Subtlety Rogue DPS Battle of Dazar'alor Raid Guide — Dragonflight 10.2.5

Last updated on Jan 15, 2024 at 15:00 by Ashine 70 comments
General Information

On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Subtlety Rogue for each boss of the following raid: Battle of Dazar'alor. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.5.



This page will be a rough outline of the bosses and mechanics in the Battle of Dazar'alor raid. This page will focus primarily on how a Subtlety Rogue can optimize its performance on the raid bosses in Battle of Dazar'alor, and not on an actual raid strategy for the bosses. Initially, this page will focus on Heroic mode and lower, however, as more bosses are being killed on Mythic, the guide will also include optimizations for Mythic bosses.


Subtlety in Battle of Dazar'alor

Subtlety has one of the best short-term burst DPS in the game, which seems to be quite valuable in Battle of Dazar'alor. However, the raid has few bosses that contain low target amount cleave, which is Subtlety's biggest weakness. Overall, Subtlety seems to be a competitive spec but outclassed on many fights by Assassination due to fight design.


Talent Cheatsheet for Subtlety Rogue


Champion of the Light


Subtlety Rogue on Champion of the Light

  • Interrupt Anointed Disciple's Penance Icon Penance and Heal Icon Heal.
  • Face away from Darkforged Crusaders when they are casting Blinding Faith Icon Blinding Faith.
  • Use Feint Icon Feint and Cloak of Shadows Icon Cloak of Shadows to reduce incoming damage from Judgment: Reckoning Icon Judgment: Reckoning.


Note: This boss is the second boss for Horde players, and the third boss for Alliance players. For the second Alliance boss (Jadefire Masters), see further below.


Subtlety Rogue on Grong

  • Pay attention to your feet whenever Grong casts Reverberating Slam Icon Reverberating Slam. This ability leaves a Reverberating Echo Icon Reverberating Echo on that location which deals damage and knocks you back if you do not move out of it.
  • Swap to Apetagonizer 3000 whenever it spawns and interrupt Apetagonize Icon Apetagonize.
  • Use Feint Icon Feint and Cloak of Shadows Icon Cloak of Shadows to reduce incoming damage from Tantrum Icon Tantrum.

Jadefire Masters

For this boss, we will refer to Grimfang/Mestrah as "Monk", and Firecaller/Flamefist as "Mage".


Subtlety Rogue on Jadefire Masters

  • Try to keep your Shadowstep Icon Shadowstep to instantly interrupt the Monk's Whirling Jade Storm Icon Whirling Jade Storm by getting back to its melee range quickly.
  • You can cast Kidney Shot Icon Kidney Shot on Spirits of Xuen Icon Spirits of Xuen to stun them.
  • Use Feint Icon Feint and Cloak of Shadows Icon Cloak of Shadows to reduce incoming damage from Living Bomb's Explosion Icon Explosion and Beam Icon Beam if you are about to get hit.



Subtlety Rogue on Opulence

  • If you get targeted by Ruby Beam Icon Ruby Beam, you can use Cloak of Shadows Icon Cloak of Shadows to minimize lost space.
  • More Rogue-specific tips will be added when the raid is released.

Conclave of the Chosen


Subtlety Rogue on Conclave of the Chosen

  • Aim to save your Cloak of Shadows Icon Cloak of Shadows for dangerous overlaps such as if Pa'ku's Wrath Icon Pa'ku's Wrath and Crawling Hex Icon Crawling Hex happens at the same time and you are targeted.
  • You can Kidney Shot Icon Kidney Shot the Ravenous Stalkers to make it easier for your raid members to avoid them.

High Tinker Mekkatorque


Subtlety Rogue on High Tinker Mekkatorque

  • At the moment we have no Rogue specific tips for this boss, make sure to check back later on!

Stormwall Blockade


Subtlety Rogue on Stormwall Blockade

  • At the moment we have no Rogue specific tips for this boss, make sure to check back later on!

King Rastakhan


Subtlety Rogue on King Rastakhan

  • If you are assigned to Bwomsamdi's realm in Phase Three, make sure to have your Shadow Blades Icon Shadow Blades ready.

Lady Jaina Proudmoore


Subtlety Rogue on Lady Jaina Proudmoore

  • At the moment we have no Rogue specific tips for this boss, make sure to check back later on!


  • 24 Jun. 2019: This page has been reviewed for the release of Patch 8.2 and no changes are necessary.
  • 15 Apr. 2019: This page has been reviewed for Crucible of Storms and no changes are necessary.
  • 21 Jan. 2019: Page added.
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