Tak-Rethan Abyss Delve Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, and Trash

Last updated on Feb 21, 2025 at 09:46 by Petko 3 comments

This page will cover everything you need to know about the Tak-Rethan Abyss Delve in the War Within Expansion, including strategies for events, trash, and bosses.


Getting into Tak-Rethan Abyss

Tak-Rethan Abyss is a Delve located on the South side of Azj-Kahet, Khaz Algar.

Tak-Rethan Abyss Location

This guide will providing the all the specifics you need to complete Tak-Rethan Abyss across all tiers of difficulties (from Tier 1 to Tier 11). We will cover delve events, optional bosses (rares), as well as, end of the dungeon boss and their abilities. If you like to learn about the rest of the Delves in Season 1, please see our overviews linked below.


Tak-Rethan Abyss Layout

Tak-Rethan Abyss Layout

Due to being underwater, an elixir that allows you to breath under water will be helpful. Yes, there are pockets of air that replenish the "breath" bar, but just for the safety it wouldn't hurt you to have a back up. Alternative version here is to bring Warlock Icon Warlock for its Unending Breath Icon Unending Breath ability.


Events in Tak-Rethan Abyss

There could be 3 possibility for events, all of the trash mobs however, including "mini-bosses" and actual end boss remains the same. below you will find the most common event of them:

  • Destroy 0/100% Pheromone Crests (screenshot down below) and then immediately sends you to kill the final boss.
Pheromone Crates

Event #1 — 0/100% Pheromone Crates


Trash Mobs in this Area

  • Interrupt Kobyss Witherer's Abyssal Surge Icon Abyssal Surge cast.
  • Beware of Kobyss Bonechewer's Scavenge Icon Scavenge buff, any spare interrupts should go for Throw Junk Icon Throw Junk cast.
  • Deepwater Snapper will cast Snapper Slice on you, reducing your armor by 20% and otherwise be harmless.
  • Interrupt Kobyss Necromancer's Necrotic Bolt Icon Necrotic Bolt and avoid their Defiling Breath Icon Defiling Breath frontal.
  • Kobyss Spearfisher are the worst mob in this area due to their Spearfish Icon Spearfish cast, which grips you in melee and immediately hits you with Slashing Rend.
  • Beware of Kobyss Trickster and its uninterruptable Illusive Step Icon Illusive Step cast, he will create an illusion that will continue to attack you (Pale Illusion) and hit you with Cleave Icon Cleave frontal cone ability.

Undersea Abomination Boss Guide

Undersea Abomination
  • Avoid the Fungal Infection Icon Fungal Infection frontal ability. You can leave it channel and damage the boss this way without interrupting it!
  • Sidestep the ground polyps when Undersea Abomination is casting Deepsea Polyps Icon Deepsea Polyps.
  • Outrange the Repelling Blast Icon Repelling Blast ability (15 yards).


  • 21 Feb. 2025: Reviewed and Updated for Season 2.
  • 03 Aug. 2024: Page added.
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