Transmogrification Death Knight One-Hand Mace Weapon Item Model List (Legion 7.1)
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This page represents a section of our Transmogrification guide to item models for Death Knights and is targeted at readers who do not have Javascript enabled or who wish to only consult the list of models for a specific slot. This page is updated for World of Warcraft 7.1
Below, you will find the models for all the One-Hand Mace items that a Death Knight can equip. The idea is to make it easy for you to find an item with a design similar to an item set you might be trying to build.
Items by model. For each item model, hovering over its image will display a list of items that sport this model. The source of each item is also displayed, so that you can rapidly spot the items that are most easily obtained.
How are models sorted? Models are first grouped by design (all look-alike models are displayed consecutively). Then, we sort these groups of models by item quality (common, rare, epic, or heirloom) and item level, so that the models with the lowest item quality/item level are shown first and the models with the highest item quality/item level are shown last.
The page may take time to load completely, depending on the number of items to display.
To build this page, we have extensively used the World of Warcraft API and Wowhead. With the API, we obtained an initial list of items that we subsequently refined by checking on Wowhead which items were no longer available. The item models were taken from the official World of Warcraft website.
Item Model List

- Chopped Off Ancient Limb:
Arborcide (Azshara)
- Giant Club: Expeditionary Mountaineer in Elwynn Forest, Cavern Shambler in Maraudon, Stonevault Oracle in Uldaman..., Large Solid Chest (Scarlet Monastery, Razorfen Kraul, and Gnomeregan), Large Iron Bound Chest (Scarlet Monastery and Gnomeregan), and Strong Iron Lockbox
- Talon Branch:
Enemy at our Roots (Felwood)

- Wicked Blackjack: Defias Highwayman and Defias Knuckleduster in Westfall
- Barbed Club: Deviate Shambler in Wailing Caverns, Druid of the Fang in Wailing Caverns, Blackrock Shadowcaster in Redridge Mountains..., Large Battered Chest (Wailing Caverns and Bloodmyst Isle), Kolkars' Booty (Northern Barrens), Silverbound Treasure Chest (Northern Barrens and Southern Barrens)...

- Murphstar: Stone Steward in Uldaman, Stonevault Flameweaver in Uldaman, Warpwood Crusher in Dire Maul..., Large Solid Chest (Scarlet Monastery, Razorfen Kraul, and Gnomeregan) and Strong Iron Lockbox
- Big Black Mace: created by Big Black Mace (requires Blacksmithing 230)
- Smashing Star: Dark Keeper Zimrel in Blackrock Depths, Ramstein the Gorger in Stratholme, Blackbreath Crony in Blackrock Depths..., Arena Treasure Chest (Stranglethorn Vale and The Cape of Stranglethorn) and Mithril Lockbox
- Battle Star: Terrorclaw in Zangarmarsh, "Count" Ungula in Zangarmarsh, Stonegazer in Terokkar Forest...

- Sequoia Hammer: Putridus Satyr in Maraudon, Deeprot Stomper in Maraudon, Putridus Shadowstalker in Maraudon..., Large Iron Bound Chest (Scarlet Monastery and Gnomeregan), Large Solid Chest (Scarlet Monastery, Razorfen Kraul, and Gnomeregan), and Iron Lockbox, fished in Western Plaguelands

- Conifer Club: Crystalline Keeper in The Nexus, Crystalline Tender in The Nexus, Dragonflayer Strategist in Utgarde Keep...
- Scepter of the Winterfin:
Escape from the Winterfin Caverns (Borean Tundra)
- Refreshing Hammer: Risen Drakkari Warrior in Drak'Tharon Keep, Risen Drakkari Soulmage in Drak'Tharon Keep, Twilight Apostle in Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom...

- Stone-Headed Gavel: Dragonflayer Strategist in Utgarde Keep, Crypt Crawler in Borean Tundra, Scourged Footman in Borean Tundra...
- Mace of the Fallen Raven Priest:
The Forsaken Blight (Dragonblight) and
My Old Enemy (Dragonblight)
- Cobalt Tenderizer: created by Cobalt Tenderizer (requires Blacksmithing 380)
- Beatific Mace: Baelok in Icecrown, Winter Jormungar in Ulduar, High Priest Yath'amon in Icecrown...

- Ambrosial Hammer: Crystalline Tender in The Nexus, Dragonflayer Overseer in Utgarde Keep, Vengeful Kvaldir Spirit in Howling Fjord...
- Fireborn Warhammer:
Defeat the Gearmaster (Borean Tundra)
- Barbed Star: Ursoc in Grizzly Hills, Vargul Deathwaker in Zul'Drak, Risen Drakkari Death Knight in Drak'Tharon Keep...
- Hyldnir Headcracker:
Taking on All Challengers (The Storm Peaks)
- Blunt Brainwasher:
Time to Hide (Icecrown) and
Time to Hide (Icecrown)

- Spiked Coldwind Club:
Where the Wild Things Roam (Dragonblight) and
Wanted: High Shaman Bloodpaw (Dragonblight)
- Peaked Club: Drakkari Gutripper in Drak'Tharon Keep, Eye of Taldaram in Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom, Frostbringer in Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom..., Froststeel Lockbox
- Maker's Touch:
Norgannon's Shell (The Storm Peaks) and
Norgannon's Shell (The Storm Peaks)
- Frigid War-Mace: Storm Tempered Keeper in Ulduar, Iron Mender in Ulduar, Rune Etched Sentry in Ulduar...

- Razorwind Mace: Quicksilver in Blackrock Caverns, Wormwing Screecher in Mount Hyjal, Twilight Zealot in Blackrock Caverns...
- Druidic Channeler's Mace:
The Return of Baron Geddon (Mount Hyjal)
- Sambino's Old Hammer:
Totem Modification (Shimmering Expanse)
- Steelspark Mace: Buster in Blackrock Caverns, Faceless Watcher in Throne of the Tides, Lucky in Blackrock Caverns...
- Angerfang Mace: Twilight Bloodsmith in Deepholm, Lucky in Blackrock Caverns, Wormwing Swifttalon in Mount Hyjal...
- Splinterspear Mace: Stonecore Magmalord in The Stonecore, Young Storm Dragon in The Vortex Pinnacle, Wild Vortex in The Vortex Pinnacle...
- Mardenholde Mace: Dustbone Tormentor in Halls of Origination, Sun-Touched Spriteling in Halls of Origination, Young Storm Dragon in The Vortex Pinnacle..., Elementium Lockbox and Zen'Vorka's Cache
- Irontree Mace: Amani'shi Lookout in Zul'Aman, Demon Containment Unit, Flame Warden in Halls of Origination..., Elementium Lockbox and Zen'Vorka's Cache

- Moonbrook Scepter: Wormwing Swifttalon in Mount Hyjal, Wormwing Screecher in Mount Hyjal, Twilight Zealot in Blackrock Caverns...
- Pocket-Sized Mace:
Crafty Crabs (Shimmering Expanse)
- Prototype Chemical Applicator:
Odor Coater (Shimmering Expanse)
- Swamplight Scepter: Lucky in Blackrock Caverns, Wormwing Screecher in Mount Hyjal, Faceless Watcher in Throne of the Tides...
- Sishir Scepter: Buster in Blackrock Caverns, Okrog in Mount Hyjal, Faceless Watcher in Throne of the Tides...
- Nethander Scepter: Tirisfal Stag in Tirisfal Glades, Twilight Shadeprowler in Twilight Highlands, Wild Vortex in The Vortex Pinnacle...
- Blackwolf Scepter: Air Warden in Halls of Origination, Earth Warden in Halls of Origination, Water Warden in Halls of Origination..., Amani Treasure Box (Zul'Aman), Elementium Lockbox, and Zen'Vorka's Cache

- Crusher of Bonds:
Free Your Mind, the Rest Follows (Mount Hyjal)
- Mirkfallon Scepter: Lucky in Blackrock Caverns, Nether Fiend in Abyssal Depths, Twilight Subjugator in Mount Hyjal...
- Thondroril Scepter: Gurubashi Spirit Warrior in Zul'Gurub, Venomous Skitterer in Halls of Origination, Flamewaker Cauterizer in Firelands..., Elementium Lockbox and Zen'Vorka's Cache
- Keg Smasher:
Total War (Twilight Highlands)
- Barrel Opener:
Fight Like a Wildhammer (Twilight Highlands)

- Hex-Caster Gavel: Cera in Isle of Thunder, Qi'nor, Kor'dok in Isle of Thunder...

