The Nine LFR Encounter Journal
Welcome to the LFR difficulty Encounter Journal for The Nine in Sanctum of Domination.
More The Nine Content
If you are interested in more information about this encounter, we are please to tell you that we have more content. First of all, we have the encounter journal for the other difficulties.
Kyra and Signe begin the assault on the ground, using Wings of Rage and
Reverberating Refrain when their energy reaches 100.
Meanwhile, Skyja commands the other val'kyr to strike from the skies. When she reaches 100 energy, she casts Call of the Val'kyr to call assistance from her fallen companions.
When Kyra or Signe reach low health, Skyja lands and continues the battle.
Unending Strike inflicts more damage to all players the more applications it has.
Annhylde's Bright Aegis protects all val'kyr remaining within it.
Arthura's Crushing Gaze inflicts high damage, split evenly among players struck.
- Signe's
Song of Dissolution can inflict very high damage if not interrupted.
- Formless Mass will continually attempt to cast
Siphon Vitality.
Arthura's Crushing Gaze inflicts high damage, split evenly among players struck.
Fragments of Destiny jump to the nearest player upon being dispelled, and is only removed when all fragments exist on a single player.
Stage One: The Unending Voice
Kyra and Signe stand as a first line of defense, preventing intruders from continuing.
Kyra stands at the ready with her blade, prepared to strike down her foes.

Upon reaching 100 energy, Kyra beats her wings for 7 sec, pulling all players to her location. Upon completion, Kyra lashes out and inflicts 27,578 Physical damage to all players within 10 yds, stunning them for 10 sec.
Kyra calls forth a formless mass of Maw energy that only exists to devour life.

The Formless Mass devours life from all players, inflicting 5,515 Shadow damage to them and healing the Formless Mass for the same amount.

Kyra slashes out with her blade, causing the target to suffer 17,236 Physical damage and take 10% increased damage for 25 sec. This effect stacks.
In addition, Repeating Slash strikes all players, inflicting 2,757 Physical damage for each application.

Spectral blades slash out at a player, inflicting 2,757 Physical damage.
Signe speaks to lost souls, twisting their thoughts.

Upon reaching 100 energy, Signe sings of the end for 7 sec, pushing all players away from her location. Upon completion, Signe crescendoes and inflicts 27,578 Shadow damage to all players further than 10 yds, causing them to flee in fear for 6 sec.

Signe sings a shredding song that intensifies every 1.5 sec for 6 sec. This effect inflicts 735 Shadow damage every 1 sec for 5 sec. This effect stacks.

Signe blasts her target with dark energy, inflicting 6,894 Shadow damage.

Skyja calls for her fallen compatriots, drawing some of them forth to attack players.

Agatha forms several images to slash out in straight lines through the area, inflicting 20,683 Physical damage and knocking the target back.

Dashcla takes aim at players with a mighty blast above, inflicting 13,789 Shadow damage to targets within 20 yds of the impact locations.

Annhylde creates a shield of protective energy for her allies for 40 sec, reducing damage taken by 90%.

Aradne marks several locations for a falling slash. After 8 sec, she strikes those locations, inflicting 8,043 Shadow damage. For each location, if no players are struck, she instead inflicts 16,087 Shadow damage to all players.

Brynja marks players with a death song, inflicting 1,103 Shadow damage every 1 sec for 6 sec. Upon expiration, the song inflicts 14,938 Shadow damage to other players within 5 yds.

Arthura focuses the chill of Icecrown upon a player. After 8 sec, she slams the ground and inflicts 91,928 Frost damage divided evenly between all players within 10 yds.
Stage Two: The First of the Mawsworn
When Kyra or Signe reach 5% health remaining, Skyja enters the fray and takes matters into her own hands.
Skyja was the first to swear fealty to the powers of the Maw.

Icy fragments form around random players, inflicting 1,286 Frost damage every 1 sec. When dispelled, these fragments jump to the nearest player.
If all fragments are on the same player, they are removed to form a Shard of Destiny.

Standing within 1,838 yds of a Shard of Destiny inflicts 4,596 Frost damage every 1 sec and reduces movement speed by 50%.

Skyja pierces the soul of her target, inflicting 17,236 Physical damage. This effect reduces the target's movement speed by 10% and healing received by 10% for 30 sec. This effect stacks.

Skyja releases negative emotions, inflicting 2,068 Shadow damage to all players every 1 sec for 12 sec.

Skyja calls for her fallen compatriots, drawing some of them forth to attack players.

Agatha forms several images to slash out in straight lines through the area, inflicting 20,683 Physical damage and knocking the target back.

Dashcla takes aim at players with a mighty blast above, inflicting 13,789 Shadow damage to targets within 20 yds of the impact locations.

Annhylde creates a shield of protective energy for her allies for 40 sec, reducing damage taken by 90%.

Aradne marks several locations for a falling slash. After 8 sec, she strikes those locations, inflicting 8,043 Shadow damage. For each location, if no players are struck, she instead inflicts 16,087 Shadow damage to all players.

Brynja marks players with a death song, inflicting 1,103 Shadow damage every 1 sec for 6 sec. Upon expiration, the song inflicts 14,938 Shadow damage to other players within 5 yds.

Arthura focuses the chill of Icecrown upon a player. After 8 sec, she slams the ground and inflicts 91,928 Frost damage divided evenly between all players within 10 yds.
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