Transmogrification Demon Hunter One-Hand Axe Weapon Item Model List (Legion 7.1)
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This page represents a section of our Transmogrification guide to item models for Demon Hunters and is targeted at readers who do not have Javascript enabled or who wish to only consult the list of models for a specific slot. This page is updated for World of Warcraft 7.1
Below, you will find the models for all the One-Hand Axe items that a Demon Hunter can equip. The idea is to make it easy for you to find an item with a design similar to an item set you might be trying to build.
Items by model. For each item model, hovering over its image will display a list of items that sport this model. The source of each item is also displayed, so that you can rapidly spot the items that are most easily obtained.
How are models sorted? Models are first grouped by design (all look-alike models are displayed consecutively). Then, we sort these groups of models by item quality (common, rare, epic, or heirloom) and item level, so that the models with the lowest item quality/item level are shown first and the models with the highest item quality/item level are shown last.
The page may take time to load completely, depending on the number of items to display.
To build this page, we have extensively used the World of Warcraft API and Wowhead. With the API, we obtained an initial list of items that we subsequently refined by checking on Wowhead which items were no longer available. The item models were taken from the official World of Warcraft website.
Item Model List

- Scalping Tomahawk: Chieftain Zul'Marosh in Eversong Woods, Eldinarcus in Eversong Woods, Spearcrafter Otembe in Eversong Woods..., Maplewood Treasure Chest (Darkshore and Azshara), Dark Iron Treasure Chest (Loch Modan), Silverbound Treasure Chest (Northern Barrens and Southern Barrens)..., fished in Undercity

- Grunt Axe: Dar'Khan Drathir in Ghostlands, Avatar of Soggoth in Darkshore, Ol' Gummers in Redridge Mountains..., Large Iron Bound Chest (Scarlet Monastery and Gnomeregan), Large Solid Chest (Scarlet Monastery, Razorfen Kraul, and Gnomeregan), and Ornate Bronze Lockbox, fished in Ashenvale

- Dwarven Hatchet: Searing Blade Enforcer in Ragefire Chasm, Searing Blade Cultist in Ragefire Chasm, Jor'kil the Soulripper in Darkshore..., Silverbound Treasure Chest (Northern Barrens and Southern Barrens), Tattered Chest (Bloodmyst Isle), and Runestone Treasure Chest (Darkshore and Blackfathom Deeps)

- Thick War Axe: created by Thick War Axe (requires Blacksmithing 70)
- Jagged Broadaxe: Kataru in Zangarmarsh, Bleeding Hollow Darkcaster in Hellfire Ramparts, Coilfang Collaborator in The Slave Pens...

- Ornate Thorium Handaxe: created by Ornate Thorium Handaxe (requires Blacksmithing 275)

- Savage Axe: Shadowforge Archaeologist in Uldaman, Stone Steward in Uldaman, Stonevault Brawler in Uldaman..., Large Iron Bound Chest (Scarlet Monastery and Gnomeregan) and Strong Iron Lockbox
- Rockbiter Cutter: Zarcsin in Blade's Edge Mountains, Apexis Guardian in Blade's Edge Mountains, Rivendark in Blade's Edge Mountains..., Protectorate Treasure Cache

- Fel Iron Hatchet: created by Fel Iron Hatchet (requires Blacksmithing 310)

- Ice Pick: Instructor Hroegar in Icecrown, Devouring Ghoul in The Culling of Stratholme, Titanium Vanguard in Halls of Lightning..., fished in Naxxramas

- Boreal Woodchopper: Drakkari Frenzy in Gundrak, Drakkari God Hunter in Gundrak, Living Mojo in Gundrak...

- Notched Cobalt War Axe: created by Notched Cobalt War Axe (requires Blacksmithing 390)
- Skeletal Hacker: Ymirjar Deathbringer in Pit of Saron, Flame Warder in Vault of Archavon, Risen Squire in Naxxramas...