- Earthen Ring Scepter: 100
from Flamesmith Lanying (A/H) in The Maelstrom

- Earthen Ring Mace: 100
from Flamesmith Lanying (A/H) in The Maelstrom

- Faded Forest Scepter: 111
from Rivett Clutchpop (A/H) in The Jade Forest, Singegruff (A/H) in The Jade Forest, Trader Jambeezi (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds...
- Faded Forest Smasher: 112
from Rivett Clutchpop (A/H) in The Jade Forest and 112
from Singegruff (A/H) in The Jade Forest, Trader Jambeezi (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds, Claretta (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds...
- Faded Forest Mace: 116
from Rivett Clutchpop (A/H) in The Jade Forest, Singegruff (A/H) in The Jade Forest, Trader Jambeezi (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds...

- Intricate Scepter: Gatrul'lon Flamecaller in The Jade Forest, Thunder Hold Mender in The Jade Forest, Hozen Scavenger in The Jade Forest...
- Gemmed Scepter: Mogu Infiltrator in Valley of the Four Winds, Jiang in Temple of the Jade Serpent, Ruqin Infantry in Kun-Lai Summit...
- Mace of Inner Peace:
The Rumpus (The Jade Forest)
- Barbarian Mace: Gurubashi Worshipper in Kun-Lai Summit, Gurubashi Hexxer in Kun-Lai Summit, Sik'thik Vess-Guard in Townlong Steppes...
- Cloudfall Mace:
Balance (Krasarang Wilds)
- Marista Mace:
Balance (Krasarang Wilds)
- Inlaid Mace: Rak'gor Bloodrazor in Dagger in the Dark, Bilgewater Miner in Krasarang Wilds, A.C.E. Medic in Krasarang Wilds..., Ghost Iron Lockbox

- Mountainscaler Scepter: 120
from The Metal Paw (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Alin the Finder (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
- Mountainscaler Smasher: 120
from The Metal Paw (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Alin the Finder (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
- Mountainscaler Mace: 121
from The Metal Paw (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Alin the Finder (A/H) in Townlong Steppes

- Jinyu Combat Mace:
Carp Diem (The Jade Forest) and
Boom Goes the Doonamite! (The Jade Forest)
- Wasteland Smasher: 117
from Supplier Xin (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Len at Arms (A/H) in Vale of Eternal Blossoms
- Wasteland Scepter: 116
from Supplier Xin (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Len at Arms (A/H) in Vale of Eternal Blossoms
- Wasteland Mace: 118
from Supplier Xin (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Len at Arms (A/H) in Vale of Eternal Blossoms

- Pacifying Pummeler:
Landing the Killing Blow (Howling Fjord) and
Rescuing the Rescuers (Howling Fjord)
- Medic's Morning Star:
Cutting Off the Source (Borean Tundra) and
The Siege (Borean Tundra)
- Dignified Hammer: Risen Drakkari Death Knight in Drak'Tharon Keep, Drakkari Earthshaker in Gundrak, Dark Rune Worker in Halls of Stone..., Titanium Lockbox

- Iron Flanged Scepter: Vengeful Kvaldir Spirit in Howling Fjord, Corrupted Lothalor Ancient in Dragonblight, Crystalline Keeper in The Nexus...
- Harmonious Scepter: Crystalline Keeper in The Nexus, Ahn'kahar Slasher in Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom, Horde Commander in The Nexus..., Froststeel Lockbox
- Remedial Mace: Drakkari Battle Rider in Gundrak, Drakkari God Hunter in Gundrak, Dark Rune Elementalist in Halls of Stone..., Titanium Lockbox
- Ricket's Beatstick:
Demolitionist Extraordinaire (The Storm Peaks)

- Enshrined Mace: Dragonflayer Weaponsmith in Utgarde Keep, Dragonflayer Ironhelm in Utgarde Keep, Dragonflayer Forge Master in Utgarde Keep...
- Dutybound Mace of Purity:
A Tangled Skein (Zul'Drak)
- Dogmatic Scepter: Storm Tempered Keeper in Ulduar, Twilight Frost Mage in Ulduar, XB-488 Disposalbot in Ulduar...

- Placid Lightmace: Crystalline Keeper in The Nexus, Crystalline Tender in The Nexus, Dragonflayer Runecaster in Utgarde Keep...
- Mace of the Violet Guardian:
The End of the Line (Dragonblight) and
The End of the Line (Dragonblight)
- Carved Dragonbone Mace:
Conversing With the Depths (Dragonblight)
- Mace of Helotry:
Filling the Cages (Grizzly Hills)
- Hand of Gustav:
The Restless Dead (Icecrown)
- Writhing Mace:
Retest Now (Icecrown) and
Retest Now (Icecrown)
- Cudgel of Saronite Justice: created by Cudgel of Saronite Justice (requires Blacksmithing 410)
- Graced Scepter: Storm Tempered Keeper in Ulduar, Twilight Pyromancer in Ulduar, Lightning Charged Iron Dwarf in Ulduar...

- Sacrosanct Mace: Plundering Geist in Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom, Twilight Apostle in Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom, Eye of Taldaram in Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom..., Froststeel Lockbox
- Unearthly Scepter: Rothin the Decaying in Dragonblight, Drakkari Golem in Gundrak, Drakkari Lancer in Gundrak...
- Serene Hammer: Enraging Ghoul in The Culling of Stratholme, Crypt Fiend in The Culling of Stratholme, Iceborn Proto-Drake in Pit of Saron..., Titanium Lockbox
- Nerubian Mace: Guardian Lasher in Ulduar, Devouring Ghoul in The Culling of Stratholme, Sirana Iceshriek in The Storm Peaks...
- Furious Saronite Beatstick: created by Furious Saronite Beatstick (requires Blacksmithing 410)

- Leaden Mace: Frenzied Spirit in Scarlet Monastery, Irradiated Horror in Gnomeregan, Scarlet Centurion in Scarlet Monastery..., Large Solid Chest (Scarlet Monastery, Razorfen Kraul, and Gnomeregan), Large Iron Bound Chest (Scarlet Monastery and Gnomeregan), and Iron Lockbox
- Energetic Rod: Alzzin the Wildshaper in Dire Maul
- Ancestral Hammer: Durnholde Mage in Old Hillsbrad Foothills, Raging Skeleton in Auchenai Crypts, Severed Defender in Netherstorm..., Khorium Lockbox
- Tranquility Mace: Arcatraz Warder in The Arcatraz, Overseer Theredis in Netherstorm, Time-Lost Shadowmage in Sethekk Halls..., Khorium Lockbox
- Lordly Scepter: Arcane Protector in Karazhan, Serpentshrine Sporebat in Serpentshrine Cavern, Gargantuan Abyssal in The Arcatraz...

