The Rookery Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, and Trash

Last updated on Feb 20, 2025 at 11:22 by Petko 2 comments

This page will cover everything you need to know about the Rookery Dungeon in the War Within Expansion, including strategies for events, trash, and bosses.


Getting into The Rookery

The Rookery is a level 70-80 dungeon located on the West side of Isle of Dorn, Khaz Algar.


The Rookery Location

The Rookery Location

This guide will be an extensive overview of the dungeon, providing vital information on how to complete it across all difficulties. We will cover all 3 Boss fights, as well as the most notable trash enemies in the dungeon and their important abilities. If you would like to learn about the rest of the dungeons in The War Within Season 2, please see our overviews linked below. Otherwise, without further ado, let us begin!


Kyrioss + Trash Mobs in the Area


Notable Trash Before Kyriossn

  • Interrupt Cursed Thunderer's Lightning Bolt Icon Lightning Bolt.
  • Avoid being hit by the Quartermaster Koratite's Bounding Void Icon Bounding Void frontal. In addition, make sure to switch positions if he casts Entropy Shield Icon Entropy Shield in front of you.
  • Avoid the Unruly Stormrook's Thunderstrike Icon Thunderstrike and sidestep their frontal ability - Energized Barrage Icon Energized Barrage.
  • Any spare interrupts should be used for Cursed Rooktender's Enrage Rook Icon Enrage Rook.

Kyrioss Guide


All Roles

  • Sidestep the incoming Lightning Dash Icon Lightning Dash otherwise it will be lethal.
  • Spread around to avoid clipping each other with the Crashing Thunder Icon Crashing Thunder.
  • When Kyrioss reaches 100 Energy he will charge in the middle and begin channeling its Lightning Torrent Icon Lightning Torrent cast. If you don't outrun the beam you will likely take the lethal amount of damage and die.
  • Use your defensive during Unstable Charge Icon Unstable Charge.


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Stormguard Gorren + Trash Mobs in the Area


Notable Trash Before Stormguard Gorren

  • Use defensive cooldown when Coalescing Void Diffuser is casting Attracting Shadows Icon Attracting Shadows as it will do group-wide damage.
  • Watch out for Corrupted Oracle and its Seeping Corruption Icon Seeping Corruption CurseCurse effect. Any spare interrupts should be used for their Void Bolt Icon Void Bolt casts.
  • Void Cursed Crusher will leap on a random targets and damage them with Void Crush Icon Void Crush.
  • Be careful when defeating Afflicted Civilian as they will trigger Instability Icon Instability upon death.

Stormguard Gorren Guide

Stormguard Gorren

All Roles

  • Sidestep its Crush Reality Icon Crush Reality ground animation, while dodging the follow-up Reality Tear Icon Reality Tears. Do keep in mind that the Lingering Void Icon Lingering Void ground patch will remain there for a long time.
  • During the Dark Gravity Icon Dark Gravity channel cast, use any movement speed abilities to escape from the pull-in effect.
  • Use defensive cooldowns during the Chaotic Corruption Icon Chaotic Corruption cast.


  • Move Stormguard Gorren away from any existing Lingering Void Icon Lingering Void ground swirlies.


  • When dealing with Chaotic Corruption Icon Chaotic Corruption, make sure to priority-heal the targeted with the debuff. If a person gets Chaotic Corruption Icon Chaotic Corruption and has a Chaotic Vulnerability Icon Chaotic Vulnerability, use your external defensive cooldowns to save them. No DPS should ever go above 1 stack unless they have immunity, or very strong defensive (preferably the tank can get more).

Voidstone Monstrosity + Trash Mobs in the Area


Notable Trash Before Voidstone Monstrosity

Once you reach the final area, you will be able to be supported by Stormrider Vokmar and its Storm's Vengeance Icon Storm's Vengeance ability (use your extra action button). This allows you to stun any nearby non-boss-enemies for a short period (Electrocuted Icon Electrocuted), essentially helping you defeat them.

Stormrider Vokmar
  • Interrupt Void Ascendant's Void Bolt Icon Void Bolt and dodge their incoming Umbral Wave Icon Umbral Wave frontal.
  • Avoid the Erupting Darkness Icon Erupting Darkness ground animation Radiating Voidstone's.

