The Restless Cabal Strategy Guide in Crucible of Storms Raid
Welcome to our encounter guide for The Restless Cabal in the Crucible of Storms raid. Here, you will first find a quick breakdown by role followed by a detailed strategy to defeat The Restless Cabal.
Fight Overview
The fight against the Restless Cabal features "phases" that are based on which relic is currently active and which boss is holding which relic. The raid will have to plan on the order that they wish to take the relics in, as otherwise a bad combination could lead to a quick wipe.
- Move the boss to proper relic of power.
- Taunt swap for
Shear Mind at 4 stacks.
- Prepare large defensive cooldowns for Void Stone.
- One ranged DPS will need to maintain threat on Zaxasj due to
Aphotic Blast.
- Top the raid off before Void Stone is used.
- Use big AoE healing cooldowns for Tempest Caller.
- Prepare to top the raid off when allowing
Witness the End casts to complete.
- Dispel
Promises of Power when necessary, but attempt to leave it on the player as long as safely possible.
- Gain the
Promises of Power debuff when able to safely do so.
- When Void Stone is used, focus damage on the boss that used the
stone in order to break the
Umbral Shell.
- When Trident of Deep Ocean is used, focus damage on enemies within
the shell to destroy the bubble and avoid
Abyssal Collapse.
- Use personal cooldowns to prevent reaching 25% health during Tempest Caller.
- Quickly damage
Visage from Beyond to 1 health to prevent
Terrifying Echo and avoid increased healing from
Coalesce Void.
- One ranged DPS will need to maintain threat on Zaxasj due to
Aphotic Blast.
- Run away from the raid with
Crushing Doubt.
- Stay away from the player that has aggro on Zaxasj.
- Soak
Void Crash after it lands and reduces in size twice.
- Interrupt all but one
Witness the End cast to separate the explosions.
- Avoid
Cerebral Assault.
- Make sure each boss only uses each relic once to prevent
Power Overwhelming. The boss will select the relic closest to them.
Bloodlust/Heroism/Time Warp
We recommend using Bloodlust/
Heroism during one of the
relics if the raid is struggling to get past one in particular. If you do not
have a specifically troubling relic we recommend using Bloodlust/Heroism either
on the pull or on the second Tempest Caller relic.
Relics of Power
There are 3 relics of power located in the fighting area. Normally, these do not do anything, but whenever one of the two bosses (who do not share health) reaches 75%, 50%, and 25% health, they will "use" the relic that is closest to them at that time.
When used, each relic has a certain effect that affects the raid for a time.
Relics are not consumed when a boss uses them, but if a boss uses the same
relic more than once during the fight, they gain a 300% damage increased
through Power Overwhelming, which is essentially cause for a
The three relics available in the fight are as follows:
- Void Stone
- Trident of Deep Ocean
- Tempest Caller
As soon as a relic is activated, the boss will gain a 10% increase to their damage done.
Void Stone
Upon use of the relic, the boss will gain two effects,
Embrace of the Void and
Umbral Shell. The first effect,
Embrace of the Void, will reduce all healing by 100%, but can be removed by
breaking Umbral Shell, which is an absorb that is placed on the boss.
Trident of Deep Ocean
The trident grants both bosses a shield through the buff
Custody of the Deep, which redirects 75% of the damage dealt to them
to a bubble. If not enough damage is dealt to break the bubble, then it will
Abyssal Collapse, which deals Frost damage to the raid based
on the amount of shield remaining.
Tempest Caller
Tempest Caller is the most deadly of the three relics, mostly due to
Annihilate, which causes
Storm of Annihilation to
instantly kill any target struck while below 25% health.
The Storm will deal damage every second for 15 seconds, while also causing players to deal 50% less damage for 3 seconds.
Pact of the Restless
Upon reaching 1 health, the bosses will attempt to heal back up to 20% of their maximum health. In order to prevent this, both bosses must be brought to 1 health at the same time to defeat them.
Enveloping Darkness
If you step off the central platform, you will take Shadow damage and have your healing and damage done reduced by 99%, for 30 seconds.
Zaxasj the Speaker Abilities
This boss does not melee, and instead uses Aphotic Blast
(explained below) as his primary attack.
