The Saberstalkers Reputation Farming Guide (WoD 6.2)
Table of Contents
The Saberstalkers is a neutral faction in Tanaan Jungle. Farming reputation
with them rewards you with the usual items (pets, mounts, etc.) and Saberstalker Teachings: Trailblazer,
which increases your mount speed in Tanaan Jungle by 15%.
Reaching revered
with this faction is required for the
Tanaan Diplomat
Tanaan Diplomat achievements.
How to Farm Reputation
Reputation with The Saberstalkers can be farmed mainly through killing mobs in Fang'rila and completing the weekly Rumble in the Jungle quest, which gives +3,500 reputation.
Additionally, a daily quest is sometimes offered to you at
Lion's Watch or
Finally, you can farm Medallion of the Legion, but this is very
In the sections below, we detail all of these reputation gains.
Killing Mobs in Fang'rila
All mobs in Fang'rila give +25 reputation with the Saberstalkers, with the exception of 4 Elite mobs who give +500 reputation. These 4 Elite mobs are:
These 4 Elite mobs are:
- Gloomtalon, who is located in a cave on the southern shore of the lake inside Fang'rila, at 63.5 / 81.2;
- Krell the Serene, who is located at 52.0 / 83.9, on a promontory that you can access by going down on the right as you enter Fang'rila before climbing the hill south of that drop;
- Soulslicer, who is located on the northern shore of the lake inside Fang'rila, at 62.7 / 72.0;
- The Blackfang, who is located at 48.8 / 73.0, in a cave that you can access by going down on the right as you enter Fang'rila before taking the uphill path that goes north.
Only The Blackfang requires a tank to defeat, the other mobs can be soloed.
Rumble in the Jungle
Rumble in the Jungle is a weekly quest given to you by Z'tenga the Walker and that grants you 3,500 reputation with the Saberstalkers upon completion. It requires you to defeat Akrrilo, Rendarr, and Eyepiercer at the Blackfang Arena.
Each of these champions needs to be activated by using a specific totem in the Arena. These totems are sold by Z'tenga the Walker.
Minor Blackfang Challenge Totem costs 5
Blackfang Claws and is used to summon Akrrilo. When killed, he drops a
Fel-Corrupted Apexis Fragments for the Unseen Influence quest and 100
Apexis Crystals.
Major Blackfang Challenge Totem costs 10
Blackfang Claws and is used to summon Rendarr. When killed, he drops a
Fel-Corrupted Apexis Fragments for the Unseen Influence quest and 150
Apexis Crystals.
Prime Blackfang Challenge Totem costs 25
Blackfang Claws and is used to summon Eyepiercer. When killed, he drops a
Fel-Corrupted Apexis Fragments for the Unseen Influence quest and 225
Apexis Crystals.
Once summoned, these mobs cannot be tagged, so you can get credit
for the kill by attacking them if they have been summoned by someone
else. They can be soloed (except maybe for Eyepiercer) and the Champion's Honor buff is very
useful for tanking them.
Note that you need to wait until the corpse of the previously killed mob has despawned before summoning a new one.
Medallion of the Legion
Medallion of the Legion increases your reputation with all of the
factions of Draenor by 1,000. The reputation increase is subject to reputation
buffs, such as
Diplomacy (the Human racial, +10%),
WHEE! (from
the Darkmoon Faire carrousel, +10%),
or the +20% bonus from your Trading
Post, Level 3. So, try to save the medallions for when the Darkmoon Faire is
running, and if you have a Trading Post, Level 3, then make sure to use them
in Draenor (otherwise the reputation bonus will not apply).
Medallion of the Legion has a chance to drop from 4 mini-bosses that you can find in
Tanaan Jungle:
- Deathtalon, who can be found in the southwestern part of the Ruins of Kra'nar;
- Doomroller, who can be found at the entrance of Hellfire Citadel;
- Terrorfist, who is located on the path that leads to the Rangari Refuge from the Iron Front;
- Vengeance, who is located on the uppermost terrace in the Temple of Sha'naar.
When these mobs spawn in Tanaan (with a respawn time that seem to vary between 1 and 2 hours), you get zone-wide warnings:
- for Deathtalon, Shadow-Lord Iskar yells Behind the veil, all you find is death!;
- for Doomroller, Siegemaster Mar'tak yells Hah-ha! Trample their corpses!;
- for Terrorfist, Frogan yells A massive gronnling is heading for Rangari Refuge! We are going to require some assistance!;
- for Vengeance, Tyrant Velhari yells Insects deserve to be crushed!.
The problem with these mini-bosses is that as soon the warning appears, players in the area will kill them very rapidly, leaving you very little time to reach them and have a chance to loot the corpse.
Blackfang Claws
Blackfang Claws are dropped by mobs in Fang'rila at a rate of about 5 claws per mob killed.
You can also obtain them when the Tooth and Claw daily quest is offered to you in
Lion's Watch or
Vol'mar. The sole use for Blackfang Claws
is to buy you the rewards from the Saberstalkers' quartermaster (see next section).
The quartermaster for the Saberstalkers is Z'tenga the Walker, who is located at the entrance of Fang'rila. In the table below, you will find the rewards that he sells.
Item | Rep. / Cost | Note |
![]() |
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Has the ![]() |
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Mount |
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Increases mount speed by 15% in Tanaan |
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Pet |
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Mount |
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- 28 Jun. 2015: The Rumble in the Jungle quest finally started working again on the PTR, so after more testing, more information was added regarding the Elite mobs to kill.
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