The War Within Tank Rankings: Liberation of Undermine Raiding Tier List (Patch 11.1 / Season 2)

Last updated on Feb 25, 2025 at 21:30 by Panthea 55 comments

World of Warcraft has never been perfectly balanced, and The War Within is no exception. Some classes are better than others at the high end for raiding, and inevitably, a meta will exist. This ranking is based on the viability and strength of the various tank specializations for the second season of raiding in The War Within.

Disclaimer: This list will be updated as new tuning and class changes come out over the course of the season.


About the Tier List

Season 2 Update: Every tank has recieved damage buffs with some tanks getting more than others to help normalise the damage outputs of tanks. Protection Warrior has had a large overhaul to their talents and rage management making them a much stronger choice this season compared to Season 1 (as long as your raid buffs and debuffs are covered).

The main things you want to look for in tank choice are damage dealt, the ability to handle or recover from incoming damage of all types, cooldowns, and utility (including Raid buffs).


A Final Warning

It is incredibly important to emphasize that just because a tank is low in the tier list, it does not mean that you should ignore it completely. For the vast majority of cases, you should choose to bring the better player (or what the player is more comfortable playing), not blindly play the subjectively better class. Your raid composition may demand that tank choices are made regardless of their strength, such as needing Mystic Touch Icon Mystic Touch, Chaos Brand Icon Chaos Brand, or Death Grip Icon Death Grip.


The War Within Tank Tier List for Liberation of Undermine

Below is a quick summary of the full rankings that we have detailed on this page. While this gives a good outline of the standings of specializations in comparison to one another, we recommend reading the full rankings to understand why certain specializations are ranked as they are.

Blood Death Knight Blood Death Knight

Blood Death Knight's are as popular as ever and have recently had some tuning changes to both of their Hero Trees making each of them have more of a distinct purpose. Sanlayn has improved from being never used to now dealing high amounts of Single Target damage and Deathbringer saw some consistency adjustments for the DPS output. DPS isn't the only thing to focus on as Blood Death Knights can handle every boss fight with ease (with a cooldown plan) and are one of two tanks that can satisfy the Mass Grip should any arise!

Protection Warrior Protection Warrior

Protection Warrior's are great choices of raid tanks and have seen numerous changes coming into this season. They bring a lot of damage and are strong tank choice if your raid does not need your tank to bring buffs/debuffs. Protection Warriors also bring Rallying Cry Icon Rallying Cry with them which is always in demand.

Vengeance Demon Hunter Vengeance Demon Hunter

Vengeance Demon Hunter's bring Chaos Brand Icon Chaos Brand to your raid team (if you do not have a Havoc Demon Hunter) and are one of two tanks that can satisfy Mass Grip requirements should any arise.

Protection Paladin Protection Paladin

Protection Paladin's have seen great changes over the last season and they remain a strong contender. They are a popular choice for Mythic+ also which helps for players who only want to keep one character up to date.

Guardian Druid Guardian Druid

Guardian Druid's are a very good source of Mark of the Wild Icon Mark of the Wild due to other druid specs falling out of popularity, but that's not the only reason to bring one of these as your raid tank of choice. As Druid of the Claw you can deal significant amounts of single target DPS (which most fights are in this raid)!

Brewmaster Monk Brewmaster Monk

Brewmaster Monk's are a very popular choice of raid tank and with a good reason! They being Mystic Touch Icon Mystic Touch and can handle absurd amounts of damage with very little healer attention, as long as they're recieving some healing and have a good cooldown plan it's pretty difficult for a skilled Brewmaster Monk to die.


DPS and Healer Class Rankings

If you are interested in our other rankings for Season 2 Raiding in The War Within, please click the links below.


Full Tank Class Rankings

Tanks are reasonably close together when it comes to defensive power. Defensively, every tank is 100% viable. The major differences between the tanks are damage output, utility, and unique buffs that they bring to the raid. Some tank choices will perform better on some encounters, but for the raid as a whole, you are more than fine to pick any option.


