Stormwall Blockade Strategy Guide in Battle of Dazar'alor Raid
Welcome to our guide for Stormwall Blockade, a Horde-only encounter in the Battle of Dazar'alor raid. Here, you will first find a quick breakdown by role following by a detailed strategy to defeat Stormwall Blockade.
Brother Joseph and Sister Katherine are devout worshippers of the waves. These proud Kul Tirans would gladly risk their lives to ensure the safety of their compatriots. Their command over sea and storm is awesome to behold, as are the ancient and powerful rituals they practice.
Fight Overview
This fight consists of two phases. During Phase One, you will fight against
the two Tidepriests, Sister Katherine and Brother Joseph, who
are located on two different ships. Your raid will need to split up and kill
the two bosses at the same time, as otherwise the spirit of the slain one will
channel energy into the Phase Two boss, Laminaria. If Laminaria
reaches 100 Energy, it will cast Catastrophic Tides, instantly
wiping the raid.
During Phase Two, players will disembark from the ships and fight Laminaria, who will once again try to reach maximum Energy and wipe the raid.
- When tanking Brother Joseph, move him close to the
Tempting Sirens after they begin their
Tempting Song, in order to let the DPS cleave.
- During Phase Two, taunt swap Laminaria when the
Energized Storm spawns. The tank with the
Kelp-Wrapped debuff needs to run out and have it expire on the Energized Storm to debuff it with
Kelp Wrapping.
- When healing on Sister Katherine's ship, be keenly aware of where
Crackling Lightning targets are, and move away from them. The more distance you put between yourself and them, the less time you will be silenced.
- When healing on Brother Joseph's ship, be ready to focus healing into played
afflicted with by
Tempting Song. They will likely be moving through
Sea Storm to slow themselves down, so they will be taking significant damage.
- During Phase Two, top off any players who are soaking the
Ire of the Deep to ensure they can survive the soak.
- Breaking
Tidal Shroud and
Electric Shroud is your number one priority during Phase One.
- When fighting on Brother Joseph's ship, quickly swap to any Tempting Sirens that spawn, to prevent them from causing your teammate to jump off the ship and drown.
- Keep the Health of Brother Joseph and Sister Katherine even, and make sure they die at the same time.
- Move away from other players (especially Healers) when debuffed with
Crackling Lightning to prevent them from being silenced for too long.
- If targeted by
Tempting Song, position yourself so that you will run through as many
Sea Storms as possible. This will buy the DPS time to kill the Tempting Siren.
- If afflicted with
Storm's Wail, use all movement speed increases you can to allow yourself to run over as many patches of
Freezing Tidepool as possible. Be sure to also give yourself some extra time at the end to run away from the boss so the Energized Storm that spawns has time to be killed.
- During Phase One, keep the bosses near the center of their respective ships.
- During Phase Two, should be tightly stacked on top of each other. Melee under the boss, and ranged at the back of the room.
Bloodlust/Heroism/Time Warp
We advise you to use
Time Warp at the start of Phase
Two, as soon as cooldowns are up.
Abilities in Phase One: Storm the Ships
This phase consists of a battle against two bosses on two
separate ships. The main aim is to kill both of the bosses before they can
give the main boss, Laminaria, enough Energy (100) to cast
Catastrophic Tides. If this is cast, the entire raid is killed
Translocation Pedestal
Translocation Pedestals are devices that allow you to swap between
the two ships. On Heroic and Mythic difficulty, the bosses will also swap ships
at 50% health, using Translocate.
Electric Shroud and Tidal / Storm's Empowerment
Electric Shroud is an ability that both Sister Katherine and
Brother Joseph cast. It grants the caster a shield that
absorbs damage and makes them immune to all interrupts. This shield must be
broken in order to be able to interrupt
Tidal Empowerment (cast by
Katherine) and
Storm's Empowerment (cast by Joseph), which is
cast immediately after Electric Shroud. This grants Laminaria 2
Energy every 3 seconds until the channel is interrupted.
Soul of the Tidepriest
When one of the two bosses dies, their soul will appear and start to channel
Greater Tidal Empowerment, increasing the Energy of
Laminaria by 5 every 2 seconds. There is no way to stop or prevent
this from happening, other than killing both bosses, at which point both their
souls will leave the encounter.
Sister Katherine
Voltaic Flash
Sister Katherine will send a stream of lightning across the deck of the ship, dealing heavy Nature damage to any player hit by it. This lightning comes in waves, with several different patterns.
Crackling Lightning
Crackling Lightning causes a bolt of lightning to strike at a
target's location, dealing Nature damage to all players in a 6-yard radius. At
the point of impact, a
Thunderous Boom will occur, which silences all
players within 12 yards. The duration will depend on the distance from the area
the lightning first struck.
Jolting Volley
Jolting Volley causes all nearby players to be struck with
lightning, dealing Nature damage.
Brother Joseph
Sea Storm
Sea Storm causes storms to appear at multiple players' locations,
dealing Frost damage in a 5-yard radius. These storms last 25 seconds, and
they deal damage every second to players in them, also slowing their movement
speed by 50%.
Sea's Temptation
Sea's Temptation summons a Tempting Siren, which channels
Tempting Song, which makes the targeted player walk towards the edge of
the ship and, if they are not stopped (by killing the Tempting Siren to stop
the channel), jump off to their death.
Tidal Volley
Tidal Volley works in the same way as Katherine's
Jolting Volley, but deals Frost damage instead.
Abilities in Phase Two: Laminaria
Once both Sister Katherine and Brother Joseph are killed, the raid will disembark the respective ships and face Laminaria, who is stationary, on the docks.
