The Bloodhound Horror Raid Guide in Nerub-ar Palace

Last updated on Sep 09, 2024 at 14:35 by Panthea

The Bloodhound Horror is the 2nd boss encounter in the Nerub-ar Palace raid in The War Within.

On this page you will find a both a short and a full written guide for this encounter, with everything you need to know to take the boss on in Normal, Heroic, or Mythic difficulty.


Bloodbound Horror Raid Guide

Quick TLDR Guide Strategy Guide: Full Guide Mythic Strategy

Quick TLDR Guide



  • Split the raid into two teams. These teams take turns going inside:
    1. If you are going inside next, stand in front of the boss with the active tank.
    2. Get hit by Gruesome Disgorge Icon Gruesome Disgorge. This hits everyone in front of the boss! You cannot go inside twice in a row.
    3. If you are not going inside, do not stand in front of the boss. This includes the other tank.
  • Healers: Priortise healing on players with Crimson Rain Icon Crimson Rain.
  • Avoid Grasp from Beyond Icon Grasp from Beyond puddles. These will chase the targeted players.
  • Heroic: Avoid the Spewing Hemorrhage Icon Spewing Hemorrhage beams. These beams spawn on the left and right hand side of the boss.
  • After both groups have completed their inside phase, run away from Goresplatter Icon Goresplatter.


  • Tanks: Taunt the Lost Watcher and tank it on top of a Forgotten Harbinger.
  • Interrupt Black Bulwark Icon Black Bulwark.
  • DPS: Priortise killing the Forgotten Harbingers and prevent the Blood Horrors from reaching the boss.
  • Heroic: Avoid the Spewing Hemorrhage Icon Spewing Hemorrhage beams.

Strategy Guide: Full Guide


Before pulling the boss:

  • Split the raid into two teams:
    1. These teams should contain 1 tank, half of your healers, and DPS.
    2. These teams take turns going into the Unseeming Realm (inside) from standing in front of the boss while it is casting Gruesome Disgorge Icon Gruesome Disgorge.
    3. Gruesome Disgorge Icon Gruesome Disgorge is targeted on the tank and covers one-quarter of the arena.
    4. After leaving the Unseeming Realm, you will have Unseeming Blight Icon Unseeming Blight applied, which prevents you from entering the realm for the next cast.
  • Positioning Gruesome Disgorge Icon Gruesome Disgorge:
    1. Before Gruesome Disgorge Icon Gruesome Disgorge is cast, you can see shadows of where the adds will spawn.
    2. The active tank should move towards that location so that the DPS can instantly hit the adds inside.

Outside the Unseeming Realm:

  • If you are not assigned to go into the Unseeming Realm. Do not stand in front of the boss during Goresplatter Icon Goresplatter
  • Crimson Rain Icon Crimson Rain will target random players and apply a heal absorb to them. Healers should prioritize healing these players to remove this debuff.
  • Grasp from Beyond Icon Grasp from Beyond will target random players and chase them. Every second, a pool will be placed on the ground. Try to move in a controlled and methodic way to let others know where you are intending to move. Sprinting around the room will just end with players being hit.
  • Once the second team has finished inside the realm, the boss will cast Goresplatter Icon Goresplatter.
    1. Goresplatter Icon Goresplatter covers all of the platforms that are within the melee range of the boss.
    2. Run away from the boss to avoid being hit by this mechanic.
    3. Try to jump over the water on your way out and in to avoid taking unnecessary damage.
    4. The boss will be buffed by Seeping Transfusion Icon Seeping Transfusion after this cast completes, increasing damage dealt and spawning an additional Forgotten Harbinger inside.

Inside The Unseeming Realm:

  • Lost Watcher:
    1. Tanks: Taunt these as soon as you enter the realm so that DPS or Healers aren't attacked.
    2. Black Bulwark Icon Black Bulwark needs to be interrupted and can be handled by one player. If this cast succeeds, it will deal raid-wide damage, which increases every second.
  • Forgotten Harbinger:
    1. DPS: These are the priority to kill inside the realm.
    2. They will continually spawn Blood Horrors. They need to be kept away from the boss and killed.
    3. If any Blood Horrors reach the boss raid wide damage will trigger with Blood Pact Icon Blood Pact and an absorb shield will be applied to the boss.
  • After each Goresplatter Icon Goresplatter, an additional add will be present inside this realm, making it more difficult.

Heroic Changes:

  • Spewing Hemorrhage Icon Spewing Hemorrhage is cast shortly after Gruesome Disgorge Icon Gruesome Disgorge and rotates counter-clockwise.
  • The beam always spawns on the left and right of the boss.
  • The tank that is outside should position the boss so that the beam is not going to be on the adds inside or behind them as this can apply pressure for the inside group and make them not kill all of the adds.

Mythic Strategy

Currently, this tab will only contain information on what changes on Mythic. A more robust strategy will be added after the raid goes live.


Mythic Changes:

  • Players will periodically have Bloodcurdle Icon Bloodcurdle applied to them. Simply be spread from each other to avoid cleaving damage.


  • 09 Sep. 2024: Guide created.
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