- Heavy Mace: Eldinarcus in Eversong Woods, Chieftain Zul'Marosh in Eversong Woods, Captain Melrache in Tirisfal Glades..., Silverbound Treasure Chest (Northern Barrens and Southern Barrens), Maplewood Treasure Chest (Darkshore and Azshara), Sturdy Treasure Chest (Redridge Mountains and Northern Barrens)...
- Weighted Sap: Defias Digger in The Deadmines
- Pneumatic War Hammer: Bloodthirsty Marshfang in Zangarmarsh, Bleeding Hollow Darkcaster in Hellfire Ramparts, Bleeding Hollow Scryer in Hellfire Ramparts...

- Moonwhisper Scepter: Blackrock Warder in Frostfire Ridge, Champion Druna in Iron Docks, Blackrock Warder in Frostfire Ridge..., Dusty Lockbox (Shadowmoon Valley)
- Zangarra Scepter: Blackrock Flamecaster in Gorgrond, Shadow Warrior in Shadowmoon Valley, Shadow Disciple in Frostfire Ridge...
- Ancestral Scepter: Nagrand Warrider in Nagrand, Gorian Rune-Mender in Highmaul, Grom'kar Boomer in Grimrail Depot..., Abandoned Cargo (Nagrand), Unearthed Reliquary (Nagrand), Siege Equipment Blueprints (Tanaan Jungle)...
- Plainshunter Blackjack:
That Pounding Sound (Nagrand) and
That Pounding Sound (Nagrand)

- Relios's Mace:
Relios the Relic Keeper (Hillsbrad Foothills)
- Heavy Bronze Mace: created by Heavy Bronze Mace (requires Blacksmithing 130)
- Riversong Mace: Hellfire Watcher in Hellfire Ramparts, Boglash in Zangarmarsh, Bonechewer Hungerer in Hellfire Ramparts...
- Flanged Battle Mace: Arzeth the Merciless in Hellfire Peninsula, Coilfang Collaborator in The Slave Pens, Felguard Brute in The Blood Furnace...
- Dreaded Mace: Auchenai Soulpriest in Auchenai Crypts, Angered Skeleton in Auchenai Crypts, Auchenai Vindicator in Auchenai Crypts...
- Footman Mace: Mana Warp in Karazhan, Time-Lost Shadowmage in Sethekk Halls, Chancellor Bloodleaf in Shadowmoon Valley..., Khorium Lockbox

- Bronze Mace: created by Bronze Mace (requires Blacksmithing 110)
- Crested Scepter: Pahboo-Ra in Blackfathom Deeps, Twilight Aquamancer in Blackfathom Deeps, and Blindlight Bilefin in Blackfathom Deeps

- Fish Stunner:
BEWARE OF CRAGJAW! (Stonetalon Mountains)
- Serenity: created by Serenity (requires Blacksmithing 285)

- Doomsayer's Mace: Infernal Warbringer in Hellfire Peninsula, Hellfire Sentry in Hellfire Ramparts, Bonechewer Raider in Hellfire Peninsula...
- Restorative Mace: Murkblood Tribesman in The Underbog, Coilfang Defender in The Slave Pens, Murkblood Healer in The Underbog...
- Hammer of the Penitent: Mechano-Lord Capacitus in The Mechanar

- Shamanic Scepter: Krik'thik Scentlayer in Townlong Steppes, Snagtooth Virmen in Valley of the Four Winds and The Jade Forest, Springtail Thumper in Valley of the Four Winds...
- Fran's Golden Mace:
Gardener Fran and the Watering Can (Valley of the Four Winds)
- Grummle Scepter: Shado-Pan Warden in Shado-Pan Monastery, Ik'thik Swiftclaw in Valley of the Four Winds, Glintrok Oracle in Mogu'shan Palace...
- Mace of Honor:
Flying Colors (The Jade Forest),
Flying Colors (The Jade Forest), and
Flying Colors (The Jade Forest)
- Shomi's Mace:
Make A Fighter Out of Me (Kun-Lai Summit)

- Polished Mace: Hozen Scavenger in The Jade Forest, Twinspire Grunt in The Jade Forest, Twinspire Demolitionist in The Jade Forest...
- Spirit Crusher:
An Urgent Plea (The Jade Forest)
- Jinyu Ritual Scepter:
Carp Diem (The Jade Forest) and
Boom Goes the Doonamite! (The Jade Forest)
- Ornate Mace:
Enraged Vengeance (Kun-Lai Summit)
- Immaculate Scepter: Zar'thik Supplicant in Heart of Fear, Sra'thik Ambercaller in Heart of Fear, Kor'thik Swarmer in Heart of Fear..., Ghost Iron Lockbox
- Scavenged Pandaren Scepter: Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
- Immaculate Pandaren Scepter: Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures

- Mighty Iron Hammer: created by Mighty Iron Hammer (requires Blacksmithing 145)

- Runed Mithril Hammer: created by Runed Mithril Hammer (requires Blacksmithing 245)

- Fel Iron Hammer: created by Fel Iron Hammer (requires Blacksmithing 315)

- Stormstrike Hammer: 17500
from Gaelden Hammersmith (A/H) in Alterac Valley and Thanthaldis Snowgleam (A/H) in Hillsbrad Foothills

- Runic Hammer: created by Runic Hammer (requires Blacksmithing 365)

- Mace of the Sin'dorei Spirit:
Pain of the Blood Elves (Winterspring)
- Fist of Reckoning: Bonechewer Ripper in Hellfire Ramparts, Bonechewer Hungerer in Hellfire Ramparts, Bleeding Hollow Darkcaster in Hellfire Ramparts..., Silverbound Treasure Chest (Zangarmarsh and Hellfire Peninsula) and Silverbound Treasure Chest (Nagrand and Loch Modan)
- Boneshredder Mace: Farahlon Breaker in Netherstorm, Deathforge Technician in Blade's Edge Mountains, Time-Lost Shadowmage in Sethekk Halls..., Khorium Lockbox
- Will of the Fallen Exarch: Avatar of the Martyred in Auchenai Crypts
- Ascendant's Scepter: Braxxus in Blade's Edge Mountains, Insidion in Blade's Edge Mountains, Obsidia in Blade's Edge Mountains..., Protectorate Treasure Cache

- Bronzed Mace: Lowland Porcupine in Kun-Lai Summit, Subjugator Gormal in The Jade Forest, Dojani Enforcer in Krasarang Wilds...
- Trophy of the Last Man Standing:
The Rumpus (The Jade Forest)
- Fireblaze Clobberer:
The Ordo Warbringer (Kun-Lai Summit),
The Ordo Warbringer (Kun-Lai Summit),
The Ordo Warbringer (Kun-Lai Summit)...

