The Waterworks Delve Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, and Trash

Last updated on Feb 21, 2025 at 09:46 by Petko 3 comments

This page will cover everything you need to know about the Waterworks Delve in the War Within Expansion, including strategies for events, trash, and bosses.


Getting into The Waterworks

The Waterworks is a Delve located on the West side of Ringing Deeps, Khaz Algar.

The Waterworks Location

This guide will provide the all the specifics you need to complete The Waterworks across all tiers of difficulties (from Tier 1 to Tier 11). We will cover delve events, optional bosses (rares), as well as end of the dungeon boss and their abilities. If you would like to learn about the rest of the Delves in Season 1, please see our overviews linked below.


The Waterworks Layout

The Waterworks Layout

Events in The Dread Pit

The main goal of this delve is to make sure to use your Stomping Shoes around Air Purifier so you can fuel up your Air Totem Icon Air Totem; otherwise, a permanent stackable debuff will appear, significantly lowering your chance of completing the Delve.

Air purifier

Event #1 — 0/50 Lost Gear found

Use Stomping Shoes near Kobold Corpses to gather 0/50 Lost Gear.


Trash Mobs in this Area

  • Interrupt Kobold Mystic's Fireball Icon Fireball.
  • Beware of Kobold Skullface and its Scratch Icon Scratch frontal BleedBleed ability (you can out-range it). In addition, they will also cast Kick Icon Kick, which is an uninterruptible knockback effect.
  • Beware of the number of Cavernous Shriekers you pull as they do trigger Death Screech Icon Death Screech upon death.
  • Interrupting Kobold Taskfinder's Battle Cry Icon Battle Cry is a priority in this area. In addition, avoid its Blazing Wick Icon Blazing Wick frontal cast and be prepared for the heavy tank hitter Thwack! Icon Thwack!.
  • Interrupt Spitfire Charger's Wicklighter Volley Icon Wicklighter Volley cast, while dodging the incoming Fire Charge Icon Fire Charge ability.

Waxface Boss Guide

  • Run away when Waxface is casting Noxious Gas Icon Noxious Gas.
  • Make sure you are healthy when you get targeted by Throw Wax Icon Throw Wax.
  • Use defensive when he is channeling Burn Away Icon Burn Away Aoe ability.


  • 21 Feb. 2025: Reviewed and Updated for Season 2.
  • 03 Aug. 2024: Page added.
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