Aphotic Blast
Aphotic Blast launches a bolt at a player, dealing Shadow
damage in a 5-yard radius and causing those hit to generate 150% more threat
for 30 seconds. As the distance between the boss and the target increases, the
damage decreases.
Once Aphotic Blast expires, the target will be turned into an
Agent of Demise, causing them to be hostile to all allies and
reducing the amount of healing they receive by 50%.
Cerebral Assault
Cerebral Assault is an ability Zaxasj uses to deal Shadow damage in
a frontal cone, causing any player hit to be hostile to allies for 6
Dark Herald
A player becomes a Dark Herald, causing them to cast
Promises of Power on players in a 5-yard radius, every 5 seconds
for 10 seconds.
Promises of Power
Promises of Power is a stacking buff that increases damage dealt
by the affected target by 10% for each stack, but decreases their maximum health
by 10% for each stack. If Promises is dispelled, the dispeller will receive
Shadow damage upon removing the debuff.
Visage from Beyond
When a Relic of Power is activated by Zaxasj, he will create a
Visage from Beyond, which lasts for 3 minutes. The Visage is
unkillable and will always regenerate its health upon reaching 1 health, but it
must be "killed" (brought to 1 health) in order to prevent
Terrifying Echo from being cast. This spell, when completed, will
cause all players to take Shadow damage and be feared for 6 seconds.
The Visage will heal over time with Coalesce Void. This heals
for 1% of their maximum health each 2 seconds, with the healing getting
stronger over time, as they survive for longer.
Fa'thuul the Feared Abilities
Shear Mind
Fa'thuul will deal a large amount of Physical damage to the current target and put a debuff on them, reducing their stats by 10% for each stack, for 20 seconds.
Void Crash
This ability will launch a ball at a location that deals Shadow damage in a
10-yard radius. If nobody is hit by Void Crash, it will launch
again to a new location and have its size and damage dealt reduced. The
reduction can only happen for 2 additional bounces, at which point it must be
Crushing Doubt
This will place a DoT on a target, dealing Shadow damage every 2 seconds for 12 seconds. The damage will continue to increase after each tick, as well as reducing the target's movement speed by 50%.
Once Crushing Doubt expires, it will trigger
Mental Anguish.
Mental Anguish causes the target of
Crushing Doubt
to explode for a large amount of Shadow damage, once the DoT expires. The
damage dealt to all players is reduced, depending on the distance between the
target and the other players.
Eldritch Revelation
When a Relic of Power is activated by Fa'thuul, he will summon multiple
adds. They will cast Witness the End,
which destroys themselves, causing a large amount of Shadow damage to all
players. When hit by this, players will also take 100% more damage from
Witness the End for 12 seconds.
Managing Relics
The primary mechanic of the fight is managing the relics. The way we recommend handling each relic is listed below:
- Tempest Caller: Use personal defensive cooldowns as well as raid-wide
healing cooldowns. Additionally, the player with
Dark Herald should move away from the group, as
Promises of Power will likely cause players to die.
- Void Stone: Prepare single target damage cooldowns as well as defensive cooldowns for tanks, as tanks will have trouble surviving the time without healing.
- Trident of Deep Ocean: Simply do as much damage to enemies within the bubble as possible.
If one boss activates a relic more than once in the same encounter they will
gain Power Overwhelming, which will very likely cause a wipe. The
recommended order to activate relics is not set in stone and can be adjusted to
the individual raids needs or timings. However, this is the order we currently
- Boss #1: Tempest Caller.
- Boss #2: Void Stone.
- Boss #1: Trident of Deep Ocean.
- Boss #2: Tempest Caller.
- Boss #1: Void Stone.
- Boss #2: Trident of Deep Ocean.
We recommend starting with a Tempest Caller, as it is very likely the raid will have every defensive cooldown available for this. We then want to delay the next Tempest Caller until healers have their 3-minute cooldowns available, as this will be very hard to survive otherwise. Tempest Caller also acts as time for DPS cooldowns to recharge for Void Stone and Trident of Deep Ocean, as those will require high DPS to overcome.
If you are finding that your healers do not have cooldowns for the second Tempest Caller, we recommend pushing Boss #1 to Void Stone before doing Boss #2 Tempest Caller. Alternatively, if you are confident in the DPS you could simply do Boss #2 Trident of Deep Ocean as the fourth relic and do Tempest Caller as the sixth.