- Gardener's Mace:
Gardener Fran and the Watering Can (Valley of the Four Winds)
- Bejeweled Scepter: Kor'kron Provisioner in Siege of Orgrimmar, Commander Tel'vrak in Assault on Zan'vess, 7th Legion Infiltrator in Assault on Zan'vess..., Ghost Iron Lockbox
- Ordo Mace:
The Ordo Warbringer (Kun-Lai Summit),
The Ordo Warbringer (Kun-Lai Summit),
The Ordo Warbringer (Kun-Lai Summit)...
- Engraved Mace: Sra'thik Ambercaller in Heart of Fear, Kor'kron Wolf Pup in Siege of Orgrimmar, Zar'thik Zealot in Heart of Fear..., Ghost Iron Lockbox
- Scavenged Pandaren Mace: Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
- Scavenged Pandaren Mace: Greater Cache of Treasures
- Immaculate Pandaren Mace: Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
- Immaculate Pandaren Mace: Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures

- Incised Mace: Sun-Sage Kairyx in Talador, Shadow Warrior in Shadowmoon Valley, Ata'gar Warrior in Frostfire Ridge...
- Gorian Mace: Grom'tash the Destructor in Auchindoun, Gorebound Assassin in Hellfire Citadel, Gom in Frostfire Ridge..., Abandoned Cargo (Nagrand), Unearthed Reliquary (Nagrand), and True Steel Lockbox

- Iron Horde Warcudgel:
The Portal's Power (Assault on the Dark Portal)
- Bloodmane Mace: Whirling Dervish in Skyreach, Warsong Raider in Nagrand, Warsong Windcaller in Nagrand..., Waterlogged Satchel (Spires of Arak), Outcast's Pouch (Spires of Arak), Outcast's Belongings (Spires of Arak)...
- Void-Warped Oshu'gun Mallet:
The Dark Heart of Oshu'gun (Nagrand) and
The Dark Heart of Oshu'gun (Nagrand)

- Gibberskull Mace: Clearwater Sandcrawler in Gorgrond, Shattered Hand Cutter in Spires of Arak, Val'dune Fleshcrafter in Spires of Arak...
- Howling Mace: Delusional Zealot in Hellfire Citadel, Gorebound Crone in Hellfire Citadel, Councilor Gorluk in Highmaul..., Adventurer's Mace (Nagrand), Abandoned Cargo (Nagrand), Adventurer's Pack (Nagrand)...
- Gorian Arcanist Spiritshaker:
Reglakk's Research (Nagrand) and
Reglakk's Research (Nagrand)

- Iridescent Hammer: created by Iridescent Hammer (requires Blacksmithing 140)

- Stout Battlehammer: Twilight Disciple in Blackfathom Deeps, Northwatch Bodyguard in Azshara, Twilight Disciple in Blackfathom Deeps..., Large Iron Bound Chest (Scarlet Monastery and Gnomeregan), Large Solid Chest (Scarlet Monastery, Razorfen Kraul, and Gnomeregan), Ornate Bronze Lockbox...
- Preemptive Striker:
Blastranaar! (Ashenvale)

- Mace of the Hand:
Ending Their World (Bloodmyst Isle)
- Seeker's Gavel: 43
from Eldara Dawnrunner (A/H) in Isle of Quel'Danas

- Blackout Truncheon: Grandmaster Vorpil in Shadow Labyrinth
- The Essence Focuser: Gronn-Priest in Gruul's Lair, Arcane Protector in Karazhan, Shadowsword Commander in Sunwell Plateau..., Silverbound Treasure Chest (Blade's Edge Mountains and Netherstorm) and Silverbound Treasure Chest (Nagrand and Loch Modan)

- Lesser Sledgemace: Grishnath Basilisk in Blade's Edge Mountains, Vekh'nir Matriarch in Blade's Edge Mountains, Phantasmal Possessor in Auchenai Crypts...
- Battle-Mace of the High Priestess: Priestess Delrissa in Magisters' Terrace
- Battle-Mace of the High Priestess: Priestess Delrissa in Magisters' Terrace

- K'iru's Presage: 43
from Eldara Dawnrunner (A/H) in Isle of Quel'Danas

- The Hand of Antu'sul: Antu'sul in Zul'Farrak
- Furbolg Medicine Totem: 13
from Gorn One Eye (A/H) in Felwood
- Preserver's Cudgel: 35
from Fedryen Swiftspear (A/H) in Zangarmarsh

- Lunarglow Mace: Blackrock Warder in Frostfire Ridge, Warleader Gargrak in Frostfire Ridge, Thunderlord Spearhand in Frostfire Ridge..., Dusty Lockbox (Shadowmoon Valley)
- Void Prophecy Cudgel: Morva Soultwister in Shadowmoon Valley and Shadowmoon Void Priestess in Shadowmoon Valley
- Abandoned Dark Iron Cudgel:
Down the Goren Hole (Gorgrond) and
Down the Goren Hole (Gorgrond)
- Ogron Slayer's Club:
Fair Warning (Gorgrond)
- Longclaw Mace: Invading Warsinger in Nagrand, Blademaster Trainee in Nagrand, Shattered Hand Cutthroat in Spires of Arak...
- Mighty Gorian Headcracker:
Reglakk's Research (Nagrand) and
Reglakk's Research (Nagrand)

- Frostbitten Mace: Thunderlord Lasher in Frostfire Ridge, Blackrock Warder in Frostfire Ridge, Thunderlord Crag-Leaper in Frostfire Ridge..., Dusty Lockbox (Shadowmoon Valley) and Tree Marking (Frostfire Ridge and Shadowmoon Valley)
- Karabor Anchorite Cudgel:
Darkness Falls (Shadowmoon Valley)
- Riverbeast Jawbone:
Wanted: Hilaani (Talador) and
Wanted: Hilaani (Talador)

- Vinewrapped Mace: Captain Brak in Gorgrond, Iron Siegecaller in Frostfire Ridge, Thunderlord Trapper in Frostfire Ridge..., Dusty Lockbox (Shadowmoon Valley)
- Frostwolf Wind-Talker Cudgel:
For the Horde! (Frostfire Ridge)
- Karabor Augury Mace:
For the Alliance! (Shadowmoon Valley)
- Skettis Mace: Zealous Fanatic in Talador, Shattered Hand Flayer in Spires of Arak, Shattered Hand Dominator in Spires of Arak...
- Tormented Scepter: created by Tormented Armament
- Munificent Scepter: created by Munificent Armament
- Turbulent Scepter: created by Turbulent Armament and Shared Turbulent Armament
- Mace of Amaranthine Power: Commander Dro'gan in Lunarfall and Frostwall, Lady Fleshsear in Lunarfall and Frostwall, Mage Lord Gogg'nathog..., Routed Invader's Crate of Spoils, Invader's Forgotten Treasure, Invader's Damaged Cache...
- Grandiose Scepter: created by Grandiose Armament
- Formidable Scepter: created by Formidable Armament

- Jagged Star: Twilight Aquamancer in Blackfathom Deeps, Twilight Shadow in Blackfathom Deeps, Twilight Shadowmage in Blackfathom Deeps..., Large Iron Bound Chest (Scarlet Monastery and Gnomeregan), Large Solid Chest (Scarlet Monastery, Razorfen Kraul, and Gnomeregan), and Ornate Bronze Lockbox
- Ceremonial Hammer: Murkblood Healer in The Underbog, Felguard Annihilator in The Blood Furnace, Murkblood Oracle in The Underbog...

- Midnight Mace: Oozeworm in Dustwallow Marsh, Frazzlecraz Foreman in Southern Barrens, Primordial Behemoth in Maraudon..., Sturdy Treasure Chest (Southern Barrens and Tanaris), Silverbound Treasure Chest (Dustwallow Marsh), Sturdy Treasure Chest (Northern Stranglethorn and Wailing Caverns)...
- The Cruel Hand of Timmy: Timmy the Cruel in Stratholme
- Hungering Bone Cudgel:
Wanted: Durn the Hungerer (Nagrand) and
Wanted: Durn the Hungerer (Nagrand)
- Retro-Spike Club: Serpentshrine Sporebat in Serpentshrine Cavern, Dragonmaw Wyrmcaller in Black Temple, Dreghood Slave in The Steamvault...

