Stone Legion Generals Normal Encounter Journal
Welcome to the Normal difficulty Encounter Journal for Stone Legion Generals in Castle Nathria.
More Stone Legion Generals Content
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For our strategy guide for Stone Legion Generals, please use the following link.
The Generals defend the entrance to the Nightcloak sanctum. Grashaal takes to the air as Kaal engages the party. At 50% health, Kaal enters Hardened Stone Form. Grashaal orders airborne reinforcements, while Draven ascends to confront them. Prince Renathal casts
Shattering Blast upon reaching full mana from retrieved
Anima Orb, obliterating Kaal's protective form.
Grashaal then descends to the ground as Kaal takes take flight. At 50% health, Grashaal will enter Hardened Stone Form, and Anima Orb are gathered to shatter his defenses.
Kaal will land, and both generals will assault the party. Upon the death of one of the Generals, the other General will gain Soldier's Oath.
Crystalize removes all applications of
Wicked Laceration and
Serrated Tear.
- During
Hardened Stone Form, deliver
Anima Orb to Prince Renathal, triggering
Shattering Blast.
- Position
Wicked Blade as to mitigate raid damage.
Crystalize removes all applications of
Wicked Laceration and
Serrated Tear.
- During
Hardened Stone Form, deliver
Anima Orb to Prince Renathal, triggering
Shattering Blast.
- Coordinate
Heart Rend dispels to stagger
Heart Hemorrhage damage.
Pulverizing Meteor is cast at
Crystalline Burst players, dividing damage among those hit.
Crystalize removes all applications of
Wicked Laceration and
Serrated Tear.
- During
Hardened Stone Form, deliver
Anima Orb to Prince Renathal, triggering
Shattering Blast.
- Coordinate with your co-tank to manage the effects of
Stone Fist and
Serrated Swipe.
Stage One: Kaal's Assault
Players face Kaal, as Grashaal flies above the battlefield.
At 50% health, Kaal enters Hardened Stone Form and Stone Legion Commandos launch an aerial assault.
Prince Renathal casts Shattering Blast upon reaching full mana from retrieved
Anima Orb, obliterating Kaal's protective form.

Kaal's skin hardens, reducing all damage taken by 95% until removed.

Kaal throws a ricocheting blade at marked targets, inflicting 8,150 Shadow damage. This applies Wicked Laceration.

Kaal's Wicked Blade afflict players with a permanent wound, causing them to bleed for 1,397 Physical damage every 2 sec.

Kaal crushes the souls of up to 4 players, inflicting 2,325 Shadow damage every 3 sec for 36 sec. Upon removal the player is afflicted with Heart Hemorrhage.

Inflicts 3,492 Shadow damage every 1 sec for 6 sec.

Kaal slashes powerfully, inflicting 27,962 Physical damage. This applies Serrated Tear.

Kaal's Serrated Swipe afflicts players with a permanent wound, causing them to bleed for 1,162 Physical damage every 1 sec and increases the damage taken from
Serrated Swipe by 50%. This effect stacks.

Grashaal casts Crystalize, stunning affected players and removing bleed effects, then
Pulverizing Meteor, inflicting Nature Damage, divided among targets hit.

Grashaal channels at a random player, inflicting 2,325 Nature damage every 1 sec for 5 sec, triggering a Crystalline Burst after.

Explodes the Crystalize target removing Bleed effects, stunning, and inflicting 6,997 Nature damage to players within 8 yards for 4 sec.

Grashaal calls a massive stone from the sky, inflicting 69,855 Nature damage divided evenly among players within an 8 yard radius of the impact.

While flying, Grashaal launches a stone spike at random players, inflicting 3,492 Physical damage and reducing their movement speed by 30% for 8 sec1.
Stone Legion Forces

Upon the death of a Stone Legion Goliath, a Massive Anima Orb is created, lasting for 15 sec. Collecting the Massive Anima Orb bestows Anima Infection upon the collector.

