Survival Hunter PvP Useful Macros — The War Within (11.0.7)
Macros are crucial to be successful in PvP. They allow players to use abilities on enemies without having to target them. This helps increase overall damage/healing and general awareness in the arena. Here are a few macros that all Survival Hunters can benefit from.
This page is part of our Survival Hunter PvP Guide.
Focus versus Mouseover versus Arena1, Arena2, Arena3
In Arena, there will constantly be situations where the player you want to
use an ability on is not your current target. You can change targets by
clicking on nameplates, but this will make it difficult to quickly and
precisely change targets without delaying the next ability. You can also press
tab to target nearest enemy, but particularly when there are summoned enemies/
pets or other players around this can be unreliable. You can set your tab key
to only target enemy players in the keybindings menu, but then you can't use
tab to target high priority summoned pets like Psyfiend.
This is why using macros to direct (particularly crowd control and utility) spells gives you an advantage over players who don't.
To give yourself the maximum control over what your spells can do, whilst maintaining a practical keybind setup, you will want a combination of the three.
Arena1, Arena2, Arena3
To have the most control and flexibility over where your spells will be targeted, you can target your spell directly at a player on the enemy arena team by putting [@arena1], [@arena2], or [@arena3] in your macro. The problem with this is that in 3v3, it will actually require three separate macros per ability, and the number of keybinds will quickly build up.
As a minimum, if your keybind setup allows it, it is recommended to have
macros to cast Scatter Shot and
Intimidation targeted
directly with this macro clause. This is because you will usually use
Scatter Shot on offtargets (who you are not attacking and will not have
as your focus), and you will often want to use
Intimidation on
Restoration Druids immediately when they exit stealth, and occasionally to peel
an offtarget in an emergency.
It is also always recommended to have keybinds to target all three enemy arena players (which you can do in the keybinding options instead of using macros), to give you greater flexibility over switching targets, particularly when there are a number of summoned enemies/pets.
You may prefer to use [@focus] macros to save keybind space for some spells. This works because most of the time if there is a spell you do not want to cast on your target, the intended target is a healer that you can leave as your focus target.
You can also intuitively combine the keybind for casting on your target with the keybind for casting on your focus target by setting a modifier (ctrl, alt, shift) that will cast on your focus target when pressed.
This is recommended for abilities like Tranquilizing Shot and
Concussive Shot, which you will often use when pushing for traps to
reliably cast on healers without having to think about the position of your
Mouseover, exists
You can also use [@mouseover] on abilities, which allows you to use them on any target by placing your mouse over their unit frame, nameplate or character when pressing the macro.
To cut down on keybinds and make this even more convenient, you can edit this to be [@mouseover, exists] and use the macro instead of the regular spell. The macro will then function as if it was just the spell if you use it normally, and if you use it whilst your mouse is over an enemy character, nameplate or frame it will cast on that target instead.
This allows you to use the same keybind to cast a spell at any enemy without having to change targets.
The [@mouseover, exists] clause is useful for utility spells such as
Tranquilizing Shot,
Concussive Shot and
Scare Beast,
which you will sometimes want to use against enemies that are not your target
or focus target.
It is also useful to have the [@mouseover, exists] clause in your offensive
spells like Raptor Strike and
Wildfire Bomb to quickly kill low
Psyfiends, totems and pets.
Being able to do this is useful in all cases and takes up no keybind space, which is why you will see that many of the macros below include this clause. It is also worth having for abilities where you already have focus or arena macros, to give you additional flexibility over targeting generally.
You can set this to be the default behaviour of your game in the Combat section of the in-game options, although you then wouldn't be able to combine it with other useful macro clauses.
Because you do not need to use an additional keybind for a [@mouseover, exists] macro, it is recommended to create a macro with this clause for any spell that you sometimes want to use on enemies that are not your target.
Particularly in Battleground Blitz, you should have this on all utility and crowd control abilities because it is awkward to choose and keep track of focus targets during Battleground teamfights.
This macro clause is very useful because of how the talent system works. You can use the phrase [Known: ] with a spell ID (you can find these on Wowhead) so that a macro will cast a different spell or show a different tooltip based on your selected talents. It's a nice way to avoid having to redo your action bars when changing talents.
You can use the spell ID or type the spell name. There is a limit of 255 characters to a macro, so if it's a longer macro, you'll want to use the spell IDs rather than typing the name of the spell.
You will see that some of the macros below for targeted reticle spells (eg
Freezing Trap,
Tar Trap and
Flare) are cast [@cursor].
This casts the spell immediately at the location of your mouse. This cuts down
on the delay when casting a spell because you only press the button once
(instead of pressing the button, aiming, then left-clicking to confirm).