- Axe of Grounded Flame:
The Return of Baron Geddon (Mount Hyjal)
- Angerfang Axe: Nether Fiend in Abyssal Depths, Buster in Blackrock Caverns, Turbulent Squall in The Vortex Pinnacle...
- Questioning Axe:
Some Spraining to Do (Deepholm)
- Bladefist Axe: Ancient Core Hound in Firelands, Tiki Lord Mu'Loa in Zul'Gurub, Fire Turtle Hatchling in Firelands..., Elementium Lockbox
- Irontree Axe: Demon Containment Unit, Flame Warden in Halls of Origination, Air Warden in Halls of Origination..., Elementium Lockbox

- Decapitator's Razor: created by Decapitator's Razor (requires Blacksmithing 425)

- Faded Forest Handaxe: 110
from Rivett Clutchpop (A/H) in The Jade Forest, Singegruff (A/H) in The Jade Forest, Trader Jambeezi (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds...
- Faded Forest Axe: 106
from Rivett Clutchpop (A/H) in The Jade Forest, Singegruff (A/H) in The Jade Forest, Trader Jambeezi (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds...

- Mountainscaler Handaxe: 115
from The Metal Paw (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Alin the Finder (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
- Mountainscaler Axe: 111
from The Metal Paw (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Alin the Finder (A/H) in Townlong Steppes

- Wasteland Handaxe: 127
from Supplier Xin (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Len at Arms (A/H) in Vale of Eternal Blossoms
- Wasteland Axe: 123
from Supplier Xin (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Len at Arms (A/H) in Vale of Eternal Blossoms

- Legionnaire Nazgrim's Hacker:
Girding Our Loins (Kelp'thar Forest)
- Nethergarde Axe: Nether Fiend in Abyssal Depths, Faceless Watcher in Throne of the Tides, Minister of Air in The Vortex Pinnacle...
- Mardenholde Axe: Hell Hound in Firelands, Patriarch Fire Turtle in Firelands, Unbound Smoldering Elemental in Firelands..., Zen'Vorka's Cache and Elementium Lockbox

- Bronze Axe: created by Bronze Axe (requires Blacksmithing 115)

- Ridge Cleaver: Tormented Sacrifice in Blackfathom Deeps, Twilight Storm Mender in Blackfathom Deeps, Krom'gar Incinerator in Stonetalon Mountains..., Large Iron Bound Chest (Scarlet Monastery and Gnomeregan), Large Solid Chest (Scarlet Monastery, Razorfen Kraul, and Gnomeregan), and Ornate Bronze Lockbox

- Blurred Axe: 1
from Charys Yserian (A/H) in Stormwind City, Dark Iron Entrepreneur (A/H) in Arathi Highlands, Ott (A/H) in Hillsbrad Foothills...
- Crescent Edge: Panicking Worker in Felwood, Rockwing Gargoyle in Stratholme, Sul'lithuz Abomination in Zul'Farrak..., Reinforced Steel Lockbox

- Bearded Boneaxe: Grimtotem Spirit Wolf in Dustwallow Marsh, Scarlet Scourge Hewer in Scarlet Halls, Rageroar Sea Dog in Northern Barrens..., Dark Iron Treasure Chest (Wetlands), Silverbound Treasure Chest (Arathi Highlands and Duskwood), Sturdy Treasure Chest (Hillsbrad Foothills and Wetlands)...
- Lumberjack's Hatchet:
A Gnoll's Resolve (Western Plaguelands)

- Blue Glittering Axe: created by Blue Glittering Axe (requires Blacksmithing 220)

- Light Skyforged Axe: created by Light Skyforged Axe (requires Blacksmithing 280)
- Knight's War Axe: Hellfire Watcher in Hellfire Ramparts, Mag'har Grunt in Hellfire Peninsula, Shadowmoon Summoner in The Blood Furnace...

- Barbarian Axe: Akonu the Embercaller in Kun-Lai Summit, Gong Da in Kun-Lai Summit, The Fearmaster in Kun-Lai Summit...
- Marista Axe:
Balance (Krasarang Wilds)
- Inlaid Axe: Mad Alchemist in Kun-Lai Summit, Manchu in Throne of Thunder, Cursed Mogu Sculpture in Mogu'shan Vaults..., Ghost Iron Lockbox
- Shomi's Axe:
Make A Fighter Out of Me (Kun-Lai Summit)

