Stix Bunkjunker Raid Guide in Liberation of Undermine

Last updated Today at 16:23 by Panthea 1 comment

On this page you will find both a short and full written guide for the Stix Bunkjunker encounter in the Liberation of Undermine raid. Read on to learn everything you need to know to take on Stix Bunkjunker.


Stix Bunkjunker Raid Guide

Quick TLDR Guide Strategy Guide: Full Guide Mythic Strategy

Quick TLDR Guide


Boss Mechanics:

  • Tanks: Swap after 1 stack of Demolish Icon Demolish and the other tank has become Rolling Rubbish Icon Rolling Rubbish.
  • Tanks: Be ready to use cooldown(s) for Meltdown Icon Meltdown.
  • Spread out with Incinerator Icon Incinerator and avoid hitting any garbage piles.
  • Healers: Each garbage pile on fire will deal ticking damage to the raid.
  • During Overdrive Icon Overdrive the boss will take 99% reduced damage. Survive and avoid any projectiles. After this ends more Discarded Doomsplosive Icon Discarded Doomsplosives will spawn.

Rolling The Ball:

  • Up to 5 players (based on raid size) will become Rolling Rubbish Icon Rolling Rubbish (Yellow arrow above the head).
  • If you are selected your priority list is:
    1. Avoid hitting other players.
    2. Avoid hitting the boss until you are at full size.
    3. Roll over small piles of garbage or Junkyard Hyenas.
    4. Roll over big piles of garbage or Scrapmasters.
    5. Roll into Discarded Doomsplosive Icon Discarded Doomsplosives (This is the large bomb with a timer above it).
    6. Roll into the boss to deal a very large amount of damage (this scales based on the size of your ball).
    7. Enemies picked up will be released and take 100% increased damage.
    8. Heroic: Avoid Territorial Bombshells!


  • Small - Junkyard Hyena: Tank these on the boss or pick them up with Rolling Rubbish Icon Rolling Rubbish.
  • Medium - Scrapmaster: Interrupt Scrap Rockets Icon Scrap Rockets or pick them up with a Medium sized Rolling Rubbish Icon Rolling Rubbish.
  • Heroic - Territorial Bombshell: Get them below 75% ASAP so they can be moved onto the boss.

Strategy Guide: Full Guide


Boss Mechanics:

  • Tanks: Swap after 1 stack of Demolish Icon Demolish and the other tank has become Rolling Rubbish Icon Rolling Rubbish.
  • Spread out with Incinerator Icon Incinerator. The boss will automatically burn some garbage piles but you can also burn more if your Incinerator Icon Incinerator hits any. Each garbage pile that is on fire will create a permanent pile of Hot Garbage Icon Hot Garbage which you need to avoid and apply a stack of Toxic Fumes Icon Toxic Fumes to the raid. Having too many stacks of Toxic Fumes Icon Toxic Fumes may lead to a wipe.
  • After some time the boss will fly into the sky and cast Overdrive Icon Overdrive. During this flying period the boss will take 99% reduced damage and spawn areas you need to avoid. Simply avoid the lightning zones on the ground and the final landing area. Once the boss lands the regular mechanics will begin again but more Discarded Doomsplosive Icon Discarded Doomsplosives will spawn.

Rolling The Ball:

  • The boss will pick the active tank and up to 4 other players (based on raid size) to become Rolling Rubbish Icon Rolling Rubbish.
  • If you are selected you will see a yellow arrow above your head. During this time you should run away from the raid and get in position ready to pick up garbage piles and/or adds.
  • You can see the size of the ball both visually and with the extra resource bar.
A player being target to be Rolling Rubbish Icon Rolling Rubbish, moving away from the boss and then rolling.

A reference of what the bar looks like and what the thresholds are:

  • Your priority list of things to do will be:
    1. Avoid: Hitting non targeted players as they will get stunned if you roll over them.
    2. Avoid: Hitting other targeted players as you will bounce each other away.
    3. Increase the size of your ball from Small to Medium by picking up small piles of garbage or Junkyard Hyenas.
    4. Increase the size of your ball from Medium to Large by picking up big piles of garbage or Scrapmasters.
    5. Full ball priority 1: Roll into Discarded Doomsplosive Icon Discarded Doomsplosives. This is the large bomb with a timer above it. If they detonate you will wipe.
    6. Full ball priority 2: Roll into the boss to deal a very large amount of damage (this scales based on the size of your ball).
    7. Any enemies that were picked up into the ball will be released when the ball explodes and take 100% increased damage.

A reference for what the different sizes of garbage piles look like:

A reference of what the Discarded Doomsplosive Icon Discarded Doomsplosives look like:



  • Small - Junkyard Hyena: These just deal melee damage to their target. Tank these on the boss or pick them up with Rolling Rubbish Icon Rolling Rubbish.
  • Medium - Scrapmaster: Once these are in range of their target of Scrap Rockets Icon Scrap Rockets they will not move. Interrupt Scrap Rockets Icon Scrap Rockets and they will leap to a new location. Alternatively pick them up with a Medium sized Rolling Rubbish Icon Rolling Rubbish.

Heroic Changes:

  • Junkyard Hyenas now apply Infected Bite Icon Infected Bite to their target.
  • Territorial Bombshells now spawn during the add phases. These will appear in the Medium garbage piles and will detonate applying Short Fuse Icon Short Fuse to the raid wide DoT if they are not killed. Rolling a ball into it will also trigger Short Fuse Icon Short Fuse .
  • Territorial Bombshells will be rooted to their location until they reach 75% Health. Focus them down as a priority.

Mythic Strategy

Currently, this tab will only contain information on what changes on Mythic. A more robust strategy will be added after the raid goes live.


Mythic Changes:

  • Prototype Powercoils now spawn during the add phase. These will channel into a random player which deals increasing damage over time.
  • Scrapmasters now use The Recycler Icon The Recycler making it more important to pick them up in a ball so you get the 100% damage taken debuff on them to kill them before this can cast.
  • More Scrapmasters will spawn after Overdrive Icon Overdrive.
  • More garbage piles will be automatically burnt after Overdrive Icon Overdrive.


  • 03 Mar. 2025: Guide added.
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