- Growthshaper Scepter: Thunderlord Stalker in Frostfire Ridge, Thunderlord Crag-Leaper in Frostfire Ridge, Captain Brak in Gorgrond..., Dusty Lockbox (Shadowmoon Valley)
- Ruhkmari Scepter: Whirling Dervish in Skyreach, Skyreach Raven Whisperer in Skyreach, Blademaster Trainee in Nagrand..., Outcast's Belongings (Spires of Arak), Outcast's Belongings (Spires of Arak), Outcast's Pouch (Spires of Arak)...

- Steamscar Cudgel:
Steamscar "Reagents" (Gorgrond) and
Saberon Population Reduction (Gorgrond)
- Abandoned Dark Iron Skullthumper:
Down the Goren Hole (Gorgrond) and
Down the Goren Hole (Gorgrond)
- Ogron Slayer's Eyebruiser:
Fair Warning (Gorgrond)
- Soulkeeper Scepter: Shadow Disciple in Frostfire Ridge, Lesser Warlock in Shadowmoon Valley, Shadow Warrior in Shadowmoon Valley..., Rusted Lockbox (Talador)
- Shadowsage Scepter: Warleader Tome in Nagrand, Radiant Supernova in Skyreach, Warsong Raider in Nagrand...

- Evermorn Scepter: Dark Acolyte in Shadowmoon Valley and Lunarfall, Icewing Rylak in Frostfire Ridge, Thunderlord Crag-Leaper in Frostfire Ridge..., Stashed Emergency Rucksack (Gorgrond), Evermorn Supply Cache (Gorgrond), Discarded Pack (Gorgrond)...
- Karabor Honor Guard Mace:
Darkness Falls (Shadowmoon Valley)
- Thunderlord Riding Crop:
The Iron Wolf (Frostfire Ridge)
- Rangari Initiate Blackjack:
Darkness Falls (Shadowmoon Valley)
- Greldrok's Facesmasher: Greldrok the Cunning in Gorgrond, Iron Shieldbearer in Gorgrond, and Iron Grunt in Gorgrond
- Riverbeast Femur:
Wanted: Hilaani (Talador) and
Wanted: Hilaani (Talador)
- Gordunni Skullthumper: Iron Box (Talador)
- Tormented Warmace: created by Tormented Armament
- Vorpil's Ribcrusher:
The Final Piece (Talador)
- Munificent Warmace: created by Munificent Armament
- Turbulent Warmace: created by Turbulent Armament and Shared Turbulent Armament
- Zolvolt's Shocking Mace: Gaur, Annihilon in Lunarfall, Lady Fleshsear in Lunarfall and Frostwall..., Invader's Damaged Cache, Routed Invader's Crate of Spoils, Invader's Forgotten Treasure...
- Grandiose Warmace: created by Grandiose Armament
- Formidable Warmace: created by Formidable Armament
- Riverbeast Molar Club: Magwia, Adolescent Thundertail in Tanaan Jungle, and Thundertail Riverbeast in Tanaan Jungle

- Blesswind Hammer: Scarlet Worker, Nefarian in Blackwing Lair, Silicate Feeder in Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj..., Arena Treasure Chest (Stranglethorn Vale and The Cape of Stranglethorn) and Mithril Lockbox
- Sporeggar Smasher:
Fhwoor Smash! (Zangarmarsh)
- Lightsworn Hammer: Warchief Kargath Bladefist in The Shattered Halls
- Lightsworn Hammer: Warchief Kargath Bladefist in The Shattered Halls

- Diamond Hammer: D-1000 in Hillsbrad Foothills, Infernus in Hillsbrad Foothills, Splinter Fist Firemonger in Duskwood..., Dark Iron Treasure Chest (Wetlands), Sturdy Treasure Chest (Hillsbrad Foothills and Wetlands), Silverbound Treasure Chest (Arathi Highlands and Duskwood)...
- Soulstar Mace:
Death to Agogridon (Desolace)
- Cold Forged Hammer:
Hero of the Stormpike (Alterac Valley) and
Hero of the Frostwolf (Alterac Valley)

- Melia's Magnificent Scepter: Bonescythe Ravager in Sholazar Basin, Azure Raider in The Violet Hold, Drakkari Bat in Drak'Tharon Keep..., Sturdy Treasure Chest (Grizzly Hills and Borean Tundra), Maplewood Treasure Chest (Howling Fjord and Grizzly Hills), Maplewood Treasure Chest (Howling Fjord and Thousand Needles)...

- Dragonjaw Mauler: Scourge Brute in Drak'Tharon Keep, Meatpie in Sholazar Basin, Living Mojo in Gundrak..., Sturdy Treasure Chest (Sholazar Basin and Icecrown), Sturdy Treasure Chest (Northern Stranglethorn and Wailing Caverns), Maplewood Treasure Chest (Howling Fjord and Thousand Needles)...
- Hammer of Quiet Mourning:
Wanted: Ragemane's Flipper (Zul'Drak)

- Warsong Punisher: 61
from Gara Skullcrush (A/H) in Borean Tundra and Sebastian Crane (A/H)
- Stormstrike Mace: Erekem in The Violet Hold

- Hammer of the Alliance Vanguard: 61
from Logistics Officer Silverstone (A/H) in Borean Tundra and Logistics Officer Brighton (A/H) in Howling Fjord

- Summoner's Stone Gavel: Novos the Summoner in Drak'Tharon Keep
- Screw-Sprung Fixer-Upper:
The Champion of Anguish (Zul'Drak)
- Frozen Scepter of Necromancy: Moorabi in Gundrak
- Frozen Scepter of Necromancy: Moorabi in Gundrak
- Gavel of the Fleshcrafter: Salramm the Fleshcrafter in The Culling of Stratholme

- Beguiling Scepter: Dark Runed Chest (The Culling of Stratholme)
- Gavel of the Brewing Storm: 75
from Cielstrasza (A/H) in Dragonblight

- Totemic Purification Rod: 65
from Tanaika (A/H) in Howling Fjord and Sairuk (A/H) in Dragonblight

- Death Pyre Mace: Twilight Subjugator in Mount Hyjal, Salty Dog in Kelp'thar Forest, Twilight Flame Caller in Blackrock Caverns..., Runestone Treasure Chest (Abyssal Depths and Shimmering Expanse), Runestone Treasure Chest (Darkshore and Blackfathom Deeps), and Silken Treasure Chest (Uldum and Southern Barrens)

- Mace of Transformed Bone: Erudax in Grim Batol
- Shimmering Morningstar: 85
from Pogg (A/H) in Tol Barad Peninsula
- Mace of Transformed Bone: Erudax in Grim Batol
- Shimmering Morningstar: 85
from Quartermaster Brazie (A/H) in Tol Barad Peninsula
- Mace of Transformed Bone: Erudax in Grim Batol

- Steelforged Hammer: created by Steelforged Hammer (requires Blacksmithing 1)

- Baleful Scepter: created by Baleful Armament

- Wild Combatant's Gavel: 5
Mark of Honor from Slugg Spinbolt (A/H) in Stormshield
- Warmongering Combatant's Gavel: 5
Mark of Honor from Warlord Noktyn (A/H) in Ashran and Tae'loxe Soulshrivel (A/H) in Warspear, Silver Strongbox, Ashmaul Strongbox, and Gold Strongbox

- Wild Combatant's Gavel: 5
Mark of Honor from Fobbly Kickfix (A/H) in Warspear
- Warmongering Combatant's Gavel: 5
Mark of Honor from Li "Crunchpaw" Tsang (A/H) in Stormshield and Marshal Karsh Stormforge (A/H) in Ashran, Silver Strongbox, Ashmaul Strongbox, and Gold Strongbox