- Polished Axe: Slingtail Recruit in The Jade Forest, Strongarm Private in The Jade Forest, Hozen Ravager in The Jade Forest...
- Spiritbound Axe:
An Urgent Plea (The Jade Forest)
- Jinyu Handaxe:
Carp Diem (The Jade Forest) and
Boom Goes the Doonamite! (The Jade Forest)
- Dividing Edge:
Last Toll of the Yaungol (Townlong Steppes)

- Bataari Hatchet:
Call Out Their Leader (Kun-Lai Summit)
- Ordo Handaxe:
The Ordo Warbringer (Kun-Lai Summit),
The Ordo Warbringer (Kun-Lai Summit),
The Ordo Warbringer (Kun-Lai Summit)...
- Engraved Axe: Zar'thik Zealot in Heart of Fear, Kor'thik Warsinger in Heart of Fear, Kor'thik Swarmer in Heart of Fear..., Ghost Iron Lockbox
- Axe of the Rikkitun:
The Horror Comes A-Rising (Dread Wastes)
- Scavenged Pandaren Axe: Greater Cache of Treasures
- Scavenged Pandaren Axe: Greater Cache of Treasures
- Immaculate Pandaren Axe: Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
- Immaculate Pandaren Axe: Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
- Immaculate Pandaren Axe: Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures

- Skettis Axe: Shattered Hand Blood-Singer in Spires of Arak, Shattered Hand Bonebreaker in Spires of Arak, Adherent Bladewing in Spires of Arak...
- Bloodmane Axe: General Kull'krosh in Nagrand, Blademaster Trainee in Nagrand, Taskmaster Banegore in Spires of Arak..., Outcast's Belongings (Spires of Arak), Waterlogged Satchel (Spires of Arak), Outcast's Pouch (Spires of Arak)...
- Mighty Gorian Cleaver:
Reglakk's Research (Nagrand) and
Reglakk's Research (Nagrand)

- Iron Horde Hatchet:
The Portal's Power (Assault on the Dark Portal)
- Icebound Frost-Singer Axe: Frozen Frostwolf Axe (Frostfire Ridge)
- Auchenai Axe: Murdor the Drunk in Talador, Ogron Laborer in Iron Docks, Shadow Warrior in Shadowmoon Valley..., Rusted Lockbox (Talador)
- Howling Axe: Warsong Axe-Singer in Nagrand, Warden Thul'tok in Highmaul, Breaker Ritualist in Highmaul..., Abandoned Cargo (Nagrand), Saberon Stash (Nagrand), Adventurer's Sack (Nagrand)...

- Creeperclaw Axe: Maggle in Frostfire Ridge, Blackrock Flamecaster in Gorgrond, Thunderlord Giantslayer in Frostfire Ridge..., Pile of Rubble (Gorgrond), Discarded Pack (Gorgrond), Sasha's Secret Stash (Gorgrond)...
- Abandoned Dark Iron Handaxe:
Down the Goren Hole (Gorgrond) and
Down the Goren Hole (Gorgrond)

- Vinewrapped Axe: Thunderlord Spearhand in Frostfire Ridge, Thunderlord Stalker in Frostfire Ridge, Thunderlord Beastmaster in Frostfire Ridge..., Dusty Lockbox (Shadowmoon Valley)
- Frostwolf Hand Axe:
For the Horde! (Frostfire Ridge)
- Rangari Initiate Hatchet:
The Exarch Council (Shadowmoon Valley)
- Frostwolf Logsplitter:
Leave Nothing Behind! (Frostfire Ridge)
- Skrikka's Mandible: Hive Queen Skrikka in Gorgrond and Stoneshard Ravager in Gorgrond
- Maintenance Downtime Hatchet:
Engineering Her Demise (Talador) and
Engineering Her Demise (Talador)
- Pokhar's Eighth Axe: Scout Pokhar in Nagrand

