Subtlety Rogue DPS Uldir Raid Guide — Dragonflight 10.2.5

Last updated on Jan 15, 2024 at 15:00 by Ashine 70 comments
General Information

On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Subtlety Rogue for each boss of the following raid: Uldir. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.5.



This page will be a rough outline of the bosses and mechanics in the Uldir raid. This page will focus primarily on how a Subtlety Rogue can optimize its performance on the raid bosses in Uldir, and not on an actual raid strategy for the bosses. Initially, this page will focus on Heroic mode and lower, however, as more bosses are being killed on Mythic, the guide will also include optimizations for Mythic bosses.


Subtlety Rogue in Uldir

Subtlety Rogues are looking to be a very strong pick in Uldir, due to their strong burst DPS. This is mainly due to strict DPS checks on certain mechanics. Additionally, there are no fights which Subtlety truly struggles with, since none of the fights contain Subtlety's main weakness relative to the other Rogue specs, which is constant 2-target cleave.


Talent Cheatsheet




Subtlety Rogue Playstyle on Taloc


Mechanics to be Aware of

  • Plasma Discharge Icon Plasma Discharge causes you to drop void zones under you. Move to the assigned spot or use Cloak of Shadows Icon Cloak of Shadows to get rid of the debuff.
  • Sanguine Static Icon Sanguine Static targets one person in the raid and shoots blood orbs towards the target. If you get targeted, make sure you move away from the raid.

DPS Cooldown Usage and Important Targets

  • Cooldowns should be used whenever they are ready, but be aware that the boss will go immune at 35%, so if you are close to that threshold, save them for Phase Two instead.
  • Focus Coalesced Bloods during intermission.



Subtlety Rogue Playstyle on M.O.T.H.E.R.


Mechanics to be Aware of

  • Wind Tunnel Icon Wind Tunnel is a pushback mechanic that happens occasionally. Use Sprint Icon Sprint to run against it or Shadowstep Icon Shadowstep back to the boss if you get pushed out of melee range.
  • The boss will cast Purifying Flame Icon Purifying Flame, causing void zones to appear under players. Move out of them as soon as possible.
  • Avoid Uldir Defensive Beam Icon Uldir Defensive Beam at all costs. If you are about to get hit, use Cloak of Shadows Icon Cloak of Shadows or Feint Icon Feint.

DPS Cooldown Usage and Important Targets

  • Cooldowns should be used whenever they are ready, but be aware that the boss takes 100% increased damage in the last room. Make sure to have your potion and Shadow Blades Icon Shadow Blades ready for this part of the fight.
  • Focus Remnants of Corruption whenever possible. Use Kick Icon Kick and Kidney Shot Icon Kidney Shot to interrupt their casts.

Fetid Devourer


Subtlety Rogue Playstyle on Fetid Devourer

Fetid Devourer is a fight that Subtlety Rogues should excel on. This is due to the adds that spawn, which need to be bursted down very quickly. On Mythic difficulty, you will almost certainly want to talent into Dark Shadow Icon Dark Shadow to have more burst on the adds.


Mechanics to be Aware of

  • Rotting Regurgitation Icon Rotting Regurgitation is a cone ability targeted at a random player, which must be dodged or you will take a large amount of damage and have Malodorous Miasma Icon Malodorous Miasma applied to you.
  • If you get the Malodorous Miasma Icon Malodorous Miasma, use Cloak of Shadows Icon Cloak of Shadows.
  • Shockwave Stomp Icon Shockwave Stomp (Heroic and up) is a raid-wide knockback. You can use Feint Icon Feint to reduce the damage and Shadowstep Icon Shadowstep while mid-air to get back to the boss quickly.

DPS Cooldown Usage and Important Targets

  • Cooldowns should be used whenever they are ready, but be aware that the boss takes 50% increased damage after reaching 50%. Make sure to have your potion and Shadow Blades Icon Shadow Blades ready for this part of the fight.
  • Focus Corruption Corpuscles down as soon as they spawn. If your raid is struggling with finishing them off, save Symbols of Death Icon Symbols of Death and a Shadow Dance Icon Shadow Dance charge for them.

Zek'voz, Herald of N'Zoth

On Zek'voz you should choose your talents depending on your raid composition. If your group has trouble clearing the Phase One Silithid Warriors, you can opt into Secret Technique Icon Secret Technique.


Subtlety Rogue Playstyle on Zek'voz, Herald of N'Zoth


Mechanics to be Aware of

  • Surging Darkness Icon Surging Darkness creates three zones of darkness centering where the boss cast the ability with one of the zones being a safe zone. If you are about to get, hit use Cloak of Shadows Icon Cloak of Shadows or Feint Icon Feint.
  • Move away from the raid, if you get targeted by Eye Beam Icon Eye Beam.
  • Move to the assigned spot, if you get the Roiling Deceit Icon Roiling Deceit debuff. Use Sprint Icon Sprint and Shadowstep Icon Shadowstep to get back to the boss quickly.
  • If you are assigned, soak Orb of Corruption Icon Orb of Corruption and make sure you have DPS cooldowns ready, because you get a damage-increasing buff from it.

