The Silken Court Raid Guide in Nerub-ar Palace

Last updated on Sep 30, 2024 at 00:35 by Panthea

The Silken Court is the 7th and penultimate boss encounter in the Nerub-ar Palace raid in The War Within.

On this page you will find a both a short and a full written guide for this encounter, with everything you need to know to take the boss on in Normal, Heroic, or Mythic difficulty.


Silken Court Raid Guide

Quick TLDR Guide Strategy Guide: Full Guide Mythic Strategy

Quick TLDR Guide


Phase 1:

  • Tanks: Swap tanking duties based on Piercing Strike Icon Piercing Strike stacks.
  • Avoid Impaling Eruption Icon Impaling Eruption
  • Drag the Scarabs under the boss if you are fixated and stun it.
  • 100 Energy: In this phase you will be dealing with Anub'arash's special ability Reckless Charge Icon Reckless Charge.
  • Move into Web Bomb Icon Web Bombs with another player to be tethered together and position yourself so your line cover the charge line to trip up the boss and make them take increased damage for a short period of time.

Intermission 1:

  • Pay attention to the order Shatter Existence Icon Shatter Existence areas spawn.
  • Stand next to the first or second area and wait for it to detonate and move into the new safe area.
  • This intermission ends when the absorb shield on the boss is removed.

Phase 2:

  • Tanks: Swap tanking duties based on Piercing Strike Icon Piercing Strike stacks.
  • Run away on Web Vortex Icon Web Vortex. You can snap the Binding Webs Icon Binding Webs in this phase.
  • Three players will have the permanent debuff Stinging Swarm Icon Stinging Swarm applied to them. These players need to be focused by Healers. Dispelling Stinging Swarm Icon Stinging Swarm will make it jump to a nearby player or Takazj. Only dispel if you have to.
  • 100 Energy: In this phase you will be dealing with Takazj's special ability Cataclysmic Entropy Icon Cataclysmic Entropy.
  • Takazj will teleport to the middle of the room at 100 Energy and those three players should move in a triangle next to the boss and get dispelled to stun the boss and make it take increased damage for a short period of time.

Intermission 2:

  • Pay attention to where Spike Storm Icon Spike Storm spawn.
  • Move out of these areas and hit the boss.
  • This intermission ends when the absorb shield on the boss is removed.

Phase 3:

  • Tanks: Swap tanking duties based on Piercing Strike Icon Piercing Strike stacks.
  • Both 100 Energy abilities are active and you will want to keep some Binding Webs Icon Binding Webs active to interrupt Reckless Charge Icon Reckless Charge.

Strategy Guide: Full Guide

On this encounter both bosses will share health and phase based on a timer.


Core Abilities:



  • Periodically Anub'arash will cast Burrowed Eruption Icon Burrowed Eruption and move to a new location. This will deal raid wide damage and apply a DoT to the raid.
  • Call of the Swarm Icon Call of the Swarm will spawn several scarabs which fixate on players. These Scarabs have stacks of a damage reduction on them which fall off over time. Move these Scarabs under the boss and stun them. Cleave them down, they are not a priority to kill unless they have been active for a long time.
  • Impaling Eruption Icon Impaling Eruption will create a cone of spikes in the room. Move out of the area before they erupt to avoid being stunned and taking unnecessary damage.
  • Tanks: Piercing Strike Icon Piercing Strike is the tank swap of the encounter. This will deal a large amount of physical damage and increase physical damage taken per stack.


  • Skittering Leap Icon Skittering Leap is how Takazj moves around the room, they are otherwise stationary.
  • Web Bomb Icon Web Bomb
    • These will spawn around players and slow you if you are standing in them.
    • If any player stands in the ball in the centre of the bomb it will detonate and tether them to another player with Binding Webs Icon Binding Webs.
    • Binding Webs Icon Binding Webs will show a visual circle for the players connected to show the distance they can be apart from each other before the tether breaks.
  • Venomous Rain Icon Venomous Rain will create visual circles around players targeted. This will deal damage to all players in range of it.
  • Tanks: Poison Bolt Icon Poison Bolt is Takazj's tank ability. This is a dispellable DoT and deals a large amount of Nature damage.

