The Motherlode Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, and Trash

Last updated Yesterday at 12:22 by Petko 6 comments

This page will cover everything you need to know about the "The Motherlode" Dungeon in the War Within Expansion, including strategies for events, trash, and bosses.


The Motherlode Dungeon Guide

This guide will be an extensive overview of the dungeon, providing vital information on how to complete it across all difficulties. We will cover all 4 Boss fights, as well as the most notable trash enemies in the dungeon and their important abilities. If you would like to learn about the rest of the dungeons in The War Within Season 2, please see our overviews linked below. Otherwise, without further ado, let us begin!


Coin-Operated Crowed Pummeler + Trash Mobs in the Area


Notable Trash Before Coin-Operated Crowed Pummeler

  • Be careful of Off-Duty Laborer as they will cast Throw Wrench Icon Throw Wrench on whoever engages in combat first (it should always be the tank).
  • Interrupt Refreshment Vendor Iced Spritzer Icon Iced Spritzer.
  • Interrupt Hired Assassin's Toxic Blades Icon Toxic Blades. If you fail to do so, every tick of Fan of Knives Icon Fan of Knives (which you should stop ASAP), will apply a stackable PoisonPoison effect.
  • Besides being careful of their Grease Gun Icon Grease Gun, make sure to do everything you can to stop Mech Jockey to cast its Activate Mech Icon Activate Mech.
  • If Mech Jockey finishes its Activate Mech Icon Activate Mech, they will transform into MachanizedPeaeckeeper. Dodge their Tear Gas Icon Tear Gas and be sure always to stay healthy as Charged Shield Icon Charged Shield will hit random party members.
  • Enrage Icon Enrage dispel Addled Thug's Inhale Vapors Icon Inhale Vapors and be mindful of their Uppercut Icon Uppercut1217280 (deals huge damage and knocks you up).

Coin-Operated Crowed Pummeler Guide

Coin-Operated Crowed Pummeler

All Roles

  • Dodge the Shocking Claw Icon Shocking Claw.
  • During Footbomb Launcher Icon Footbomb Launcher, every team member must help kick all bombs onto the boss. Keep in mind the more bombs go in, the more damage the boss will take. Should you fail to do so, your whole group will take massive damage per bomb explosion.


  • Move the boss away from any gold piles on the ground during its Coin Magnet Icon Coin Magnet, the more stacks he collects, the more damage the boss will temporarily do.


  • Use your healing cooldowns during each Static Pulse Icon Static Pulse.

Azerokk + Trash Mobs in the Area


Notable Trash Before Azerokk

  • Use defensive cooldowns during Azerite Extractor's Rapid Extraction Icon Rapid Extraction. They will also apply a nasty BleedBleed effect on your tank - Puncture Icon Puncture.
  • Sidestep the Wanton Sapper's Mining Charge Icon Mining Charge.
  • Interrupt Venture Co. Earthshaper's Rock Lance Icon Rock Lance.
  • IMPORTANT KICK Do your best to stop the Stonefury's Furious Quake Icon Furious Quake.
  • Avoid the ground AoE coming from Taskmaster Askari's Massive Slam Icon Massive Slam.

Azerokk Boss Guide


All Roles

  • Avoid the Tectonic Smash Icon Tectonic Smash frontal.
  • Focus on the boss while you don't have an empowered add, but as soon as the boss casts Azerite Infusion Icon Azerite Infusion on a nearby Earthrager, immediately swap on it as he will radiate group-wide damage that will turn lethal if the boss finishes its Resonant Quake Icon Resonant Quake.
  • Make sure you use defensive before each Resonant Quake Icon Resonant Quake, especially if your HP is low.


  • Do your best to control the Earthragers and prevent them from meleeing your party-members as they will apply a stackable BleedBleed effect.


  • Spot-heal people with high BleedBleed stacks from the Earthragers.
  • Use any damage reduction cooldowns to mitigate some of the Resonant Quake Icon Resonant Quake damage.