- Frostbitten Axe: Thunderlord Gronnstalker in Frostfire Ridge, Thunderlord Beastmaster in Frostfire Ridge, Gutsmash the Destroyer in Frostfire Ridge..., Dusty Lockbox (Shadowmoon Valley) and Tree Marking (Frostfire Ridge and Shadowmoon Valley)
- Iron Horde Tomahawk:
The Portal's Power (Assault on the Dark Portal)
- Frostwolf Cleaver:
For the Horde! (Frostfire Ridge)
- Frostwolf Hatchet:
Leave Nothing Behind! (Frostfire Ridge)
- Karabor Honor Guard Axe:
The Exarch Council (Shadowmoon Valley)
- Incised Axe: Shadow Disciple in Frostfire Ridge, Giselda the Beautiful in Frostfire Ridge, Necrophyte in Frostfire Ridge...
- Ogron Slayer's Axe:
Fair Warning (Gorgrond)
- Serrated Sawblade Axe:
Engineering Her Demise (Talador) and
Engineering Her Demise (Talador)
- Tormented Axe: created by Tormented Armament
- Munificent Axe: created by Munificent Armament
- Turbulent Axe: created by Turbulent Armament and Shared Turbulent Armament
- Chadrik's Lost Axe: Gaur, Commander Dro'gan in Lunarfall and Frostwall, Mage Lord Gogg'nathog..., Routed Invader's Crate of Spoils, Invader's Damaged Cache, Invader's Forgotten Treasure...
- Grandiose Axe: created by Grandiose Armament
- Formidable Axe: created by Formidable Armament

- Forester's Axe: Twilight Aquamancer in Blackfathom Deeps, Twilight Shadowmage in Blackfathom Deeps, Tormented Sacrifice in Blackfathom Deeps..., Large Iron Bound Chest (Scarlet Monastery and Gnomeregan), Large Solid Chest (Scarlet Monastery, Razorfen Kraul, and Gnomeregan), and Ornate Bronze Lockbox

- Callous Axe: 2
from Charys Yserian (A/H) in Stormwind City, Dark Iron Entrepreneur (A/H) in Arathi Highlands, Ott (A/H) in Hillsbrad Foothills...
- Militia Hatchet:
Hidden Treasures (Eastern Plaguelands)

- Edge of Winter: created by Edge of Winter (requires Blacksmithing 190)
- Greater Scythe: Venomous Cloud Serpent in Thousand Needles, Den Whomper in Thousand Needles, Stone Keeper in Uldaman..., Large Iron Bound Chest (Scarlet Monastery and Gnomeregan) and Strong Iron Lockbox

- Heavy Mithril Axe: created by Heavy Mithril Axe (requires Blacksmithing 210)
- Well Balanced Axe: Illyanna Ravenoak in Dire Maul
- Grunt's Waraxe: 34
from Quartermaster Urgronn (A/H) in Hellfire Peninsula
- Marshfang Blade Axe:
Lines of Communication (Zangarmarsh) and
The Sharpest Blades (Zangarmarsh)

- Dawn's Edge: created by Dawn's Edge (requires Blacksmithing 275)

- Stormforged Axe: created by Stormforged Axe (requires Blacksmithing 340)

- Marauder Axe: 1
from Charys Yserian (A/H) in Stormwind City, Dark Iron Entrepreneur (A/H) in Arathi Highlands, Ott (A/H) in Hillsbrad Foothills...

- Annihilator: created by Annihilator (requires Blacksmithing 300)
- Demon's Claw: Nefarian in Blackwing Lair, Core Hound in Molten Core, Flamewaker Protector in Molten Core..., Eternium Lockbox

- Soul Breaker: The Unforgiven in Stratholme
- Dark Iron Destroyer: created by Dark Iron Destroyer (requires Blacksmithing 300)

- Stalactite Chopper: 73
from Lillehoff (A/H) in The Storm Peaks

- Belmont's Vampire Hacker: Wormwing Swifttalon in Mount Hyjal, Hovel Shadowcaster in Mount Hyjal, Glimmerdeep Tidehunter in Shimmering Expanse..., Runestone Treasure Chest (Abyssal Depths and Shimmering Expanse), Silken Treasure Chest (Mount Hyjal and Deepholm), Runestone Treasure Chest (Darkshore and Blackfathom Deeps)...
- Lightning Whelk Axe: Lady Naz'jar in Throne of the Tides
- Lightning Whelk Axe: Lady Naz'jar in Throne of the Tides
- Lightning Whelk Axe: Lady Naz'jar in Throne of the Tides