DPS Cooldown Usage and Important Targets

  • Cooldowns should be used whenever they are ready, but make sure to have them ready in Phase Three, when you soak a Orb of Corruption Icon Orb of Corruption.
  • If talented into Secret Technique Icon Secret Technique, make sure to have it when Silithid Warriors spawn in Phase One.
  • Three Nerubian Voidweavers will spawn in Phase Two. Focus these down as soon as possible and use Kick Icon Kick and Kidney Shot Icon Kidney Shot to interrupt them.



Subtlety Rogue Playstyle on Vectis


Mechanics to be Aware of

  • Plague Bomb Icon Plague Bombs need to be soaked by players in Phase Two. If a Plague Bomb spawns near Vectis, use Cloak of Shadows Icon Cloak of Shadows or Feint Icon Feint when soaking it to reduce the incoming damage.

DPS Cooldown Usage and Important Targets

  • Cooldowns should be used whenever they are ready but make sure not to use them when Vectis is about to submerge.
  • Focus down Plague Amalgams instantly when they spawn or the healing absorb will overwhelm your healers. You can also use Cloak of Shadows Icon Cloak of Shadows to get rid of the debuff if necessary.

Zul, Reborn

On Normal and Heroic difficulty, Secret Technique Icon Secret Technique will give you the most overall damage. On Mythic however, the importance of AoE damage is vastly reduced due to the new mechanic and therefore we recommend you to talent into Shuriken Tornado Icon Shuriken Tornado or Master of Shadows Icon Master of Shadows to boost your single-target.


Subtlety Rogue Playstyle on Zul, Reborn


Mechanics to be Aware of

  • If you get the Dark Revelation Icon Dark Revelation debuff, run away from raid and wait for it to run out. Alternatively use Cloak of Shadows Icon Cloak of Shadows to get rid of it, but keep in mind it will still spawn adds.
  • In Phase Two, do not stand in front of the boss because of Rupturing Blood Icon Rupturing Blood.

DPS Cooldown Usage and Important Targets

  • Cooldowns should be used whenever they are ready but make sure to have them when Phase Two is about to begin at 40%, because Phase Two is a race to finish the boss before you run out of space.
  • Focus down Nazmani Bloodhexers first as they are the most dangerous. If your group is running a strategy to CC them, you can use Blind Icon Blind.
  • Focus down Nazmani Crushers as your second priority. Do not stand infront of them because they have a cleave ability.
  • You can mostly ignore Bloodthirsty Crawg because they will likely be cleaved down passively. Use them to fuel your single-target damage.

Mythrax the Unraveler


Subtlety Rogue Playstyle on Mythrax the Unraveler


Mechanics to be Aware of

  • Do not stand in front of the boss because of Essence Shear Icon Essence Shear.
  • Damage players that are affected by Oblivion Sphere Icon Oblivion Sphere.
  • Avoid Obliteration Blast Icon Obliteration Blast and Obliteration Beam Icon Obliteration Beam.
  • Run away from the raid if you get the Imminent Ruin Icon Imminent Ruin debuff. You can use Cloak of Shadows Icon Cloak of Shadows to get rid of it, but make sure to not do it when you are in the middle of the raid.
  • Clear your Annihilation Icon Annihilation stacks by using Existence Fragment Icon Existence Fragments.

DPS Cooldown Usage

  • Cooldowns should be used whenever they are ready but make sure to not use them just before Intermission phase begins.



Subtlety Rogue Playstyle on G'huun


Mechanics to be Aware of

  • If you are assigned to move the Power Matrix Icon Power Matrix, make sure to cast Shadowstep Icon Shadowstep on the small mobs upstairs or a friendly target to move huge distances.
  • Do not get more than one stack of Dark Bargain Icon Dark Bargain.
  • Run away from the raid if you get the Explosive Corruption Icon Explosive Corruption debuff.
  • Spread to reduce stacks of Putrid Blood Icon Putrid Blood contracted from the Wave of Corruption Icon Wave of Corruption.
  • Stack up on players affected by Blood Feast Icon Blood Feast.
  • In Phase Three, turn away from G'huun when he is casting Gaze of G'huun Icon Gaze of G'huun.
  • Move away from Malignant Growth Icon Malignant Growths if they spawn near you.

DPS Cooldown Usage and Important Targets

  • Cooldowns should be used whenever they are ready unless your group is about to hit the boss with Reorigination Blast Icon Reorigination Blast. Always aim to have your cooldowns for whenever this happens.
  • In Phase One, your target priority list is Blightspreader Tendril (Heroic and up), then Cyclopean Terror, and finally Dark Young.
  • Make sure to use Kick Icon Kick and Kidney Shot Icon Kidney Shot to interrupt the casts of the tendrils.


  • 24 Jun. 2019: This page has been reviewed for the release of Patch 8.2 and no changes are necessary.
  • 15 Apr. 2019: This page has been reviewed for Crucible of Storms and no changes are necessary.
  • 10 Dec. 2018: Updated for Patch 8.1.
  • 25 Sep. 2018: Added talent recommendations for Mythic.
  • 10 Sep. 2018: Small updates because of changes made to the bosses.
  • 04 Sep. 2018: Changed formatting on the page.
  • 31 Aug. 2018: Page updated with short description of bosses and recommended Talents.
  • 11 Aug. 2018: Page added (empty for now).
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