As hunter is one of the very few classes that require precise aiming (and timing) with launching traps, you will find that using @cursor will make it much easier to land those important crowd control abilities on time.
Cancelaura Aspect of the Turtle
Aspect of the Turtle is a great defensive, but you aren't able to
attack during it. Most of the time, you will want to cancel
Aspect of the Turtle before it ends so you can start using your next
attack or crowd control. You will see that some of the macros below will also
Aspect of the Turtle when pressed.
Cancel Spell Queue
This is a little bit more obscure, but in World of Warcraft, there is a built-in latency adjustment known as the "spell queue window." This will allow you to queue up a spell before your character can cast it (e.g., during the global cooldown).
Without going into too much detail (you can google spell queue window if you want to find out more), without the line /cancelqueuedspell in your Macro, it is possible that you will already have a spell queued up that would be used instead of the spell you decided to cast at the last moment.
Including /cqs or /cancelqueuedspell in your Macro will clear any queued spell and ensure that the spell in your Macro will be cast instantly.
Damage Rotation
Raptor Strike (or
Mongoose Bite if talented)
- #showtooltip Raptor Strike
- /cancelaura aspect of the turtle
- /cast [@mouseover, exists][] Raptor strike
- /startattack [@target,exists]
This Macro will cast Raptor Strike at your target, or your mouseover
if one exists. Having the mouseover element is useful to quickly kill totems
Note that Raptor Strike becomes
Mongoose Bite when talented,
so this Macro works for both spells.
You will want a similar macro for lots of your rotational abilities, such as
Wildfire Bomb for the same reasons, and
Flanking Strike so you
can quickly use the mobility to jump to a target without having to target them.
Just replace "
Raptor Strike" with the spell you want to be able to
quickly use.
Kill Command
- #showtooltip
- /cancelaura aspect of the turtle
- /cast [@mouseover,exists] Kill Command; Kill Command
- /stopattack [stealth]
- /petattack
Having this Kill Command macro allows you to use the ability
Camouflage without breaking your stealth.
At the start of an arena match, make sure you cast Camouflage after
summoning your pet, which allows your pet to attack and for you to use
Kill Command while being in stealth.
Coordinated Assault
- #showtooltip Coordinated Assault
- /use Forged Aspirant's Badge of Ferocity
- /use Forged Gladiator's Badge of Ferocity
- /cast Blood Fury(Racial)
- /cast [@mouseover,exists] Coordinated Assault; Coordinated Assault
This is a simple macro that uses off-global cooldown temporary damage buffs (trinkets and racial ability if orc) when you begin bursting with Coordinated Assault.
Even if Coordinated Assault is not available, you can press this
Macro whenever you are bursting to use any of your off-global cooldown stat
buffs that are available.
This Macro will cast at your mouseover if they exist and otherwise will cast
on your target, which can be a useful way to use the mobility from Coordinated
Assault without actually targeting the player you are jumping to. A use case
for this would be using mouseover Coordinated Assault on one of a
Demonology Warlock's pets when the Warlock is slightly outside of your line of
Kill Shot
- #showtooltip kill shot
- /cancelqueuedspell
- /stopcasting
- /cancelaura aspect of the turtle
- /Cast [@mouseover, exists, harm] kill shot; kill shot
This Macro will stop any queued spells or spells that you are casting, and
immediately cast Kill Shot.
As with the macros above, it will cast at your mouseover if they exist and otherwise will cast on your target.
- /run SetCVar("SoftTargetInteract", 0)
- /run SetCVar("SoftTargetEnemyRange", 0)
- /run SetCVar("SoftTargetFriendRange", 0)
- /cast !camouflage
This macro will cast Camouflage (and will not cancel
Camouflage if you accidentally press the Macro twice!)
The Macro will also change some "CVar" values. Without going into detail, this solves a bug introduced in Dragonflight that would make your Macro'd spells cast at your target instead of the target that your Macro specifies.
By having the corrections on a macro with Camouflage, you know they
will be fixed at the start of every game.
Aspect of the Turtle
- #showtooltip aspect of the turtle
- /stopcasting
- /stopcasting
- /cast !aspect of the turtle
This Macro will stop casting any spell and cast Aspect of the Turtle.
This macro will not cancel Aspect of the Turtle if you press it
multiple times.
- #showtooltip exhilaration
- /stopcasting
- /cast Exhilaration
This Macro will stop casting any spells and cast Exhilaration.