- Axe of the Deadly Price: Frenzied Orca in Kelp'thar Forest, Faceless Defiler in Abyssal Depths, Azsh'ir Sentry in Shimmering Expanse..., Sturdy Treasure Chest (Deepholm and Mount Hyjal), Runestone Treasure Chest (Darkshore and Blackfathom Deeps), and Silken Treasure Chest (Uldum and Southern Barrens)
- Darkheart Hacker: 85
from Quartermaster Brazie (A/H) in Tol Barad Peninsula
- Darkheart Hacker: 85
from Pogg (A/H) in Tol Barad Peninsula

- Calder's Coated Carrion Carver:
The Crucible of Carnage: The Twilight Terror! (Twilight Highlands)
- Windslicer: 136
from Toren Landow (A/H) in Stormwind City and Rugok (A/H) in Orgrimmar

- Axe of the Eclipse: Altairus in The Vortex Pinnacle
- Ravening Slicer: 85
from Pogg (A/H) in Tol Barad Peninsula
- Axe of the Eclipse: Altairus in The Vortex Pinnacle
- Ravening Slicer: 85
from Quartermaster Brazie (A/H) in Tol Barad Peninsula
- Axe of the Eclipse: Altairus in The Vortex Pinnacle

- Forgewire Axe: created by Forgewire Axe (requires Blacksmithing 545)

- Masterwork Forgewire Axe: created by Masterwork Forgewire Axe (requires Blacksmithing 575)

- Steelforged Axe: created by Steelforged Axe (requires Blacksmithing 1)

- Wild Combatant's Chopper: 175000
from Cladd Dawnstrider (A/H) in Warspear and 5
Mark of Honor from Fobbly Kickfix (A/H) in Warspear
- Warmongering Combatant's Chopper: 5
Mark of Honor from Marshal Karsh Stormforge (A/H) in Ashran and Li "Crunchpaw" Tsang (A/H) in Stormshield

- Wild Combatant's Chopper: 5
Mark of Honor from Slugg Spinbolt (A/H) in Stormshield
- Warmongering Combatant's Chopper: 5
Mark of Honor from Warlord Noktyn (A/H) in Ashran and Tae'loxe Soulshrivel (A/H) in Warspear

- Wild Combatant's Cleaver: 5
Mark of Honor from Slugg Spinbolt (A/H) in Stormshield
- Wild Combatant's Hacker: 5
Mark of Honor from Slugg Spinbolt (A/H) in Stormshield
- Warmongering Combatant's Cleaver: 5
Mark of Honor from Tae'loxe Soulshrivel (A/H) in Warspear and Warlord Noktyn (A/H) in Ashran, Gold Strongbox and Silver Strongbox
- Warmongering Combatant's Hacker: 5
Mark of Honor from Warlord Noktyn (A/H) in Ashran and Tae'loxe Soulshrivel (A/H) in Warspear, Silver Strongbox and Gold Strongbox

- Wild Combatant's Cleaver: 5
Mark of Honor from Fobbly Kickfix (A/H) in Warspear
- Wild Combatant's Hacker: 5
Mark of Honor from Fobbly Kickfix (A/H) in Warspear
- Warmongering Combatant's Cleaver: 5
Mark of Honor from Li "Crunchpaw" Tsang (A/H) in Stormshield and Marshal Karsh Stormforge (A/H) in Ashran, Gold Strongbox and Ashmaul Strongbox
- Warmongering Combatant's Hacker: 5
Mark of Honor from Li "Crunchpaw" Tsang (A/H) in Stormshield and Marshal Karsh Stormforge (A/H) in Ashran, Silver Strongbox and Ashmaul Strongbox

- Primal Combatant's Cleaver: 175000
from Austin Feeney (A/H) in Stormshield and 5
Mark of Honor from Bregg Coppercast (A/H) in Stormshield
- Primal Combatant's Hacker: 175000
from Austin Feeney (A/H) in Stormshield and 5
Mark of Honor from Bregg Coppercast (A/H) in Stormshield

- Primal Combatant's Cleaver: 175000
from Shadow Hunter Gar'ant (A/H) in Warspear and 5
Mark of Honor from Lieutenant Brokefist (A/H) in Warspear
- Primal Combatant's Hacker: 175000
from Shadow Hunter Gar'ant (A/H) in Warspear and 5
Mark of Honor from Lieutenant Brokefist (A/H) in Warspear
- Butcher's Cruel Chopper: The Butcher in Highmaul
- Expeditious Axe: Challenger's Strongbox