The boss you attack first does not actually matter, as they need to die
within 12 seconds of each other or they will heal due to
Pact of the Restless. However, Fa'thuul may be easier to attack at
the start of the fight to allow the designated ranged DPS to establish threat
on Zaxasj.
In addition to the mechanics each relic causes, each boss will cause their
own special mechanic upon activating a relic. Fa'thuul spawns three adds that
will cast Witness the End. Simply interrupt all but one of them for
each set of casts to separate the detonations.
Zaxasj spawns one Visage from Beyond that will cast
Terrifying Echo. In order to prevent Terrifying Echo you must
damage this add to 1 health within 15 seconds.
There are a few caveats about these additional mechanics. During Fa'thuul's
Tempest Caller you may want to interrupt all three of the adds to avoid
overwhelming the healer. You will likely want to designate a few capable DPS
with cooldowns to prioritize the Visage from Beyond during Zaxasj's
Void Stone, which will allow the rest of the DPS to quickly remove the healing
Other Abilities
Firstly, Aphotic Blast should be used to allow a ranged DPS
player to tank Zaxasj. Since this is the boss' primary attack, the designated
DPS player should just make sure that they get attacked by the boss first.
After that, the increased threat generation from Aphotic Blast should make it
easy for them to maintain threat. We recommend Balance Druids for this task, as
they have access to many damage reductions as well as a taunt with
Guardian Affinity. Aphotic Blast only has a 30 yard
range, so the ranged DPS with threat will be able to move Zaxasj while still
being in range to deal damage (moving the boss will be needed for relic
Dark Herald is a very high risk and high reward mechanic of the
fight, allowing players to receive
Promises of Power by standing
within 5 yards of the player with Dark Herald. Promises of Power will continue
to stack even if the player leaves the 5 yard radius. Promises of Power will be
very dangerous to have during any relics that were activated by Fa'thuul, as
Witness the End will likely kill the player. Additionally, Void
Stone can be very risky and Tempest Caller will lead to a very quick death. If
used correctly, Promises of Power can be incredibly rewarding. We recommend
designating a specific number of DPS to receive the buff at a time to allow
healers to coordinate dispels. Healers will likely need to dispel before
Crushing Doubt detonates, and players with Promises of Power will
need to be extra careful with Cerebral Assault as it will kill the player.
Healer Concerns
The primary healing concerns will be topping the raid before Void Stones and
keeping the raid above 25% health during Tempest Caller. Additionally, there
will be some minor bursts of damage from Witness the End. Outside
of these moments, healers will be managing dispels on players with
Promises of Power, and ensuring the ranged DPS that is tanking
Zaxasj is kept alive.
Tank Concerns
Tanks will be taking turns tanking Fa'Thuul, tanks should never attempt to
tank Zaxasj. We recommend taunt swapping Fa'thuul at 4 stacks of
Shear Mind. Additionally, tanks will need to be sure to have
defensive cooldowns prepared for Void Stones, as they will still be taking
damage but will be unable to be healed. Tanks will also be responsible for
moving Fa'thuul to the respective relics to avoid
Power Overwhelming (and to generally follow the raid's
Bloodlust/Heroism/Time Warp
We recommend using Bloodlust/
Time Warp
during one of the relics, if the raid is struggling to get past one in
particular. If you do not have a specifically troubling relic, we recommend
using Bloodlust/Heroism/Time Warp either on the pull or on the second Tempest
Caller relic. We do not recommend using it on the first Tempest Caller or
between the first and second Tempest Caller, as this would likely not allow
healers to recharge their cooldowns.
Class-specific Advice for The Restless Cabal
- 12 Apr. 2019: Updated with strategy and TL;DR.
- 09 Mar. 2019: Updated ability values, names and information based on live information.
- 23 Oct. 2018: Guide added.
Raid Guides
BfA Guides
Patch 8.3 Profession Changes
Sham is a high level Elemental Shaman theorycrafter; he raids in Big Dumb Guild on Illidan-US where he competes for world first Mythic kills. You can follow him on Twitter, Twitch, and YouTube.
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