Transmogrification Death Knight Two-Hand Sword Weapon Item Model List (Legion 7.1)
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This page represents a section of our Transmogrification guide to item models for Death Knights and is targeted at readers who do not have Javascript enabled or who wish to only consult the list of models for a specific slot. This page is updated for World of Warcraft 7.1
Below, you will find the models for all the Two-Hand Sword items that a Death Knight can equip. The idea is to make it easy for you to find an item with a design similar to an item set you might be trying to build.
Items by model. For each item model, hovering over its image will display a list of items that sport this model. The source of each item is also displayed, so that you can rapidly spot the items that are most easily obtained.
How are models sorted? Models are first grouped by design (all look-alike models are displayed consecutively). Then, we sort these groups of models by item quality (common, rare, epic, or heirloom) and item level, so that the models with the lowest item quality/item level are shown first and the models with the highest item quality/item level are shown last.
The page may take time to load completely, depending on the number of items to display.
To build this page, we have extensively used the World of Warcraft API and Wowhead. With the API, we obtained an initial list of items that we subsequently refined by checking on Wowhead which items were no longer available. The item models were taken from the official World of Warcraft website.
Item Model List

- Training Sword: Tregla in Eversong Woods, Spearcrafter Otembe in Eversong Woods, Old Whitebark in Eversong Woods..., Tattered Chest (Eversong Woods), Dark Iron Treasure Chest (Searing Gorge and Loch Modan), Silverbound Treasure Chest (Nagrand and Loch Modan)..., fished in Mulgore

- Fel Iron Greatsword: created by Fel Iron Greatsword (requires Blacksmithing 320)

- Unearthed Broadsword: Dragonflayer Metalworker in Utgarde Keep, Clandestine Cultist in Borean Tundra, Dragonflayer Weaponsmith in Utgarde Keep...
- Featherweight Claymore:
A Tailor-Made Formula (Howling Fjord) and
The Delicate Sound of Thunder (Howling Fjord)
- Combatant Greatsword:
Cutting Off the Source (Borean Tundra) and
The Siege (Borean Tundra)
- Magister's Bane:
Wanted: Magister Keldonus (Dragonblight)

- Whetted Ironblade: Crystalline Keeper in The Nexus, Dragonflayer Runecaster in Utgarde Keep, Dragonflayer Spiritualist in Utgarde Keep...
- Forged Cobalt Claymore: created by Forged Cobalt Claymore (requires Blacksmithing 385)

- Glovaal's Choppink Svord:
One Last Favor (Abyssal Depths)
- Poisonfire Greatsword:
Flames from Above (Mount Hyjal)
- Captain Verne's Splitter:
Orako's Report (Abyssal Depths)
- Nethergarde Greatsword: Nether Fiend in Abyssal Depths, Faceless Watcher in Throne of the Tides, Empyrean Assassin in The Vortex Pinnacle...

- Skyhold Claymore: 100
from Quartermaster Durnolf (A/H) in Skyhold

- Greatsword of the Silver Hand: 100
from Eadric the Pure (A/H) in Eastern Plaguelands

- Fur-Grip Broadsword: Drakkari Lancer in Gundrak, Drakkari God Hunter in Gundrak, Dark Rune Theurgist in Halls of Stone...
- Arete's Command:
In Strict Confidence (Icecrown)
- Snowblind Butcher:
Bitter Departure (The Storm Peaks)
- The Argent Resolve:
The Restless Dead (Icecrown)
- Invasion Blade: Iron Mender in Ulduar, Death Knight Cavalier in Naxxramas, Onyx Flight Captain in The Obsidian Sanctum...
- Gravetouch Greatsword: Instructor Chillheart's Phylactery in Scholomance

- Tranquillien Flamberge: 0
from Provisioner Vredigar (A/H) in Ghostlands
- Ghoulfang: Leprithus in Westfall

- Heavy Copper Broadsword: created by Heavy Copper Broadsword (requires Blacksmithing 95)

- Executioner's Sword: 1
from Antonio Perelli (A/H) in Elwynn Forest and Westfall, Brak Durnad (A/H) in Wetlands, Wallace the Blind (A/H) in Silverpine Forest...

