The Jailer LFR Encounter Journal
Welcome to the LFR difficulty Encounter Journal for The Jailer, Zovaal in Sepulcher of the First Ones.
More The Jailer Content
If you are interested in more information about this encounter, we are please to tell you that we have more content. First of all, we have the encounter journal for the other difficulties.
For our strategy guide for The Jailer, please use the following link.
The champions of Azeroth assault the Jailer as he attempts to use the Machine of Origination to remake existence.
The Jailer starts the battle by asserting control over the machine's Control Pylons using Relentless Domination.
Once all Control Pylons have been brought under his control, the Jailer begins an Unholy Attunement in an attempt to activate the machine. The force of
Shattering Blast can disrupt pylons and delay this attunement.
When the Jailer connects a line of Control Pylons to the center of the machine, The Unmaking begins. The Machine of Origination begins to drain Azeroth of its lifeforce, while the Jailer assaults Azeroth with Desolation. Once Azeroth's life force reaches 10% the Jailer will execute Azeroth and unmake all of existance.
- The Jailer will permanently
Domination any player in line of sight with
Relentless Domination.
- The force of
Shattering Blast will destroy any pylons that have been raised by
Unholy Attunement.
- Allies afflicted by
Chains of Anguish receive any Physical damage taken by the primary target.
- Any damage not intercepted by players during
Desolation will harm Azeroth.
- The Jailer will permanently
Domination any player in line of sight with
Relentless Domination.
- The final eruption of
Rune of Damnation will damage allies unless the player is inside a pylon conduit.
- Players afflicted by
Rune of Compulsion will throw themselves off the platform if their shields are not removed.
- Any damage not intercepted by players during
Desolation will harm Azeroth.
- The Jailer will permanently
Domination any player in line of sight with
Relentless Domination.
- The final eruption of
Rune of Damnation will damage allies unless the player is inside a pylon conduit.
Misery and
Rune of Domination inflict heavy damage to all players.
- Any damage not intercepted by players during
Desolation will harm Azeroth.
Stage One: Origin of Domination

The Jailer imposes his will on the world around him, dominating players and pylons within line of sight.

The Jailer dominates a player, increasing their health by 500%, damage done by 200% and takes control of their actions.

The Jailer chains all players to him, pulling them towards his location and inflicting 2,464 Shadow damage every 2 sec for 6 sec.
The Jailer casts Oppression as the chains expire.

The Jailer detonates the ground around him, inflicting 70,653 Shadow damage to all players. This damage is decreased the farther the player is from the Jailer.

The Jailer fixates on his current target and executes a combination of powerful attacks.

The Jailer chains his current target, rooting them for 4 sec.

The Jailer slams his current target, inflicting 62,803 Physical damage and increasing Physical damage taken by 100% for 40 sec.

The Jailer delivers a massive attack that inflicts 9,423 Physical damage to all players and causes them to bleed for an additional 3,080 Physical damage every 3 sec for 21 sec.

The Jailer finishes with a crushing attack, inflicting 125,606 Physical damage split among all players within 10 yards of impact, knocking them back.
If fewer than 5 players are hit the ground explodes, inflicting 188,410 Shadow damage to all players.

The Jailer utters a wicked pronouncement to 10 players causing them to erupt after 5 sec, inflicting 12,560 Shadow damage to all players within 5.5 yards of targets.

The Jailer marks several players with a dark rune that inflicts 1,538 Shadow damage every 1 sec for 7 sec. Upon expiration the rune erupts, knocking the player upwards and inflicting 12,560 Shadow damage to all players.
If the player is inside a pylon conduit, the eruption does not affect allies.
Stage Two: Unholy Attunement

The Jailer raises pylons into alignment, causing them to spread Unholy Ground.
Each pylon creates up to 3 Unholy Eruption when it is raised, based on its proximity to the Machine of Origination.

Inflicts 3,140 Shadow damage to all players.

The pylon radiates corrupted energy, inflicting 12,320 Shadow damage every 1 sec to nearby players.

The Jailer launches destructive magic at his current target, inflicting 25,121 Shadow damage and an additional 3,691 Shadow damage every 1 sec for 18 sec to players within 10 yards.
Pylons caught in the blast are destroyed.

The Jailer marks several players with a wicked rune for 4 sec. Upon expiration the rune applies a shield that absorbs the next 92,400 damage for 30 sec. While the shield holds the player is hostile to allies and is compelled to jump off the edge of the platform.

The Jailer hurls the head of his flail, inflicting 21,981 Shadow damage to players within 25 yards of the point of impact location. The force of the impact knocks all players away and inflicts 4,620 Shadow damage every 3 sec for 21 sec.

The Jailer utters a wicked pronouncement to 10 players causing them to erupt after 5 sec, inflicting 12,560 Shadow damage to all players within 5.5 yards of targets.

The Jailer's words echo after 2 sec, inflicting 12,560 Shadow damage to players within 5.5 yards of where Torment detonated.
Stage Three: Eternity's End

The Jailer launches a deadly attack on Azeroth, reducing Azeroth’s lifeforce by up to 20%. Each player in the area of effect reduces the damage to Azeroth but suffers 18,841 Shadow damage.

The Jailer marks several players with an evil rune for 6 sec. Upon expiration the rune inflicts 12,560 Shadow damage to players within 8 yards and triggers Dominating Will at the player’s location.

The Jailer applies a shield that absorbs the next 184,800 healing, divided evenly amongst targets within 8 yards of a target location.
Upon expiration all targets are afflicted with Domination.

The Jailer dominates a player, increasing their health by 500%, damage done by 200% and takes control of their actions.

The Jailer binds his current target in chains, inflicting 18,480 Physical damage every 2 sec for 40 sec and growing in intensity over time.
The target is chained to the nearest 3 allies, who suffer any Physical damage taken by the primary target until their chains are broken. Moving 30 yards from the primary target breaks a chain and triggers Chain Breaker.

The chain shatters, inflicting 12,560 Shadow damage to all players.

The Jailer utters a wicked pronouncement to 10 players causing them to erupt after 5 sec, inflicting 12,560 Shadow damage to all players within 5.5 yards of targets.

The Jailer's words echo after 2 sec, inflicting 12,560 Shadow damage to players within 5.5 yards of where Torment detonated.

The Jailer's words take form as an Incarnation of Torment where Torment detonated.

The Incarnation of Torment unleashes an agonizing scream, inflicting 6,280 Shadow damage to all players and decreasing their haste by 10%. This effect stacks.

The Jailer hurls the head of his flail, inflicting 21,981 Shadow damage to players within 25 yards of the point of impact location. The force of the impact knocks all players away and inflicts 4,620 Shadow damage every 3 sec for 21 sec.

Corrupted pylons crash to the floor, inflicting 20,411 Shadow damage to players within 25 yards of the impact location.
- 31 Dec. 2021: Guide added.
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