Tailoring Guide for The War Within
This page covers the most important aspects of Tailoring in The War Within, including talent builds and suggestions on how to make gold with the profession.
Tailoring in The War Within
Like always, Tailoring will be responsible for creating cloth gear for combat,
such as Gloves of the Woven Dusk, and gear for other professions, such as
Artisan Alchemist's Robe.
Besides crafting cloth armor, Tailors are able to make bags like the Duskweave Bag
and new profession-specific bind on pickup bags like
The Severed Satchel!
They also still make leg enchants for casters and healers, such as
Sunset Spellthread,
and powerful embellishments such as
Dawnthread Lining.
For the first time, only Tailors can loot cloth such as Weavercloth,
Dawnweave, and
Duskweave, making Tailoring much more profitable
as a passive profession and cloth much rarer! They also still have cooldown cloth
transmutes and specialization trees for
Dawnweave Bolt and
Duskweave Bolt.
Best Race for Tailoring in The War Within
Alliance players can be Kul'Tiran for +2 skill points with Tailoring.
As you need to be a Tailor to loot cloth from enemies, Tailoring also goes well with traditional farmers who can pull and kill high amounts of hyperspawning cloth-rich enemies constantly in a 2x4 group farm format, such as Balance Druids, Guardian Druids or Beast Mastery Hunters!
Best Crafting Stats for Tailoring in The War Within
Tailoring can make great use of all four stats, but you might want to focus on specific stats with different Tailoring specializations. We go into detail with Tailoring stats and the gear you can use to boost them in the specialized guide below:
Leveling Tailoring in The War Within
Increasing your skill is done by crafting items that grant skill points as usual, and in order to be efficient, we recommend trying to get as many first-craft bonuses while leveling as possible, which also grant experience if you are not at maximum level.
Tailoring Knowledge in The War Within
You will be able to track all weekly and one-time sources of profession knowledge with Myu's Knowledge Points Tracker, a very helpful Weak Aura!
There are multiple treasures around Khaz Algar that you can loot for up to 24 extra knowledge. You can find them all easily in-game with the aforementioned Weak Aura or the Rarescanner addon, which will put up small treasure icons with a hammer underneath at their map location, as exemplified below.

Best Tailoring Specializations and Talents in The War Within
The best passive option is to max out the first node on Textile Treasures
and also get From Dawn Until Dusk quickly so you can also loot Dawnweave
Duskweave when killing enemies. Further investment into both trees
will allow you to also efficiently craft the cooldown bolts,
Dawnweave Bolt
Duskweave Bolt, and reduce their cooldown time.
Staying in the passive mindset, unlocking and maxing out the base node of Quality Fabric is also very valuable for farmers, as it will allow for higher quality cloth to drop naturally!
Alternatively, if you want to be a cloth gear crafter, DPS / Healing embellished gear sets can be unlocked in From Dawn Until Dusk, along with epic wrists that allow you to customize which stat proc you want when used.
The Threads of Devotion tree is all about gear, and you will need it to be able to slot in Crests to increase the item level of the gear you are crafting. You will also be able to increase your skill with all cloth gear crafts and unlock all generic customizable epic cloth patterns with this tree.
Making Gold with Tailoring in The War Within
Tailoring allows you to convert cheap cloth into expensive bolts, bags, and crafted gear or leg enchants. High-end gear pieces and bind on pickup profession bags are likely to fetch a good price in the Crafting Orders system, while everything else can be sold at a profit on the auction house.
Due to the commodity producing nature of Tailoring, it is very likely that the consumable market will quickly get loaded with bolts and bags that are only marginally more expensive than the materials used to create them, especially as bags only benefit from Resourcefulness, limiting the impact of your gear and skill on their value. That also makes them very good early on, however!
Finally, you can make a lot of passive / farm gold with Tailoring by speccing into all the various cloth drop support nodes, as that will cause valuable cloth to drop from whatever enemies you kill during your daily activities.
We have a specialized guide for The War Within gold-making below, which contains a gold-making tier list and goes deeper into techniques and habits for successful gold making, as well as websites and addons that can help you on your journey!
- 26 Oct. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 11.0.5.
- 24 Aug. 2024: Updated for The War Within launch.
- 18 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Season 4.
- 19 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
- 07 Nov. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.2.
- 04 Sep. 2022: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.7.
- 01 Dec. 2022: Added more pages to the guide.
- 27 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight.
- 20 Feb. 2022: Updated for Patch 9.2.
- 24 Jun. 2021: Updated for Patch 9.1.
- 24 Nov. 2020: Guide added.
This guide has been written by Seksi, member of Arctic Avengers and healing aficionado. You can find him answering questions and discussing Restoration Shaman gameplay on the Ancestral Guidance and Earthshrine Discords.
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