- Bronze Greatsword: created by Bronze Greatsword (requires Blacksmithing 130)

- Razorwind Greatsword: Twilight Obsidian Borer in Blackrock Caverns, Twilight Zealot in Blackrock Caverns, Twilight Flame Caller in Blackrock Caverns...
- Obsidium Executioner: created by Obsidium Executioner (requires Blacksmithing 425)

- Karabor Greatsword:
For the Alliance! (Shadowmoon Valley)
- Creeperclaw Greatsword: Iron Siegecaller in Frostfire Ridge, Grulkor in Gorgrond, Gul'var Grunt in Shadowmoon Valley..., Stashed Emergency Rucksack (Gorgrond), Sasha's Secret Stash (Gorgrond), Pile of Rubble (Gorgrond)...
- Howling Greatsword: Felfire Demolisher in Hellfire Citadel, Iron Berserker in Frostfire Ridge, Oriathis in Tanaan Jungle..., Abandoned Cargo (Nagrand), Burning Blade Cache (Nagrand), Adventurer's Pouch (Nagrand)...
- Serrated Void Crystal: Void-Infused Crystal (Nagrand)

- Skettis Greatsword: Adherent Gale-Spinner in Spires of Arak, Adherent Bladewing in Spires of Arak, Blooded Bladefeather in Skyreach...
- Bloodmane Greatsword: General Kull'krosh in Nagrand, Rezlorg in Nagrand, Warsong Windcaller in Nagrand..., Outcast's Belongings (Spires of Arak), Outcast's Belongings (Spires of Arak), Outcast's Pouch (Spires of Arak)...

- Polished Greatsword: Wild Huntress in The Jade Forest, Master Engineer Cogswing in The Jade Forest, Garrosh'ar Grunt in The Jade Forest...
- Faded Forest Greatsword: 141
from Rivett Clutchpop (A/H) in The Jade Forest, Singegruff (A/H) in The Jade Forest, Trader Jambeezi (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds...
- Sword of the Lone Victor:
The Rumpus (The Jade Forest)
- Inlaid Greatsword: Cursed Mogu Sculpture in Mogu'shan Vaults, Darlene Sizzlespark in Krasarang Wilds, Frenzied Spirit in Scarlet Monastery..., Ghost Iron Lockbox
- Shomi's Greatsword:
Make A Fighter Out of Me (Kun-Lai Summit)

- Bronzed Greatsword: Silverhorn Stag in The Jade Forest, Mogu Infiltrator in Valley of the Four Winds, Twinspire Taskmaster in The Jade Forest...
- Mountainscaler Greatsword: 151
from The Metal Paw (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Alin the Finder (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
- Marista Blade:
Balance (Krasarang Wilds)

- Barbarian Greatsword: River Strider in Valley of the Four Winds, Riverblade Slayer in Krasarang Wilds, Mogu Infiltrator in Valley of the Four Winds...
- Red Crane Sword:
Ahead on the Way (Krasarang Wilds)
- Wasteland Greatsword: 147
from Supplier Xin (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Len at Arms (A/H) in Vale of Eternal Blossoms

- Rigid Greatsword: Shan'ze Stonebender in Townlong Steppes, Shado-Pan Stormbringer in Shado-Pan Monastery, Korjan Reclaimer in Krasarang Wilds...
- Jinyu Greatsword:
Carp Diem (The Jade Forest) and
Boom Goes the Doonamite! (The Jade Forest)
- Swordmistress' Greatsword:
Enraged Vengeance (Kun-Lai Summit)
- Binan Greatsword:
Call Out Their Leader (Kun-Lai Summit)
- Engraved Greatsword: Shan'ze Electrocutioner in Isle of Thunder, Zao'cho in Throne of Thunder, Zar'thik Supplicant in Heart of Fear..., Ghost Iron Lockbox
- Scavenged Pandaren Greatsword: Greater Cache of Treasures
- Immaculate Pandaren Greatsword: Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
- Immaculate Pandaren Greatsword: Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures

- Searing Blade: Blackrock Shadowcaster in Redridge Mountains, Elder Shadowhorn Stag in Ashenvale, SI:7 Assassin in Hillsbrad Foothills..., Silverbound Treasure Chest (Arathi Highlands and Duskwood), Sturdy Treasure Chest (Hillsbrad Foothills and Wetlands), Sturdy Treasure Chest (Northern Stranglethorn and Wailing Caverns)...