S Tier


Blood Death Knight

Patch 11.1 Update: Blood Death Knights receive significant damage buffs this patch and no other changes. This in combination with all of the adjustments over the last season and with this raid being single target dominant allows San'layn to shine!

Segmented Ranking:

  • Damage: A-Tier.
  • Utility: S-Tier

Blood Death Knights are the tanks with the most absolute control over their own survival due to Death Strike Icon Death Strike, but any mismanagement of your resources can lead to it not being as strong in this department as they should be. In addition to this control, they bring the ability to bring enemies to you with Death Grip Icon Death Grip and a raid cooldown with Anti-Magic Zone Icon Anti-Magic Zone, but they can't have it all, and the main weakness is damage. Blood does not bring any required buffs or cooldowns, but on encounters where you need to group enemies, their utility is invaluable.

What does Blood Death Knight bring?

Functionality Spells Notes
Raid Cooldown Anti-Magic Zone Icon Anti-Magic Zone Absorbs 20% of magic damage taken up to 150% of the DKs health. As Blood has a significantly larger health pool than Frost/Unholy the AMZ from Blood is much more reliable.
Debuff Insidious Chill Icon Insidious Chill Similar to Curse of Weakness Icon Curse of Weakness, this reduces the speed of auto-attacks from bosses. With auto attacks contributing a majority of damage taken on any encounter, this is a valuable debuff to bring to the raid.
Enemy Displacement Death Grip Icon Death Grip/Abomination Limb Icon Abomination Limb / Gorefiend's Grasp Icon Gorefiend's Grasp Ulgrax the Devourer, Bloodbound Horror, and Broodtwister Ovi'nax all have adds that need to be gripped and grouped for efficient DPS.
Debuff negation Anti-Magic Shell Icon Anti-Magic Shell AMS can be used to prevent debuffs from being applied to you, which makes some encounters easier, but is also a very large magic damage absorb.
Knockback/Pushback negation Death's Advance Icon Death's Advance This will completely prevent you from being moved by any knockbacks or pushbacks.

Protection Paladin

Patch 11.1 Update: Protection Paladins receive a smaller damage buff compared to other tanks but in combination with the buffs they received last season makes them a very powerful option for damage. Blessing of Spellwarding Icon Blessing of Spellwarding and Blessing of Protection Icon Blessing of Protection have functions this raid (from testing) which can negate mechanics making their utility even more valuable.

Segmented Ranking:

  • Damage: S-Tier.
  • Utility: A-Tier

Protection Paladins bring lots of useful raid tools in the form of Auras and External Cooldowns, but are also a good tank choice with the flexibility to play more defensively with Sentinel Icon Sentinel or offensively without it. Historically Protection Paladins boasted the highest DPS of any tank. However, this is no longer the case. You will opt to bring a Protection Paladin for the External cooldowns it can provide with Blessing of Protection Icon Blessing of Protection or Blessing of Spellwarding Icon Blessing of Spellwarding to negate mechanics where you would otherwise sacrifice a player, where this is not the case, the value of the Protection Paladin falls.

What does Protection Paladin bring?

Functionality Spells Notes
Auras Devotion Aura Icon Devotion Aura Every raid will want at least 1 Paladin to provide this damage reduction aura.
Immunity Divine Shield Icon Divine Shield A complete immunity to any type of damage. This can be augmented with the talent Final Stand Icon Final Stand to make this an AoE taunt as well, which can be beneficial to gather adds and keep them on the boss.
External Cooldowns Blessing of Spellwarding Icon Blessing of Spellwarding All Paladins can bring Blessing of Protection Icon Blessing of Protection and Blessing of Sacrifice Icon Blessing of Sacrifice, but Protection Paladins also brings Blessing of Spellwarding Icon Blessing of Spellwarding. This can be used to make players completely immune to magic damage.
AoE Interrupt Divine Toll Icon Divine Toll Being able to interrupt multiple enemies on demand can be valuable in some scenarios as a method of grouping caster adds.

