Things to Do Before Shadowlands Goes Live (BfA 8.3)
In this guide, we go through a list of things to do in the game before they get removed or changed when Shadowlands goes live.
It is important to point out that, when saying Shadowlands, we refer to the actual release of the expansion, not the Shadowlands pre-patch (9.0.1) that will go live before the expansion.
Ahead of the Curve: N'Zoth the Corruptor
Assemble a group and defeat N'Zoth the Corruptor in Ny'alotha
on Heroic difficulty. Uncorrupted Voidwing will become unobtainable
when the Shadowlands expansion goes live.
Mythic Season 4 Title and Mount
If you want to obtain the Awakened Mindborer mount, you must earn
Battle for Azeroth Keystone Master: Season Four before the release of
Shadowlands. To do this, you must complete all Battle for Azeroth Season
4 dungeons at Mythic Level 15 or higher, within the time limit.
If you cannot get the mount, you can at least try getting the Awakened
title, which is easier to get. You need to complete all Battle for Azeroth Season 4
dungeons at Mythic Level 10 or higher within the time limit
( Battle for Azeroth Keystone Conqueror: Season Four).
Phenomenal Cosmic Power Achievement
Certain Essences tied to Battle for Azeroth Mythic Season 4 will
become unattainable when the Season ends, making it impossible to earn the
Phenomenal Cosmic Power achievement and the Azeroth's Champion
Mad World Horrific Vision Achievement
Mad World requires you to complete all objectives in the
Horrific Visions of Stormwind and Orgrimmar in a single visit
while not in a party and with all 5 Faceless Masks active. The achievement
rewards "the Faceless One" title and it is going away in the Shadowlands
Mighty Caravan Brutosaur Mount
Blizzard will remove the Reins of the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur mount in
the Shadowlands pre-patch from the vendor, so now is the ideal time to start
making some serious gold if you want to get the mount and the
Conspicuous Consumption (Feat of Strength) achievement.
You will still be able to get the mount from the Black Market Auction House, but expect prices to go up when it becomes rarer to get.
Mythic Battle for Azeroth Raid Mounts
Blizzard made Jaina and N'Zoth the Corruptor
drop two Glacial Tidestorms and
Ny'alotha Allseers on Mythic
difficulty until the release of Shadowlands. When the expansion goes live, both
mounts will have their drop chance drastically reduced to around 1%.
Mythic Season 4 Elite PvP Armor Sets
The Elite Notorious Gladiator's Armor appearances are gated behind reaching various ranks in the ongoing PvP Season 4 and they are going away when the Season ends.
The Duelist: Battle for Azeroth Season 4 rank (2,100+ Skill Rating) is
required in PvP if you want to earn every single piece of armor, including
the cloak.
Level Up a Demon Hunter and Death Knight
Both Demon Hunters and Death Knights start at Level 10 in the Shadowlands pre-patch, instead of 98 and 55 respectively, so it is better to level them up now.
All races including Allied Races can roll Death Knights in Shadowlands. This feature is unlocked immediately if you pre-order Shadowlands.
Battle for Azeroth PvP Achievements
The Conqueror of Azeroth and
Servant of N'Zoth achievements
will be harder to get when the current content becomes played by fewer players
in Shadowlands. Therefore, it is best to consider completing said achievements
before Shadowlands.
- 23 Jul. 2020: Guide updated with Mad World and information about the Brutosaur.
- 06 Jul. 2020: Guide added.
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