Theater Troupe Event Guide in WoW: The War Within

Last updated on Aug 21, 2024 at 18:06 by Stan 1 comment

Join the Theater Troupe on the Isle of Dorn, where you will complete varied objectives to increase Audience Approval and earn better rewards.



Theater Troupe is an event, similar to Superblooms that takes place at the Isle of Dorn. It is available every hour. The event consists of variable objectives that increase your Audience Approval, granting progressively better rewards as you fill the bar.


Event Basics

Before the start of the event, talk to Stage Manager Huberta and pick up the weekly quest.

The quest provides you with the Theater Troupe's Trove Icon Theater Troupe's Trove cache and Council of Dornogal reputation.

When the timer expires, you can talk to Huberta again to start the event.

The first stage takes about 5 minutes. During this stage, you must prepare the floor for the play. by cleaning up spills, clearing fungarians from the food court, punting creatures, carving masks, dealing with the drunks, steering the stampede away from the theater, and more! This will increase your Audience Approval, which is the main metrics of the event. Based on it, you will receive a green, blue, and purple bag.

When the timer expires, the show will begin and you must get to the stage and click the gaint treasure box.

While on stage, you will complete different objectives for Audience Approval, one of them revolves around killing NPCs attacking the actors. The whole play culminates in a Rare Elite boss fight.

When the event is over, you will have 16 seconds to join the crew and bow to receive your final Audience Approval.


Theater Troupe Rewards

Theater Troupe's Trove Icon Theater Troupe's Trove contains Item Level 590 3/8 Veteran gear, 1 Restored Coffer Key Icon Restored Coffer Key, 1,000 reputation with the Council of Dornogal, 54 Valorstones Icon Valorstones, and 5 Carved Harbinger Crest Icon Carved Harbinger Crests.

Depending on the Audience Approval you have accrued during the event, you will receive the following bags:

  • Amateur Actor's Chest Icon Amateur Actor's Chest (green bag);
  • Novice Actor's Chest Icon Novice Actor's Chest (blue bag);
  • Expert Actor's Chest Icon Expert Actor's Chest (epic bag).

Learn More About Other Events!

To learn more about the other events available in the War Within expansion, visit our guide linked below!



  • 21 Aug. 2024: Guide added.
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