The Prophet Skitra LFR Encounter Journal
Welcome to the LFR difficulty Encounter Journal for The Prophet Skitra in Ny'alotha, the Waking City.
More The Prophet Skitra Content
If you are interested in more information about this encounter, we are please to tell you that we have more content. First of all, we have the encounter journal for the other difficulties.
For our strategy guide for Prophet Skitra, please use the following link.
The Prophet Skitra wields dominating, mind-bending magics and confuses his opponents with illusions.
When the Prophet casts Illusionary Projection it will split the raid into two groups. Players with
Clouded Mind will see one set of illusions, and players with
Twisted Mind will see another set of illusions.
Both groups will also see the real Prophet Skitra, and will need to coordinate to identify and defeat him.
- Work with your fellow tank to avoid taking too many stacks of
Shadow Shock.
- Coordinate with allies to discover the real Prophet Skitra when he casts
Illusionary Projection.
- Allies afflicted with stacks of
Shadow Shock can take intense amounts of damage.
- Run away from allies when afflicted with
Shred Psyche.
- Coordinate with allies to discover the real Prophet Skitra when he casts
Illusionary Projection.
- Run away from allies when afflicted with
Shred Psyche.
- Coordinate with allies to discover the real Prophet Skitra when he casts
Illusionary Projection.
Stage One: The Prophet

Inflicts 37,204 Shadow damage and increases all Shadow damage taken by 15% for 5 sec to the Prophet's current target and 2 other random players.
This effect stacks.

The Prophet rips at the mind of a random player. After 5 sec this causes them to shed part of their psyche, which explodes in a Psychic Outburst.

The remnant of the player's shredded psyche lashes out, exploding for 148,818 Shadow damage to all players. Damage decreases the further players are from the point of impact.
Afterwards, the Shredded Psyche continues to cause Psychic Reverberations until defeated.

The Shredded Psyche continues to inflict 7,440 Shadow damage every 1.5 sec until defeated.
Stage Two: Illusionary Projections

The Prophet inflicts all players with either Clouded Mind or Twisted Mind, and projects illusions of himself throughout the arena.
Damaging illusions causes a Mindquake.
Identifying and damaging the Prophet himself will cause the illusions to dissipate.

The Prophet's magic clouds half of his enemies' minds, forcing them to perceive several illusions of the Prophet himself.

The Prophet's magic twists half of his enemies' minds, forcing them to perceive illusions of the Prophet.

The vile ritual performed by the Prophet's illusions increase all Shadow damage players take by 2% every 5 sec.
This effect stacks.

The Prophet's illusions inflict 7,430 Shadow damage to players every 2 sec.

Upon death, false illusions of the Prophet explode, inflicting 186,022 Shadow damage to all players.
- 17 Jan. 2020: Page added.
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