to the Normal/Heroic modes, with the primary difference lying in the initial phase where a number of new abilities are introduced.
Differences From Normal/Heroic Mode
Aside from everything dealing more damage and all the mobs having more health, the Mythic version of this encounter introduces a number of other changes.
The Soulbound Construct gains a new ability called
Apocalyptic Felburst, which he uses against your raid in Phase One, and
which the player controlling the Construct can also use, during Phase Two.
Apocalyptic Felburst marks an area on the ground with a green effect, and a few
seconds later, a large orb falls at that location. This deals lethal damage to
players standing on the marked location, and it also deals raid-wide Fire
damage, which is lower the farther away players are from the orb.
Likewise, during Phase One, there is a new type of adds, the
Voracious Soulstalkers. The first one spawns about 20 seconds into the
fight, and additional ones spawn 1 minute apart. Voracious Soulstalkers spawn
at the location of a random raid member, and fixate on the closest raid member
to them after they spawn. Once they are fixated on a player, the Soulstalkers
will chase them until they are stunned or until they reach 50% health, in which
cases they will choose a new target. While chasing their target, the Voracious
Soulstalkers constantly cast Devour in front of them, dealing
lethal damage to any affected players. The Soulstalkers' movement speed
increases progressively as they chase their fixate target.
When the Voracious Soulstalkers reach 50% health, in addition to changing
target, they also heal up to full health at the end of a 3.5-second,
uninterruptible cast ( Soul Regeneration). Finally, it is worth noting
that the Voracious Soulstalkers take 300% increased damage from the
Soulbound Construct, and that they can be trapped inside
Fel Prisons.
Finally, Reverberating Blow applies 6 stacks of
Shattered Defenses, up from 3 in Normal/Heroic mode.
The strategy for the Socrethar the Eternal encounter does not change significantly on Mythic mode, but the new mechanics must all be dealt with.
For positioning in Phase One, we recommend having the raid create two world
markers, some distance apart. The raid starts by stacking up by at either one
of them, with the boss slightly further away. From here, raid members can move
forward to soak the Volatile Fel Orbs. The entire raid should move to
the other world marker when
Fel Prison and
Apocalyptic Felburst
are cast, as well as when and Voracious Soulstalker adds are about to
spawn (they mark the location where they will spawn by a purple zone, so it is
easy to notice). If
the other world marker is occupied by a lasting Fel Prison, we recommend that
you move in front of it instead, and so forth.
Phase Two positioning is unchanged from Normal/Heroic mode.
In order to deal with the increased number of stacks applied by
Reverberating Blow, you can use 3 tanks. This allows each tank to solo
a Reverberating Blow, and it means that
Shattered Defenses will drop
off from the first tank by the time of the fourth cast of Reverberating Blow.
This makes handling the ability very manageable. Alternatively, you can use two
tanks, but this will require healing cooldowns and it is more dangerous.
For handling the Voracious Soulstalker adds, we recommend assigning
a mobile kiter to each one. This player must make sure to be the closest one to
the spawning add at the time of the spawn, so that the Soulstalker fixates on
them. The raid should DPS the adds down to 50% health to trigger their
self-heal. When the cast is close to finishing, the add should be stunned,
ideally for a long duration by something like Hammer of Justice, and
killed off.
Alternatively, the Voracious Soulstalkers can be kited into existing
Fel Prisons, and never broken out. When the Fel Prisons expire
naturally (after 30 seconds), the Soulstalkers should be kited into new Fel
Prisons. This removes them from the fight without requiring damage done to
them, but it is arguably not as reliable nor as safe for the kiter.
Finally, we recommend using
Time Warp when the first
Sargerei Dominator spawns. It is extremely important that they die as
quickly as possible, due to
Exert Dominance dealing massive damage to
the Soulbound Construct on Mythic.
In this section, you will find the loot table for Socrethar the Eternal. The section is divided in 3 subsections: armor, weapons, and the rest (neck, back, finger, and trinket items).
Item Name | Armor | Slot | Secondary Stats |
![]() |
Cloth | Head |
![]() |
Cloth | Wrists |
![]() |
Cloth | Wrists |
![]() |
Cloth | Hands |
![]() |
Cloth | Hands |
![]() |
Cloth | Hands |
![]() |
Leather | Shoulders |
![]() |
Leather | Chest |
![]() |
Leather | Chest |
![]() |
Leather | Hands |
![]() |
Leather | Hands |
![]() |
Leather | Hands |
![]() |
Wrists |
![]() |
Hands |
![]() |
Hands |
![]() |
Waist |
![]() |
Plate | Head |
![]() |
Plate | Shoulders |
![]() |
Plate | Hands |
![]() |
Plate | Hands |
![]() |
Plate | Hands |
![]() |
Plate | Waist |
Item Name | Type | Main Stats | Secondary Stats |
![]() |
1H Sword | Intellect |
![]() |
Crossbow | Agility |
![]() |
Crossbow | Agility |
![]() |
1H Sword | Strength |
![]() |
1H Sword | Strength |
![]() |
Shield | Strength |
![]() |
Shield | Strength |
Amulets, Cloaks, Rings, and Trinkets
Item Name | Type | Main Stats | Secondary Stats |
![]() |
Amulet | Strength |
![]() |
Amulet |
![]() |
Cloak | Intellect |
![]() |
Cloak | Intellect |
![]() |
Cloak | Strength |
![]() |
Ring | Intellect |
![]() |
Trinket |
Mana cost reduction |
![]() |
Trinket | Agility | Damage on proc |
![]() |
Trinket |
Concluding Remarks
This concludes our raid guide for Socrethar the Eternal. We hope you have found it helpful. Please do not hesitate to post any feedback you may have on our forums.
- 16 Aug. 2015: Added Mythic mode strategy.
- 29 Jul. 2015: Added link to LFR guide.
- 09 Jul. 2015: Added hard enrage timer.
- 25 Jun. 2015: Made a few clarifications following our experience of the fight on live realms (the fact that Volatile Fel Orbs last indefinitely, most notably).
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