The Skittering Breach Delve Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, and Trash

Last updated on Aug 03, 2024 at 09:46 by Petko 1 comment

This page will cover everything you need to know about the Skittering Breach Delve in the War Within Expansion, including strategies for events, trash, and bosses.


Getting into Skittering Breach

Skittering Breach is a Delve located on the East side of Hallowfall, Khaz Algar.

Skittering Breach Location

This guide will providing the all the specifics you need to complete Skittering Breach across all tiers of difficulties (from Tier 1 to Tier 11). We will cover delve events, optional bosses (rares), as well as, end of the dungeon boss and their abilities. If you like to learn about the rest of the Delves in Season 1, please see our overviews linked below.


Skittering Breach Layout

Skittering Breach Layout

Events in Skittering Breach

There are 2 versions of this Delve, each of them offer different end boss and have different events:

  • Option 1: You need to destroy 0/5 Shadow Totems and clear the surrounding Shadow patches with Light Dash Icon Light Dash (extra action button) dash, facing Nerl'athekk the Skulking boss at the end.
  • Option 2: You will have to confront Speaker Xanventh, chase her and complete the Order of the Night repelled event before engaging her as a final boss (much longer path than the Option 1).

Option #1


Event 1— 0/5 Shadow Totem Destroyed

Clear the any non-boss-enemies around the Shadow Totems and use the Light Dash Icon Light Dash (extra action button) dash to clear the nearby Shadow patches.


Trash Mobs in this Area

  • Interrupt Shadow Elemental's Death Bolt Icon Death Bolt. Any spare kicks (or stops) should go for Inflict Death Icon Inflict Death cast.
  • Beware of Nerubian Slasher's Jagged Slash Icon Jagged Slash frontal (sidestep it).
  • Interrupt Nerubian Threadmancer's Web Bolt Icon Web Bolt.
  • Any spare kicks should go for Webbed Aegis Icon Webbed Aegis coming from Nerubian Captain. In addition, you should be careful when they cast Wide Swipe Icon Wide Swipe frontal cone.
  • Sidestep the Skittering Swarmer's Skittering Charge. Be careful at the quantity of mobs you pull with this mob, due to their Poisoned Claws Icon Poisoned Claws, they hit quite hard.
  • Once you get to the final totem, you will see Nerubian Darkcaster, although it is optional non-boss-enemy, in case you engage it, interrupt Shadow Bolt Icon Shadow Bolt at all times. Any spare kicks should be used for Shadows of Strife Icon Shadows of Strife.

Nerl'athekk the Skulking Boss Guide

  • Use the Light Dash Icon Light Dash (extra action button) dashes to clear the surrounding Shadow patches.
  • Outrange the Darkrift Smash Icon Darkrift Smash.
  • Interrupt Shadow Drain Icon Shadow Drain channel.
  • During Lurking Call Icon Lurking Call channel, avoid any ground swirlies.

Option #2


Event 1— Confront Speaker Xanventh

Clear your way inside the secret chamber and confront Speaker Xanventh. Once you drop her to 70% HP she will retreat, starting Event #2.


Trash Mobs in this Area

  • Nightfall Initiate does only auto-attacks.
  • Nightfall Executor will Stab Icon Stab you (heavy physical damage ability).

Event 2— Confront Speaker Xanventh

Chase Speaker Xanventh and engage against him. He will retreat at 40% HP starting the final Event 3 prior appearing as a final boss.


Trash Mobs in this Area

  • Interrupt Weeping Shade's Death Bolt Icon Death Bolt.
  • Any spare interrupts should go for Nightfall Shadeguard's Blessing of Dusk Icon Blessing of Dusk.
  • Interrupt (or any other form of stops) Nightfall Hopestealer's Shadow Bolt Icon Shadow Bolt.

Event 3— Order of Night repelled 0/100%

Repel enough non-boss-enemies to complete the final event of the Delve.


Trash Mobs in this Area

  • Devouring Shade is the only "mini-boss" in this area, with an incredibly strong tank-buster hit Shadow Strike Icon Shadow Strike. Avoid its Umbral Slam Icon Umbral Slam frontal at all costs.
  • Nightfall Inquisitor is the most important non-boss-enemy in this area due to its Shadow Barrier Icon Shadow Barrier immunity, which must be stopped at all costs. In addition, any spare kicks should go for Shadow Bolt Icon Shadow Bolt.

Speaker XanventhBoss Guide

Speaker Xanventh
  • Interrupt Blessing of Dusk Icon Blessing of Dusk at all times.
  • Sidestep the Shadow Wave Icon Shadow Wave frontal ability.
  • Outrange the Shadowspin Icon Shadowspin channel (5 yards).


  • 03 Aug. 2024: Page added.
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