Rixxa Fluxflame + Trash Mobs in the Area


Notable Trash Before Rixxa Fluxflame

  • IMPORTANT KICK Interrupt Venture Co. Alchemist's Transmute: Enemy to Goo Icon Transmute: Enemy to Goo to prevent them from CC your party members. Any spare interrupts should be used for Caustic Compound Icon Caustic Compound PoisonPoison effect.
  • Use defensive cooldowns when Venture Co. Mastermind targets you with their Mind Lash Icon Mind Lash. In addition, avoid staying in the Brainstorm Icon Brainstorm ground puddles as they will damage you and silence you.

Rixxa Fluxflame Boss Guide

Rixxa Fluxflame

All Roles

  • Avoid staying in the azerite ground pools as they will do damage to you.
  • When targeted with Azerite Catalyst Icon Azerite Catalyst, do your best to put several rings of azerite together so you can have more space.
  • Players that are targeted by Propellant Blast Icon Propellant Blast must clear the remaining azerite on the ground (The boss will cast it each time before the Gushing Catalyst Icon Gushing Catalyst appears).


  • Always position the boss in areas where there is more space to manoeuvrer and place the azerite from Azerite Catalyst Icon Azerite Catalyst.


  • Spot-heal players that get targeted by Propellant Blast Icon Propellant Blast as it will do damage and push them back.

Mogul Razdunk + Trash Mobs in the Area


Notable Trash Before Mogul Razdunk

  • Avoid being hit by the Ordnance Specialist's Artillery Barrage Icon Artillery Barrage.
  • Use defensive cooldowns when Venture Co. War Machine is channeling Charged Shot Icon Charged Shot. They will also cast Deploy Crawler Mine Icon Deploy Crawler Mine, which you should focus on and prioritize killing (they won't damage you unless they target you unless they make an impact with the focused target).

Mogul Razdunk Boss Guide

Mogul Razdunk is a 1 Phase boss encounter with a tough intermission once he reaches 50%, which will test your limits as a team and require top-tier coordination. Phase 1 will consist of dodging Gatling Gun Icon Gatling Gun, staying away from Homing Missile Icon Homing Missiles and paying attention to the drones in the sky for their Micro Missiles Icon Micro Missiles. The intermission, however, will have you destroying pillars with Drill Smash Icon Drill Smash and fighting of 2 Venture Co. Skyscorcher.


All Roles

  • Sidestep the Gatling Gun Icon Gatling Gun.
  • Be mindful when Summon B.O.O.M.B.A. Icon Summon B.O.O.M.B.A. appears, both drones will fire Micro Missiles Icon Micro Missiles which are lethal upon impact (they have travel time, the closer you are to them the faster they will do damage on the indicated ground patch).
  • If targeted by Homing Missile Icon Homing Missile, run away from your team to avoid further damage to the party.
  • When the boss reaches 50%, he will spawn spawn 2 Venture Co. Skyscorcher (which you must focus on  and defeat ASAP) and 3 pillars of which upon destruction with Drill Smash Icon Drill Smash will resume the Phase. In the intermission, the most important thing is to deal with the Venture Co. Skyscorchers ASAP as both of them will cast Buster Shot Icon Buster Shot and Azerite Heartseeker Icon Azerite Heartseeker to a random party member. When you combine that + the damage party-wide damage coming from Drill Smash Icon Drill Smash, can turn lethal if you don't use your defensive!


  • Do your best to position the way that gives your team "safe space" against the Micro Missiles Icon Micro Missiles coming from the drones in the sky.
  • During intermission, try to have both Venture Co. Skyscorchers close to each other for a better cleave.


  • Spot-heal targets with Homing Missile Icon Homing Missile as they will get a large front-load damage and a nasty DoT effect.
  • Use your major healing cooldowns during the intermission, as the whole party will take damage each time the Drill Smash Icon Drill Smash hits the ground + the Venture Co. Skyscorchers shooting on random targets!