Anima infects the target This anima can be transferred to Prince Renathal to restore 40% of his mana.

Stone Legion Goliath leaps at a random player, inflicting 5,821 Physical damage and Stunning the player for 4 sec. This is followed immediately by flurry of attacks, inflicting 1,746 Physical damage every 0.5 sec for 4 sec.

Stone Legion Goliath hungers, increasing all damage done by 60%.

At 20% health Stone Legion Goliath transforms info a Soultaint Effigy, afflicting all players with Soultaint, decreasing healing taken by 10% every 1 sec. This effect stacks up to 8 charges.

Upon the death of a Stone Legion Commando, an Anima Orb is created, lasting for 30 sec. Collecting the Anima Orb bestows Anima Infusion upon the collector.

Infuses anima into the target. This anima can be transferred to Prince Renathal to restore 10% of his mana.

Stone Legion Commandos fly overhead, continually throwing anima bombs at players. These bombs explode upon impact for 9,313 Shadow damage to players within 6 yards.

Prince Renathal shatters the target's Hardened Stone Form. The force of this blast triggers
Shattering Shockwave, inflicting 6,988 Shadow damage and knocking back all players.
Stage Two: Grashaal's Blitz
Players face Grashaal, as Kaal flies above the the battlefield.
At 50% health,Grashaal enters Hardened Stone Form and Stone Legion Commandos launch an aerial assault.
Prince Renathal casts Shattering Blast upon reaching full mana from retrieved
Anima Orb, obliterating Grashaal's protective form.

Grashaal's skin hardens, reducing all damage taken by 95% until removed.

Grashaal casts Crystalize, stunning affected players and removing bleed effects, then
Pulverizing Meteor, inflicting Nature Damage, divided among targets hit.

Grashaal channels at a random player, inflicting 2,325 Nature damage every 1 sec for 5 sec, triggering a Crystalline Burst after.

Explodes the Crystalize target removing Bleed effects, stunning, and inflicting 6,997 Nature damage to players within 8 yards for 4 sec.

Grashaal calls a massive stone from the sky, inflicting 69,855 Nature damage divided evenly among players within an 8 yard radius of the impact.

Grashaal smashes his target, knocking them back and inflicting 23,285 Physical damage. Enemies hit with this ability take 100% increased damage from Stone Fist for 40 sec. This effect stacks with every
Stone Fist, up to 5 strikes.

Grashaal sends a shockwave at an enemy, inflicting 9,313 Nature damage and applies Reverberating Vulnerability to players within 8 yards. This leaves behind Unstable Ground and causes
Echoing Annihilation at all other Unstable Ground locations.

Increases damage taken from Reverberating Eruption and
Echoing Annihilation by 500% for 6 sec.

Unstable Ground explode, inflicting 9,313 Nature damage and applying Reverberating Vulnerability to players within 8 yards.
Impacts that are not absorbed trigger Echoing Blast.

Inflicts 9,314 Nature damage to all enemies.

General Grashaal causes eruptions at marked players every 2 sec for 4 sec, inflicting 5,122 Nature damage to players within 5 yards.

Kaal throws a ricocheting blade at marked targets, inflicting 8,150 Shadow damage. This applies Wicked Laceration.

Kaal's Wicked Blade afflict players with a permanent wound, causing them to bleed for 1,397 Physical damage every 2 sec.

While flying, Kaal throws a shuriken at random players, inflicting 2,093 Physical damage and chaining to up to 3 nearby players.
Stone Legion Forces

Upon the death of a Stone Legion Goliath, a Massive Anima Orb is created, lasting for 15 sec. Collecting the Massive Anima Orb bestows Anima Infection upon the collector.

Anima infects the target This anima can be transferred to Prince Renathal to restore 40% of his mana.