- Elementium Gutslicer: created by Elementium Gutslicer (requires Blacksmithing 515)

- Elementium Bonesplitter: created by Elementium Bonesplitter (requires Blacksmithing 515)

- Elementium-Edged Scalper: created by Elementium-Edged Scalper (requires Blacksmithing 525)

- Frostbite: 17500
from Grunnda Wolfheart (A/H) in Alterac Valley and Jorek Ironside (A/H) in Hillsbrad Foothills

- Fel Edged Battleaxe: created by Fel Edged Battleaxe (requires Blacksmithing 365)

- The Planar Edge: created by The Planar Edge (requires Blacksmithing 360)
- The Planar Edge, Reborn: created by The Planar Edge, Reborn (requires Blacksmithing 500)

- Baleful Greataxe: created by Baleful Armament

- Phemos' Double Slasher: Phemos in Highmaul and Pol in Highmaul

- Serathil: Nefarian in Blackwing Lair, Ragnaros in Molten Core, The Razza in Feralas..., Silverbound Treasure Chest (Zangarmarsh and Hellfire Peninsula) and Silverbound Treasure Chest (Nagrand and Loch Modan)

- Flurry Axe: Sergeant Bly in Zul'Farrak, Rockwing Screecher in Stratholme, Fire Roc in Tanaris...

- Replica Grand Marshal's Handaxe: 43
from Big Zokk Torquewrench (A/H) in Netherstorm and Talgaiir the Ironrender (A/H) in Talador

- Replica High Warlord's Cleaver: 43
from Big Zokk Torquewrench (A/H) in Netherstorm and Talgaiir the Ironrender (A/H) in Talador

- Warbringer: 207
from Quartermaster Urgronn (A/H) in Hellfire Peninsula

- Gladiator's Cleaver: 5
Mark of Honor from Kezzik the Striker (A/H) in Netherstorm
- Gladiator's Hacker: 5
Mark of Honor from Kezzik the Striker (A/H) in Netherstorm
- Merciless Gladiator's Cleaver: 75000
from Kezzik the Striker (A/H) in Netherstorm and 5
Mark of Honor from Izzee the 'Clutch' (A/H) in Netherstorm
- Merciless Gladiator's Hacker: 75000
from Kezzik the Striker (A/H) in Netherstorm and 5
Mark of Honor from Izzee the 'Clutch' (A/H) in Netherstorm

- Netherbane: Al'ar in The Eye

- Vengeful Gladiator's Cleaver: 75000
from Kezzik the Striker (A/H) in Netherstorm and 5
Mark of Honor from Kitzie Crankshot (A/H) in Netherstorm
- Vengeful Gladiator's Hacker: 75000
from Kezzik the Striker (A/H) in Netherstorm and 5
Mark of Honor from Kitzie Crankshot (A/H) in Netherstorm
- Vengeful Gladiator's Chopper: 75000
from Kezzik the Striker (A/H) in Netherstorm and 5
Mark of Honor from Kitzie Crankshot (A/H) in Netherstorm

- Brutal Gladiator's Chopper: 10500
from Stone Guard Zarg (A/H) in Orgrimmar, Lieutenant Jackspring (A/H) in Stormwind City, Blazzek the Biter (A/H) in Tanaris... and 5
Mark of Honor from Blaze Magmaburn (A/H) in Netherstorm
- Brutal Gladiator's Cleaver: 24500
from Stone Guard Zarg (A/H) in Orgrimmar, Lieutenant Jackspring (A/H) in Stormwind City, Blazzek the Biter (A/H) in Tanaris... and 5
Mark of Honor from Blaze Magmaburn (A/H) in Netherstorm
- Brutal Gladiator's Hacker: 10500
from Stone Guard Zarg (A/H) in Orgrimmar, Lieutenant Jackspring (A/H) in Stormwind City, Blazzek the Biter (A/H) in Tanaris... and 5
Mark of Honor from Blaze Magmaburn (A/H) in Netherstorm

- Teldrassil Protector: 25
from Corporal Arthur Flew (A/H) in Icecrown, Derrick Brindlebeard (A/H) in Icecrown, Rillie Spindlenut (A/H) in Icecrown...

