The Tarragrue Strategy Guide for Sanctum of Domination
The Tarragrue is the first boss of the Sanctum of Domination raid in Patch 9.1 of Shadowlands.
On this page, you will find the strategy guide video from Ready Check Pull, as well as their written strategy guide and the encounter journal from the game.
Ready Check Pull Video
Strategy Guide: Quick Version
- Do not choose anima powers that can hinder your allies, and make sure at
least one person takes the stun/fear immunity power,
Ever-Beating Heart.
- Intercept the
Chains of Eternity cast with the stun-immunity anima power or with class immunities.
- Stay spread out to prevent fears (
Predator's Howl).
- Tanks taunt swap after every
- Remove the boss's enrage as soon as possible (
Fury of the Ages).
- Run to the safe spots when the room gets dark (
Hungering Mist).
- And on heroic, soak the debuff circles as soon as possible
Remnant of Forgotten Torments).
Strategy Guide: Full Guide
Before pulling the boss, you can kill four big trashcan looking mobs that each drop a choice of random anima powers. Unfortunately they are not the fun class specific powers, just generic ones, but some of them are actually crazy strong. The choices you get are random every time, so you just have to make the best of what you get.
However, we do have some big recommendations.
- Definitely do not take the one that makes you bigger and knocks people around.
You will for sure kill your allies with this one, or at least make them mad (
Lumbering Form).
- Definitely do not take the one that stuns everyone around you when you die.
It will also make people mad at you (
Ten of Towers).
- Definitely have at least one person in the raid take the one that makes you
immune to stun and fear effects (
Ever-Beating Heart). This will entirely negate the deadliest mechanic in the fight if you use it right.
All of the other powers are just varying shades of good, so have fun with them!
Fight Strategy
- Use
Heroism on the pull and keep the boss toward the middle of the room while everyone stays spread out.
- The deadliest mechanic, as we mentioned, is
Chains of Eternity, which marks a random player and throws a chain at them after a few seconds. This chain can be intercepted by a player standing between the boss and the marked player, but whoever it hits will be stunned and then get one-shot by the boss. The only way to avoid this one-shot is by immuning the stun, which you can do with regular immunities OR with that stun-immunity anima power we mentioned earlier. If someone has this power, they can just soak every chain cast by standing between the boss and the marked player. Otherwise you’ll have to rotate immunities and that can get messy.
- The tanks have to taunt swap after every cast of
Overpower, which stuns and increases physical damage taken for a little bit.
- There is a dispellable debuff that goes out on a bunch of random players which
fears anyone standing close to those players, so everyone should stay a little spread
out to avoid fearing each other (
Predator's Howl). Dispel any players that do get feared (
Unshakeable Dread), as well as any players that need to move for other mechanics in the fight.
- The boss will cast an enrage that should be immediately removed by a Druid,
Hunter, or Rogue (
Fury of the Ages).
- When the boss teleports and the room gets dark, quickly move to each safe spot
until it is over (
Hungering Mist).
- And on heroic, quickly soak the circles that spawn on the ground around
the room. There are three different kinds that each give you a different debuff,
and they need to be soaked quickly because otherwise each debuff is applied to the
entire raid. Everyone except the tanks should soak the gray ones, because they increase
your physical damage taken (
Remnant: Upper Reaches' Might). Pretty much only the tanks should soak the purple ones, because they increase your magic damage taken (
Remnant: Mort'regar's Echoes). And anyone can soak the red ones, because they give you a dot (
Remnant: Soulforge Heat).
- And finally, when the boss gets to 10% health remaining, it removes everyones' anima powers and goes berserk, just running around one-shotting people. Although, if you get to that part of the fight with plenty of people alive, it should be fine.
Optional Achievement
The Tarragrue's encounter features an optional achievement:
Name A Better Duo, I'll Wait. Completing this achievement and
every other optional achievement found within the Sanctum of Domination's
encounters will reward you with the
Glory of the Dominant Raider
meta-achievement, along with the
Bracer of Hrestimorak to teach you the
unique Hand of Hrestimorak mount. To learn more about how to complete
this encounter's
achievement or any of the others in the raid, please visit our
meta-achievement guide below.
Encounter Journal
We have encounter journal pages for each of the four difficulties, which you can access by clicking the links below.
- 26 Jun. 2021: Guide added.
This guide has been written by Zaxachi, a top US mythic raider currently in xD. He is a co-founder of Ready Check Pull, a top-tier WoW resource and YouTube channel. You can watch his stream on Twitch, join the Ready Check Pull Discord, and follow Ready Check Pull on Twitter.
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