Voidstone Monstrosity Boss Guide

Voidstone Monstrosity

All Roles

  • Use your defensive cooldown if you get targeted by Unleash Corruption Icon Unleash Corruption and stay away from the Seeping Corruption Icon Seeping Corruption shadow patches.
  • Sidestep the Oblivion Wave Icon Oblivion Wave frontal.
  • When the boss casts Null Upheaval Icon Null Upheaval, use the debuff to destroy any nearby Voidstone Fragment before they turn into Voidstone Awakened and do group-wide damage with their Corruption Overload Icon Corruption Overload.
  • Hold your major cooldowns and use them after breaking their Void Shell Icon Void Shell absorb as the boss will take increased damage.


  • Make sure to stay in melee at all times to prevent the boss from casting Entropy Icon Entropy.
  • Use defensive during Oblivion Wave Icon Oblivion Wave and aim it away from your party.


  • Use your healing cooldowns during Null Upheaval Icon Null Upheaval as it will deal group-wide damage.

The Rookery Loot Table



Type Item Stats
Staff Voltaic Stormcaller Icon Voltaic Stormcaller Crit + Special effect
1H Axe Hyperactive Stormclaw Icon Hyperactive Stormclaw Vers/Haste
Cloth Wrist Charged Rookfeather Wraps Icon Charged Rookfeather Wraps Crit/Vers
Leather Hands Tempestwind Handlers Icon Tempestwind Handlers Mastery/Crit
Plate Legs Thunder-Clad Legguards Icon Thunder-Clad Legguards Haste/Vers
Mail Feet Treads of the Galvanic Skysoarer Icon Treads of the Galvanic Skysoarer Haste/Mastery
Trinket Charged Stormrook Plume Icon Charged Stormrook Plume Agi

Stormguard Gorren

Type Item Stats
2H Mace Crashing Thunderhammer Icon Crashing Thunderhammer Crit/Mastery
Bow Ireborne Stormbow Icon Ireborne Stormbow Mastery/Haste
Shield Galebreaker Bulwark Icon Galebreaker Bulwark Vers/Crit
Mail Chest Boltbreaker Armor Icon Boltbreaker Armor Crit/Mastery
Plate Waist Lightning-Conductor's Bands Icon Lightning-Conductor's Bands Mastery/Haste
Leather Legs Squallrider's Kilt Icon Squallrider's Kilt Vers/Crit
Cloth Feet Cloudstrider Soles Icon Cloudstrider Soles Crit/Haste
Trinket Sigil of Algari Concordance Icon Sigil of Algari Concordance Str, Agi, Int

Voidstone Monstrosity

Type Item Stats
1H Mace Behemoth Kneebender Icon Behemoth Kneebender Mastery/Vers
Dagger Shadowskean of the Colossus Icon Shadowskean of the Colossus Vers/Mastery
Plate Head Monstrosity's Gaze Icon Monstrosity's Gaze Vers/Haste
Mail Shoulder Amice of Oblivion Icon Amice of Oblivion Mastery/Vers
Leather Chest Jerkin of Awakened Stone Icon Jerkin of Awakened Stone Mastery/Vers
Cloth Legs Ancient Hardened Legwraps Icon Ancient Hardened Legwraps Haste/Crit
Ring Hoop of the Blighted Icon Hoop of the Blighted Crit/Mastery
Trinket Entropic Skardyn Core Icon Entropic Skardyn Core Crit + Special effect

The Rookery Achievements

There are 4 total achievements to obtain in The Rookery:

Achievement Criteria
The Rookery Icon The Rookery Defeat Voidstone Monstrosity in The Rookery.
Heroic: The Rookery Icon Heroic: The Rookery Defeat Voidstone Monstrosity in The Rookery on HeroicHeroic difficulty or higher.
Mythic: The Rookery Icon Mythic: The Rookery Defeat Voidstone Monstrosity in The Rookery on MythicMythic or Mythic Keystone difficulty.
Keystone Hero: The Rookery Icon Keystone Hero: The Rookery Complete The Rookery at MythicMythic Level 10 or higher, within the time limit.


  • 20 Feb. 2024: Reviewed and updated for Season 2.
  • 12 Dec. 2024: Reviewed and updated for 11.0.7 Patch.
  • 20 Oct. 2024: Reviewed and update for 11.0.5 Patch.
  • 03 Aug. 2024: Page added.
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