Taloc Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic
Table of Contents
General Information
On this page, you will find a working strategy to defeat Taloc in Uldir for both Normal and Heroic modes, which usually only differ by the tuning of the boss.
Here, we assume that you have read our descriptions of the abilities for this encounter.
The other pages of our Taloc guide can be accessed from the table of contents on the right.
Positioning and Strategy
Phase One
Taloc should be tanked where he stands, facing away from the
center of the room. An area off to the side, near the edge of the room should
be designated for the raid to drop Blood Storm. Ranged as a group can position
wherever they like, so long as they are able to make it to the drop point if
targeted by
Plasma Discharge. Melee also need to be aware of the
drop point so they are not struck by
Retrieve Cudgel.
When Taloc's Energy reaches 100, he will begin to cast
Cudgel of Gore. The active tank must run on top of the
Blood Storm stack so the cudgel will soak up the blood, while the
group runs away from the tank to minimize raid damage. Once Taloc finishes his
cast and begins charging, the Tank should use whatever movement abilities they
can to put distance between themselves and where Taloc is about to smash. While
Taloc is disarmed, his melee attacks are significantly weaker giving healers
more time to focus on the raid.
When Taloc begins casting Sanguine Static, he will
target one player and lock on to them. It is important this player keeps still
in order for their raiders to be able dodge the waves properly. It is possible
for melee players to point this ability away from the raid entirely, due to the
nature of the tight turning radius afforded to them by their proximity to the
boss. However, this is not recommended, as swinging the boss around wildly can
confuse other players and generally just opens the raid up to more mistakes.
Transition Phase
Position ranged near the edge of the platform, so they can pan their cameras down to look for safe spots from the Uldir Defensive Beams, while informing the raid of potential safe spots.
Coalesced Blood must be tanked and kited around the platform.
Volatile Droplets must be focused and killed by the ranged. They will fixate random players, and upon reaching them or coming into contact with anyone else, will explode for heavy Fire damage and will knock all nearby players 5 yards back. We do not advise that anyone except the tanks try to trigger them in this way, though, since they are the only ones who can afford to be far enough from the rest of the raid to ensure no one else gets knocked back. When it is not feasible for tanks to do so, simply DPS them down.
Phase Two
When the elevator reaches the bottom, Taloc will reactivate, and
cleanse all the Blood Storm from the room. From here, the fight is
exactly the same as Phase One, except now
Plasma Discharge will
target 5 players instead of 3, and Volatile Droplets will continue to
spawn. The increased amount of Volatile Blood will make keeping the room clean
extremely difficult, and serves as a soft-enrage. Classes with immunities or
heavy damage reductions are able to stack multiple Blood Storms on top of
each other. The off tank should spend nearly all of their time in this phase
searching for Volatile Blood to intercept, while the main tank handles the boss
as well as the cudgel positioning.
Tank Concerns
The main tank's whole job during this fight will be to ensure clean up
as much Blood Storm per
Cudgel of Gore as possible. Seeing
as how there is not a tank swap mechanic, the off tank's only concern is to
intercept Volatile Droplets before they reach the raid.
Healing Concerns
The only real point of concern for healers is raiders running out of range
while afflicted with Plasma Discharge. Be sure to keep an eye on the
around you to know the path raiders will take to drop their
Blood Storm.
Bloodlust/Heroism/Time Warp
We advise you to use
Time Warp when the
elevator reaches the bottom of the shaft. This will allow the DPS to clear out
any remaining adds from the previous phase, and will give the healers a nice
buffer to ease the somewhat chaotic transition.
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