The Motherlode Loot Table


Coin-Operated Crowd Pummeler

Type Item Stats
2-H Mace Electro-Arm Bludgeoner Icon Electro-Arm Bludgeoner Mastery/Haste
Shield G0-4W4Y Crowd Repeller Icon G0-4W4Y Crowd Repeller Haste/Crit
Leather Wrist Servo-Arm Bindings Icon Servo-Arm Bindings Haste/Crit
Mail Hands Linked Pummeler Grips Icon Linked Pummeler Grips Mastery/Crit
Plate Hands Power-Assisted Vicegrips Icon Power-Assisted Vicegrips Mastery/Vers
Cloth Legs Rowdy Reveler's Legwraps Icon Rowdy Reveler's Legwraps Haste/Crit
Ring Footbomb Championship Ring Icon Footbomb Championship Ring Mastery/Haste


Type Item Stats
Mail Wrist Bindings of Enraged Earth Icon Bindings of Enraged Earth Vers/Crit
Plate Wrist Stonefury Vambraces Icon Stonefury Vambraces Haste/Mastery
Cloth Hands Mine Rat's Handwarmers Icon Mine Rat's Handwarmers Mastery/Vers
Cloth Waist Excavator's Safety Belt Icon Excavator's Safety Belt Crit/Vers
Mail Waist Shalebiter Interlinked Chain Icon Shalebiter Interlinked Chain Haste/Mastery
Leather Waist Unscrupulous Geologist's Belt Icon Unscrupulous Geologist's Belt Crit/Mastery
Leather Feet Mercenary Miner's Boots Icon Mercenary Miner's Boots Haste/Vers
Plate Feet Sabatons of Rampaging Elements Icon Sabatons of Rampaging Elements Crit/Haste
Trinket Azerokk's Resonating Heart Icon Azerokk's Resonating Heart Mastery

Rixxa Fluxflame

Type Item Stats
Gun P.A.C.I.F.I.S.T. Mk7 Icon P.A.C.I.F.I.S.T. Mk7 Vers/Haste
Back Cloak of Questionable Intent Icon Cloak of Questionable Intent Haste/Crit
Cloth Wrist Rixxa's Sweat-Wicking Cuffs Icon Rixxa's Sweat-Wicking Cuffs Vers/Haste
Leather Hands Corrosive Handler's Gloves Icon Corrosive Handler's Gloves Mastery/Crit
Mail Legs Chemical Blaster's Legguards Icon Chemical Blaster's Legguards Haste/Mastery
Plate Legs Leadplate Legguards Icon Leadplate Legguards Crit/Mastery
Cloth Feet Deranged Alchemist's Slippers Icon Deranged Alchemist's Slippers Mastery/Haste

Mogul Razdunk

Type Item Stats
1H-Mace G3T-00t Icon G3T-00t Mastery/Crit
Leather Head High Altitude Turban Icon High Altitude Turban Mastery/Vers
Mail Shoulder Crashguard Spaulders Icon Crashguard Spaulders Crit/Mastery
Cloth Shoulder Exquisitely Aerodynamic Shoulderpads Icon Exquisitely Aerodynamic Shoulderpads Haste/Crit
Plate Shoulder Skyscorcher Pauldrons Icon Skyscorcher Pauldrons Haste/Crit
Cloth Chest Petticoat of the Self-Stylized Azerite Baron Icon Petticoat of the Self-Stylized Azerite Baron Haste/Vers
Mail Chest Shrapnel-Dampening Chestguard Icon Shrapnel-Dampening Chestguard Vers/Haste
Leather Chest Venture Co. Plenipotentiary Vest Icon Venture Co. Plenipotentiary Vest Crit/Mastery
Trinket Razdunk's Big Red Button Icon Razdunk's Big Red Button Str

The Motherlode Achievements

There are 4 total achievements to obtain in The Motherlode:

Achievement Criteria
The MOTHERLODE!! Icon The MOTHERLODE!! Defeat Mogul Razdunk in The Motherlode.
Heroic: The MOTHERLODE!! Icon Heroic: The MOTHERLODE!! Defeat Mogul Razdunk in The Motherlode on HeroicHeroic difficulty or higher.
Mythic: The MOTHERLODE!! Icon Mythic: The MOTHERLODE!! Defeat Mogul Razdunk in The Motherlode on MythicMythic or Mythic Keystone difficulty.
Keystone Hero: The MOTHERLODE!! Icon Keystone Hero: The MOTHERLODE!! Complete The Motherlode at MythicMythic Level 10 or higher, within the time limit. Reward, Teleport to The Motherlode.


  • 25 Feb. 2025: Page added.
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