The Hunter in Green Mail Transmog (Legion 7.2)
Table of Contents
Hunters like to blend in. Green tones mixed with woody brown help him slip through the forest unseen. Night Elves are naturally broad-shouldered so might as well give him something intimidating. The hood has a nice drape that completes package. It also gives him that Aragorn Ranger look. (Pardon me whilst I swoon.)
What they are wearing:
- Head:
Savage Gladiator's Chain Helm;
- Shoulders:
Demon Stalker Shoulderguards;
- Chest:
Heroes' Cryptstalker Tunic;
- Shirt:
Dark Silk Shirt;
- Hands:
Heroes' Cryptstalker Handguards;
- Waist:
Wild Combatant's Waistguard of Cruelty;
- Legs:
Heroes' Cryptstalker Legguards;
- Feet:
Trespasser's Boots;
- Bow:
Golden Bow of Quel'Thalas.
Note that you need access to an Alliance character to collect the appearance for the Waist item.
- 11 May 2017: Added Hunter in Green transmog.
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