- Axe of the Sen'jin Protector: 25
from Freka Bloodaxe (A/H) in Icecrown, Samamba (A/H) in Icecrown, Eliza Killian (A/H) in Icecrown...

- Deadly Gladiator's Cleaver: 5
Mark of Honor from Herwin Steampop (A/H) in Dalaran
- Deadly Gladiator's Hacker: 5
Mark of Honor from Herwin Steampop (A/H) in Dalaran
- Deadly Gladiator's Chopper: 5
Mark of Honor from Herwin Steampop (A/H) in Dalaran

- Furious Gladiator's Cleaver: 5
Mark of Honor from Kylo Kelwin (A/H) in Dalaran
- Furious Gladiator's Hacker: 5
Mark of Honor from Kylo Kelwin (A/H) in Dalaran
- Furious Gladiator's Chopper: 5
Mark of Honor from Kylo Kelwin (A/H) in Dalaran

- Relentless Gladiator's Chopper: 5
Mark of Honor from Zom Bocom (A/H) in Dalaran

- Relentless Gladiator's Cleaver: 5
Mark of Honor from Zom Bocom (A/H) in Dalaran

- Relentless Gladiator's Hacker: 5
Mark of Honor from Zom Bocom (A/H) in Dalaran

- Wrathful Gladiator's Chopper: 76000
from Stone Guard Zarg (A/H) in Orgrimmar, Lieutenant Jackspring (A/H) in Stormwind City, Blazzek the Biter (A/H) in Tanaris... and 5
Mark of Honor from Xazi Smolderpipe (A/H) in Dalaran

- Wrathful Gladiator's Hacker: 76000
from Stone Guard Zarg (A/H) in Orgrimmar, Lieutenant Jackspring (A/H) in Stormwind City, Blazzek the Biter (A/H) in Tanaris... and 5
Mark of Honor from Xazi Smolderpipe (A/H) in Dalaran

- Wrathful Gladiator's Cleaver: 178500
from Stone Guard Zarg (A/H) in Orgrimmar, Lieutenant Jackspring (A/H) in Stormwind City, Blazzek the Biter (A/H) in Tanaris... and 5
Mark of Honor from Xazi Smolderpipe (A/H) in Dalaran

- Black Planar Edge: created by Black Planar Edge (requires Blacksmithing 385)
- Black Planar Edge, Reborn: created by Black Planar Edge, Reborn (requires Blacksmithing 500)

- Wicked Edge of the Planes: created by Wicked Edge of the Planes (requires Blacksmithing 385)

- Wicked Edge of the Planes, Reborn: created by Wicked Edge of the Planes, Reborn (requires Blacksmithing 500)

- Vicious Gladiator's Hacker: 122500
from Tiny Tayger (A/H) in Tanaris and Herwin Steampop (A/H) in Dalaran

- Vicious Gladiator's Cleaver: 122500
from Tiny Tayger (A/H) in Tanaris and Herwin Steampop (A/H) in Dalaran

- Ruthless Gladiator's Hacker: 122500
from Ecton Brasstumbler (A/H) in Tanaris, Herwin Steampop (A/H) in Dalaran, and Zom Bocom (A/H) in Dalaran and 5
Mark of Honor from Tiny Tayger (A/H) in Tanaris, Knight-Lieutenant T'Maire Sydes (A/H) in Stormwind City, and Blood Guard Zar'shi (A/H) in Orgrimmar

- Ruthless Gladiator's Cleaver: 122500
from Ecton Brasstumbler (A/H) in Tanaris, Herwin Steampop (A/H) in Dalaran, and Zom Bocom (A/H) in Dalaran and 5
Mark of Honor from Tiny Tayger (A/H) in Tanaris, Knight-Lieutenant T'Maire Sydes (A/H) in Stormwind City, and Blood Guard Zar'shi (A/H) in Orgrimmar

- Cataclysmic Gladiator's Cleaver: 122500
from Tiny Tayger (A/H) in Tanaris, Evee Copperspring (A/H) in Tanaris, Herwin Steampop (A/H) in Dalaran... and 5
Mark of Honor from Capps Carlin (A/H) in Tanaris, Captain Dirgehammer (A/H) in Stormwind City, and Sergeant Thunderhorn (A/H) in Orgrimmar

- Cataclysmic Gladiator's Hacker: 122500
from Tiny Tayger (A/H) in Tanaris, Evee Copperspring (A/H) in Tanaris, Herwin Steampop (A/H) in Dalaran... and 5
Mark of Honor from Capps Carlin (A/H) in Tanaris, Captain Dirgehammer (A/H) in Stormwind City, and Sergeant Thunderhorn (A/H) in Orgrimmar

- Eye of Purification: Baleroc in Firelands, Alysrazor in Firelands, Majordomo Staghelm in Firelands...