- Wild Combatant's Pummeler: 5
Mark of Honor from Slugg Spinbolt (A/H) in Stormshield
- Wild Combatant's Bonecracker: 5
Mark of Honor from Slugg Spinbolt (A/H) in Stormshield
- Warmongering Combatant's Pummeler: 5
Mark of Honor from Tae'loxe Soulshrivel (A/H) in Warspear and Warlord Noktyn (A/H) in Ashran, Silver Strongbox, Gold Strongbox, and Ashmaul Strongbox
- Warmongering Combatant's Bonecracker: 5
Mark of Honor from Warlord Noktyn (A/H) in Ashran and Tae'loxe Soulshrivel (A/H) in Warspear, Ashmaul Strongbox

- Wild Combatant's Pummeler: 5
Mark of Honor from Fobbly Kickfix (A/H) in Warspear
- Wild Combatant's Bonecracker: 5
Mark of Honor from Fobbly Kickfix (A/H) in Warspear
- Warmongering Combatant's Pummeler: 5
Mark of Honor from Li "Crunchpaw" Tsang (A/H) in Stormshield and Marshal Karsh Stormforge (A/H) in Ashran, Gold Strongbox, Ashmaul Strongbox, and Silver Strongbox
- Warmongering Combatant's Bonecracker: 5
Mark of Honor from Li "Crunchpaw" Tsang (A/H) in Stormshield and Marshal Karsh Stormforge (A/H) in Ashran, Ashmaul Strongbox

- Galgann's Firehammer: Galgann Firehammer in Uldaman
- Light Emberforged Hammer: created by Light Emberforged Hammer (requires Blacksmithing 280)
- Volcanic Hammer: created by Volcanic Hammer (requires Blacksmithing 290)
- Earthcaller's Mace:
Administering the Salve (Hellfire Peninsula)

- Fist of Stone: Landslide in Maraudon
- Viking Warhammer: Frostsaber Pride Watcher in Winterspring, Silicate Feeder in Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, Okril'lon Infantry in Blasted Lands..., Silken Treasure Chest (Silithus and Swamp of Sorrows), Sturdy Treasure Chest (Winterspring and Deadwind Pass), Silken Treasure Chest (Uldum and Southern Barrens)...

- The Hammer of Grace: Doom'rel in Blackrock Depths, Chest of The Seven (Blackrock Depths)
- The Blessed Hammer of Grace: 650
from Krom Stoutarm (A/H) in Ironforge and Estelle Gendry (A/H) in Undercity, 100000
from Knight Dameron (A/H) in Wintergrasp and Stone Guard Mukar (A/H) in Wintergrasp, and 10
Mark of Honor from Liliana Emberfrost (A/H) in Stormwind City and Galra (A/H) in Orgrimmar

- Ardent Custodian: Splinterbone Captain in Razorfen Downs, Death's Head Arachnomancer in Razorfen Downs, Death's Head Shadowmender in Razorfen Downs...
- Scepter of the Unholy: Lord Aurius Rivendare in Stratholme
- Cold-Iron Scepter: Coilfang Collaborator in The Slave Pens, Laughing Skull Legionnaire in The Blood Furnace, Shadowmoon Warlock in The Blood Furnace...

- Phantasmal Hammer: created by Phantasmal Hammer (requires Blacksmithing 560)

- Masterwork Phantasmal Hammer: created by Masterwork Phantasmal Hammer (requires Blacksmithing 575)

- Amber Sledge of Klaxxi'vess: 161
from Ambersmith Zikk (A/H) in Dread Wastes

- Matti's Magnificent Mace: Vicegnaw in Talador, Gorebound Vessel in Talador, Iron Grunt in Gorgrond...

- Primal Combatant's Pummeler: 175000
from Shadow Hunter Gar'ant (A/H) in Warspear and 5
Mark of Honor from Lieutenant Brokefist (A/H) in Warspear
- Primal Combatant's Bonecracker: 175000
from Shadow Hunter Gar'ant (A/H) in Warspear and 5
Mark of Honor from Lieutenant Brokefist (A/H) in Warspear

- Primal Combatant's Pummeler: 175000
from Austin Feeney (A/H) in Stormshield and 5
Mark of Honor from Bregg Coppercast (A/H) in Stormshield
- Primal Combatant's Bonecracker: 175000
from Austin Feeney (A/H) in Stormshield and 5
Mark of Honor from Bregg Coppercast (A/H) in Stormshield

- Beazel's Basher: Krom'gar Berserker in Stonetalon Mountains, Deviate Thornweaver in Southern Barrens, Scarlet Hall Guardian in Scarlet Halls..., Silverbound Treasure Chest (Arathi Highlands and Duskwood), Sturdy Treasure Chest (Hillsbrad Foothills and Wetlands), Dark Iron Treasure Chest (Wetlands)...

- Mass of McGowan: Nefarian in Blackwing Lair, Ragnaros in Molten Core, Core Hound in Molten Core..., Silverbound Treasure Chest (Nagrand and Loch Modan) and Silverbound Treasure Chest (Zangarmarsh and Hellfire Peninsula)

- Lavaforged Warhammer: created by Lavaforged Warhammer (requires Blacksmithing 340)

- Ironfoe: Emperor Dagran Thaurissan in Blackrock Depths
- Gavel of Unearthed Secrets: 50
from Nakodu (A/H) in Shattrath City

- Masterwork Stormhammer: created by Masterwork Stormhammer (requires Blacksmithing 300)
- Anubisath Warhammer: Vekniss Wasp in Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, Qiraji Lasher in Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, Vekniss Stinger in Temple of Ahn'Qiraj...
- Gavel of Pure Light: 200
from Almaador (A/H) in Shattrath City
- Dathrohan's Ceremonial Hammer: Captain Skarloc in Old Hillsbrad Foothills

- Primal Combatant's Gavel: 225000
from Shadow Hunter Gar'ant (A/H) in Warspear and 5
Mark of Honor from Lieutenant Brokefist (A/H) in Warspear

- Primal Combatant's Gavel: 225000
from Austin Feeney (A/H) in Stormshield and 5
Mark of Honor from Bregg Coppercast (A/H) in Stormshield

- Gavel of Naaru Blessings: 60
from Smith Hauthaa (A/H) in Isle of Quel'Danas and Anwehu (A/H) in Shattrath City
- Gavel of Naaru Blessings: 50
from Cupri (A/H) in Shattrath City

- Drakefist Hammer: created by Drakefist Hammer (requires Blacksmithing 360)
- Drakefist Hammer, Reborn: created by Drakefist Hammer, Reborn (requires Blacksmithing 500)

- Elementium Hammer: created by Elementium Hammer (requires Blacksmithing 515)

- Lightforged Elementium Hammer: created by Lightforged Elementium Hammer (requires Blacksmithing 525)

- Furious Gladiator's Gavel: 5
Mark of Honor from Kylo Kelwin (A/H) in Dalaran
- Lifeforce Hammer: created by Lifeforce Hammer (requires Blacksmithing 425)

- Deadly Gladiator's Gavel: 5
Mark of Honor from Herwin Steampop (A/H) in Dalaran

- Replica High Warlord's Bludgeon: 43
from Big Zokk Torquewrench (A/H) in Netherstorm and Talgaiir the Ironrender (A/H) in Talador

- Replica High Warlord's Battle Mace: 40
from Big Zokk Torquewrench (A/H) in Netherstorm and Talgaiir the Ironrender (A/H) in Talador

