The War Within PvP Season 1 Guide

Last updated on Sep 07, 2024 at 14:33 by Stan 1 comment

The following guide contains everything you need to know about the latest PvP Season in World of Warcraft.


When Does The War Within Season 1 Start?

Season 1 in the War Within starts on September 10, 2024.


PvP Class Changes in the War Within Patch 11.0.2

Many classes have been adjusted and received changes in the new expansion; you will find them linked below.


PvP Gear in The War Within Season 1

In Season 1, the following types of gear are available — Crafted, Honor, Conquest, and War Mode gear.

Gear Type PvP Item Level
Crafted PvP Gear 606
Honor Gear 626
Conquest Gear 639
War Mode Gear 636

Crafted PvP Gear

Competitor's Recipes (crafted PvP gear plans) can be purchased from Hotharn at 55.5, 76.9 in Dornogal, for 7,500 Honor each. The vendor also sells Forged Combatant's Heraldry Icon Forged Combatant's Heraldry for 350 Honor, Forged Aspirant's Heraldry Icon Forged Aspirant's Heraldry for 175 Honor, Forged Gladiator's Heraldry Icon Forged Gladiator's Heraldry for 175 Conquest, Vicious Bloodstone Icon Vicious Bloodstone for 2,500 Honor, and Vicious Jeweler's Setting Icon Vicious Jeweler's Setting for 9,750 Honor and 2 Vicious Bloodstone Icon Vicious Bloodstones.

The gear has Item Level 545, and in PvP and Arenas, it increases to 606.


Honor Gear in The War Within Season 1

Honor gear can be purchased from Velerd located in the same room as Hotharn (see above for exact coordinates). In Season 1, Honor gear starts at Item Level 558 and the item level increases in PvP combat to 626. It follows the Explorer track, and you must spend Honor on the gear.

In addition to Honor gear, the vendor also sells Algari Distinguishment Icon Algari Distinguishment (contains 5 Marks of Honor) for 2,000 Honor and Glorious Contender's Strongbox Icon Glorious Contender's Strongbox (contains Profession reagents, recipe scrolls, and PvP consumables) for 5,000 Honor.


Conquest Gear in The War Within Season 1

Conquest gear starts at Item Level 597 (639 in PvP) and follows the Champion track.

The Conquest Quartermaster is Lalandi.

The exact item cost depends on the item slot.

  • Helm, Chest, and Legs cost 875 Conquest.
  • Shoulders, Gloves, and Feet cost 700 Conquest.
  • Cloaks, Bracers, Rings, and Belt cost 500 Conquest.
  • One-Hand weapons cost 900-1,350 Conquest.
  • Off-Hands cost 450 Conquest.
  • Two-Hand weapons cost 1,750 Conquest.
  • Wrist and Trinkets (Gladiator/DPS) cost 525/700 Conquest.

Lalandi also offers the Weapons of Conquest quest that requires you to obtain 250,000 Conquest in Rated Arenas and Battlegrounds for an Item Level 597 (639 in PvP) weapon for your specialization. You must complete this quest to buy weapons for Conquest from the vendor.

The vendor also sells Forged Gladiator's Heraldry Icon Forged Gladiator's Heraldry for 175 Conquest.


War Mode Gear in The War Within Season 1

Gilderann is the War Mode gear vendor in The War Within expansion. War Mode gear starts at Item Level 593 (636 in PvP) and follows the Veteran gear upgrade track. War Mode gear can be purchased with Bloody Tokens Icon Bloody Tokens.


PvP Gear Upgrading

All types of PvP gear can be upgraded with the The War Within Gear Upgrade System system using Valorstones Icon Valorstones and crests. However, upgrades will only increase the item's PvE Item Level, not the PvP Item Level.


Where to Upgrade Gear in The War Within Season 1?

The nearest item upgrades vendor is Ledonir location at 59.8, 69.9 in Dornogal. The vendor is located on the opposite side of the Contender's Gate.


What is the Conquest Cap in The War Within Season 1?

The Conquest cap is 1,350 for Week 1 of Season 1 and increases by 550 every week.


Elite Conquest PvP Gear (Cosmetics) in The War Within

The Elite Conquest vendor is Rogurn, standing to the left side of the gear upgrader. He sells cosmetics for Marks of Honor.


PvP Quests in The War Within Season 1

Ruffious at the Contender's Gate (59, 75) will have multiple PvP quests for you!

These include:

  • Spark of War Quests — Requires you to collect 100 Sparks of War in one of the four zones for 1,000 Bloody Tokens Icon Bloody Tokens, 50 Conquest, 500 Honor and 250 Renown.
  • Preserving Solo — Requires you to complete 12 rounds of Solo Shuffle. Rewards 500 Honor, 175 Conquest, and 100 Pact reputation.
  • Preserving in Skirmishes — Requires you to collect 1,000 Honor in Arena Skirmishes. Rewards 350 Honor, 125 Conquest, and 100 Pact reputation.

The War Within Season 1 Rewards

The following section contains rewards obtainable in The War Within Season 1.


The Gladiator Mount

Gladiators in Season 1 will receive the Forged Gladiator's Fel Bat Icon Forged Gladiator's Fel Bat mount. To get it, you must win 50 3v3 games while at Elite rank during The War Within Season 1.


Vicious Mounts

In Season 1, players can earn faction-themed Vicious Skyflayer Icon Vicious Skyflayer mounts by earning the Forged Combatant Icon Forged Combatant achievement.

Here is the Alliance version of the mount.

Here we have the Horde counterpart.

Here is the Alliance version of the mount.


Heroic Class Tier Set

Earning a 1,600+ Rated PVP rating rewards you with the The War Within Season 1: Spelunker Supreme Icon The War Within Season 1: Spelunker Supreme achievement that provides you with 1 Mark of the Spelunker Supreme Icon Mark of the Spelunker Supreme that can be exchanged for 1 piece of Nerub-ar Palace class set armor.


The War Within Season 1 Weapon Illusion

Those who earn the Elite: The War Within Season 1 Icon Elite: The War Within Season 1 achievement will unlock the Luminous Nerubian Catalyst Stone Icon Luminous Nerubian Catalyst Stone weapon illusion.


Other PvP Rewards in Season 1

Other rewards in The War Within Season 1 include the Unbound Legend's Pennant Icon Unbound Legend's Pennant toy, Forged Gladiator's Tabard Icon Forged Gladiator's Tabard, and Forged Gladiator's Prestigious Cloak Icon Forged Gladiator's Prestigious Cloak.

Other rewards include new Elite PvP Sets and Weapon Appearances, Draconic Legend's Pennant Icon Draconic Legend's Pennant (toy), Draconic Gladiator's Prestigious Cloak Icon Draconic Gladiator's Prestigious Cloak, Draconic Gladiator's Tabard Icon Draconic Gladiator's Tabard, and the Draconic Gladiator title for Rated 3v3 and Draconic Legend for Rated Solo Shuffle.



  • 07 Sep. 2024: Updated for The War Within Season 1.
  • 16 May 2024: Item levels updated.
  • 14 Apr. 2024: Guide added.
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