Feign Death (and mark pet as star)
- #showtooltip
- /stopcasting
- /cancelaura feign death
- /cast !feign death
- /stopattack
- /run local t="Pet" if 1~=GetRaidTargetIndex(t) then SetRaidTarget(t, 1) end
This macro will cast Feign Death and stop your character from
The Macro will also mark a star raid icon on your pet. It is useful to have a raid marker on your pet to make it easier to track the pet's position. Having the Macro on a spell that you use often means the raid mark will be applied even if you only summon the pet midway through a game.
Note that this Macro will only mark your pet while inside arena if you are the party leader, but you can press it outside of the arena if you aren't the party leader, and unless you swap pets, the mark will stay.
Roar of Sacrifice self
- /stopcasting
- /cast [@player] Roar of Sacrifice
This Macro will stop any spell casts, and use Roar of Sacrifice on
Crowd control
Freezing Trap
- /cancelqueuedspell
- /cast [mod:alt,@player][@cursor] Freezing trap
This macro will cast Freezing Trap on your cursor if pressed without
any modifier.
If you press alt while pressing the Macro, the trap will be dropped immediately (and activate immediately with no travel time) at your feet.
I highly recommend that you have a Freezing Trap [@player] macro
like this. It is significantly easier and more reliable to land traps by
standing on a healer and using the [@player]
Freezing Trap, especially
following a
Harpoon or
Flanking Strike.
Scatter Shot (or
Bursting Shot if talented)
- #showtooltip [known:scatter shot]scatter shot;[known:bursting shot]bursting shot
- /cancelqueuedspell
- /stopcasting
- /cancelaura aspect of the turtle
- /Cast [@mouseover, exists, harm] scatter shot; scatter shot
- /cast [known:bursting shot]bursting shot
This macro will cast Scatter Shot at your mouseover if they exist
which is useful in BGs or world PvP to CC off-targets or to crowd control a pet
(e.g., to stop a Warlock's Succubus
Seduction cast without targeting
The Macro will cast Scatter Shot at your target if you aren't
mousing over an enemy.
If you have Bursting Shot talented instead of
Scatter Shot,
it will cast
Bursting Shot.
High Explosive Trap (or
Implosive Trap if talented)
- #showtooltip [known:Implosive Trap] Implosive Trap; [known:High Explosive Trap] High Explosive Trap
- /cancelqueuedspell
- /stopcasting
- /cast [known:Implosive Trap] Implosive Trap
- /cast [known:High Explosive Trap] High Explosive Trap
This macro toggles between High Explosive Trap and
Implosive Trap, depending on which one you have talented.
Note that sometimes (e.g., when knocking an enemy into a Freezing Trap using
a High Explosive Trap) you need to be very precise with the
High Explosive Trap placement, which is why I do not recommend using
@cursor for this trap.
Chimaeral Sting (alt to cast on focus)
- #showtooltip Chimaeral Sting(PvP Talent)
- /cast [mod:alt,@focus,harm,nodead] [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [] Chimaeral Sting(PvP Talent)
This Macro will cast Chimaeral Sting on your mouseover if selected,
your target if you don't have a mouseover, or your focus target if you press
alt at the same time as the Macro.
I recommend also having a macro like this for utility spells such as
Concussive Shot and
Tranquilizing Shot.
Harpoon/Muzzle arena 1-3
- #showtooltip Harpoon
- /stopcasting
- /cqs
- /cast [@arena1] Harpoon
- /cast [@arena1] Muzzle
This Macro will Harpoon the first member of the enemy arena team
(highest unit frame on your UI) if you are at range.
If you are in melee range of the target, it will Muzzle them.
You will mostly use this Macro to Harp to healers to interrupt and/or trap them. This saves you having to keybind Muzzle or arena 123 separately to Harpoon.
You want three of these macros, one for each of the three members of the enemy team, [@arena1], [@arena2], and [@arena3], respectively.
Intimidation arena 1-3
- #showtooltip Intimidation
- /stopcasting
- /cqs
- /cast [@arena1] Intimidation
This Macro will Intimidation the first member of the enemy arena
team (highest unit frame on your UI).
You will mostly use this Macro to stun healers to land an easy Freezing Trap.
You want three of these macros, one for each of the three members of the enemy team, [@arena1], [@arena2], and [@arena3], respectively.
You will also want those three macros with Intimidation replaced
Scatter Shot so you can instantly crowd control anybody on the
enemy team (it's nice to have with
Concussive Shot too if you have the
keybind space).
Pet utility
Command Pet (
Master's Call,
Fortitude of the Bear)
- #showtooltip command pet
- /cast [@target, help] [@player] command pet
This will cast your pet's active ability ( Master's Call or
Fortitude of the Bear).
If you have a friendly target and a cunning pet, it will cast
Master's Call on your target (useful in BGs/world content), and if your
target is not friendly, it will cast on yourself.