Protection Warrior

Patch 11.1 Update: Protection Warriors received a large overhaul to their talents which result in an easier time with Rage management and a lot more damage output. DPS Warrior is still in a good position, so Battle Shout Icon Battle Shout is covered regardless, but you can never have too many Rallying Cry Icon Rallying Crys.

Segmented Ranking:

  • Damage: S-Tier.
  • Utility: A-Tier

Protection Warriors have not only a required buff but also the strongest non-healer raid cooldown in the game with Rallying Cry Icon Rallying Cry. Protection Warriors also provide a good amount of damage and have more than enough defensive tools to make them a good tank choice.

What does Protection Warrior bring?

Functionality Spells Notes
Buff Battle Shout Icon Battle Shout A mandatory raid buff for any physical damage dealers.
Raid Cooldown Rallying Cry Icon Rallying Cry This is one of the strongest defensive cooldowns available. It increases the effective Health of every player in the raid at a similar level to Power Word: Barrier Icon Power Word: Barrier but has no positional requirements. You can never have too many of these.
AoE Silence/Taunt Disrupting Shout Icon Disrupting Shout This is not only an AoE silence, it's an AoE taunt as well!

Vengeance Demon Hunter

Patch 11.1 Update: Vengeance Demon Hunters receive a damage buff coming into this Season and readjustments for their Hero Talents which make them more competitive with other tanks when it comes to damage output.

Segmented Ranking:

  • Damage: S-Tier
  • Utility: B-Tier

Vengeance Demon Hunters are a strong all-round tank. The utility bought by Vengeance is not showcased in this raid as Havoc is a strong Melee DPS option, and there are not many circumstances where Sigil of Silence Icon Sigil of Silence is invaluable. If your raid team needs Chaos Brand Icon Chaos Brand, then playing Vengeance can be a solid option.

What does Vengeance Demon Hunter bring?

Functionality Spells Notes
Debuff Chaos Brand Icon Chaos Brand You will want this in any raid group for the 3% bonus to magic damage. Even physical damage dealers benefit from this as a good portion of their damage is buffed by this.
Raid Cooldown Darkness Icon Darkness This cooldown shines when the entire raid is stacked together.
AoE Silence Sigil of Silence Icon Sigil of Silence An AoE Silence that can be applied from 30 yards away!
AoE Grip Sigil of Chains Icon Sigil of Chains This AoE Grip will find good use on Ulgrax the Devourer, Bloodbound Horror, and Broodtwister Ovi'nax.

A Tier


Guardian Druid

Patch 11.1 Update: Guardian druids along with other tanks have seen an increase to their damage this patch but offers no utility that you would get from other Druids in your raid as Balance will be widely represented in raid teams this tier. There are many moments in this raid where the raid is moving as a unit, or players need to move to a new location quickly, making Stampeding Roar Icon Stampeding Roar very valuable if you need more.

Segmented Ranking:

  • Damage: A-Tier.
  • Utility: B-Tier

Guardian Druids are still a strong tank option in Mythic+ however, this does not translate into raid as well as it did before. They provide high amounts of Single Target damage and are a good all-round tank option. They, unfortunately, do not have any boss-breaking utility that is required for the raid, but the utility they do bring is still valuable! (But everything they bring can be bought by another Druid spec.)

What does Guardian Druid bring?

Functionality Spells Notes
Buff Mark of the Wild Icon Mark of the Wild A mandatory raid buff which increases Versatility for every player.
AoE Movement Speed Stampeding Roar Icon Stampeding Roar In many encounters, every piece of raid movement is a set piece movement requiring the raid to move from one static location to another. Speeding this process up increases raid DPS.
Healer support Innervate Icon Innervate Most raid builds can include this piece of core Healer utility. This can make a healer do an entire ramp on the raid without needing to worry about their mana.
Enemy Displacement Ursol's Vortex Icon Ursol's Vortex This can be very impactful on encounters where adds need to remain in a static position, such as Raszageth , Sarkareth and Larodar.