- Replica Grand Marshal's Punisher: 43
from Big Zokk Torquewrench (A/H) in Netherstorm and Talgaiir the Ironrender (A/H) in Talador

- Replica Grand Marshal's Warhammer: 43
from Big Zokk Torquewrench (A/H) in Netherstorm and Talgaiir the Ironrender (A/H) in Talador

- Sand Polished Hammer: Ossirian the Unscarred in Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj
- Blessed Qiraji War Hammer:
Imperial Qiraji Regalia (Temple of Ahn'Qiraj)
- Hand of Eternity: created by Hand of Eternity (requires Blacksmithing 365)

- Gladiator's Pummeler: 5
Mark of Honor from Kezzik the Striker (A/H) in Netherstorm

- Gladiator's Bonecracker: 5
Mark of Honor from Kezzik the Striker (A/H) in Netherstorm

- Merciless Gladiator's Bonecracker: 75000
from Kezzik the Striker (A/H) in Netherstorm and 5
Mark of Honor from Izzee the 'Clutch' (A/H) in Netherstorm

- Merciless Gladiator's Pummeler: 75000
from Kezzik the Striker (A/H) in Netherstorm and 5
Mark of Honor from Izzee the 'Clutch' (A/H) in Netherstorm

- Gladiator's Gavel: 5
Mark of Honor from Kezzik the Striker (A/H) in Netherstorm
- Gladiator's Salvation: 5
Mark of Honor from Kezzik the Striker (A/H) in Netherstorm
- Merciless Gladiator's Gavel: 75000
from Kezzik the Striker (A/H) in Netherstorm and 5
Mark of Honor from Izzee the 'Clutch' (A/H) in Netherstorm
- Merciless Gladiator's Salvation: 75000
from Kezzik the Striker (A/H) in Netherstorm and 5
Mark of Honor from Izzee the 'Clutch' (A/H) in Netherstorm

- Vengeful Gladiator's Pummeler: 75000
from Kezzik the Striker (A/H) in Netherstorm and 5
Mark of Honor from Kitzie Crankshot (A/H) in Netherstorm

- Vengeful Gladiator's Bonecracker: 75000
from Kezzik the Striker (A/H) in Netherstorm and 5
Mark of Honor from Kitzie Crankshot (A/H) in Netherstorm

- Vengeful Gladiator's Gavel: 75000
from Kezzik the Striker (A/H) in Netherstorm and 5
Mark of Honor from Kitzie Crankshot (A/H) in Netherstorm
- Vengeful Gladiator's Salvation: 75000
from Kezzik the Striker (A/H) in Netherstorm and 5
Mark of Honor from Kitzie Crankshot (A/H) in Netherstorm

- Brutal Gladiator's Pummeler: 24500
from Stone Guard Zarg (A/H) in Orgrimmar, Lieutenant Jackspring (A/H) in Stormwind City, Blazzek the Biter (A/H) in Tanaris... and 5
Mark of Honor from Blaze Magmaburn (A/H) in Netherstorm

- Brutal Gladiator's Bonecracker: 10500
from Stone Guard Zarg (A/H) in Orgrimmar, Lieutenant Jackspring (A/H) in Stormwind City, Blazzek the Biter (A/H) in Tanaris... and 5
Mark of Honor from Blaze Magmaburn (A/H) in Netherstorm

- Brutal Gladiator's Gavel: 24500
from Stone Guard Zarg (A/H) in Orgrimmar, Lieutenant Jackspring (A/H) in Stormwind City, Blazzek the Biter (A/H) in Tanaris... and 5
Mark of Honor from Blaze Magmaburn (A/H) in Netherstorm

- Brutal Gladiator's Salvation: 24500
from Stone Guard Zarg (A/H) in Orgrimmar, Lieutenant Jackspring (A/H) in Stormwind City, Blazzek the Biter (A/H) in Tanaris... and 5
Mark of Honor from Blaze Magmaburn (A/H) in Netherstorm

- Maexxna's Femur: Maexxna in Naxxramas and Gluth in Naxxramas

- Titansteel Guardian: created by Titansteel Guardian (requires Blacksmithing 440)

- Titansteel Bonecrusher: created by Titansteel Bonecrusher (requires Blacksmithing 440)

- Infection Repulser: Grobbulus in Naxxramas and Gluth in Naxxramas

- Ironforge Smasher: 25
from Corporal Arthur Flew (A/H) in Icecrown, Derrick Brindlebeard (A/H) in Icecrown, Rillie Spindlenut (A/H) in Icecrown...

- Grimhorn Crusher: 25
from Freka Bloodaxe (A/H) in Icecrown, Samamba (A/H) in Icecrown, Eliza Killian (A/H) in Icecrown...

- The Impossible Dream: Loatheb in Naxxramas and Gluth in Naxxramas

- Angry Dread: Noth the Plaguebringer in Naxxramas and Gluth in Naxxramas

- Deadly Gladiator's Pummeler: 5
Mark of Honor from Herwin Steampop (A/H) in Dalaran
- Deadly Gladiator's Bonecracker: 5
Mark of Honor from Herwin Steampop (A/H) in Dalaran

- Furious Gladiator's Pummeler: 5
Mark of Honor from Kylo Kelwin (A/H) in Dalaran
- Furious Gladiator's Bonecracker: 5
Mark of Honor from Kylo Kelwin (A/H) in Dalaran

- Split Greathammer: Patchwerk in Naxxramas and Gluth in Naxxramas

- Stonerender: Auriaya in Ulduar

- Relentless Gladiator's Gavel: 5
Mark of Honor from Zom Bocom (A/H) in Dalaran

- Relentless Gladiator's Bonecracker: 5
Mark of Honor from Zom Bocom (A/H) in Dalaran

- Relentless Gladiator's Pummeler: 5
Mark of Honor from Zom Bocom (A/H) in Dalaran

- Wrathful Gladiator's Pummeler: 178500
from Stone Guard Zarg (A/H) in Orgrimmar, Lieutenant Jackspring (A/H) in Stormwind City, Blazzek the Biter (A/H) in Tanaris... and 5
Mark of Honor from Xazi Smolderpipe (A/H) in Dalaran

- Wrathful Gladiator's Bonecracker: 76000
from Stone Guard Zarg (A/H) in Orgrimmar, Lieutenant Jackspring (A/H) in Stormwind City, Blazzek the Biter (A/H) in Tanaris... and 5
Mark of Honor from Xazi Smolderpipe (A/H) in Dalaran

- Wrathful Gladiator's Gavel: 183000
from Stone Guard Zarg (A/H) in Orgrimmar, Lieutenant Jackspring (A/H) in Stormwind City, Blazzek the Biter (A/H) in Tanaris... and 5
Mark of Honor from Xazi Smolderpipe (A/H) in Dalaran

- Dragonstrike: created by Dragonstrike (requires Blacksmithing 385)

- Dragonmaw: created by Dragonmaw (requires Blacksmithing 385)
- Dragonmaw, Reborn: created by Dragonmaw, Reborn (requires Blacksmithing 500)

- Dragonstrike, Reborn: created by Dragonstrike, Reborn (requires Blacksmithing 500)

- Vicious Gladiator's Bonecracker: 122500
from Tiny Tayger (A/H) in Tanaris and Herwin Steampop (A/H) in Dalaran
- Vicious Gladiator's Gavel: 122500
from Tiny Tayger (A/H) in Tanaris and Herwin Steampop (A/H) in Dalaran