Kelp-Wrapped Fists
When Laminaria melees the tank, it applies a DoT called
Kelp-Wrapped Fists that deals Nature damage
every second and reduces the movement speed of the target by 2%. When the DoT
expires, it will spread
Kelp Wrapping to all nearby players
and NPCs.
Kelp Wrapping is a debuff that increases damage taken by
10%. The intensity of this debuff increases based on the number of stacks of
Kelp-Wrapped Fists the Tank had when it expired.
Sea Swell
Sea Swell deals Frost damage to targeted players with a 4-yard
radius, as well as creating a
Freezing Tidepool under each targeted
Freezing Tidepools
Freezing Tidepools deal Frost damage every second to players
standing in them. Unless removed by
Storm's Wail (explained below),
these void zones persist indefinitely.
Storm's Wail
Storm's Wail causes a player to be targeted with a debuff that deals Nature damage every second for
10 seconds. While this debuff is on active, the player can soak the
Freezing Tidepools that are on the ground, removing them.
When it expires, Storm's Wail summons an Energized Storm add, which moves towards
Laminaria and casts
Energizing Wake once it is in range, which
grants 8 Energy every 2 seconds. On Heroic and Mythic difficulty, when the
Energized Storm dies, it leaves behind an Energized Remnant.
Energized Remnant
Until it is picked up by a player, the Energized Remnant will
continuously cast Unbound Energy, sending out ripples of lightning
dealing Nature damage, and applying a debuff that increases Nature damage taken
by 10% per stack to all raid members. Picking up an Energized Remnant will
Storm's Wail to the player, removing the Remnant.
Ire of the Deep
Ire of the Deep causes an orb to spawn in a random location around the
boss platform. This orb slowly descends until it reaches the ground, at which
point it will deal very high Frost damage split between anyone standing
underneath it. If no one is underneath it by the time it reaches the ground,
it will deal heavy Frost damage to the entire raid and spawn several
Freezing Tidepools.
Reaching Attack
If no one is in melee range of Laminaria, it will use
Reaching Attack to attack its target for 50% of its melee
damage, and apply a stacking debuff, increasing Frost damage taken by 25% per
stack. This debuff lasts 8 seconds.
Phase One
Before the fight begins, make sure to split the raid into two even groups. Send half to fight Brother Joseph, and the other to Sister Katherine.
Both groups need to keep each boss's Health roughly equal. On Heroic difficulty, the bosses will swap platforms at 50% health, and it is ideal that they reach this threshold at the same time, as well as that they die at the same time.
We are unsure if it is possible for the entire raid to swap platforms when the bosses swap (as this was not working well on the PTR); if it is possible, then it is probably advisable to do so, so that players can keep fighting the same boss for the entire duration of Phase One.
When the
bosses become protected by
Tidal Shroud/
Electric Shroud, the raid needs to break them as fast as possible so
Storm's Empowerment can be interrupted.
Sister Katherine
For Katherine, make sure players debuffed by Crackling Lightning
move away from the raid as much as possible to reduce the amount of time people
are silenced. Players need to be ready to dodge
Voltaic Flash, so being
near the center of the ship can be wise, as most patterns can be dodged from
the center.
Brother Joseph
For Joseph, drop Sea Storms in a variety of places. These need to be
ready for players to use in order to slow themselves in case they are targeted
Tempting Song. If players end up jumping off the boat, they
will have brief control over their character, so they can use abilities like
Transcendence: Transfer or
Vengeful Retreat in order to get back on
to the boat. Equally, Priests can use
Leap of Faith, or players can click
Demonic Gateway.
Phase Two
When both bosses die, each group needs to click the
Translocation Pedestals to be teleported in front of
Laminaria. The raid needs to stack tightly on top of each other
to bait Sea Swell in the same spot. This will allow the person clearing
it to do so much more quickly. Ranged should stack near the back corner, while
melee stays near the front. Do your best to leave a lane down the middle clear
of Sea Swell to allow Melee and Tanks to run back to the adds that spawn.
Players afflicted with Storm's Wail need to run around the room to
clear Sea Swell patches before running to the back of the room to spawn
Energized Storms. If an Energized Storm is already alive, it is best to
spawn a new one of top of it, so the raid can cleave it down. When Tanks swap,
the Tank debuffed with
Kelp-Wrapped needs to run to the Energized Storm,
allowing his debuff to expire and afflict the add with
Kelp Wrapping.
Once the add dies, an assigned player (druids are particularly good for this)
needs to pick up the Energized Remnant that is left behind, becoming
debuffed with Storm's Wail and starting the cycle anew. Gradually more and more
Storm's Wails will be active, until your raid is eventually overrun; this acts
as a soft enrage on the fight.
While all that is happening, the raid needs to be on the lookout for
Ire of the Deep and be ready to soak it before it touches the ground.
At least 3 people should soak the orb, but more or less may be required based
on your raid size or the Health of the players involved.
Class-specific Advice for Stormwall Blockade
- 27 Jan. 2019: Strategy updated to reflect the live version of the fight.
- 20 Jan. 2019: Strategy and TL;DR sections added, and page generally expanded.
- 23 Oct. 2018: Guide added.
Class Guides
Raid Guides
BfA Guides
Patch 8.3 Profession Changes
This guide has been written by Dhaubbs a Mistweaver Monk theorycrafter, and moderator on the Monk Discord Peak of Serenity. He raids in Big Dumb Guild on Illidan-US, where he also produces encounter videos. You can follow him on Twitter, Twitch, and/or YouTube.
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