Thunderfury Legendary Weapon Transmogrification Guide
In this guide, you are going to learn how to obtain and use Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker for transmogrification in Visions of N'Zoth.
How to Obtain Thunderfury
Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker is a One-Hand Sword obtainable
through a fairly time-consuming quest line which starts in Molten Core.
Bindings of the Windseeker
In order to start the quest line for
Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker, you must first loot either
half of the Bindings of the Windseeker from Garr or Baron Geddon located
in Molten Core (left:
Bindings of the Windseeker / right:
Bindings of the Windseeker). The raid can be entered by going to
Blackrock Mountain (Burning Steppes) and talking to Lothos Riftwaker in
the Molten Span. Both bindings have an extremely low drop chance.
Examining the Vessel of Rebirth in Silithus
Once you have at least one Bindings of the Windseeker, head to
the Crystal Vale in Silithus (30, 11). Talk to Highlord Demitrian
who will give you Vessel of Rebirth. Examine the vessel and turn in the
Thunderaan, the Windseeker
Next, you must collect:
- The remaining Bindings of the Windseeker from either Baron Geddon or Garr in Molten Core, depending on which one you have collected first;
Essence of the Firelord from Ragnaros in Molten Core (100% drop chance if are on the quest);
- 10
Enchanted Elementium Bars learned from
Goblin's Guide to Elementium which drops from Master Elemental Shaper Krixix in Blackwing Lair.
Goblin's Guide to Elementium
You must first enter Blackwing Lair. The raid entrance is located atop Blackrock Spire and you will be teleported there by clicking on the Orb of Command. Check out the video below if you have trouble finding the Blackwing Lair raid entrance.
You must defeat the first four bosses to reach Master Elemental Shaper
Krixix in Blackwing Lair and loot Goblin's Guide to Elementium from
him. He has a thirty-minute respawn timer, so you can kill him repeatedly for
Elementium Ingots.
Enchanted Elementium Bars
You have two options when it comes to Enchanted Elementium Bars. You
can either buy them from the Auction House and save time or smelt them yourself.
If you decide for the latter and you have learned the recipe, the following
materials are needed to craft 1
Enchanted Elementium Bar:
- 10
Arcanite Bars (transmuted by Alchemists);
- 3
Elemental Flux (purchasable from Blacksmithing Suppliers);
- 1
Elementium Ingot (drops from Master Elemental Shaper Krixix and Blackwing Technicians in Blackwing Lair);
- 1
Fiery Core (drops from Molten Core trash mobs and bosses).
Rise, Thunderfury!
After you acquire all the materials, head back to Silithus (30, 11) and talk to
Highlord Demitrian to turn in the quest. He will summon Prince Thunderaan
and you must kill him to loot Dormant Wind Kissed Blade. The item starts
the Rise, Thunderfury! quest that rewards
Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker.
How to Transmogrify Thunderfury
If you own Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker you can visit a
transmogrifier in any major city to use the weapon's appearance for transmog.
Certain restrictions apply.
Transmog Restrictions
Your character must be able to equip One-Hand Swords to use
Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker for transmogrification.
- 16 Jan. 2020: Guide added.
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