The Hivemind Mythic Encounter Journal
Welcome to the Mythic difficulty Encounter Journal for The Hivemind in Ny'alotha, the Waking City.
More The Hivemind Content
If you are interested in more information about this encounter, we are please to tell you that we have more content. First of all, we have the encounter journal for the other difficulties.
For our strategy guide for The Hivemind, please use the following link.
Please refer to our loot page for all the loot from The Hivemind encounter.
Ka'zir and Tek'ris control and manipulate a hive of Aqir. Infulence over the Aqir shifts between Ka'zir and Tek'ris periodically, altering the Aqir summoned during the encounter.
- Tek'ris and Kaz'ir take reduced damage when the positioning requirements of
Tek'ris's Hivemind Control or
Ka'zir's Hivemind Control are not met.
- Aqir Drones are
Mindless and do not obey threat.
- Ensure that Ka'zir's
Mind-Numbing Nova is interrupted.
Echoing Void causes substantial damage to all players.
- Aqir Darters inflict damage to all players with
Psionic Resonance.
- Aqir Drones will attack allies at random.
- Control and quickly defeat Aqir Darters to reduce damage taken by their
Psionic Resonance.
- Move away from allies during
Echoing Void to avoid taking additional damage.
- Ensure that Ka'zir's
Mind-Numbing Nova is interrupted.

Control over the Hivemind shifts between Tek'ris and Ka'zir.
In Heroic difficulty, when the Hivemind effect transfers it triggers a Devouring Frenzy.
In Mythic difficulty, when the Hivemind effect transfers it triggers a Devouring Frenzy.

The hive goes into a frenzy, inflicting 15,951 Nature damage to all players every 0.5 sec for 12 sec.
Each time Devouring Frenzy is triggered, the damage it deals is increased by 20%.

When Tek'ris and Ka'zir are more than 20 yards from each other they trigger Shadow Veil.
All Lesser Aqir summoned during this effect permanently gain Void Infusion.

Reduces damage taken by Ka'zir, Tek'ris, and all Lesser Aqir by 99%.

Increases damage done by 1% and movement speed by 1% every 1 sec.
All Lesser Aqir summoned during Tek'ris's Hivemind Control permanently gain this effect.

When Tek'ris and Ka'zir are within 20 yards of each other they trigger Shadow Veil.
All Lesser Aqir summoned during this effect permanently gain Regeneration.

Reduces damage taken by Ka'zir, Tek'ris, and all Lesser Aqir by 99%.

Lesser Aqir regenerate 5% of their maximum health every 1 sec while below 20% health.
All Lesser Aqir summoned during Ka'zir's Hivemind Control permanently gain this effect.

Ka'zir increases the maximum health of an Aqir Drone by 150% and grants it immunity to loss of control effects.
After 20 sec the Aqir Drone self destructs, inflicting 392,648 Nature damage to all players.

Ka'zir spawns Acidic Aqir that travel forward spraying acid, players that come into contact with them suffer 245,405 Nature damage and are afflicted with Corrosion.
In Mythic difficulty, pools of acid seep from Acidic Aqir eggs before hatching.

Inflicts 29,448 Nature damage every 2 sec and increases all damage taken by 50% for 16 sec.

Ka'zir sprays Mind-Numbing Toxin at all players, inflicting 49,080 Nature damage every 2 sec and reducing Haste by 100% for 8 sec.

Tek'ris transforms an Aqir Drone into an Aqir Ravager, restoring 100% of its health and increasing its health by 500% and damage done by 400%.
Aqir Ravagers obey threat and inflict heavy Physical damage.

Inflicts 98,161 Physical damage every 2 sec for 20 sec.

Tek'ris blasts the ground, inflicting 161,967 Shadow damage to players in a frontal cone and afflicting them with Nullification.

Inflicts 73,620 Shadow damage every 2 sec and reduces healing effects received by 100% for 6 sec.

Tek'ris unleashes a wave of Void energy, inflicting 122,702 Shadow damage to all players and causes them to pulse an additional 161,967 shadow damage to allies within 4 yards.
In Mythic difficulty, Echoing Void also triggers Entropic Echo.

Echoing Void creates an
Entropic Echo at each player's location inflicting 196,385 Shadow damage to players within 4 yards of the impact and afflicting them with

Inflicts 73,620 Shadow damage every 2 sec and reduces healing effects received by 100% for 6 sec.

Upon reaching 1% health, the caster becomes immune to all damage and begins casting Dark Reconstitution, healing 100% of the caster's maximum health.
The cast is interrupted if both Tek'ris and Ka'zir are defeated.
Lesser Aqir

Attacks random targets.

Aqir Drones leave pools of acid upon death, inflicting 98,237 Nature damage every 1.5 sec to players standing in the area.

Inflitcs 41,718 Shadow damage to all players and shifts to a new location.
- 17 Jan. 2020: Page added.
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