- Frost Tiger Blade: created by Frost Tiger Blade (requires Blacksmithing 200)

- Headstriker Sword: Ferra in Dire Maul, Arcane Torrent in Dire Maul, Residual Monstrosity in Dire Maul..., Ancient Treasure (Uldaman), Large Darkwood Chest (Uldaman), and Steel Lockbox

- Admiral Taylor's Greatsword: 202
from Miril Dumonde (A/H) in Spires of Arak,
Admiral Taylor (Spires of Arak) and
Admiral Taylor (Spires of Arak)

- Rallying Charge:
The Battle for Gilneas City (Gilneas)
- Blessed Claymore: 1
from Antonio Perelli (A/H) in Elwynn Forest and Westfall, Brak Durnad (A/H) in Wetlands, Wallace the Blind (A/H) in Silverpine Forest...

- Guardian Blade: Boulderfist Mauler in Arathi Highlands, Leprous Assistant in Gnomeregan, Northwatch Encroacher in Stonetalon Mountains..., Sturdy Treasure Chest (Hillsbrad Foothills and Wetlands), Silverbound Treasure Chest (Arathi Highlands and Duskwood), Maplewood Treasure Chest (Stonetalon Mountains)...

- Darksteel Bastard Sword: Dark Iron Demolitionist in Wetlands
- Dark Espadon: Ramstein the Gorger in Stratholme, Tyrant Devilsaur in Un'Goro Crater, Silicate Feeder in Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj..., Arena Treasure Chest (Stranglethorn Vale and The Cape of Stranglethorn), Mithril Lockbox, and Emerald Encrusted Chest

- Arkadian Claymore: 8
from Coreiel (A/H) in Nagrand
- Halaani Claymore: 9
from Aldraan (A/H) in Nagrand

- Moonsteel Broadsword: created by Moonsteel Broadsword (requires Blacksmithing 180)
- Truesilver Champion: created by Truesilver Champion (requires Blacksmithing 285)
- Royal Crusader Sword: Infernal Warbringer in Hellfire Peninsula, Feng in Hellfire Peninsula, Hellfire Sentry in Hellfire Ramparts...
- Reforged Truesilver Champion: 750
from Krom Stoutarm (A/H) in Ironforge and Estelle Gendry (A/H) in Undercity, 150000
from Knight Dameron (A/H) in Wintergrasp and Stone Guard Mukar (A/H) in Wintergrasp, and 10
Mark of Honor from Liliana Emberfrost (A/H) in Stormwind City and Galra (A/H) in Orgrimmar

- Arcanite Champion: created by Arcanite Champion (requires Blacksmithing 300)

- Stoneforged Claymore: created by Stoneforged Claymore (requires Blacksmithing 340)

- Demonslayer: Smolderthorn Seer, Scarshield Raider, Darkwood Treant in Blasted Lands..., Silken Treasure Chest (Silithus and Swamp of Sorrows), Silken Treasure Chest (Uldum and Southern Barrens), and Sturdy Treasure Chest (Winterspring and Deadwind Pass)
- Dragon Wing Blade: Arzeth the Merciless in Hellfire Peninsula, Wrathfin Warrior in The Underbog, Murkblood Healer in The Underbog...

- Greatsword of the Ebon Blade: 0
from Quartermaster Ozorg (A/H) in Eastern Plaguelands and Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave and 0
from Quartermaster Ozorg (A/H) in Icecrown Citadel,
The Light of Dawn (Death Knight only)

- Runeblade of Demonstrable Power: 93
from Duchess Mynx (A/H) in Icecrown

- Swarming Cleaver of Ka'roz: Swarming Cleaver of Ka'roz (Dread Wastes)
- Amber Flammard of Klaxxi'vess: 199
from Ambersmith Zikk (A/H) in Dread Wastes

- Blade of the Fearless: 85
from Quartermaster Brazie (A/H) in Tol Barad Peninsula

