Taloc Mythic Strategy/Tactics
Table of Contents
General Information
On this page, you will find a list of changes between Normal/Heroic modes and Mythic mode, as well as a working strategy to defeat Taloc in Uldir in Mythic mode.
The other pages of our Taloc guide can be accessed from the table of contents on the right.
Mythic Mode Abilities
Hardened Arteries
While Taloc is active, he will cast Hardened Arteries once every
minute. This will apply a 6-second debuff to 10 players that will reduce their
movement speed by 20% per second, until they are rooted. When Hardened Arteries
expires, it will deal a large amount of Shadow damage to anyone within 8
yards of the affected players.
Enlarged Heart
When Taloc applies Hardened Arteries to the raid, he will also
afflict the active tank with
Enlarged Heart. After 6 seconds, this
debuff will deal a tremendous amount of Shadow damage, split between anyone
within 8 yards.
Taloc is an excellent warm-up boss for Mythic, almost to the point of perhaps
being undertuned. The fight plays exactly the same as on Heroic, except every
minute the boss will apply Hardened Arteries and
Enlarged Heart
to the raid. These mechanics are very simple to handle: players with Hardened
Arteries spread out, and everyone else stacks on top of the tank with the
Enlarged Heart debuff. Classes without hyper-mobile abilities such as
Chi Torpedo or
Heroic Leap should spread out a few seconds prior to
the debuffs going out, to ensure they make enough room for the slower classes.
Assuming all the "clean" players stack with the tank, and all the "dirty"
players are spread from one another, the entire raid should take about the same
amount of damage when the debuffs expire.
Healers can feel free to use raid cooldowns for the Enlarged Heart
Hardened Arteries since outside of the
Cudgel of Gore, raid
damage is nonexistent.
Bloodlust/Heroism/Time Warp
We advise you to use
Time Warp when the
elevator reaches the bottom of the shaft. This will allow everyone's cooldowns
to be ready to use after the extended intermission, and will help bring Taloc
into execute range more quickly.
- 03 Oct. 2018: Page added.
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