Stone Legion Goliath leaps at a random player, inflicting 5,821 Physical damage and Stunning the player for 4 sec. This is followed immediately by flurry of attacks, inflicting 1,746 Physical damage every 0.5 sec for 4 sec.

Stone Legion Goliath hungers, increasing all damage done by 60%.

At 20% health Stone Legion Goliath transforms info a Soultaint Effigy, afflicting all players with Soultaint, decreasing healing taken by 10% every 1 sec. This effect stacks up to 8 charges.

Upon the death of a Stone Legion Commando, an Anima Orb is created, lasting for 30 sec. Collecting the Anima Orb bestows Anima Infusion upon the collector.

Infuses anima into the target. This anima can be transferred to Prince Renathal to restore 10% of his mana.

Stone Legion Commandos fly overhead, continually throwing anima bombs at players. These bombs explode upon impact for 9,313 Shadow damage to players within 6 yards.

Prince Renathal shatters the target's Hardened Stone Form. The force of this blast triggers
Shattering Shockwave, inflicting 6,988 Shadow damage and knocking back all players.
Stage Three: Unified Offensive
Kaal and Grashaal attack the party together.
Upon the death of one of the Generals, the other General will gain Soldier's Oath.

Kaal's skin hardens, reducing all damage taken by 95% until removed.

Kaal throws a ricocheting blade at marked targets, inflicting 8,150 Shadow damage. This applies Wicked Laceration.

Kaal's Wicked Blade afflict players with a permanent wound, causing them to bleed for 1,397 Physical damage every 2 sec.

Kaal crushes the souls of up to 4 players, inflicting 2,325 Shadow damage every 3 sec for 36 sec. Upon removal the player is afflicted with Heart Hemorrhage.

Inflicts 3,492 Shadow damage every 1 sec for 6 sec.

Kaal slashes powerfully, inflicting 27,962 Physical damage. This applies Serrated Tear.

Kaal's Serrated Swipe afflicts players with a permanent wound, causing them to bleed for 1,162 Physical damage every 1 sec and increases the damage taken from
Serrated Swipe by 50%. This effect stacks.

Upon the death of Kaal or Grashaal, the other general swear an oath to avenge their death, increasing their damage dealt by 200%.

Grashaal's skin hardens, reducing all damage taken by 95% until removed.

Grashaal casts Crystalize, stunning affected players and removing bleed effects, then
Pulverizing Meteor, inflicting Nature Damage, divided among targets hit.

Grashaal channels at a random player, inflicting 2,325 Nature damage every 1 sec for 5 sec, triggering a Crystalline Burst after.

Explodes the Crystalize target removing Bleed effects, stunning, and inflicting 6,997 Nature damage to players within 8 yards for 4 sec.

Grashaal calls a massive stone from the sky, inflicting 69,855 Nature damage divided evenly among players within an 8 yard radius of the impact.

Grashaal smashes his target, knocking them back and inflicting 23,285 Physical damage. Enemies hit with this ability take 100% increased damage from Stone Fist for 40 sec. This effect stacks with every
Stone Fist, up to 5 strikes.

Grashaal sends a shockwave at an enemy, inflicting 9,313 Nature damage and applies Reverberating Vulnerability to players within 8 yards. This leaves behind Unstable Ground and causes
Echoing Annihilation at all other Unstable Ground locations.

Increases damage taken from Reverberating Eruption and
Echoing Annihilation by 500% for 6 sec.

Unstable Ground explode, inflicting 9,313 Nature damage and applying Reverberating Vulnerability to players within 8 yards.
Impacts that are not absorbed trigger Echoing Blast.

Inflicts 9,314 Nature damage to all enemies.

General Grashaal causes eruptions at marked players every 2 sec for 4 sec, inflicting 5,122 Nature damage to players within 5 yards.

Upon the death of Kaal or Grashaal, the other general swear an oath to avenge their death, increasing their damage dealt by 200%.
- 07 May 2020: Guide added.
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