- Rage-Possessed Greatsword: Twilight Infiltrator in Mount Hyjal, Twilight Element Warden in Blackrock Caverns, Undead Officer in Kelp'thar Forest..., Sturdy Treasure Chest (Deepholm and Mount Hyjal), Runestone Treasure Chest (Darkshore and Blackfathom Deeps), and Silken Treasure Chest (Uldum and Southern Barrens)
- Masterwork Elementium Deathblade: created by Masterwork Elementium Deathblade (requires Blacksmithing 525)

- Wild Combatant's Greatsword: 5
Mark of Honor from Fobbly Kickfix (A/H) in Warspear
- Warmongering Combatant's Greatsword: 5
Mark of Honor from Li "Crunchpaw" Tsang (A/H) in Stormshield and Marshal Karsh Stormforge (A/H) in Ashran, Gold Strongbox, Ashmaul Strongbox, and Silver Strongbox

- Wild Combatant's Greatsword: 5
Mark of Honor from Slugg Spinbolt (A/H) in Stormshield
- Warmongering Combatant's Greatsword: 5
Mark of Honor from Warlord Noktyn (A/H) in Ashran and Tae'loxe Soulshrivel (A/H) in Warspear, Ashmaul Strongbox, Gold Strongbox, and Silver Strongbox

- Primal Combatant's Greatsword: 350000
from Austin Feeney (A/H) in Stormshield and 5
Mark of Honor from Bregg Coppercast (A/H) in Stormshield

- Baleful Greatsword: created by Baleful Armament

- Primal Combatant's Greatsword: 350000
from Shadow Hunter Gar'ant (A/H) in Warspear and 5
Mark of Honor from Lieutenant Brokefist (A/H) in Warspear
- Magic-Breaker Greatsword: Ko'ragh in Highmaul
- Expeditious Greatsword: Challenger's Strongbox

- Drakefang Butcher: Morphaz in Sunken Temple, Weaver in Sunken Temple, Dreamscythe in Sunken Temple...

- Runeblade of Baron Rivendare: Lord Aurius Rivendare in Stratholme
- Massacre Sword: 0
from Quartermaster Ozorg (A/H) in Eastern Plaguelands and Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave and Quartermaster Ozorg (A/H) in Icecrown Citadel
- Runed Soulblade: 0
from Quartermaster Ozorg (A/H) in Eastern Plaguelands and Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave and 0
from Quartermaster Ozorg (A/H) in Icecrown Citadel,
The Emblazoned Runeblade (Death Knight only)

- Sul'thraze the Lasher: created by Call of Sul'thraze

- Khorium Champion: created by Khorium Champion (requires Blacksmithing 365)

- Corruption: created by Corruption (requires Blacksmithing 290)

- Lionheart Blade: created by Lionheart Blade (requires Blacksmithing 360)
- Lionheart Blade, Reborn: created by Lionheart Blade, Reborn (requires Blacksmithing 500)

- Lionheart Executioner: created by Lionheart Executioner (requires Blacksmithing 385)

- Lionheart Champion: created by Lionheart Champion (requires Blacksmithing 385)
- Lionheart Champion, Reborn: created by Lionheart Champion, Reborn (requires Blacksmithing 500)

- Lionheart Executioner, Reborn: created by Lionheart Executioner, Reborn (requires Blacksmithing 500)

- Replica High Warlord's Greatsword: 52
from Big Zokk Torquewrench (A/H) in Netherstorm and Talgaiir the Ironrender (A/H) in Talador

- Replica Grand Marshal's Claymore: 52
from Big Zokk Torquewrench (A/H) in Netherstorm and Talgaiir the Ironrender (A/H) in Talador

- Gladiator's Greatsword: 5
Mark of Honor from Kezzik the Striker (A/H) in Netherstorm

- Merciless Gladiator's Greatsword: 150000
from Kezzik the Striker (A/H) in Netherstorm and 5
Mark of Honor from Izzee the 'Clutch' (A/H) in Netherstorm

- Vengeful Gladiator's Greatsword: 150000
from Kezzik the Striker (A/H) in Netherstorm and 5
Mark of Honor from Kitzie Crankshot (A/H) in Netherstorm

- Brutal Gladiator's Greatsword: 35000
from Stone Guard Zarg (A/H) in Orgrimmar, Lieutenant Jackspring (A/H) in Stormwind City, Blazzek the Biter (A/H) in Tanaris... and 5
Mark of Honor from Blaze Magmaburn (A/H) in Netherstorm

- Obsidian Edged Blade: Garr in Molten Core, Magmadar in Molten Core, Baron Geddon in Molten Core...