Command Pet (to
Master's Call partner)
- #showtooltip command pet
- /cleartarget
- /target party1
- /cast [known:Master's Call,@party1,exists] Master's Call
- /targetlasttarget
This will cast Master's Call on your party member. You need this
Macro for both party1 and party2 to remove important roots and snares (for
Mass Entanglement and
Solar Beam from a Balance Druid).
This will show the tooltip of the active ability from your pet's family
( Master's Call or
Fortitude of the Bear).
This Macro will not use your command pet ability unless you are using a
Cunning pet with Master's Call. This means that if you accidentally
press the Macro trying to use
Master's Call on your teammate whilst
having a Tenacity or Ferocity pet, you will not waste your pet ability.
This macro is not formatted as /cast [@party1] to avoid a rare bug where
your pet can automatically use Master's Call on the wrong target.
Pet attack
- #showtooltip Freezing Trap
- /petattack [@target]
- /cast dash
- /petattack [@target]
- /startattack [@target]
- /petautocaston savage rend
This Macro will command your pet to attack your target and use their sprint ability if available.
You can change the #showtooltip to whatever spell you want to track the cooldown of (this is a way to show the cooldown of a spell on your action bar when the Macro doesn't have a specific ability to show the icon or cooldown of).
Pet Follow
- #showtooltip Freezing Trap
- /petfollow
This Macro will command your pet to follow you.
You can change the #showtooltip to whatever spell you want to track the cooldown of.
Pet Move to
- #showtooltip Freezing Trap
- /petmoveto
- /stay
This Macro will command your pet to move to a specific location.
You can change the #showtooltip to whatever spell you want to track the cooldown of.
Fancy macros
Camouflage during combat macro
- #showtooltip Camouflage
- /stopcasting
- /petpassive
- /petfollow
- /stopattack
- /use [pet]Play Dead;[pet]Wake Up
- /cast !Feign Death
- /cast !Camouflage
This Macro will make it easier to cast Camouflage during combat.
It will put your pet on passive and cast Play Dead (the pet
equivalent of
Feign Death), so your pet will not keep you in combat.
If you have put your pet on passive and it has not been attacked for two
seconds before pressing this Macro, you will go into
Camouflage when
you press it, even if Play Dead is on cooldown.
If you use this Macro and you're still in combat (but you aren't getting
hit), you can run around a pillar and keep pressing it to enter
Target enemy pet macro
- /target arenapet1
This Macro will target the pet of the first member of the enemy team.
Use this Macro to quickly swap to enemy pets (for example, a Beast Mastery Hunter or Demonology Warlock, which will have many pets at once), this Macro will target the correct pet instantly every time).
If you plan on using this Macro in a game, replace the 1 with the position of the enemy Hunter or Demonology Warlock on your unit frames so it will target their pet.
Use this when a Hunter or Warlock uses defensives or mobility to stay alive, and you want to maintain pressure by swapping to their pet.
Taunt enemy pet macro
- #showtooltip dismiss pet
- /cast dismiss pet
- /cast [@arenapet1, exists] growl; [@arenapet2, exists] growl; [@arenapet3, exists] growl
This Macro will command your pet to taunt enemy pets. You can put it on your
action bars where Dismiss Pet is, which means you can use your existing
Dismiss Pet keybind to taunt enemy pets.
- 15 Dec. 2024: Reviewed for patch 11.0.7.
- 21 Oct. 2024: Updated for 11.0.5 rework.
- 11 Oct. 2024: Updated notes with targeting macro advice.
- 09 Sep. 2024: Reviewed for The War Within Season 1.
- 21 Aug. 2024: Updated for The War Within launch.
- 23 Jul. 2024: Updated for The War Within Pre-Patch.
- 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
- 22 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 4.
- 23 Mar. 2024: Guide re-written.
- 15 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.5.
- 06 Nov. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.2
- 04 Sep. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.7
- 10 Jul. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.5
- 09 May 2023: Updated for Dragonflight Patch 10.1.
- 30 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
- 11 Dec. 2022: Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 1.
- 22 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
- 31 May 2022: Reviewed for Patch 9.2.5.
- 28 Feb. 2022: Page reviewed and approved for Patch 9.2.
- 10 Nov. 2021: Reviewed for Patch 9.1.5.
- 03 Jul. 2021: Reviewed for Patch 9.1.
- 30 Mar. 2021: No updates needed for Patch 9.0.5.
- 16 Oct. 2020: This page was checked for patch 9.0.1 and no updates were necessary.
- 28 Jan. 2020: Page added.
Other PvP Guides
This guide is written and maintained by Slo, a Multi-Gladiator and Multi-Rank 1 Solo Shuffle Hunter. You can find Slo on YouTube, Twitch, and Reddit
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