Phase 1 Unique Abilities:

  • 100 Energy: Reckless Charge Icon Reckless Charge
    • Anub'arak will position themselves on one edge of the room and charge to the opposite edge.
    • If they successfully hit the wall, the raid will die.
    • You can trip up the boss to interrupt the boss by collecting Binding Webs Icon Binding Webs from standing in Web Bomb Icon Web Bombs with another player.
    • You and the other player should stand on either side of the Reckless Charge Icon Reckless Charge line.
    • Anub'arak will now fall over and take increased damage for a short period of time.
  • After two Reckless Charge Icon Reckless Charges Intermission 1 will begin.

Intermission 1:

  • Shatter Existence Icon Shatter Existence
    • The room is split into 8 segments and 2 areas will fill at a time and detonate shortly after.
    • Pay attention to the order the segments are filled.
    • Stand next to the first or second area and wait for it to detonate and move into the new safe area.
    • This intermission ends when the absorb shield on the boss is removed.

Phase 2 Changes:

  • Ability Changes:
    • Anub'arash will no longer cast Reckless Charge Icon Reckless Charge.
    • Tanks: Poison Bolt Icon Poison Bolt is replaced with Void Bolt Icon Void Bolt which deals Shadow damage (still dispellable).
    • Takazj gains access to three new abilities; Web Vortex Icon Web Vortex and Cataclysmic Entropy Icon Cataclysmic Entropy.
    • Anub'arash now casts Stinging Swarm Icon Stinging Swarm.
  • Web Vortex Icon Web Vortex
    • After Takazj teleports away all players will be dragged towards them and be tethered together with Binding Webs Icon Binding Webs.
    • Every player in the raid must run away from the Vortex before it detonates.
    • It is safe to snap all of the Binding Webs Icon Binding Webs in this phase.
  • Stinging Swarm Icon Stinging Swarm
    • Three players will have the permanent debuff Stinging Swarm Icon Stinging Swarm applied to them.
    • Stinging Swarm Icon Stinging Swarm deals increasing amounts of nature damage to these players, so Healers need to be mindful of their health.
    • If Stinging Swarm Icon Stinging Swarm is displled it will jump to the nearest target.
    • If that nearest target is Takazj it will no longer be permanent and only last 12 seconds.
    • Takazj needs 3 stacks of this debuff to interrupt their 100 Energy ability. Only dispell when necessary.
  • 100 Energy: Cataclysmic Entropy Icon Cataclysmic Entropy
    • Takazj will teleport to the middle and begin casting Cataclysmic Entropy Icon Cataclysmic Entropy, if this cast is successful it will apply a very large DoT to the raid. Likely resulting in death.
    • The three players with Stinging Swarm Icon Stinging Swarm triangle next to the boss and get dispelled to transfer the debuff to Takazj.
    • At three stacks of Stinging Swarm Icon Stinging Swarm Takazj will be interrupted and take increased damage for a short period of time.

Intermission 2:

  • Spike Storm Icon Spike Storm
    • Several circles will spawn around the room and ripple.
    • Shortly after spawning spikes will erupt from these circles. Avoid standing in them.
    • This intermission ends when the absorb shield on the boss is removed.

Phase 3 Changes:

  • Both 100 Energy abilities are active!
  • Have some assigned players keep their Binding Webs Icon Binding Webs active to interrupt Reckless Charge Icon Reckless Charge.

Heroic Changes:

  • None.

Mythic Strategy

Currently, this tab will only contain information on what changes on Mythic. A more robust strategy will be added after the raid goes live.


Mythic Changes:

  • At the start of the encounter the raid will need to split into two groups of 10 and be close to the bosses for Whispers of The Silken Court Icon Whispers of The Silken Court and have Mark of Paranoia Icon Mark of Paranoia or Mark of Rage Icon Mark of Rage applied to them. Any players without a mark will die.
  • You cannot make contact with any player with the opposite mark to you as you will both die.
  • Mechanics will force players to drop motes which must be soaked by players with the opposite mark. This will force the raid to swap bosses that they are on to avoid any risk of touching another player.
  • Three sets of Binding Webs Icon Binding Webs are now required to trip up Anub'arash.


  • 30 Sep. 2024: Removed reference to Heroic changes as there are now none. Only 1 set of webs is required to break the Anub'arash 100 Energy Ability now. Same as Normal difficulty.
  • 09 Sep. 2024: Guide created.
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