Brewmaster Monk

Patch 11.1 Update: As ever Brewmaster popularity lives and dies on the viability of Mistweaver and Windwalker. With Mistweaver looking like a strong healer choice this may have an impact on Brewmaster popularity. However, Brewmaster did receive some improvements this patch to their damage and Quality of Life as Purified Chi Icon Purified Chi is much easier to manage.

Segmented Ranking:

  • Damage: A-Tier.
  • Utility: B-Tier

Brewmaster Monk is a strong all-around choice for tanking but has by far the most rotational keybinds of any tank. This can be reduced by passive talent options such as Press the Advantage Icon Press the Advantage. However, each of these switches lower the damage but make the spec easier to manage.

Monks bring solid damage output, can smooth out their damage taken with Stagger Icon Stagger, and have strong but infrequent defensive cooldowns. The main reason to bring a Brewmaster would be for Mystic Touch Icon Mystic Touch, as both other Monk specializations are quite weak comparatively.

What does Brewmaster Monk bring?

Functionality Spells Notes
Debuff Mystic Touch Icon Mystic Touch Increases physical damage dealt to the target by 5%.
Buff Generous Pour Icon Generous Pour Reduces AoE damage taken by players within 10 yards by 4%.
Buff Close to Heart Icon Close to Heart Increases healing taken by players within 10 yards by 8%. For many encounters in the raid, the group is stacked near melee range, so this benefits more than just the melee clump!
Speed Taunt Hasty Provocation Icon Hasty Provocation This forces bosses to run faster when you taunt them.
Defensive Cooldown Diffuse Magic Icon Diffuse Magic Not only is this a very strong magic damage reduction for the Monk, it can also dispel Magic debuffs.
AoE Taunt Summon Black Ox Statue Icon Summon Black Ox Statue If you use Provoke Icon Provoke on this statue, you will taunt everything around the statue, making Brewmaster one of two tanks with an AoE taunt.
AoE Knockback Ring of Peace Icon Ring of Peace An AoE knockback that can be used to prevent adds from running away or bouncing them closer to the raid.


  • 25 Feb. 2025: Updated for Season 2 of The War Within.
  • 25 Nov. 2024: Updated with additional adjustments for Blood DK buffs on both hero talents, Protection Paladin dealing much more damage, and Vengeance Demon Hunters being able to handle all AoE grips by themselves. New Tier List formatting has been included.
  • 21 Oct. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.5.
  • 19 Aug. 2024: Updated for The War Within Season 1.
  • 18 Apr. 2024: Updated for Season 4.
  • 28 Mar. 2024: Updated for patch 10.2.6.
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Updated for patch 10.2.5.
  • 29 Oct. 2023: Updated for Season 3.
  • 05 Sep. 2023: Reviewed for patch 10.1.7.
  • 23 Aug. 2023: Updated for another round of adjustments to Guardian Druid and Protection Warrior.
  • 08 Aug. 2023: Updated for recent adjustments to Guardian Druid and Protection Warrior.
  • 25 Jul. 2023: Overhauled rankings and added more granularity on what each tank brings to the table. Also updated for 25 Jul tank Tuning.
  • 05 Jul. 2023: Updated for patch 10.1.5.
  • 07 May 2023: Updated for Season 2 of Dragonflight.
  • 06 Feb. 2023: Updated for patch 10.0.5.
  • 22 Nov. 2022: Updated for Season 1 of Dragonflight.
  • 18 Aug. 2022: Updated for Season 4.
  • 23 Jun. 2022: Check-in since last update.
  • 25 Apr. 2022: Updated after first few weeks of Mythic.
  • 18 Feb. 2022: Updated for patch 9.2.
  • 06 Nov. 2021: Updated for patch 9.1.5.
  • 04 Aug. 2021: Updated for first couple of Mythic weeks.
  • 13 Jul. 2021: Updated after Heroic week.
  • 24 Jun. 2021: Page added.
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