Sprocketmonger Lockenstock Raid Guide in Liberation of Undermine

Last updated Today at 16:23 by Panthea 1 comment

On this page you will find both a short and full written guide for the Sprocketmonger Lockenstock encounter in the Liberation of Undermine raid. Read on to learn everything you need to know to take on Sprocketmonger Lockenstock.


Sprocketmonger Lockenstock Raid Guide

Quick TLDR Guide Strategy Guide: Full Guide Mythic Strategy

Quick TLDR Guide


Boss Phase:

  • Half of the room will be covered in Wire Transfer Icon Wire Transfer. This follows a set pattern.
  • Heroic: Trigger at least 3 of the Foot-Blasters Icon Foot-Blasters mines. Wait 2 seconds between each detonation. Do not detonate more than 1 per phase (Tanks can take 2). A rotation should be set up of who soaks these.
  • Healers - Heroic: Each Foot-Blasters Icon Foot-Blasters deals raid wide damage.
  • Tanks: Swap based on Gravi-Gunk Icon Gravi-Gunk stacks ~4-5. Run away with Pyro Party Pack Icon Pyro Party Pack.
  • Move away from other players with Screw Up Icon Screw Up.
  • Healers: Sonic Ba-Boom Icon Sonic Ba-Boom deals raid wide damage and applies a DoT.
  • Avoid all of the Inventions. Blazing Beam Icon Blazing Beam / Jumbo Void Beam Icon Jumbo Void Beam go from side to side. Rocket Barrage Icon Rocket Barrage / Void Barrage Icon Void Barrage pick player locations. Mega Magnetize Icon Mega Magnetize sucks you towards the middle.

Intermission (100 Energy):

  • The boss will push everyone to the entrance of the room and fly to the opposite side.
  • All quadrants will be electrified. Run up a conveyer belt and avoid the Black Bloodsplatter Icon Black Bloodsplatter zones.
  • The boss now deals 15% more damage and one of the inventions is empowered for the rest of the fight.

Strategy Guide: Full Guide


Boss Phase:

  • Half of the room will be covered in Wire Transfer Icon Wire Transfer at a time. This has a set rotation it follows in each phase. Below is an image to illustrate what areas are safe in each boss phase cycle.
  • At set points in this phase the boss will pause the conveyer belts and Activate Inventions! Icon Activate Inventions!. These will make the conveyer belts deal damage if you stand on them and introduce new mechanics to avoid:
    1. Blazing Beam Icon Blazing Beam (transforms into Jumbo Void Beam Icon Jumbo Void Beam after 1 intermission and is much wider) creates beams that go from side to side.
    2. Rocket Barrage Icon Rocket Barrage (transforms into Void Barrage Icon Void Barrage after 2 intermissions) fires at random player locations, once it has launched move away from the path of the rocket.
    3. Mega Magnetize Icon Mega Magnetize sucks you towards the middle.
  • Tank Mechanics:
    1. The auto attack from the boss applies Gravi-Gunk Icon Gravi-Gunk to the target. This will be the tank swap of the encounter and you will swap at ~4-5 stacks.
    2. Pyro Party Pack Icon Pyro Party Pack will be applied to the active tank once per area and this will deal damage to the raid based on how far away you are. Run away from the raid with this.
  • Screw Up Icon Screw Up will target 3 players and those players will spawn drills that appear after a few seconds. If you are hit by one of these drills you will be stunned. The players targeted should move away from the raid and the rest of the raid should stay with the boss to make it easier to avoid each other.
  • Healers: Sonic Ba-Boom Icon Sonic Ba-Boom deals raid wide damage and applies a DoT.
  • After 4 sets of Wire Transfer Icon Wire Transfer the boss will reach 100 energy and the intermission will begin.

Intermission (100 Energy):

  • The boss will push everyone to the entrance of the room and fly to the opposite side.
  • All quadrants will be electrified, but the conveyer belts are safe. Run up a conveyer belt to reach the other side and hit the boss.
  • As you are moving Black Bloodsplatter Icon Black Bloodsplatter zones will appear underneath and around you, avoid these.
  • When the intermission ends the boss will deal 15% more damage and one of the inventions is empowered for the rest of the fight.

Heroic Changes:

  • Foot-Blasters Icon Foot-Blasters now spawn in each quadrant section you go to. There will be 4 in total and you will need to soak 3 or 4 of them (you can opt to let the last one time out if you are a small raid team).
  • Soaking a Foot-Blasters Icon Foot-Blasters deals raid wide damage and applies Unstable Shrapnel Icon Unstable Shrapnel to the player for 2 minutes. This prevents them from soaking multiple Foot-Blasters Icon Foot-Blasters in one phase. Tanks however can take 2 comfortably, but they should be on the same set as soaking one later on will refresh the debuff.
  • Set up a rotation of players to soak them. You will have 3 sets in total per phase (12 total or 9/10 if you opt to let the last one time out each time).
  • Do not let the final one of the phase time out as this will explode as you get knocked away for the intermission.

Mythic Strategy

Currently, this tab will only contain information on what changes on Mythic. A more robust strategy will be added after the raid goes live.


Mythic Changes:

  • The entire raid will be randomly assigned a polarity, either Posi-Polarization Icon Posi-Polarization or Nega-Polarization Icon Nega-Polarization. The Foot-Blasters Icon Foot-Blasters will also be assigned a polarity and trigger increased raid wide damage if the wrong polarity destroys a mine.
  • Additionally if any player touches someone with the opposite polarity this will trigger Polarization Blast Icon Polarization Blast.


  • 03 Mar. 2025: Guide added.
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