- Eye of Purification: Lord Rhyolith in Firelands, Majordomo Staghelm in Firelands, Baleroc in Firelands...

- Obsidium Cleaver: 1
Obsidium Cleaver and 1
Crystallized Firestone from Lurah Wrathvine (A/H) in Mount Hyjal and Firelands

- Malevolent Gladiator's Hacker: 175000
from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds

- Malevolent Gladiator's Cleaver: 175000
from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds

- Tyrannical Gladiator's Cleaver: 175000
from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
- Tyrannical Gladiator's Hacker: 175000
from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit

- Tyrannical Gladiator's Cleaver: 175000
from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
- Tyrannical Gladiator's Hacker: 175000
from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds

- Grievous Gladiator's Hacker: 5
Mark of Honor from Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds

- Grievous Gladiator's Cleaver: 5
Mark of Honor from Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds

- Grievous Gladiator's Hacker: 5
Mark of Honor from Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds

- Grievous Gladiator's Hacker: 5
Mark of Honor from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit

- Grievous Gladiator's Cleaver: 5
Mark of Honor from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit

- Grievous Gladiator's Cleaver: 5
Mark of Honor from Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds

- Grievous Gladiator's Hacker: 5
Mark of Honor from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit

- Grievous Gladiator's Cleaver: 5
Mark of Honor from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit

- Prideful Gladiator's Hacker: 5
Mark of Honor from Shonn Su (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit

- Prideful Gladiator's Cleaver: 5
Mark of Honor from Shonn Su (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit

- Primal Gladiator's Hacker: 5
Mark of Honor from Ingrid Blackingot (A/H) in Stormshield

- Primal Gladiator's Cleaver: 5
Mark of Honor from Ingrid Blackingot (A/H) in Stormshield

- Primal Gladiator's Hacker: 5
Mark of Honor from Lieutenant Axelash (A/H) in Warspear

- Primal Gladiator's Cleaver: 5
Mark of Honor from Lieutenant Axelash (A/H) in Warspear

- Wild Gladiator's Cleaver: 5
Mark of Honor from Cladd Dawnstrider (A/H) in Warspear

- Wild Gladiator's Hacker: 5
Mark of Honor from Cladd Dawnstrider (A/H) in Warspear

- Wild Gladiator's Cleaver: 5
Mark of Honor from Amelia Clarke (A/H) in Stormshield

- Wild Gladiator's Hacker: 5
Mark of Honor from Amelia Clarke (A/H) in Stormshield

- Warmongering Gladiator's Cleaver: 5
Mark of Honor from Marshal Gabriel (A/H) in Ashran and Holly McTilla (A/H) in Stormshield

- Warmongering Gladiator's Hacker: 5
Mark of Honor from Marshal Gabriel (A/H) in Ashran and Holly McTilla (A/H) in Stormshield

- Warmongering Gladiator's Cleaver: 5
Mark of Honor from General Aevd (A/H) in Ashran and Malukah Lightsong (A/H) in Warspear

- Warmongering Gladiator's Hacker: 5
Mark of Honor from General Aevd (A/H) in Ashran and Malukah Lightsong (A/H) in Warspear

- Wild Gladiator's Runeaxe: 5
Mark of Honor from Amelia Clarke (A/H) in Stormshield

- Wild Gladiator's Runeaxe: 5
Mark of Honor from Cladd Dawnstrider (A/H) in Warspear
- Warmongering Gladiator's Runeaxe: 5
Mark of Honor from Marshal Gabriel (A/H) in Ashran and Holly McTilla (A/H) in Stormshield
- Warmongering Gladiator's Runeaxe: 5
Mark of Honor from Malukah Lightsong (A/H) in Warspear and General Aevd (A/H) in Ashran
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