- Vicious Gladiator's Pummeler: 122500
from Tiny Tayger (A/H) in Tanaris and Herwin Steampop (A/H) in Dalaran

- Ruthless Gladiator's Bonecracker: 122500
from Ecton Brasstumbler (A/H) in Tanaris, Herwin Steampop (A/H) in Dalaran, and Zom Bocom (A/H) in Dalaran and 5
Mark of Honor from Tiny Tayger (A/H) in Tanaris, Knight-Lieutenant T'Maire Sydes (A/H) in Stormwind City, and Blood Guard Zar'shi (A/H) in Orgrimmar

- Ruthless Gladiator's Gavel: 122500
from Ecton Brasstumbler (A/H) in Tanaris, Herwin Steampop (A/H) in Dalaran, and Zom Bocom (A/H) in Dalaran and 5
Mark of Honor from Tiny Tayger (A/H) in Tanaris, Knight-Lieutenant T'Maire Sydes (A/H) in Stormwind City, and Blood Guard Zar'shi (A/H) in Orgrimmar

- Ruthless Gladiator's Pummeler: 122500
from Ecton Brasstumbler (A/H) in Tanaris, Herwin Steampop (A/H) in Dalaran, and Zom Bocom (A/H) in Dalaran and 5
Mark of Honor from Tiny Tayger (A/H) in Tanaris, Knight-Lieutenant T'Maire Sydes (A/H) in Stormwind City, and Blood Guard Zar'shi (A/H) in Orgrimmar

- Cataclysmic Gladiator's Pummeler: 122500
from Tiny Tayger (A/H) in Tanaris, Evee Copperspring (A/H) in Tanaris, Herwin Steampop (A/H) in Dalaran... and 5
Mark of Honor from Capps Carlin (A/H) in Tanaris, Captain Dirgehammer (A/H) in Stormwind City, and Sergeant Thunderhorn (A/H) in Orgrimmar

- Cataclysmic Gladiator's Bonecracker: 122500
from Tiny Tayger (A/H) in Tanaris, Evee Copperspring (A/H) in Tanaris, Herwin Steampop (A/H) in Dalaran... and 5
Mark of Honor from Capps Carlin (A/H) in Tanaris, Captain Dirgehammer (A/H) in Stormwind City, and Sergeant Thunderhorn (A/H) in Orgrimmar

- Cataclysmic Gladiator's Gavel: 122500
from Tiny Tayger (A/H) in Tanaris, Evee Copperspring (A/H) in Tanaris, Herwin Steampop (A/H) in Dalaran... and 5
Mark of Honor from Capps Carlin (A/H) in Tanaris, Captain Dirgehammer (A/H) in Stormwind City, and Sergeant Thunderhorn (A/H) in Orgrimmar

- Shatterskull Bonecrusher: Baleroc in Firelands, Lord Rhyolith in Firelands, Beth'tilac in Firelands...

- Malevolent Gladiator's Gavel: 225000
from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds

- Malevolent Gladiator's Bonecracker: 175000
from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds

- Malevolent Gladiator's Pummeler: 175000
from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds

- Tyrannical Gladiator's Gavel: 225000
from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
- Tyrannical Gladiator's Pummeler: 175000
from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
- Tyrannical Gladiator's Bonecracker: 175000
from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit

- Tyrannical Gladiator's Pummeler: 175000
from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
- Tyrannical Gladiator's Gavel: 225000
from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
- Tyrannical Gladiator's Bonecracker: 175000
from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds

- Jerthud, Graceful Hand of the Savior: Suen in Throne of Thunder, Lei Shen in Throne of Thunder, Lu'lin in Throne of Thunder..., Cache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder)
- Jerthud, Graceful Hand of the Savior: Lei Shen in Throne of Thunder, Primordius in Throne of Thunder, Iron Qon in Throne of Thunder...

- Grievous Gladiator's Gavel: 5
Mark of Honor from Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds

- Grievous Gladiator's Gavel: 5
Mark of Honor from Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds

- Grievous Gladiator's Gavel: 5
Mark of Honor from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit

- Grievous Gladiator's Gavel: 5
Mark of Honor from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit

- Prideful Gladiator's Gavel: 5
Mark of Honor from Shonn Su (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit

- Grievous Gladiator's Pummeler: 5
Mark of Honor from Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds

- Grievous Gladiator's Pummeler: 5
Mark of Honor from Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds

- Grievous Gladiator's Bonecracker: 5
Mark of Honor from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit

- Grievous Gladiator's Pummeler: 5
Mark of Honor from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit

- Grievous Gladiator's Pummeler: 5
Mark of Honor from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit

- Grievous Gladiator's Bonecracker: 5
Mark of Honor from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit

- Prideful Gladiator's Bonecracker: 5
Mark of Honor from Shonn Su (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit

- Prideful Gladiator's Pummeler: 5
Mark of Honor from Shonn Su (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit

- Primal Gladiator's Pummeler: 5
Mark of Honor from Ingrid Blackingot (A/H) in Stormshield
- Primal Gladiator's Bonecracker: 5
Mark of Honor from Ingrid Blackingot (A/H) in Stormshield

- Primal Gladiator's Pummeler: 5
Mark of Honor from Lieutenant Axelash (A/H) in Warspear
- Primal Gladiator's Bonecracker: 5
Mark of Honor from Lieutenant Axelash (A/H) in Warspear

- Primal Gladiator's Gavel: 5
Mark of Honor from Ingrid Blackingot (A/H) in Stormshield

- Primal Gladiator's Gavel: 5
Mark of Honor from Lieutenant Axelash (A/H) in Warspear

- Wild Gladiator's Pummeler: 5
Mark of Honor from Cladd Dawnstrider (A/H) in Warspear

- Wild Gladiator's Bonecracker: 5
Mark of Honor from Cladd Dawnstrider (A/H) in Warspear

- Wild Gladiator's Pummeler: 5
Mark of Honor from Amelia Clarke (A/H) in Stormshield

- Wild Gladiator's Bonecracker: 5
Mark of Honor from Amelia Clarke (A/H) in Stormshield

- Warmongering Gladiator's Pummeler: 5
Mark of Honor from General Aevd (A/H) in Ashran and Malukah Lightsong (A/H) in Warspear

- Warmongering Gladiator's Bonecracker: 5
Mark of Honor from General Aevd (A/H) in Ashran and Malukah Lightsong (A/H) in Warspear

- Warmongering Gladiator's Bonecracker: 5
Mark of Honor from Marshal Gabriel (A/H) in Ashran and Holly McTilla (A/H) in Stormshield

- Warmongering Gladiator's Pummeler: 5
Mark of Honor from Marshal Gabriel (A/H) in Ashran and Holly McTilla (A/H) in Stormshield

- Wild Gladiator's Gavel: 5
Mark of Honor from Amelia Clarke (A/H) in Stormshield
- Warmongering Gladiator's Gavel: 5
Mark of Honor from General Aevd (A/H) in Ashran and Malukah Lightsong (A/H) in Warspear

- Wild Gladiator's Gavel: 5
Mark of Honor from Cladd Dawnstrider (A/H) in Warspear
- Warmongering Gladiator's Gavel: 5
Mark of Honor from Marshal Gabriel (A/H) in Ashran and Holly McTilla (A/H) in Stormshield

- Devout Aurastone Hammer: 650
from Krom Stoutarm (A/H) in Ironforge and Estelle Gendry (A/H) in Undercity, 25
from Dame Evniki Kapsalis (A/H) in Icecrown, and 50
from Daenrand Dawncrest (A/H) in Darkmoon Island
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