- Greatsword of the Sin'dorei: 25
from Freka Bloodaxe (A/H) in Icecrown, Samamba (A/H) in Icecrown, Eliza Killian (A/H) in Icecrown...

- Claymore of the Prophet: 25
from Corporal Arthur Flew (A/H) in Icecrown, Derrick Brindlebeard (A/H) in Icecrown, Rillie Spindlenut (A/H) in Icecrown...

- Deadly Gladiator's Greatsword: 5
Mark of Honor from Herwin Steampop (A/H) in Dalaran

- Furious Gladiator's Greatsword: 5
Mark of Honor from Kylo Kelwin (A/H) in Dalaran

- Abaddon: Yogg-Saron in Ulduar

- Stormrune Edge: Steelbreaker in Ulduar, Stormcaller Brundir in Ulduar, and Runemaster Molgeim in Ulduar

- Relentless Gladiator's Greatsword: 5
Mark of Honor from Zom Bocom (A/H) in Dalaran

- Wrathful Gladiator's Greatsword: 255000
from Stone Guard Zarg (A/H) in Orgrimmar, Lieutenant Jackspring (A/H) in Stormwind City, Blazzek the Biter (A/H) in Tanaris... and 5
Mark of Honor from Xazi Smolderpipe (A/H) in Dalaran

- Vicious Gladiator's Greatsword: 170000
from Tiny Tayger (A/H) in Tanaris, Sergeant Thunderhorn (A/H) in Orgrimmar, Evee Copperspring (A/H) in Tanaris...

- Ruthless Gladiator's Greatsword: 170000
from Sergeant Thunderhorn (A/H) in Orgrimmar, Ecton Brasstumbler (A/H) in Tanaris, Evee Copperspring (A/H) in Tanaris... and 5
Mark of Honor from Tiny Tayger (A/H) in Tanaris, Knight-Lieutenant T'Maire Sydes (A/H) in Stormwind City, and Blood Guard Zar'shi (A/H) in Orgrimmar

- Cataclysmic Gladiator's Greatsword: 170000
from Tiny Tayger (A/H) in Tanaris, Evee Copperspring (A/H) in Tanaris, Herwin Steampop (A/H) in Dalaran... and 5
Mark of Honor from Capps Carlin (A/H) in Tanaris, Captain Dirgehammer (A/H) in Stormwind City, and Sergeant Thunderhorn (A/H) in Orgrimmar

- Malevolent Gladiator's Greatsword: 350000
from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds

- Tyrannical Gladiator's Greatsword: 350000
from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit

- Tyrannical Gladiator's Greatsword: 350000
from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds

- Grievous Gladiator's Greatsword: 5
Mark of Honor from Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds

- Grievous Gladiator's Greatsword: 5
Mark of Honor from Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds

- Grievous Gladiator's Greatsword: 5
Mark of Honor from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit

- Grievous Gladiator's Greatsword: 5
Mark of Honor from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit

- Prideful Gladiator's Greatsword: 5
Mark of Honor from Shonn Su (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit

- Primal Gladiator's Greatsword: 5
Mark of Honor from Ingrid Blackingot (A/H) in Stormshield

- Primal Gladiator's Greatsword: 5
Mark of Honor from Lieutenant Axelash (A/H) in Warspear

- Wild Gladiator's Greatsword: 5
Mark of Honor from Cladd Dawnstrider (A/H) in Warspear

- Wild Gladiator's Greatsword: 5
Mark of Honor from Amelia Clarke (A/H) in Stormshield

- Warmongering Gladiator's Greatsword: 5
Mark of Honor from General Aevd (A/H) in Ashran and Malukah Lightsong (A/H) in Warspear

- Warmongering Gladiator's Greatsword: 5
Mark of Honor from Marshal Gabriel (A/H) in Ashran and Holly McTilla (A/H) in Stormshield
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